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Basic Info

Settings can be grouped together by location.

A location is just a grouping of settings that all share a common 'location' key. This is so you can pull all settings meant to be displayed together in a particular area.


In wp-admin there is a "Coupon Data" box on the "Add New Coupon" page. The coupon data box is considered location and would be represented like so:

	"id": "coupon-data",
	"type": "metabox",
	"label": "Coupon Data",
	"description": ""

There are 4 fields that make up a location:

  • id: A unique identifier that can be used to link settings together. Alphanumeric string that contains no spaces. Required.
  • type: Context for where the settings in this location are going to be displayed. Right now core accepts 'page' for settings pages (pages currently under WooCommerce > Settings), 'metabox' (for metabox grouped settings like Coupon Data - this name is subject to change as this API develops), and 'shipping-zone' for settings associated with shipping zone settings. Alphanumeric string that contains no spaces. Required, defaults to 'page'.
  • label: A human readable label. This is a translated string that can be used in the UI. Optional.
  • description: A human readable description. This is a translated string that can be used in the UI. Optional.

Any other fields passed will be stripped out before the JSON response is sent back to the client.

Registering a Location

Locations can be registered with the woocommerce_settings_locations filter:

add_filter( 'woocommerce_settings_locations', function( $locations ) {
	$locations[] = array(
		'id'          => 'test-extension',
		'type'        => 'page',
		'label'       => __( 'Test Extension', 'woocommerce-test-extension' ),
		'description' => __( 'My awesome test settings.', 'woocommerce-test-extension' ),
	return $locations;
} );


GET /settings/locations

Returns a list of all locations supported by WC. There is an optional ?type parameter that allows you to return only locations for a specific context (like all page locations).

GET /settings/locations/$id

Returns information on a single location.