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# Testing notes and ZIP for release 6.8.0
Zip file for testing: [woocommerce-gutenberg-products-block.zip](https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce-gutenberg-products-block/files/7903801/woocommerce-gutenberg-products-block.zip)
## WC Core
### FSE: Add support for the global style for the Price Filter block. ([5559](https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce-gutenberg-products-block/pull/5559))
1. Upgrade to `WordPress 5.9`.
2. Install and enable the `Twenty Twenty-Two` theme.
3. Add the `Price Filter block` to a post.
4. On the right sidebar, personalize the styles of the block.
5. Go on the page and check if there are changes.
6. Reset to default using the `Reset` button from the different sections.
7. Go to Dashboard and select Appearance > Editor (beta). On top of the screen, select Home > Browser all templates > Single Post. When the page is loaded, add the block to the page.
8. On the Editor page click on the `Styles` icon on the right-top corner.
9. Verify that the `Price Filter block` is shown under the `Blocks` section. Personalize the block.
10. Save your changes.
11. Go on the page created earlier and check if all styles are applied correctly.
12. Edit your previous post/page again.
13. Change again the styles.
14. Save your changes.
15. Check if these styles have priority over the styles from the Site Editor.
### FSE: Update the block theme folders to latest Gutenberg convention (i.e. `templates` and `parts`). ([5464](https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce-gutenberg-products-block/pull/5464))
1. Activate the Gutenberg plugin (or use WordPress 5.9). Select a block theme e.g. TT1 Blocks.
2. Open Appearance > Editor > Templates.
3. Make sure all the templates and parts appear correctly. WooCommerce templates that should be available: `Archive Product`, `Single Product`, `Product Category` and `Product Tag`. WooCommerce template-parts that should be available `Mini Cart`.
### FSE: Add support for the wide and full alignment for the legacy template block. ([5433](https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce-gutenberg-products-block/pull/5433))
1. Activate the Gutenberg plugin (or use WordPress 5.9). Select a block theme e.g. TT1 Blocks.
2. From the dashboard, click on Theme > Site Editor.
3. Check Site Editor > Templates.
4. Edit a legacy template (for example `Product Category Page`).
5. Check if you can change the alignment.
6. Change it.
7. Check if the changes are also reflected on the frontend side.
You should test these steps at least one between `Product Category Page`, `Product Archive Page` and `Product Tag Page`.
You should test `Single Product Page`.
### Added controls to product grid blocks for filtering by stock levels. ([4943](https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce-gutenberg-products-block/pull/4943))
1. Create a new post.
2. Add a new product grid block (namely, `Products by Attribute`, `Products by Tag`, `Top Rated Products`, `Products by Attribute`, `On Sale Products` or `Newest Products`).
3. In the right hand edit column, open the 'Stock level' panel.
4. Change the drop down menu setting and observe the product list changing to match the new filter.
5. Repeat with any variations and combinations of settings.
### All Products block displays thumbnails. ([5551](https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce-gutenberg-products-block/pull/5551))
1. With a previous version of Woo Blocks and create a new post and add `All Product` block and save it. Enable the version of this release (6.8.0).
2. Add a product with a portrait image ([example you can use](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/3966773/149120479-b266c2b1-ac13-48e6-944b-6785cd7ee4a9.jpeg)), and one with a landscape image ([example you can use](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/3966773/149120600-f6e0ef32-16e1-46ec-bd0f-575fc8a658c6.jpeg)).
3. Edit the existing page with the `All Products block`. Edit the block, select the image. In the sidebar, under "Block" tab, the "Image Sizing" setting should be "Full Size". This confirms existing blocks are not affected.
4. Visit the page with this block on the front end. Sort by "latest" so that the two new products you added are visible. Notice the aspect ratios of these are different and cause the other items out of alignment.
5. Add the `All Products` block to a new page and save it.
6. Edit the `All products` block, click on pencil to edit and select the image. In the sidebar, under "Block" tab, the "Image Sizing" setting should have "Cropped" selected.
7. Visit this page on the front end and sort by "latest" so that the two new products you added are visible.
8. All product images should be the same aspect ratio and align within the grid.
9. Go to Appearance > Customize > WooCommerce > Product Images and set a custom aspect ratio (for example, 16:9).
10. Visit the all products page again. All product images should be rendered with this new aspect ratio.
### Filter Products By Price block: Don't allow to insert negative values on inputs. ([5123](https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce-gutenberg-products-block/pull/5123))
1. Create a post and add `All Products` block and add `Filter Products by Price` block.
2. Save the post.
3. Go to the page having all the above block added.
Check that:
- the user can't insert in both inputs a negative number.
- the user can't insert on input left a number that is greater than input on the right.
- if the user inserts on the input on the right a number that is lower than input on the left, the component sets to 0 the minimum price.
## Feature Plugin only
### Hold stock for 60mins if the order is pending payment. ([5546](https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce-gutenberg-products-block/pull/5546))
1. Edit an item and ensure it has inventory enabled.
2. Successfully place an order.
### Fix duplicated checkout error notices. ([5476](https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce-gutenberg-products-block/pull/5476))
1. Make sure you're using the Blocks checkout and an payment method configurate (for example Stripe).
2. Add 1 or more products to your cart.
3. Go to the blocks checkout page
4. Pay through the credit card form with a card that will be declined, e.g. 4000 0000 0000 0002.
5. Ensure that only one error notice is displayed
### Store API and Cart block now support defining a quantity stepper and a minimum quantity. ([5406](https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce-gutenberg-products-block/pull/5406))
1. Smoke test adding items to cart and changing quantity, either via the + and - buttons, or directly via the input.
2. Edit a product and make it "sold individually"
3. Confirm that no quantity box shows on the cart page for this product
4. Edit a product and set stock to 6, no backorders.
5. Confirm that you can only have 6 maximum for this product.
### Fixed a styling issue in the Checkout block when an order has multiple shipping packages. ([5529](https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce-gutenberg-products-block/pull/5529))
1. Install `Woo Subscriptions`.
2. Add Simple subscription product with a subscription price and a signup fee.
3. Go to the front-end and add the subscription price to the cart.
4. Go to the `Checkout` block and look at the shipping options, notice that there is a gap between the two shipping options.
### Fixed a visual bug (#5152) with the points and rewards plugin. ([5430](https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce-gutenberg-products-block/pull/5430))
1. Install `WooCommerce Points and Rewards`, go to WooCommerce > Points and Rewards and add points to your user.
2. Go to WooCommerce > Points and Rewards > Settings and enable "Allow partial redemption"
3. Go to Cart and see the input to redeem points is showing
4. The text input should be inline with the "Apply Discount" button
### Remove Stripe Payment Method Integration (which is now part of the Stripe Payment Method extension itself). ([5449](https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce-gutenberg-products-block/pull/5449))
Install the [Stripe Payment Method Extension](https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce-gateway-stripe/), activate it, enable it and test it works by:
1. Adding items to your cart.
2. Go to checkout.
3. Select Stripe Credit Card extension and make a payment. Do so while logged in and save the card to your account.
4. Repeat checkout with a saved card.
## Experimental blocks only
### FSE: Add support for the global style for the Product Title block. ([5515](https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce-gutenberg-products-block/pull/5515))
1. Upgrade to `WordPress 5.9`.
2. Install and enable the `Twenty Twenty-Two` theme.
3. Add the `All Product Block` (this block contains `Product Title block`) to a post.
4. Click on the pencil to edit the block, add the `Product Title block` and get the focus on the `Product Title block`.
5. On the right sidebar, personalize the styles of the block.
6. Go on the page and check if there are changes.
7. Reset to default using the `Reset` button from the different sections.
8. Go to Dashboard and select Appearance > Editor (beta). On top of the screen, select Home > Browser all templates > Single Post. When the page is loaded, add the block to the page. Click on the pencil to edit the block, add the `Product Title block`.
9. On the Editor page click on the `Styles` icon on the right-top corner.
10. Verify that the `Product Title block` is shown under the `Blocks` section. Personalize the block.
11. Save your changes.
12. Go on the page created earlier and check if all styles are applied correctly.
13. Edit your previous post/page again.
14. Change again the styles.
15. Save your changes.
16. Check if these styles have priority over the styles from the Site Editor.
### FSE: Add support for the global style for the Stock Indicator block. ([5525](https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce-gutenberg-products-block/pull/5525))
1. Upgrade to `WordPress 5.9`.
2. Install and enable the `Twenty Twenty-Two` theme.
3. Add the `All Product Block` (this block contains `Stock Indicator block`) to a post.
4. Click on the pencil to edit the block, add the `Stock Indicator Block` and get the focus on the `Stock Indicator block`.
5. On the right sidebar, personalize the styles of the block.
6. Go on the page and check if there are changes.
7. Reset to default using the `Reset` button from the different sections.
8. Go to Dashboard and select Appearance > Editor (beta). On top of the screen, select Home > Browser all templates > Single Post. When the page is loaded, add the block to the page. Click on the pencil to edit the block, add the `Stock Indicator Block`.
9. On the Editor page click on the `Styles` icon on the right-top corner.
10. Verify that the `Stock Indicator block` is shown under the `Blocks` section. Personalize the block.
11. Save your changes.
12. Go on the page created earlier and check if all styles are applied correctly.
13. Edit your previous post/page again.
14. Change again the styles.
15. Save your changes.
16. Check if these styles have priority over the styles from the Site Editor.
### FSE: Add support for the global style for the Summary Product block. ([5524](https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce-gutenberg-products-block/pull/5524))
1. Upgrade to `WordPress 5.9`.
2. Install and enable the `Twenty Twenty-Two` theme.
3. Add the `All Product Block` (this block contains `Summary Product block`) to a post.
4. Click on the pencil to edit the block, add the `Summary Product block` and get the focus on the `Summary Product block`.
5. On the right sidebar, personalize the styles of the block.
6. Go on the page and check if there are changes.
7. Reset to default using the `Reset` button from the different sections.
8. Go to Dashboard and select Appearance > Editor (beta). On top of the screen, select Home > Browser all templates > Single Post. When the page is loaded, add the block to the page. Click on the pencil to edit the block, add the `Summary Product block`.
9. On the Editor page click on the `Styles` icon on the right-top corner.
10. Verify that the `Summary Product block` is shown under the `Blocks` section. Personalize the block.
11. Save your changes.
12. Go on the page created earlier and check if all styles are applied correctly.
13. Edit your previous post/page again.
14. Change again the styles.
15. Save your changes.
16. Check if these styles have priority over the styles from the Site Editor.
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