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Testing notes and ZIP for release 8.7.1

Zip file for testing: woocommerce-gutenberg-products-block.zip

Feature plugin and package inclusion in WooCommerce

Fixed an issue where JavaScript errors would occur when more than one extension tried to filter specific payment methods in the Cart and Checkout blocks (7377)

User Facing Testing

  1. Install and activate some-extension-name.zip and WooCommerce Conditional Shipping and Payments.
  2. Activate the Cash on Delivery payment method.
  3. Go to the Cart block and view the JS console. Ensure you don't see any errors such as Error when executing callback for cheque in some-extension-name TypeError: namespacedCallbacks[namespace] is not a function.
  4. Go to the Checkout block and check that no similar errors appear.
  5. Change your city to Denver and ensure the Cash on Delivery method is not available.