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WooCommerce Remote Payment Gateway Recommendations

This feature allows a remote data source to specify the currently recommended payment gateways. The feature polls the remote JSON file to retrieve a list of recommended and visible gateways based on rulesets to be shown to the user.

After merchants click on a recommendation, plugins from this source will then walk through an installer step, followed by a connection step with the minimum required fields for setup defined by the downloaded plugin.

Enabling Remote Payment Gateway Recommendations

This feature is behind a feature flag. In order for it to run, the remote-payment-methods must be set to true in ~/config/{environment}.json and the plugin must be rebuilt either using npm start or npm run build.

Currently there is no working remote data source. For testing purposes, this plugin can be used which adds a data source and removes the transient cache so the data source is re-fetched on each subsequent page load.

Remote Data Source Schema

The remote data source schema defines the recommended payment gateways and required plugins to kick of the setup process. The goal of this config is to provide the mininum amount of information possible to show a list of gateways and allow the gateways themselves to define specifics around configuration.

    "key": "gateway-key",
    "locales": [
        "locale": "en_US",
        "title": "Gateway Example",
        "content": "Content to be displayed in the recommended payment gateway list."
    "image": "https://paymentgateway.com/path/to/image.png",
    "plugins": ["wp-org-plugin-slug"],
	"is_visible": [

The remote specs use the rule processor to determine if a gateway should be shown using the is_visible property.

Payment Gateway Configs

Information concerning the configuration and status of the payment gateway is determined by the payment gateway itself. This allows a single source of truth for this information, but more importantly allows the latest and most accurate settings to be included with the plugin downloaded from WordPress.org.

Additional information is added to the existing payment gateway in the WooCommerce REST API response. The following public methods can be added to the payment gateway class to pass information to the recommended payment gateways task:

Name Return Default Description
needs_setup() boolean false Used to determine if the gateway still requires setup in order to be used.
get_required_settings_keys() array [] An array of keys for fields required to properly configure the gateway. The keys must match those of already registered form fields in the payment gateway.
get_oauth_connection_url() string null The oAuth connection URL to be used to quickly connect a payment gateway provider. If provided, this will be used in place of required setting fields.
get_post_install_script() string null An abolute URL to a script that will be dynamically loaded into a page after a gateway has been installed. This is primarily used for SlotFill, but can allow any script to be added to assist in payment gateway setup.


Payment gateway tasks can be SlotFilled to provide custom experiences. This is useful if a gateway cannot follow the generic payment steps to be fully set up.

The entire payment gateway card can be SlotFilled using WooRemotePayment or simply SlotFill WooRemotePaymentSettings to leave the default installation and stepper in place.

Note that since plugin installation happens asynchronously, a full page reload will not occur between gateway installation and configuration. This renders functions like wp_enqueue_script ineffective. To solve this issue and allow SlotFill to work on a newly installed plugin, the gateway can provide a URL to be loaded immediately after installation using get_post_install_script().