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WooCommerce Admin

This is a feature plugin for a modern, javascript-driven WooCommerce Admin experience.

⚠️ This project is in active development, and is not ready for general use. You can follow the features in development by looking at the project's issues. We do not recommend running this on production sites.


Gutenberg and WooCommerce should be installed prior to activating the WooCommerce Admin feature plugin.

For better debugging, it's also recommended you add define( 'SCRIPT_DEBUG', true ); to your wp-config. This will load the unminified version of all libraries, and specifically the development build of React.


After cloning the repo, install dependencies with npm install. Now you can build the files using one of these commands:

  • npm run build : Build a production version
  • npm start : Build a development version, watch files for changes

There are also some helper scripts:

Dev Docs

There is a "devdocs" page which is useful for displaying components individually outside of the application. It can be viewed via a normal npm start build at http://<your-wp-site>/wp-admin/admin.php?page=wc-admin&path=/devdocs.

This is useful for viewing of WooCommerce components components and ad-hoc testing.