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This component creates slideable content controlled by an animate prop to direct the contents to slide left or right

How to use:

import AnimationSlider from 'components/animation-slider';

class MySlider extends Component {
	constructor() {
		this.state = {
			pages: [ 44, 55, 66, 77, 88 ],
			page: 0,
			animate: null,
		this.forward = this.forward.bind( this );
		this.back = this.forward.back( this );

	forward() {
		this.setState( state => ( {
			page: state.page + 1,
			animate: 'left',
		} ) );

	back() {
		this.setState( state => ( {
			page: state.page - 1,
			animate: 'right',
		} ) );

	render() {
		const { page, pages, animate } = this.state;
		return (
				<button onClick={ this.back } disabled={ page === 0 }>
				<button onClick={ this.forward } disabled={ page === pages.length + 1 }>
				<AnimationSlider animationKey={ page } animate={ animate }>
					{ status => (
							className={ `my-slider my-slider-${ status }` }
							src={ `/pages/${ pages[ page ] }` }
							alt={ pages[ page ] }
					) }

AnimationSlider Props

  • children (required): A function returning rendered content with argument status, reflecting CSSTransition status
  • animationKey (required): A unique identifier for each slideable page
  • animate: null, 'left', 'right', to designate which direction to slide on a change
  • focusOnChange: When set to true, the first focusable element will be focused after an animation has finished

All other props are passed to CSSTransition. More info at http://reactcommunity.org/react-transition-group/css-transition