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# Changelog
This project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html).
## [5.0.0](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@woocommerce/data/v/5.0.0) - 2024-06-11
- Patch - Added in missing TS definitions in package.json [#34154]
- Patch - Add is_plugins_page_skipped parameter to onboarding API [#38764]
- Patch - Fix get_option() error that was not being caught properly and rewrite the code using await and async [#48246]
- Minor - Fix IdQuery selector for getItem selector in CRUD data stores [#36033]
- Patch - Fix incorrect usage of dispatch, useSelect, and setState calls in homescreen along with settings and onboarding package [#37641]
- Minor - Fix linter errors [#37196]
- Patch - Fix missing resolver import in data/import [#34054]
- Minor - Fix up updateItem query in CRUD data store [#36155]
- Minor - Moved setIsRequesting(false) to the finally block so that it always runs even if an exception is thrown. [#36873]
- Patch - Redirect users to WooCommerce Home when Jetpack auth endpoint returns an invalid URL [#38760]
- Patch - Removing unused code from ProductForm data store. [#36592]
- Patch - Rewrite withCurrentUserHydration to work with Gutenberg 15.5+ [#37908]
- Patch - Rewrite withNavigationHydration to work Gutenberg 15.5+ [#37901]
- Patch - Rewrote withOptionsHydration to not use dispatch-within-useselect pattern that is broken after gutenberg 15.5 update [#37882]
- Patch - Add 'variation' to ProductType [#47762]
- Minor - Add ability to check CRUD dispatch action status [#36297]
- Minor - Add ability to make geolocation call to WPCOM API [#38412]
- Patch - Add additional type to user preferences config. [#40281]
- Patch - Add additional UserPreferences option type. [#39685]
- Minor - Add an attribute to an onboarding task to indicate whether to track a task view. [#35278]
- Minor - Add batchUpdate to product variations datastore [#36109]
- Minor - Add catalog_visibility property to the Product type [#39477]
- Minor - Add default attributes property to the Product type [#39570]
- Minor - Added code to retrieve jetpack connection data [#34637]
- Minor - Add generate slug prop to the QueryProductAttribute type [#39827]
- Minor - Add getItemsTotalCount selector to the crud data store. [#34400]
- Minor - Add getItemsTotalCount selector to the crud data store. [#34613]
- Minor - Add getProduct selector and deleteProduct action to products data store. [#34211]
- Minor - Add image to product variation and export types [#36133]
- Minor - Adding Product Form data store. [#36430]
- Minor - Add isGeneratingVariations selector to product variations store. [#39733]
- Minor - Add is_read query option for notes data store [#35396]
- Patch - Add is_store_country_set field to profileItems [#34484]
- Minor - Add Jetpack Connection Auth endpoint. [#38674]
- Minor - Add manage_stock parent value to product variation type definition [#36234]
- Minor - Add meta_data parameter in generateProductVariations [#45953]
- Minor - Add meta_data type to Product [#41961]
- Patch - Add missing low_stock_amount to product type [#34984]
- Minor - Add name and parent_id to the ProductVariation type definition [#40672]
- Minor - Add new data store for shipping zones. #33830 [#33830]
- Minor - Add PartialProductVariation type, where id is required [#44017]
- Minor - Add product attribute terms data store [#33721]
- Minor - Add product tags data store [#33682]
- Minor - Add product variations data store [#35838]
- Patch - Add size properties to product type #34329 [#34856]
- Minor - Add Skip button to OBW steps [#34176]
- Minor - Add slug to product and variation attributes [#40978]
- Minor - Add support for default_values param in productVariations store [#40343]
- Minor - Add tags (or general taxonomy ) block [#39966]
- Minor - Add tax classes datastore [#36299]
- Patch - Add tiktok plugin to plugins name mapping [#34953]
- Minor - Add variable_product_tour_shown to UserPreferences type. [#37413]
- Minor - Create product categories data store. #33984 [#33984]
- Patch - Data: add selector to get related products [#43489]
- Patch - Data: introduce optimisticQueryUpdate create item option [#46343]
- Patch - Data: reduxify suggested products [#44043]
- Patch - Enhanced jetpack connection data [#34653]
- Patch - Export ProductShippingClass type [#34684]
- Patch - Export WCUser type for consumption in wcadmin [#40869]
- Minor - Extend product variations data store with generate variations actions [#36058]
- Minor - Modify notice for legacy local attributes #41646 [#41646]
- Minor - Move LYS coming soon initialization to core profiler flow [#46708]
- Minor - Support force_default_suggestions argument. [#34083]
- Minor - Update shipping partner suggestions to use data from API, fix default partners data, replaced hardcoded JS components and added relevant types [#38457]
- Minor - Update type definition for ProductForm [#36583]
- Patch - Add new user preference to UserPreferences type. [#39673]
- Minor - Add product attribute types to the Product type. [#34751]
- Minor - Bump node version. [#45148]
- Patch - bump php version in packages/js/*/composer.json [#42020]
- Patch - CRUD: introduce organizeItemsById helper function [#47624]
- Patch - CRUD: populates items and itemsCount when a new item is created [#47632]
- Patch - Data: improve reducer with optimisticQueryUpdate test [#47428]
- Patch - Data: sort the items when updating optimistically [#46717]
- Patch - Data: Tidy and fix Product Attribute types [#46907]
- Patch - Data: update getKey helper function [#47548]
- Patch - Removed old inbox notes warning [#37392]
- Major [ **BREAKING CHANGE** ] - Remove `Product` `date_on_sale_from` and `date_on_sale_to` properties. Use `date_on_sale_from_gmt` and `date_on_sale_to_gmt` instead. [#35096]
- Patch - Set some fields as optional on ProductVariationImage type [#47065]
- Minor - Update generateProductVariations action to add support for default_attributes and allowing to disable the product saving. [#39938]
- Patch - Update Payfast title [#38090]
- Patch - Update ProductAttributeTerms action types and include it as part of @wordpress/data module [#39620]
- Minor - Update product attribute type name and export the product attribute types. [#34999]
- Patch - Update TaskItem type to include `badge` prop. [#40034]
- Patch - Use products data store for getPermalinkParts selector. [#36706]
- Patch - [Product Block Editor]: dismiss AdviceCard by clicking close button [#43124]
- Minor - Add auto draft status to product status type [#37770]
- Patch - Add codistoconnect to pluginNames [#36766]
- Minor - Add duplicate product to store #46294 [#46294]
- Minor - Added install-and-activate-async to Onboarding and updated related types [#38616]
- Patch - Added types for resolveSelect where applicable. [#38241]
- Patch - Add is_installed and plugins_page_skipped type and added async option for installPlugins. [#38405]
- Minor - Add missing reviews property to product data [#35592]
- Patch - Add missing shipping class property [#35034]
- Minor - Add new shippping class modal to a shipping class section in product page [#34937]
- Minor - Add type definitions for @woocommerce/data reviews [#34844]
- Patch - Add types to plugin response data [#34787]
- Minor - Adjust build/test scripts to remove -- -- that was required for pnpm 6. [#34661]
- Patch - Branding rollout - change WooCommerce Payments to WooPayments [#39188]
- Minor - Clean errors when generate variations is successfull #41525 [#41525]
- Minor - Deprecate "theme" prop from profileItem type [#37671]
- Patch - Dev dependency bump [#35651]
- Minor - Fix lint issues [#36988]
- Minor - Fix node and pnpm versions via engines [#34773]
- Minor - Fix onboarding productTypes TS define type [#37725]
- Patch - Lint fixes [#38523]
- Patch - Make eslint emit JSON report for annotating PRs. [#39704]
- Patch - Merging trunk with local [#34322]
- Patch - Migrate navigation store to TS [#34239]
- Patch - Migrate notes store to TS [#34220]
- Patch - Migrate reports to TS [#35048]
- Patch - Migrate setting store to TS [#34184]
- Patch - Rewrite usePluginsHydration hook to not dispatch inside useSelect [#37896]
- Minor - Sync @wordpress package versions via syncpack. [#37034]
- Patch - Update @wordpress/data to ^6.15.0 [#34428]
- Minor - Update attributes type for product variations data store [#35889]
- Patch - Update eslint to 8.32.0 across the monorepo. [#36700]
- Patch - Update events that should trigger the test job(s) [#47612]
- Minor - Update IdQuery type on get item selectors [#36085]
- Minor - Update pnpm monorepo-wide to 8.6.5 [#38990]
- Minor - Update pnpm to 8.6.7 [#39245]
- Patch - Update pnpm to 9.1.0 [#47385]
- Minor - Update pnpm to version 8. [#37915]
- Minor - Update pnpm version constraint to 7.13.3 to avoid auto-install-peers issues [#35007]
- Minor - Update task list types and getVisibleTasks logic [#35450]
- Patch - Update the Blocks JS tests to React 18 [#47383]
- Minor - Upgrade TypeScript to 5.1.6 [#39531]
- Patch - Correct spelling errors [#37887]
- Patch - Fix unintended reset of isRequesting when updating settings, add preemptive set isRequesting when optimistically updating settings [#39613]
- Patch - Retrieve product information using edit context [#34961]
- Patch - Tweak the product form types and exports. [#36414]
- Patch - Update types for update and create product. [#34313]
- Patch - [Data]: expose UserPreference TS prop [#43125]
- Minor - Update totalCount in crud store to avoid unnecessary requests. [#40343]
- Patch - Use createSelector for getPermalinkParts selector, to cache result. [#36848]
- Minor - Add tracks for plugin actions and handle plugin error properly [#37261]
## [4.1.0](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@woocommerce/data/v/4.1.0) - 2022-07-08
- Minor - Fix 'Cannot read properties of undefined' error when clicking Export button on Analytic pages.
- Minor - Add CRUD data store utilities
- Minor - Add product deletion via datastore API #33285
- Minor - Add product shipping class data store. #33765
- Minor - Migrate onboarding data store to TS
- Minor - Remove PHP and Composer dependencies for packaged JS packages
- Patch - Fix product type
- Patch - Migrate @woocommerce/data user and use-select-with-refresh to TS
- Patch - Migrate item store to TS
## [4.0.0](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@woocommerce/data/v/4.0.0) - 2022-06-14
- - Remove `PaymentMethodsState` type. Use `Plugin` instead. #32683
- Minor - Add create product actions in products data store #33278
- Minor - Add new orders data store, for retrieving orders data. #33063
- Minor - Add update product actions to product data store #33282
- Minor - Add Jetpack Changelogger
- Minor - Added TypeScript options selectors and action in onboarding store for keeping the completed task list. #32158
- Minor - Add product data store for retrieving product list.
- Minor - Update dependency `@wordpress/hooks` to ^3.5.0
- Minor - Add `is_offline` attribute for `Plugin` type. #32467
- Minor - Added Typescript type declarations. #32615
- Minor - Update type definitions. #32683, #32695, #32698, #32712
- Minor - Make `isResolving` param `args` optional.
- Minor - Update `Plugin` type to reflect the latest changes.
- Minor - Maps "raw" payment `ActionDispatchers` to the registered actions.
- Minor - Export `getTaskListsByIds`, `getTaskLists`, `getTaskList`, `getFreeExtensions` onboarding selector types
- Minor - Update `TaskType` & `TaskListType` types
- Minor - Export `InstallPluginsResponse` type
- Minor - Convert `use-user-preferences.js` to TS. #32695
- Minor - Added PaymentGateway type to exports #32697
- Minor - Add `@types/wordpress__compose`, `@types/wordpress__data`, `redux` types and fix related type errors. #32735
- Minor - Fix issue in `onboarding` data package for the unhide and hide success actions. #32926
- Patch - Migrate options store to TS
- Patch - Migrate woo.data export & import store to TS
- Patch - Standardize lint scripts: add lint:fix
- Patch - Update @woocomerce/data client api error types. #32939
[See legacy changelogs for previous versions](https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce/blob/68581955106947918d2b17607a01bdfdf22288a9/packages/js/data/CHANGELOG.md).