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## Testing notes and ZIP for release 5.0.0
Zip file for testing: [woocommerce-gutenberg-products-block.zip](https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce-gutenberg-products-block/files/6392862/woocommerce-gutenberg-products-block.zip)
## Feature plugin only
### General smoke testing
The following are related to various changes impacting existing flows, so smoke testing is needed to verify there are no regressions:
- Confirm blocks are available in the editor, and confirm insertion works for the All Products Block, Cart and Checkout Blocks specifically.
- Place orders via the Checkout block starting from the Cart Block & shortcode
- During checkout, submit the form without filling out a required field. Confirm validation messages are displayed.
- Fix the validation warnings and submit the order successfully.
### Remove work-around to load our stylesheets after wp-edit-post #4097
Open the Checkout block in the editor and verify the Country/Region selector has the same height as the City field next to it, rounded corners, etc.
### Prevent unwanted parts of address being displayed #4038
1. Add an item to the cart.
2. Go to the shortcode cart - use the shipping calculator to enter a US address. (State: California, City: Beverly Hills, ZIP: 90210)
3. Proceed to checkout and successfully complete. If you get errors, ensure the form is filled properly, and submit again (This is a known issue in #3975)
4. Add another item to the cart and go back to the shortcode cart, change your address on the shipping calculator to a Polish one (or any other that doesn't use states). (City: Gdansk, Postcode: 80-000)
5. Go to the cart Block and see there is no CA shown in the address in the shipping totals area.
### Rest API batching support #4075
1. Open up the browser console and go to the Network tab. Filter by XHR requests.
2. Smoke test add to cart functionality from the all products block.
3. After adding to cart, confirm the network tab shows a request to the /batch endpoint.
4. Confirm that each time you add to cart, a new batch/ request is made.
Optionally, because this is difficult to achieve, if you tab to an add to cart button and hover over another add to cart button with your mouse, hit enter and then click the 2nd add to cart button (we want to trigger 2 add to cart events in quick succession). After a very short delay you should see ONE batch request, but both items should be added to the cart.
### Deprecate the woocommerce_shared_settings hook #4092
1. Running WooCommerce 5.2, visit the admin Dashboard.
2. Open up the browser error console.
3. A warning will be shown stating that the woocommerce_shared_settings hook is deprecated.
4. Again running WooCommerce 5.2, go to the Checkout page (running the checkout block). The same notice will be shown in the console.
### Change checkoutAllowsGuest to the correct value. #4146
1. In WooCommerce Settings > Accounts and Privacy, prevent customers from placing orders without an account, Allow them to create an account during checkout:
2. Allow customers to create account during checkout by setting this option within the Checkout Block:
3. On the frontend, as a logged-out guest, add an item to your cart and go to the Block Checkout.
4. You shouldn't see a "Create an Account?" checkbox on Checkout.
5. When placing an order, an account will be created for you.