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Testing notes and ZIP for release 8.7.2

Zip file for testing: woocommerce-gutenberg-products-block.zip

Feature plugin and package inclusion in WooCommerce

Fixed a problem where Custom Order Tables compatibility declaration could fail due to the unpredictable plugin order load (7395)

User Facing Testing

  1. Refer to High Performance Order Storage Upgrade Recipe Book on how to enable HPOS
  2. Ensure no incompatibility warnings are displayed regarding the Blocks plugin

Refactor useCheckoutAddress hook to enable "Use same address for billing" option in Editor (7393)

User Facing Testing

  1. Go to wp-admin/admin.php?page=wc-settings&tab=shipping&section=options page.
  2. Enable the Force shipping to the customer billing address option and save the changes.
  3. Go to Checkout block Editor, and confirm Use same address for billing toggle is working as expected.
  4. Go to the Checkout block front-end, and confirm shipping address form is not visible.
  5. Change the billing address, confirm the shipping address in the order summary gets changed, and shipping methods are updated.