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Testing notes and ZIP for release 8.9.4

Zip file for testing: woocommerce-gutenberg-products-block.zip

Feature plugin and package inclusion in WooCommerce

Refactor Filter Wrapper to remove usage of useInnerBlocksProps #8095 and Add back ToggleButtonControl component in WC Blocks 8.9 so it supports WP 5.9 #8101

  1. In WP 5.8.
  2. Create a post or page.
  3. Add the Filter by Attribute block.
  4. Select one of the attributes.
  5. Verify the block is added correctly, you can publish the post/page and there is no error.
  6. Play around with the block display settings and verify the block honors them:
  1. Test also these blocks (in all of them, interact with the toggles on the sidebar of the editor and verify the block doesn't crash and the settings are applied correctly):
    • Feature Product
    • Featured Category
    • Product Image (you will need to add the All Products block, click on the pencil icon to edit its inner blocks, and select the image)
    • Active Product Filters (you will need to select the Controls inner block)
    • Filter by Price (you will need to select the Controls inner block)
    • Product Categories List