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Docker PHP Test Suite

A docker app to run the PHP Test Suite.

Getting Started

For convenience, the PHP Test Suite can be run from an npm script.

npm run test:php

This runs the the phpunit container with docker-compose -f run --rm phpunit. On first use, the container will install the PHP Test Suite and perform the tests. Subsequent use will only perform the tests.

Re-install Test Suite

Re-installation is useful to update WordPress and WooCommerce to the latest versions. To do this, remove the existing test-suite volume using Docker. For example:

docker volume rm -f wc-admin-php-test-suite_test-suite

Then run the test suite normally using the npm script. Installation will be automatically performed.

Testing a single test case

PHPUnit flags can be passed to the npm script. To limit testing to a single test case, use the --filter flag.

npm run test:php -- --filter=<name of test>