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Testing notes and ZIP for release 2.7.1

Zip file for testing: woocommerce-gutenberg-products-block.zip

All Products, Cart and Checkout in IE11

  • With IE11, create a page with the All Products block.
  • Verify you can add the block without problems in the editor.
  • Visit the page in the frontend, and verify the block works as expected and no JS errors are shown in the devtools console.
  • Repeat the process above with the Cart and Checkout blocks.

PHP notices

  • Create a new product. For its type chose 'Variable Product', create one attribute and two variations. Leave both variations price to 0.
  • Create a new page with the All Products, Filter by Price and Filter by Attributes blocks.
  • Save the page and visit it in the frontend.
  • Using the Filter by Attributes block, filter the products by a specific attribute, making sure the Variable Product you created gets visible at some point.
  • Go to the PHP logs of your site and verify there isn't any PHP warning in the logs related to the steps described above.

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