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Naming conventions Naming conventions reference


WooCommerce core generally follows WordPress PHP naming conventions.

There are some additional conventions that apply, depending on the location of the code.


Classes defined inside /src follow the PSR-4 standard. See the README for /src for more information.

The following conventions apply to this directory:

  • No class name prefix is needed, as all classes in this location live within the Automattic\WooCommerce namespace.
  • Classes are named using CamelCase convention.
  • Functions are named using snake_case convention.
  • Class file names should match the class name. They do not need a class- prefix.
  • The namespace should match the directory structure.
  • Hooks are prefixed with woocommerce_.
  • Hooks are named using snake_case convention.

For example, the class defined in src/Util/StringUtil.php should be named StringUtil and should be in the Automattic\WooCommerce\Util namespace.


The /includes directory contains legacy code that does not follow the PSR-4 standard. See the README for /includes for more information.

The following conventions apply to this directory:

  • Class names are prefixed with WC_.
  • Classes are named using Upper_Snake_Case convention.
  • Functions are prefixed with wc_.
  • Functions are named using snake_case convention.
  • Hooks are prefixed with woocommerce_.
  • Hooks are named using snake_case convention.

Class name examples:

  • WC_Cache_Helper
  • WC_Cart

Function name examples:

  • wc_get_product()
  • wc_is_active_theme()

Hook name examples (actions or filters):

  • woocommerce_after_checkout_validation
  • woocommerce_get_formatted_order_total


WooCommerce core follows WordPress JS naming conventions.

As with PHP, function, class, and hook names should be prefixed, but the convention for JS is slightly different.

  • Global class names are prefixed with WC. Class names exported from modules are not prefixed.
  • Classes are named using UpperCamelCase convention.
  • Global function names are prefixed with wc. Function names exported from modules are not prefixed.
  • Functions are named using camelCase convention.
  • Hooks names are prefixed with woocommerce.
  • Hooks are named using camelCase convention.

Global class name example:

  • WCOrdersTable

Global function name example:

  • wcSettings()

Hook name example (actions or filters):

  • woocommerceTracksEventProperties


See CSS/Sass Naming Conventions.