
8458 lines
208 KiB

msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WooCommerce\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: \n"
"PO-Revision-Date: \n"
"Last-Translator: ariles.zebbar@gmail.com\n"
"Language-Team: WooCommerce open-sourceMIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
"X-Poedit-Language: French\n"
"X-Poedit-Country: FRANCE\n"
"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
"X-Poedit-KeywordsList: __;_e;__ngettext:1,2;_n:1,2;__ngettext_noop:1,2;_n_noop:1,2;_c,_nc:4c,1,2;_x:1,2c;_ex:1,2c;_nx:4c,1,2;_nx_noop:4c,1,2;\n"
"X-Poedit-Basepath: .\n"
"X-Poedit-Bookmarks: \n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: .\n"
"X-Textdomain-Support: yes"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:39
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:107
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:152
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:27
#@ woothemes
msgid "Attributes"
msgstr "Attributs"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:113
#@ woothemes
msgid "Edit Attribute"
msgstr "Modifier l'attribut"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:114
#@ woothemes
msgid "Attribute taxonomy names cannot be changed; you may only change an attributes type."
msgstr "Le nom de taxonomie des attributs ne peut être changé; vous ne pouvez modifier que les types d'attributs."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:118
#@ woothemes
msgid "Attribute Label"
msgstr "Titre de l'attribut"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:120
#@ woothemes
msgid "Label for the attribute (shown on the front-end)."
msgstr "Titre pour l'attribut (affiché dans la partie publique)."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:123
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:227
#@ woothemes
msgid "Attribute type"
msgstr "Type d'attribut"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:125
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:229
#@ woothemes
msgid "Select"
msgstr "Choix"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:126
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:230
#@ woothemes
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Texte"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:130
#@ woothemes
msgid "Save Attribute"
msgstr "Enregistrer l'attribut"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:204
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:165
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:160
#: templates/single-product-reviews.php:79
#: widgets/widget-product_categories.php:120
#@ woothemes
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Nom"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:161
#@ woothemes
msgid "Label"
msgstr "Titre"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:206
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:162
#@ woothemes
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Type"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:163
#@ woothemes
msgid "Terms"
msgstr "Termes"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:88
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:116
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:177
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-import.php:64
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings-forms.php:316
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings-forms.php:353
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings-forms.php:360
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings-forms.php:401
#: templates/myaccount/my-account.php:89
#: templates/myaccount/my-account.php:117
#: woocommerce.php:572
#: woocommerce.php:598
#: woocommerce.php:631
#: woocommerce.php:661
#: woocommerce.php:705
#@ woothemes
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Modifier"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:177
#@ woothemes
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Supprimer"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:201
#@ woothemes
msgid "No attributes currently exist."
msgstr "Aucun attribut en ce moment."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:211
#@ woothemes
msgid "Add New Attribute"
msgstr "Ajouter un nouvel attribut"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:212
#@ woothemes
msgid "Attributes let you define extra product data, such as size or colour. You can use these attributes in the shop sidebar using the \"layered nav\" widgets. Please note: you cannot rename an attribute later on."
msgstr "Les attributs vous permettent de définir des données supplémentaires pour les produits tels que la taille ou la couleur. Vous pouvez utiliser ces attributs dans la barre de la boutique en utilisant les widgets \"layered nav\". Note : Vous ne pouvez pas renommer un attribut ultérieurement."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:193
#@ woothemes
msgid "Attribute Name"
msgstr "Nom de l'attribut"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:232
#@ woothemes
msgid "Determines how you select attributes for products. <strong>Text</strong> allows manual entry via the product page, whereas <strong>select</strong> attribute terms can be defined from this section. If you plan on using an attribute for variations use <strong>select</strong>."
msgstr "Détermine la méthode de sélection des attributs pour les produits. <strong>Texte</strong>autorise une saisie manuelle via la page produit, alors que<strong>Choix<strong> autorise les termes d'attributs à partir de cette section. Si vous planifiez d'utiliser un attribut comme variations utilisez <strong>Choix</strong>."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:235
#@ woothemes
msgid "Add Attribute"
msgstr "Ajouter un attribut"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:246
#@ woothemes
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete this attribute?"
msgstr "Êtes vous sur de vouloir supprimer cet attribut?"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-dashboard.php:26
#@ woothemes
msgid "Shop Content"
msgstr "Contenu de la boutique"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:312
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-dashboard.php:34
#: woocommerce.php:594
#@ woothemes
msgid "Products"
msgstr "Produits"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-dashboard.php:40
#: widgets/widget-product_categories.php:38
#: woocommerce.php:458
#: woocommerce.php:460
#@ woothemes
msgid "Product Categories"
msgstr "Catégories de produit"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-dashboard.php:46
#: widgets/widget-product_tag_cloud.php:42
#: woocommerce.php:481
#: woocommerce.php:483
#@ woothemes
msgid "Product Tags"
msgstr "Mots-Clés de produit"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-dashboard.php:52
#@ woothemes
msgid "Attribute taxonomies"
msgstr "Taxonomies d'attribut"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-dashboard.php:64
#: woocommerce.php:657
#@ woothemes
msgid "Orders"
msgstr "Commandes"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-dashboard.php:68
#@ woothemes
msgid "Pending"
msgstr "Attente"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-dashboard.php:72
#@ woothemes
msgid "On-Hold"
msgstr "En attente"
#: admin/post-types/shop_order.php:122
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-dashboard.php:76
#@ woothemes
msgid "Processing"
msgstr "En traitement"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-dashboard.php:80
#@ woothemes
msgid "Completed"
msgstr "Expédiée"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-dashboard.php:102
#@ woothemes
msgid "Monthly Sales"
msgstr "Ventes du mois"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-dashboard.php:105
#@ woothemes
msgid "WooCommerce recent orders"
msgstr "Commande récentes WooCommerce"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-dashboard.php:106
#@ woothemes
msgid "WooCommerce recent reviews"
msgstr "Avis récents WooCommerce"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-dashboard.php:131
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:307
#@ woothemes
msgid "item"
msgid_plural "items"
msgstr[0] "élément"
msgstr[1] "éléments"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-dashboard.php:165
#: classes/product.class.php:662
#: templates/single-product/review.php:18
#: templates/single-product-reviews.php:29
#: widgets/widget-recent_reviews.php:74
#@ woothemes
msgid "out of 5"
msgstr "sur 5"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-dashboard.php:173
#@ woothemes
msgid "There are no product reviews yet."
msgstr "Il n'y a pas encore d'avis de produits"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:24
#@ woothemes
msgid "WooCommerce"
msgstr "WooCommerce"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:25
#@ woothemes
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Paramètres"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:26
#@ woothemes
msgid "Reports"
msgstr "Rapports"
#: woocommerce-ajax.php:182
#: woocommerce-ajax.php:212
#: woocommerce-ajax.php:231
#@ woothemes
msgid "You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page."
msgstr "Vous n'avez pas les droits suffisants pour accéder à cette page."
#: woocommerce-ajax.php:184
#: woocommerce-ajax.php:213
#: woocommerce-ajax.php:232
#@ woothemes
msgid "You have taken too long. Please go back and retry."
msgstr "Vous avez mis trop de temps. Revenez en arrière et essayez encore, svp."
#: admin/post-types/product.php:535
#, php-format
#@ woothemes
msgid "[%s with SKU of %s]"
msgstr "[%s avec UGS sur %s]"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:541
#, php-format
#@ woothemes
msgid "[%s with ID of %d]"
msgstr "[%s avec ID sur %d]"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:20
#@ woothemes
msgid "No product to duplicate has been supplied!"
msgstr "Aucun produit à dupliquer n'a été fourni !"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:40
#@ woothemes
msgid "Product creation failed, could not find original product:"
msgstr "Échec de création du produit, impossible de trouver le produit original :"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:58
#@ woothemes
msgid "Make a duplicate from this product"
msgstr "Duplique ce produit"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:59
#@ woothemes
msgid "Duplicate"
msgstr "Dupliquer"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:83
#@ woothemes
msgid "Copy to a new draft"
msgstr "Copier vers un nouveau brouillon"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:118
#@ woothemes
msgid " (Copy)"
msgstr "(Copier)"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-install.php:151
#@ woothemes
msgctxt "page_slug"
msgid "shop"
msgstr "boutique"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-install.php:151
#@ woothemes
msgid "Shop"
msgstr "Boutique"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-install.php:154
#@ woothemes
msgctxt "page_slug"
msgid "cart"
msgstr "panier"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-install.php:154
#: widgets/widget-cart.php:42
#@ woothemes
msgid "Cart"
msgstr "Panier"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-install.php:157
#@ woothemes
msgctxt "page_slug"
msgid "checkout"
msgstr "commande"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-install.php:157
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:94
#@ woothemes
msgid "Checkout"
msgstr "Commande"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-install.php:160
#@ woothemes
msgctxt "page_slug"
msgid "order-tracking"
msgstr "suivi-de-commande"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-install.php:160
#@ woothemes
msgid "Track your order"
msgstr "Suivre votre commande"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-install.php:163
#@ woothemes
msgctxt "page_slug"
msgid "my-account"
msgstr "mon-compte"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-install.php:163
#: templates/checkout/thankyou.php:26
#@ woothemes
msgid "My Account"
msgstr "Mon Compte"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-install.php:166
#@ woothemes
msgctxt "page_slug"
msgid "edit-address"
msgstr "modification-adresse"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-install.php:166
#@ woothemes
msgid "Edit My Address"
msgstr "Modifier mon adresse"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-install.php:169
#@ woothemes
msgctxt "page_slug"
msgid "view-order"
msgstr "voir-commande"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-install.php:169
#: woocommerce.php:664
#: woocommerce.php:665
#@ woothemes
msgid "View Order"
msgstr "Voir la commande"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-install.php:172
#@ woothemes
msgctxt "page_slug"
msgid "change-password"
msgstr "changer-mot-de-passe"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-install.php:172
#@ woothemes
msgid "Change Password"
msgstr "Changer de mot de passe"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-install.php:175
#@ woothemes
msgctxt "page_slug"
msgid "pay"
msgstr "payer"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-install.php:175
#@ woothemes
msgid "Checkout &rarr; Pay"
msgstr "Commande &rarr; Paiement"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-install.php:178
#@ woothemes
msgctxt "page_slug"
msgid "order-received"
msgstr "commande-recue"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-install.php:178
#: classes/woocommerce_email.class.php:141
#@ woothemes
msgid "Order Received"
msgstr "Commande reçue"
#: admin/post-types/shop_coupon.php:20
#@ woothemes
msgid "Code"
msgstr "Code"
#: admin/post-types/shop_coupon.php:21
#@ woothemes
msgid "Coupon type"
msgstr "Type de coupon"
#: admin/post-types/shop_coupon.php:22
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:33
#@ woothemes
msgid "Coupon amount"
msgstr "Montant du coupon"
#: admin/post-types/shop_coupon.php:23
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:45
#@ woothemes
msgid "Product IDs"
msgstr "IDs Produits"
#: admin/post-types/shop_coupon.php:24
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:51
#@ woothemes
msgid "Usage limit"
msgstr "Limite d'utilisation"
#: admin/post-types/shop_coupon.php:25
#@ woothemes
msgid "Usage count"
msgstr "Compteur d'utilisations"
#: admin/post-types/shop_coupon.php:26
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:54
#@ woothemes
msgid "Expiry date"
msgstr "Date d'expiration"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:205
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:163
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:139
#@ woothemes
msgid "ID"
msgstr "ID"
#: woocommerce.php:606
#@ woothemes
msgid "Parent Product"
msgstr "Produit parent"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:202
#@ woothemes
msgid "Image"
msgstr "Image"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:208
#@ woothemes
msgid "Categories"
msgstr "Catégories"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:209
#@ woothemes
msgid "Tags"
msgstr "Mots-Clés"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:210
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:761
#@ woothemes
msgid "Featured"
msgstr "Mis en avant"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:213
#@ woothemes
msgid "In Stock?"
msgstr "En Stock ?"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:216
#: templates/cart/cart.php:20
#: templates/emails/customer_completed_order.php:18
#: templates/emails/customer_note_notification.php:22
#: templates/emails/customer_pay_for_order.php:22
#: templates/emails/customer_processing_order.php:18
#: templates/emails/new_order.php:18
#: templates/loop/sorting.php:12
#@ woothemes
msgid "Price"
msgstr "Prix"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:217
#: admin/post-types/shop_order.php:25
#: templates/myaccount/my-account.php:43
#@ woothemes
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Date"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:256
#@ woothemes
msgid "Change"
msgstr "Change"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:268
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1484
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1506
#@ woothemes
msgid " in stock"
msgstr " en stock"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:276
#: admin/post-types/shop_order.php:101
#@ woothemes
msgid "Unpublished"
msgstr "Non publié"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:279
#: admin/post-types/shop_order.php:104
#@ woothemes
msgid "Y/m/d g:i:s A"
msgstr "Y/m/d g:i:s A"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:286
#: admin/post-types/shop_order.php:111
#, php-format
#@ woothemes
msgid "%s ago"
msgstr "il y a %s"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:288
#: admin/post-types/shop_order.php:113
#@ woothemes
msgid "Y/m/d"
msgstr "Y/m/d"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:294
#@ default
msgid "Published"
msgstr "Publié"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:297
#@ woothemes
msgid "Missed schedule"
msgstr "Planification manquée"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:299
#@ default
msgid "Scheduled"
msgstr "Planifié"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:302
#@ default
msgid "Last Modified"
msgstr "Modifié le"
#: woocommerce-core-functions.php:529
#@ woothemes
msgid "Show all categories"
msgstr "Afficher toutes les catégories"
#: admin/post-types/shop_order.php:20
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:1110
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:1173
#: templates/myaccount/my-account.php:46
#@ woothemes
msgid "Status"
msgstr "État"
#: admin/post-types/shop_order.php:21
#: woocommerce.php:658
#@ woothemes
msgid "Order"
msgstr "Commande"
#: admin/post-types/shop_order.php:22
#@ woothemes
msgid "Billing"
msgstr "Facturation"
#: admin/post-types/shop_order.php:23
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:1058
#: templates/cart/totals.php:28
#: templates/checkout/pay_for_order.php:18
#: templates/checkout/review_order.php:24
#@ woothemes
msgid "Shipping"
msgstr "Livraison"
#: admin/post-types/shop_order.php:24
#: templates/cart/totals.php:83
#: templates/checkout/review_order.php:91
#@ woothemes
msgid "Order Total"
msgstr "Montant total"
#: admin/post-types/shop_order.php:45
#, php-format
#@ woothemes
msgid "<mark class=\"%s\">%s</mark>"
msgstr "<mark class=\"%s\">%s</mark>"
#: admin/post-types/shop_order.php:65
#: classes/gateways/gateway-paypal.php:230
#, php-format
#@ woothemes
msgid "Order #%s"
msgstr "Commande #%s"
#: admin/post-types/shop_order.php:62
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:71
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:301
#: woocommerce-functions.php:791
#: woocommerce-functions.php:841
#@ woothemes
msgid "Guest"
msgstr "Invité"
#: admin/post-types/shop_order.php:188
#@ woothemes
msgid "Show all statuses"
msgstr "Afficher tous les états"
#: admin/post-types/shop_order.php:217
#@ woothemes
msgid "Show all customers"
msgstr "Afficher tous les clients"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:16
#@ woothemes
msgid "sales"
msgstr "ventes"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:18
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:51
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:59
#@ woothemes
msgid "Overview"
msgstr "Aperçu"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:34
#@ woothemes
msgid "Product Sales"
msgstr "Ventes produits"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:39
#@ woothemes
msgid "Top sellers"
msgstr "Top vendeurs"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:44
#@ woothemes
msgid "Top earners"
msgstr "Top gagneurs"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:49
#@ woothemes
msgid "customers"
msgstr "clients"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:57
#@ woothemes
msgid "stock"
msgstr "stock"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:263
#@ woothemes
msgid "Total sales"
msgstr "Total des ventes"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:265
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:271
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:277
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:283
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:551
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:557
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:563
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:569
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:751
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:757
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:763
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:769
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1204
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1210
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1216
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1222
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1228
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1234
#@ woothemes
msgid "n/a"
msgstr "n/a"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:269
#@ woothemes
msgid "Total orders"
msgstr "Total commandes"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:271
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:557
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:757
#@ woothemes
msgid " items"
msgstr "éléments"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:275
#@ woothemes
msgid "Average order total"
msgstr "Montant moyen des commandes"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:281
#@ woothemes
msgid "Average order items"
msgstr "Moyenne des éléments commandés"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:287
#@ woothemes
msgid "Last 5 orders"
msgstr "Les 5 dernières commandes"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:321
#@ woothemes
msgid "This months sales"
msgstr "Ventes de ce mois"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:543
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:897
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:991
#@ woothemes
msgid "From:"
msgstr "De :"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:543
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:897
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:991
#@ woothemes
msgid "To:"
msgstr "Pour :"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:543
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:744
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:897
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:991
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1119
#@ woothemes
msgid "Show"
msgstr "Afficher"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:549
#@ woothemes
msgid "Total sales in range"
msgstr "Les ventes totales de la gamme"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:555
#@ woothemes
msgid "Total orders in range"
msgstr "Les commandes totales de la gamme"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:561
#@ woothemes
msgid "Average order total in range"
msgstr "Total de la commande moyenne dans la gamme"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:567
#@ woothemes
msgid "Average order items in range"
msgstr "Moyenne des éléments commandés dans la gamme"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:575
#@ woothemes
msgid "Sales in range"
msgstr "Les ventes de la gamme"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:739
#@ woothemes
msgid "Year:"
msgstr "Année :"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:749
#@ woothemes
msgid "Total sales for year"
msgstr "Ventes totales pour l'année"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:755
#@ woothemes
msgid "Total orders for year"
msgstr "Commandes totales pour l'année"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:761
#@ woothemes
msgid "Average order total for year"
msgstr "Montant moyen des commandes pour l'année"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:767
#@ woothemes
msgid "Average order items for year"
msgstr "Moyenne d'éléments commandés pour l'année"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:775
#@ woothemes
msgid "Monthly sales for year"
msgstr "Ventes Mensuelles pour l'année"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:902
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:996
#: templates/checkout/pay_for_order.php:7
#: templates/checkout/review_order.php:7
#: templates/emails/customer_completed_order.php:16
#: templates/emails/customer_note_notification.php:20
#: templates/emails/customer_pay_for_order.php:20
#: templates/emails/customer_processing_order.php:16
#: templates/emails/new_order.php:16
#: templates/order/order-details-table.php:14
#: woocommerce.php:595
#@ woothemes
msgid "Product"
msgstr "Produit"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:903
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:997
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1126
#@ woothemes
msgid "Sales"
msgstr "Ventes"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:916
#@ woothemes
msgid "Product does not exist"
msgstr "Produit Inexistant"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1094
#@ woothemes
msgid "Product:"
msgstr "Produit :"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1097
#@ woothemes
msgid "Choose an product&hellip;"
msgstr "Choisir un produit&hellip;"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1125
#@ woothemes
msgid "Month"
msgstr "Mois"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1143
#@ woothemes
msgid "No sales :("
msgstr "Pas de Ventes :("
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1202
#@ woothemes
msgid "Total customers"
msgstr "Total des clients"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1208
#@ woothemes
msgid "Total customer sales"
msgstr "Total ventes clients"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1214
#@ woothemes
msgid "Total guest sales"
msgstr "Total ventes invités"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1220
#@ woothemes
msgid "Total customer orders"
msgstr "Total commandes clients"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1226
#@ woothemes
msgid "Total guest orders"
msgstr "Total commandes invités"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1232
#@ woothemes
msgid "Average orders per customer"
msgstr "Moyenne de commandes par client"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1240
#@ woothemes
msgid "Signups per day"
msgstr "Inscriptions par jour"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1474
#@ woothemes
msgid "Low stock"
msgstr "Stock faible"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1488
#@ woothemes
msgid "No products are low in stock."
msgstr "Aucun produit en stock faible."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:162
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1496
#: classes/product.class.php:387
#: classes/product.class.php:415
#: classes/product.class.php:424
#@ woothemes
msgid "Out of stock"
msgstr "Produit épuisé"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1510
#@ woothemes
msgid "No products are out in stock."
msgstr "Aucun produit épuisé."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:112
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings-forms.php:172
#@ woothemes
msgid "Width"
msgstr "Largeur"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:113
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings-forms.php:174
#@ woothemes
msgid "Height"
msgstr "Hauteur"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings-forms.php:326
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings-forms.php:411
#@ woothemes
msgid "Standard Rate"
msgstr "Taux standard"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings-forms.php:300
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings-forms.php:337
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings-forms.php:420
#@ woothemes
msgid "Rate"
msgstr "Taux"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings-forms.php:301
#@ woothemes
msgid "Apply to shipping"
msgstr "Appliquer aux frais de livraison"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:20
#@ woothemes
msgid "General Options"
msgstr "Options générales"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:23
#@ woothemes
msgid "Base Country/Region"
msgstr "Pays/Région de base"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:24
#@ woothemes
msgid "This is the base country for your business. Tax rates will be based on this country."
msgstr "Ceci est le pays de base de votre boutique. Les taux de taxes seront appliqués pour ce pays."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:71
#@ woothemes
msgid "Allowed Countries"
msgstr "Pays autorisés"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:72
#@ woothemes
msgid "These are countries that you are willing to ship to."
msgstr "Voici les pays où vous voulez vendre."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:79
#@ woothemes
msgid "All Countries"
msgstr "Tous les pays"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:80
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:85
#: classes/shipping/shipping-flat_rate.php:68
#: classes/shipping/shipping-flat_rate.php:72
#: classes/shipping/shipping-free_shipping.php:75
#: classes/shipping/shipping-free_shipping.php:79
#@ woothemes
msgid "Specific Countries"
msgstr "Pays spécifiques"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:185
#@ woothemes
msgid "Enable the \"Demo Store\" notice on your site"
msgstr "Activer la notice \"Boutique de Démonstration\" sur votre site"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:845
#@ woothemes
msgid "Email template"
msgstr "Modèle email"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:910
#@ woothemes
msgid "ShareThis Publisher ID"
msgstr "ID Publisher ShareThis"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:923
#@ woothemes
msgid "Google Analytics ID"
msgstr "Google Analytics ID"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:924
#@ woothemes
msgid "Log into your google analytics account to find your ID. e.g. <code>UA-XXXXX-X</code>"
msgstr "Connectez vous à votre compte Google analytics pour trouver votre ID. Ex : <code>UA-XXXXX-X</code>"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:265
#@ woothemes
msgid "Page Setup"
msgstr "Paramètres des pages"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:268
#@ woothemes
msgid "Shop Base Page"
msgstr "Page de base de la boutique"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:287
#@ woothemes
msgid "Terms page ID"
msgstr "ID Page Termes"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:288
#@ woothemes
msgid "If you define a \"Terms\" page the customer will be asked if they accept them when checking out."
msgstr "Si vous définissez une page \"Termes\" il sera demandé au client s'il accepte ces termes quand il commande."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:137
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings-forms.php:321
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings-forms.php:406
#: classes/shipping/shipping-flat_rate.php:97
#@ woothemes
msgid "None"
msgstr "Aucun"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:355
#@ woothemes
msgid "Shop Pages"
msgstr "Pages boutique"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:355
#@ woothemes
msgid "The following pages need selecting so that WooCommerce knows which are which. These pages should have been created upon installation of the plugin."
msgstr "Les pages suivantes nécessitent une sélection pour que WooCommerce sache qui est qui. Ces pages doivent avoir été crées lors de l'installation de l'extension."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:358
#@ woothemes
msgid "Cart Page"
msgstr "Page panier"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:359
#@ woothemes
msgid "Page contents: [woocommerce_cart]"
msgstr "Contenu page : [woocommerce_cart]"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:368
#@ woothemes
msgid "Checkout Page"
msgstr "Page commande"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:369
#@ woothemes
msgid "Page contents: [woocommerce_checkout]"
msgstr "Contenu page : [woocommerce_checkout]"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:378
#@ woothemes
msgid "Pay Page"
msgstr "Page paiement"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:379
#@ woothemes
msgid "Page contents: [woocommerce_pay] Parent: \"Checkout\""
msgstr "Contenu page : [woocommerce_pay] Parent : \"Commande\""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:388
#@ woothemes
msgid "Thanks Page"
msgstr "Page de remerciements"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:389
#@ woothemes
msgid "Page contents: [woocommerce_thankyou] Parent: \"Checkout\""
msgstr "Contenu page : [woocommerce_thankyou] Parent : \"Commande\""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:398
#@ woothemes
msgid "My Account Page"
msgstr "Page mon compte"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:399
#@ woothemes
msgid "Page contents: [woocommerce_my_account]"
msgstr "Contenu page : [woocommerce_my_account]"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:408
#@ woothemes
msgid "Edit Address Page"
msgstr "Page modification adresse"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:409
#@ woothemes
msgid "Page contents: [woocommerce_edit_address] Parent: \"My Account\""
msgstr "Contenu page : [woocommerce_edit_address] Parent : \"Mon Compte\""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:418
#@ woothemes
msgid "View Order Page"
msgstr "Page voir commande"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:419
#@ woothemes
msgid "Page contents: [woocommerce_view_order] Parent: \"My Account\""
msgstr "Contenu page : [woocommerce_view_order] Parent: \"Mon Compte\""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:428
#@ woothemes
msgid "Change Password Page"
msgstr "Page changement mot de passe"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:429
#@ woothemes
msgid "Page contents: [woocommerce_change_password] Parent: \"My Account\""
msgstr "Contenu page : [woocommerce_change_password] Parent: \"Mon Compte\""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:444
#@ woothemes
msgid "Catalog Options"
msgstr "Options du catalogue"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:472
#@ woothemes
msgid "Product fields"
msgstr "Champs des produits"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:473
#@ woothemes
msgid "Enable the SKU field for products"
msgstr "Activer le champ UGS (Unité de Gestion des Stocks) pour les produits"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:481
#@ woothemes
msgid "Enable the weight field for products"
msgstr "Activer le champ poids pour les produits"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:505
#@ woothemes
msgid "Weight Unit"
msgstr "Unité de poids"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:506
#@ woothemes
msgid "This controls what unit you will define weights in."
msgstr "Ceci contrôle quelle unité de poids vous désirez définir"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:512
#@ woothemes
msgid "kg"
msgstr "Kilos"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:513
#@ woothemes
msgid "lbs"
msgstr "Livres"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:531
#@ woothemes
msgid "Cart redirect"
msgstr "Redirection panier"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:532
#@ woothemes
msgid "Redirect to cart after adding a product to the cart (on single product pages)"
msgstr "Rediriger vers le panier après l'ajout d'un produit au panier (ou sur les pages de produits simples)"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:598
#@ woothemes
msgid "Image Options"
msgstr "Options images"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:540
#@ woothemes
msgid "Pricing Options"
msgstr "Options de prix"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:32
#@ woothemes
msgid "Currency"
msgstr "Monnaie"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:41
#@ woothemes
msgid "US Dollars (&#36;)"
msgstr "Dollars US (&#36;)"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:42
#@ woothemes
msgid "Euros (&euro;)"
msgstr "Euros (&euro;)"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:43
#@ woothemes
msgid "Pounds Sterling (&pound;)"
msgstr "Livres Sterling (&pound;)"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:44
#@ woothemes
msgid "Australian Dollars (&#36;)"
msgstr "Dollars Australiens (&#36;)"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:45
#@ woothemes
msgid "Brazilian Real (&#36;)"
msgstr "Real Brésilien (&#36;)"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:46
#@ woothemes
msgid "Canadian Dollars (&#36;)"
msgstr "Dollars Canadiens (&#36;)"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:48
#@ woothemes
msgid "Danish Krone"
msgstr "Couronne danoise"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:49
#@ woothemes
msgid "Hong Kong Dollar (&#36;)"
msgstr "Dollar Hong Kong (&#36;)"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:50
#@ woothemes
msgid "Hungarian Forint"
msgstr "Forint hongrois"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:51
#@ woothemes
msgid "Israeli Shekel"
msgstr "Shekel israélien"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:52
#@ woothemes
msgid "Japanese Yen (&yen;)"
msgstr "Yen Japonais (&yen;)"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:53
#@ woothemes
msgid "Malaysian Ringgits"
msgstr "Ringgits Malaisien"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:54
#@ woothemes
msgid "Mexican Peso (&#36;)"
msgstr "Peso Mexicain (&#36;)"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:55
#@ woothemes
msgid "New Zealand Dollar (&#36;)"
msgstr "Dollar Nouvelle Zélande (&#36;)"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:56
#@ woothemes
msgid "Norwegian Krone"
msgstr "Couronne Norvégienne"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:57
#@ woothemes
msgid "Philippine Pesos"
msgstr "Peso Philippin"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:58
#@ woothemes
msgid "Polish Zloty"
msgstr "Zloty polonais"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:59
#@ woothemes
msgid "Singapore Dollar (&#36;)"
msgstr "Dollar de Singapour (&#36;)"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:60
#@ woothemes
msgid "Swedish Krona"
msgstr "Couronne Suédoise"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:61
#@ woothemes
msgid "Swiss Franc"
msgstr "Franc Suisse"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:62
#@ woothemes
msgid "Taiwan New Dollars"
msgstr "Nouveaux Dollars de Taiwan"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:63
#@ woothemes
msgid "Thai Baht"
msgstr "Baht Thai"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:543
#@ woothemes
msgid "Currency Position"
msgstr "Position monnaie"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:544
#@ woothemes
msgid "This controls the position of the currency symbol."
msgstr "Ceci contrôle la position du symbole de monnaie."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:551
#@ woothemes
msgid "Left"
msgstr "Gauche"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:552
#@ woothemes
msgid "Right"
msgstr "Droite"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:553
#@ woothemes
msgid "Left (with space)"
msgstr "Gauche (avec espace)"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:554
#@ woothemes
msgid "Right (with space)"
msgstr "Droite (avec espace)"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:559
#@ woothemes
msgid "Thousand separator"
msgstr "Séparateur de milliers"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:560
#@ woothemes
msgid "This sets the thousand separator of displayed prices."
msgstr "Ceci définit le séparateur de milliers pour les prix affichés."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:569
#@ woothemes
msgid "Decimal separator"
msgstr "Séparateur décimal"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:570
#@ woothemes
msgid "This sets the decimal separator of displayed prices."
msgstr "Ceci définit le séparateur de décimales pour les prix affichés."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:579
#@ woothemes
msgid "Number of decimals"
msgstr "Nombre de décimales"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:580
#@ woothemes
msgid "This sets the number of decimal points shown in displayed prices."
msgstr "Ceci définit le nombre de décimales pour les prix affichés."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:634
#@ woothemes
msgid "Inventory Options"
msgstr "Options inventaire"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:637
#@ woothemes
msgid "Manage stock"
msgstr "Gestion du stock"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:638
#@ woothemes
msgid "Enable stock management"
msgstr "Activer la gestion du stock"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:645
#@ woothemes
msgid "Notifications"
msgstr "Notifications"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:646
#@ woothemes
msgid "Enable low stock notifications"
msgstr "Activer les notifications de stock faible"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:654
#@ woothemes
msgid "Enable out of stock notifications"
msgstr "Activer les notifications de stock épuisé"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:662
#@ woothemes
msgid "Low stock threshold"
msgstr "Seuil de stock faible"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:672
#@ woothemes
msgid "Out of stock threshold"
msgstr "Seuil de stock épuisé"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:682
#@ woothemes
msgid "Out of stock visibility"
msgstr "Visibilité des stocks épuisés"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:683
#@ woothemes
msgid "Hide out of stock items from the catalog"
msgstr "Cacher les produits en stock épuisé du catalogue"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:696
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:1089
#@ woothemes
msgid "Shipping Options"
msgstr "Options des frais"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:709
#@ woothemes
msgid "Enable the shipping calculator on the cart page"
msgstr "Activer le calculateur de frais dans la page panier"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:718
#@ woothemes
msgid "Only ship to the users billing address"
msgstr "Livrer uniquement à l'adresse de facturation"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:731
#@ woothemes
msgid "Tax Options"
msgstr "Options des taxes"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:735
#@ woothemes
msgid "Enable taxes and tax calculations"
msgstr "Activer taxes et calcul de taxes"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:743
#@ woothemes
msgid "Catalog Prices include tax"
msgstr "Les prix catalogues incluent les taxes"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:776
#@ woothemes
msgid "Additional Tax classes"
msgstr "Classes additionnelles des taxes"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:777
#@ woothemes
msgid "List 1 per line. This is in addition to the default <em>Standard Rate</em>."
msgstr "Liste 1 par ligne. Ceci est un ajout aux <em>Taxes Standards</em>."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:778
#@ woothemes
msgid "List product and shipping tax classes here, e.g. Zero Tax, Reduced Rate."
msgstr "Liste produit et classes de taxes de livraison ici. Ex : Zero Tax, Reduced Rate."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:786
#@ woothemes
msgid "Tax rates"
msgstr "Taux de taxes"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:787
#@ woothemes
msgid "All fields are required."
msgstr "Tous les champs sont requis."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:788
#@ woothemes
msgid "To avoid rounding errors, insert tax rates with 4 decimal places."
msgstr "Afin d'éviter les erreurs d'arrondi, insérez les taux d'imposition avec 4 décimales."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:962
#: woocommerce.php:1102
#@ woothemes
msgid "Action failed. Please refresh the page and retry."
msgstr "L'action a échoué. Rafraîchissez la page et essayez à nouveau, svp."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:988
#@ woothemes
msgid "Your settings have been saved."
msgstr "Vos paramètres ont été enregistrés."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:31
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:1053
#@ woothemes
msgid "General"
msgstr "Général"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:1054
#@ woothemes
msgid "Pages"
msgstr "Pages"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:751
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:1055
#@ woothemes
msgid "Catalog"
msgstr "Catalogue"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:35
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:1056
#@ woothemes
msgid "Inventory"
msgstr "Inventaire"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:33
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:1057
#: classes/countries.class.php:488
#: templates/checkout/pay_for_order.php:22
#: templates/checkout/review_order.php:81
#@ woothemes
msgid "Tax"
msgstr "Taxe"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:1104
#@ woothemes
msgid "Shipping Methods"
msgstr "Expédition"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:1059
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:1153
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:1166
#@ woothemes
msgid "Payment Gateways"
msgstr "Passerelles de Paiement"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:1225
#@ woothemes
msgid "Save changes"
msgstr "Enregistrer les changements"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:1280
#@ woothemes
msgid "The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page."
msgstr "Les changements effectués seront perdus si vous quittez cette page."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:30
#@ woothemes
msgid "Discount type"
msgstr "Type de promotions"
#: templates/cart/totals.php:23
#: templates/checkout/review_order.php:19
#: woocommerce.php:1057
#@ woothemes
msgid "Cart Discount"
msgstr "Panier de promotions"
#: woocommerce.php:1058
#@ woothemes
msgid "Cart % Discount"
msgstr "Panier % promotion"
#: woocommerce.php:1059
#@ woothemes
msgid "Product Discount"
msgstr "Promotion produit"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:36
#@ woothemes
msgid "Individual use"
msgstr "Utilisation individuelle"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:51
#@ woothemes
msgid "(optional) How many times this coupon can be used before it is void"
msgstr "(optionnel) Combien de fois ce coupon peut il être utilisé avant de ne plus être valide"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:54
#@ woothemes
msgid "(optional) The date this coupon will expire, <code>YYYY-MM-DD</code>"
msgstr "(optionnel) La date d'expiration du coupon <code>AAAA-MM-JJ</code>"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanels-init.php:51
#: templates/checkout/coupon-form.php:15
#@ woothemes
msgid "Coupon code"
msgstr "Code coupon"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:57
#@ woothemes
msgid "Order status:"
msgstr "État de la commande :"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:69
#@ woothemes
msgid "Customer:"
msgstr "Client :"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:81
#@ woothemes
msgid "Customer Note:"
msgstr "Note client :"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:82
#@ woothemes
msgid "Customer's notes about the order"
msgstr "Notes du client à propos de la commande"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:99
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:128
#: classes/countries.class.php:889
#: templates/myaccount/edit-address.php:16
#: templates/myaccount/edit-address.php:17
#@ woothemes
msgid "First Name"
msgstr "Prénom"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:100
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:129
#: classes/countries.class.php:894
#: templates/myaccount/edit-address.php:20
#: templates/myaccount/edit-address.php:21
#@ woothemes
msgid "Last Name"
msgstr "Nom"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:101
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:130
#: templates/myaccount/edit-address.php:26
#: templates/myaccount/edit-address.php:27
#@ woothemes
msgid "Company"
msgstr "Entreprise"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:102
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:131
#@ woothemes
msgid "Address 1"
msgstr "Adresse 1"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:103
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:132
#: classes/countries.class.php:910
#: templates/myaccount/edit-address.php:35
#@ woothemes
msgid "Address 2"
msgstr "Adresse 2"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:104
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:133
#: templates/myaccount/edit-address.php:41
#: templates/myaccount/edit-address.php:42
#@ woothemes
msgid "City"
msgstr "Ville"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:105
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:134
#: classes/countries.class.php:852
#: templates/cart/shipping_calculator.php:57
#: templates/myaccount/edit-address.php:45
#@ woothemes
msgid "Postcode"
msgstr "Code Postal"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:106
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:135
#: classes/countries.class.php:929
#: templates/myaccount/edit-address.php:51
#@ woothemes
msgid "Country"
msgstr "Pays"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:107
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:136
#: classes/countries.class.php:871
#: classes/countries.class.php:935
#@ woothemes
msgid "State/County"
msgstr "Etat/Pays"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:108
#: classes/countries.class.php:964
#: templates/myaccount/edit-address.php:96
#@ woothemes
msgid "Email Address"
msgstr "Adresse email"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:109
#@ woothemes
msgid "Tel"
msgstr "Tel"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:168
#: templates/cart/cart.php:19
#: templates/emails/customer_completed_order.php:17
#: templates/emails/customer_note_notification.php:21
#: templates/emails/customer_pay_for_order.php:21
#: templates/emails/customer_processing_order.php:17
#: templates/emails/new_order.php:17
#@ woothemes
msgid "Quantity"
msgstr "Quantité"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:170
#: classes/shipping/shipping-flat_rate.php:293
#@ woothemes
msgid "Cost"
msgstr "Coût"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:171
#@ woothemes
msgid "Tax Rate"
msgstr "Taux de taxe"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:172
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:79
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:245
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:197
#@ woothemes
msgid "Remove"
msgstr "Enlever"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:189
#: woocommerce-ajax.php:517
#@ woothemes
msgid "Product ID:"
msgstr "ID Produit :"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:190
#: woocommerce-ajax.php:518
#@ woothemes
msgid "Variation ID:"
msgstr "ID Variation :"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:191
#: woocommerce-ajax.php:519
#@ woothemes
msgid "Product SKU:"
msgstr "UGS du produit :"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:205
#: woocommerce-ajax.php:535
#@ woothemes
msgid "Add&nbsp;meta"
msgstr "Ajouter&nbsp;meta"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:141
#@ woothemes
msgid "Quantity e.g. 2"
msgstr "Quantité Ex : 2"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:143
#@ woothemes
msgid "Tax Rate e.g. 20.0000"
msgstr "Taux des taxes Ex : 20.0000"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:261
#@ woothemes
msgid "Choose an item&hellip;"
msgstr "Choix élément&hellip;"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:305
#@ woothemes
msgid "Add item"
msgstr "Ajouter élément"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:308
#@ woothemes
msgid "Calculate totals"
msgstr "Calculer total"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:323
#@ woothemes
msgid "Save Order"
msgstr "Enregistrer"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:325
#@ woothemes
msgid "Reduce stock"
msgstr "Réduire le stock"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:327
#@ woothemes
msgid "Restore stock"
msgstr "Restauration Stock"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:329
#@ woothemes
msgid "Email invoice"
msgstr "Email de facturation"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:337
#@ woothemes
msgid "Delete Permanently"
msgstr "Supprimer Définitivement"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:339
#@ woothemes
msgid "Move to Trash"
msgstr "Mettre à la corbeille"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:359
#@ woothemes
msgid "Subtotal:"
msgstr "Sous-Total :"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:360
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:367
#: classes/countries.class.php:510
#@ woothemes
msgid "(ex. tax)"
msgstr "(ex. taxe)"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:371
#@ woothemes
msgid "Shipping method..."
msgstr "Méthode d'expédition..."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:382
#@ woothemes
msgid "Tax:"
msgstr "Taxe :"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-dashboard.php:131
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:307
#: shortcodes/shortcode-pay.php:109
#: templates/checkout/thankyou.php:44
#@ woothemes
msgid "Total:"
msgstr "Total :"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:408
#@ woothemes
msgid "Payment method..."
msgstr "Méthode de paiement..."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:532
#@ woothemes
msgid "Manually reducing stock."
msgstr "Réduction des stock manuelle."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:546
#: classes/order.class.php:629
#, php-format
#@ woothemes
msgid "Item #%s stock reduced from %s to %s."
msgstr "L'élément #%s est en stock réduit de %s jusqu'à %s"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:563
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:593
#, php-format
#@ woothemes
msgid "Item %s %s not found, skipping."
msgstr "L'élément %s %s est introuvable, passage au suivant"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:569
#@ woothemes
msgid "Manual stock reduction complete."
msgstr "Réduction de stock manuelle complète"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:573
#@ woothemes
msgid "Manually restoring stock."
msgstr "Restauration manuelle du stock"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:587
#, php-format
#@ woothemes
msgid "Item #%s stock increased from %s to %s."
msgstr "L'élément #%s a passé son stock de %s à %s"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:599
#@ woothemes
msgid "Manual stock restore complete."
msgstr "Restauration de stock manuelle complète."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_notes.php:37
#: woocommerce-ajax.php:585
#, php-format
#@ woothemes
msgid "added %s ago"
msgstr "ajouté il y a %s"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_notes.php:37
#: woocommerce-ajax.php:585
#@ woothemes
msgid "Delete note"
msgstr "Supprimer la note"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_notes.php:41
#@ woothemes
msgid "There are no notes for this order yet."
msgstr "Il n'y a pas encore de notes pour cette commande."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_notes.php:47
#@ woothemes
msgid "Add note"
msgstr "Ajouter une note"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_notes.php:51
#@ woothemes
msgid "Customer note"
msgstr "Note du client"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_notes.php:52
#@ woothemes
msgid "Private note"
msgstr "Note privée"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_notes.php:54
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:296
#@ woothemes
msgid "Add"
msgstr "Ajouter"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:388
#@ woothemes
msgid "File path"
msgstr "Chemin fichier"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:145
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:301
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:390
#@ woothemes
msgid "File path/URL"
msgstr "URL/Chemin fichier"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:391
#@ woothemes
msgid "Upload a file"
msgstr "Envoyer un fichier"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:396
#@ woothemes
msgid "Download Limit"
msgstr "Limite de téléchargement"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:151
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:305
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:399
#@ woothemes
msgid "Leave blank for unlimited re-downloads."
msgstr "Laissez vide pour les téléchargements illimités."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:775
#@ woothemes
msgid "Insert into URL field"
msgstr "Insérez dans le champ URL"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:407
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:50
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:137
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:294
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:758
#@ woothemes
msgid "Downloadable"
msgstr "Téléchargeable"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:50
#@ woothemes
msgid "Bulk edit:"
msgstr "Modification en vrac :"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:80
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:246
#@ woothemes
msgid "Variation:"
msgstr "Variation :"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:117
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:276
#: templates/single-product/meta.php:11
#: woocommerce-template.php:232
#@ woothemes
msgid "SKU:"
msgstr "UGS :"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:121
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:280
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:102
#: classes/product.class.php:819
#@ woothemes
msgid "Weight"
msgstr "Poids"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:119
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:278
#@ woothemes
msgid "Stock Qty:"
msgstr "Qté Stock :"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:130
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:289
#: widgets/widget-price_filter.php:171
#@ woothemes
msgid "Price:"
msgstr "Prix :"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:132
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:291
#@ woothemes
msgid "Sale Price:"
msgstr "Prix de vente :"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:50
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:141
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:298
#@ woothemes
msgid "Enabled"
msgstr "Activé"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:198
#: woocommerce.php:629
#@ woothemes
msgid "Add Variation"
msgstr "Ajouter une variation"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:199
#@ woothemes
msgid "Link all variations"
msgstr "Lier toutes les variations"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:219
#@ woothemes
msgid "You must add some attributes via the \"Product Data\" panel and save before adding a new variation."
msgstr "Vous devez ajouter des attributs via le panneau \"Données Produits\" et enregistrer avant d'ajouter une autre variation."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:328
#@ woothemes
msgid "Are you sure you want to link all variations? This will create a new variation for each and every possible combination of variation attributes."
msgstr "Êtes vous sur de vouloir lier toutes les variations? Ceci créera une nouvelle variation pour chaque combinaison possible des attributs de variations."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:354
#@ woothemes
msgid "Are you sure you want to remove this variation?"
msgstr "Êtes vous sur de vouloir supprimer cette variation?"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:389
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:395
#@ woothemes
msgid "Enter a price"
msgstr "Entrez un prix"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:401
#@ woothemes
msgid "Enter stock quantity"
msgstr "Entrez une quantité de stock"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:411
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:50
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:139
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:296
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:756
#@ woothemes
msgid "Virtual"
msgstr "Virtuel"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:320
#@ woothemes
msgid "Up-sells are products which you recommend instead of the currently viewed product, for example, products that are more profitable or better quality or more expensive."
msgstr "Les Up-sells sont des produits que vous recommandez à la place de ceux actuellement vus, par exemple, les produits qui sont plus profitables, ou de meilleure qualité, ou plus chers."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:330
#@ woothemes
msgid "Cross-sells are products which you promote in the cart, based on the current product."
msgstr "Les Cross-sells sont des produits que vous mettez en avant dans la panier, basés sur le produit actuel."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:349
#@ woothemes
msgid "Choose a grouped product&hellip;"
msgstr "Choix d'un produit groupé&hellip;"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:41
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:373
#@ woothemes
msgid "Grouping"
msgstr "Grouper"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:376
#@ woothemes
msgctxt "ordering"
msgid "Sort Order"
msgstr "Tri Commande"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:164
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:54
#@ woothemes
msgid "SKU"
msgstr "UGS"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:72
#@ woothemes
msgid "Regular Price"
msgstr "Prix régulier"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:75
#@ woothemes
msgid "Sale Price"
msgstr "Prix de vente"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:78
#@ woothemes
msgid "Sale Price Dates"
msgstr "Dates prix de vente "
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:87
#@ woothemes
msgid "From&hellip;"
msgstr "De&hellip;"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:90
#@ woothemes
msgid "To&hellip;"
msgstr "Pour&hellip;"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:91
#@ woothemes
msgid "Date format"
msgstr "Format de la date"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:134
#: classes/shipping/shipping-flat_rate.php:91
#@ woothemes
msgid "Tax Status"
msgstr "État de la taxe"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:135
#: classes/shipping/shipping-flat_rate.php:96
#@ woothemes
msgid "Taxable"
msgstr "Taxable"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:136
#@ woothemes
msgid "Shipping only"
msgstr "Expédition seulement"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:142
#@ woothemes
msgid "Standard"
msgstr "Standard"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:147
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings-forms.php:299
#@ woothemes
msgid "Tax Class"
msgstr "Classe taxe"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:157
#@ woothemes
msgid "Manage stock?"
msgstr "Gérer les stocks?"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:160
#@ woothemes
msgid "Stock status"
msgstr "État du stock"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:161
#: classes/product.class.php:393
#: classes/product.class.php:412
#@ woothemes
msgid "In stock"
msgstr "En Stock"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:170
#@ woothemes
msgid "Stock Qty"
msgstr "Qté Stock"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:173
#@ woothemes
msgid "Allow Backorders?"
msgstr "Autoriser les commandes en retard ?"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:174
#@ woothemes
msgid "Do not allow"
msgstr "Ne pas autoriser"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:175
#@ woothemes
msgid "Allow, but notify customer"
msgstr "Autoriser, mais avec notification client"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:176
#@ woothemes
msgid "Allow"
msgstr "Autoriser"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:194
#@ woothemes
msgid "Value(s)"
msgstr "Valeur(s)"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:194
#@ woothemes
msgid "Add multiple attributes for text attributes by pipe (|) separating values."
msgstr "Ajoute des attributs multiples pour les attributs textes en les séparant avec |"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:195
#@ woothemes
msgid "Visible?"
msgstr "Visible?"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:195
#@ woothemes
msgid "Enable this to show the attribute on the product page."
msgstr "Activer ceci pour afficher l'attribut sur la page produit"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:196
#@ woothemes
msgid "Variation?"
msgstr "Variation ?"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:196
#@ woothemes
msgid "Enable to use this attribute for variations."
msgstr "Activer pour utiliser cet attribut pour les variations"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:261
#@ woothemes
msgid "Pipe separate terms"
msgstr "Séparation des termes par Pipe (|)"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:298
#@ woothemes
msgid "Custom product attribute"
msgstr "Attribut personnalisé du produit"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:314
#@ woothemes
msgid "Search for product"
msgstr "Recherche pour produit"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:319
#@ woothemes
msgid "Up-Sells"
msgstr "Up-Sells"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:329
#@ woothemes
msgid "Cross-Sells"
msgstr "Cross-Sells"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:445
#@ woothemes
msgid "Product SKU must be unique."
msgstr "L'UGS du produit doit être unique"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:742
#@ woothemes
msgid "Product Type"
msgstr "Type Produit"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:750
#@ woothemes
msgid "Catalog &amp; Search"
msgstr "Catalogue &amp; Recherche"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:752
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-import.php:60
#: widgets/widget-product_search.php:50
#: woocommerce.php:568
#@ woothemes
msgid "Search"
msgstr "Rechercher"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:753
#@ woothemes
msgid "Hidden"
msgstr "Caché"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanels-init.php:22
#@ woothemes
msgid "Product Type &amp; Visibility"
msgstr "Type Produit &amp; Visibilité"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanels-init.php:23
#@ woothemes
msgid "Product Data"
msgstr "Données Produit"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanels-init.php:26
#@ woothemes
msgid "Order Data"
msgstr "Données de la commande"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanels-init.php:27
#@ woothemes
msgid "Order Items <small>&ndash; Note: if you edit quantities or remove items from the order you will need to manually change the item's stock levels.</small>"
msgstr "Eléments commande <small>&ndash; Note : si vous modifiez les quantités ou enlevez les éléments de la commande vous devrez manuellement changer le niveau de stock de l'élément.</small>"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanels-init.php:28
#@ woothemes
msgid "Order Totals"
msgstr "Total de la commande"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanels-init.php:29
#: classes/checkout.class.php:142
#@ woothemes
msgid "Order Notes"
msgstr "Notes de la commande"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanels-init.php:30
#@ woothemes
msgid "Order Actions"
msgstr "Actions sur la commande"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanels-init.php:38
#@ woothemes
msgid "Coupon Data"
msgstr "Données Coupon"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:132
#@ woothemes
msgid "Remove this item? If you have previously reduced this item's stock, or this order was submitted by a customer, will need to manually restore the item's stock."
msgstr "Enlever cet élément? Si vous avez précédemment réduit le stock de cet élément, ou bien si cette commande à été envoyée par un client, vous devrez manuellement restaurer le stock de cet élément."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:134
#@ woothemes
msgid "Copy billing information to shipping information? This will remove any currently entered shipping information."
msgstr "Copier les informations de facturation vers les informations d'expédition? Ceci enlèvera tout ce qui a été entré dans les informations d'expédition."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:140
#@ woothemes
msgid "Item Name"
msgstr "Nom élement"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:142
#@ woothemes
msgid "Cost per unit e.g. 2.99"
msgstr "Coût par unité. Ex : 2.99"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:144
#@ woothemes
msgid "Meta Name"
msgstr "Nom Meta"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:145
#@ woothemes
msgid "Meta Value"
msgstr "Valeur Meta"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:238
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:146
#@ woothemes
msgid "Select terms"
msgstr "Choix Termes"
#: classes/cart.class.php:368
#, php-format
#@ woothemes
msgid "You cannot add that amount to the cart since there is not enough stock. We have %s in stock."
msgstr "Vous ne pouvez pas ajouter ce montant au panier car il n'y a pas assez de stock. Nous avons %s en stock"
#: classes/cart.class.php:371
#: classes/cart.class.php:384
#@ woothemes
msgid "You cannot add that product to the cart since the product is out of stock."
msgstr "Vous ne pouvez ajouter ce produit au panier car nous n'en avons plus en stock."
#: classes/cart.class.php:381
#, php-format
#@ woothemes
msgid "You cannot add that amount to the cart since there is not enough stock. We have %s in stock and you already have %s in your cart."
msgstr "Vous ne pouvez ajouter ce montant au panier car il n'y a pas assez de stock. Nous avons %s en stock et vous en avez déjà %s dans votre panier."
#: classes/cart.class.php:150
#, php-format
#@ woothemes
msgid "Sorry, we do not have enough \"%s\" in stock to fulfill your order (%s in stock). Please edit your cart and try again. We apologise for any inconvenience caused."
msgstr "Désolé, nous n'avons pas assez de \"%s\" en stock pour honorer votre commande (%s en stock). Modifier votre panier svp et essayez encore. Nous sommes désolés pour ce désagrément."
#: classes/cart.class.php:155
#, php-format
#@ woothemes
msgid "Sorry, we do not have enough \"%s\" in stock to fulfill your order. Please edit your cart and try again. We apologise for any inconvenience caused."
msgstr "Désolé, nous n'avons pas assez de \"%s\" en stock pour honorer votre commande. Modifiez votre panier svp et essayez à nouveau. Nous nous excusons pour ce désagrément."
#: classes/cart.class.php:1004
#: classes/order.class.php:286
#: classes/product.class.php:606
#: classes/product.class.php:612
#@ woothemes
msgid "Free!"
msgstr "Gratuit!"
#: classes/cart.class.php:1046
#@ woothemes
msgid "Discount code already applied!"
msgstr "Code Promo déjà utilisé!"
#: classes/cart.class.php:1052
#@ woothemes
msgid "Invalid coupon."
msgstr "Coupon non valide"
#: classes/cart.class.php:1070
#@ woothemes
msgid "Discount code applied successfully."
msgstr "Code Promo appliqué avec succès."
#: classes/cart.class.php:1074
#@ woothemes
msgid "Coupon does not exist!"
msgstr "Code Coupon inexistant!"
#: classes/countries.class.php:905
#: templates/myaccount/edit-address.php:31
#@ woothemes
msgid "Address"
msgstr "Adresse"
#: templates/myaccount/edit-address.php:97
#@ woothemes
msgid "you@yourdomain.com"
msgstr "you@yourdomain.com"
#: classes/countries.class.php:969
#: templates/myaccount/edit-address.php:100
#@ woothemes
msgid "Phone"
msgstr "Tel"
#: classes/checkout.class.php:46
#@ woothemes
msgid "Billing &amp Shipping"
msgstr "Facturation &amp Expédition"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:88
#: classes/checkout.class.php:48
#: templates/myaccount/edit-address.php:13
#: templates/myaccount/my-account.php:88
#: templates/order/order-details-table.php:123
#: templates/order/tracking.php:49
#@ woothemes
msgid "Billing Address"
msgstr "Adresse de Facturation"
#: classes/checkout.class.php:63
#@ woothemes
msgid "Create an account?"
msgstr "Créer un Compte?"
#: classes/checkout.class.php:69
#@ woothemes
msgid "Create an account by entering the information below. If you are a returning customer please login with your username at the top of the page."
msgstr "Créez un compte en entrant les informations ci-dessous. Si vous en possédez déjà un, connectez vous avec votre nom d'utilisateur en haut de la page."
#: classes/checkout.class.php:73
#@ woothemes
msgid "Account username"
msgstr "Nom d'Utilisateur du Compte"
#: classes/checkout.class.php:74
#: templates/myaccount/login.php:16
#: templates/myaccount/login.php:42
#: templates/shop/login-form.php:13
#: widgets/widget-login.php:93
#@ woothemes
msgid "Username"
msgstr "Nom d'Utilisateur"
#: classes/checkout.class.php:78
#: classes/checkout.class.php:84
#@ woothemes
msgid "Account password"
msgstr "Mot de Passe Compte"
#: classes/checkout.class.php:79
#: classes/checkout.class.php:85
#: templates/myaccount/login.php:20
#: templates/myaccount/login.php:52
#: templates/shop/login-form.php:17
#: widgets/widget-login.php:95
#@ woothemes
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Mot de Passe"
#: classes/checkout.class.php:114
#@ woothemes
msgid "Ship to same address?"
msgstr "Envoyer à la même adresse?"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:116
#: classes/checkout.class.php:116
#: templates/myaccount/edit-address.php:13
#: templates/myaccount/my-account.php:116
#: templates/order/order-details-table.php:110
#: templates/order/tracking.php:53
#@ woothemes
msgid "Shipping Address"
msgstr "Adresse de Livraison"
#: classes/checkout.class.php:143
#@ woothemes
msgid "Notes about your order, e.g. special notes for delivery."
msgstr "Notes concernant votre commande. Ex : Détails de livraison"
#: classes/checkout.class.php:179
#: templates/cart/shipping_calculator.php:18
#: templates/myaccount/edit-address.php:53
#@ woothemes
msgid "Select a country&hellip;"
msgstr "Choix de Pays&hellip;"
#: classes/checkout.class.php:205
#: templates/cart/shipping_calculator.php:39
#: templates/myaccount/edit-address.php:78
#@ woothemes
msgid "Select a state&hellip;"
msgstr "Choix de Région&hellip;"
#: classes/checkout.class.php:263
#, php-format
#@ woothemes
msgid "Sorry, your session has expired. <a href=\"%s\">Return to homepage &rarr;</a>"
msgstr "Désolé, votre session a expiré. <a href=\"%s\">Retour à l'accueil &rarr;</a>"
#: classes/checkout.class.php:300
#@ woothemes
msgid " (billing) is not a valid postcode/ZIP."
msgstr "(facture) n'est pas un code postal valide."
#: classes/checkout.class.php:306
#@ woothemes
msgid " (billing) is not a valid number."
msgstr "(facture) n'est pas un nombre valide."
#: classes/checkout.class.php:309
#@ woothemes
msgid " (billing) is not a valid email address."
msgstr "(facture) n'est pas une adresse email valide."
#: classes/checkout.class.php:314
#@ woothemes
msgid " (billing) is a required field."
msgstr "(facture) est un champ requis."
#: classes/checkout.class.php:338
#@ woothemes
msgid " (shipping) is not a valid postcode/ZIP."
msgstr "(livraison) n'est pas un code postal valide."
#: classes/checkout.class.php:346
#@ woothemes
msgid " (shipping) is a required field."
msgstr "(livraison) est un champ requis."
#: classes/checkout.class.php:377
#@ woothemes
msgid "Please enter an account username."
msgstr "Entrez un nom d'utilisateur."
#: classes/checkout.class.php:378
#@ woothemes
msgid "Please enter an account password."
msgstr "Entre un mot de passe, svp."
#: classes/checkout.class.php:379
#: shortcodes/shortcode-my_account.php:260
#: woocommerce-functions.php:486
#@ woothemes
msgid "Passwords do not match."
msgstr "Mots de passe non correspondants"
#: classes/checkout.class.php:383
#@ woothemes
msgid "Invalid email/username."
msgstr "Email/nom d'utilisateur non valide."
#: classes/checkout.class.php:385
#@ woothemes
msgid "An account is already registered with that username. Please choose another."
msgstr "Un compte est déjà enregistré avec ce nom d'utilisateur. Choisissez en un autre, svp."
#: classes/checkout.class.php:390
#@ woothemes
msgid "An account is already registered with your email address. Please login."
msgstr "Un compte est déjà enregistré avec cette adresse email. Connectez vous, svp."
#: classes/checkout.class.php:395
#@ woothemes
msgid "You must accept our Terms &amp; Conditions."
msgstr "Vous devez accepter nos Termes &amp; Conditions."
#: classes/checkout.class.php:403
#@ woothemes
msgid "Invalid shipping method."
msgstr "Méthode de livraison non valide."
#: classes/checkout.class.php:413
#@ woothemes
msgid "Invalid payment method."
msgstr "Méthode de paiement non valide."
#: classes/checkout.class.php:441
#: woocommerce-functions.php:503
#, php-format
#@ woothemes
msgid "<strong>ERROR</strong>: Couldn&#8217;t register you... please contact the <a href=\"mailto:%s\">webmaster</a> !"
msgstr "<strong>ERREUR</strong>: Nous ne pouvons vous enregistrer... contactez le <a href=\"mailto:%s\">webmaster</a>, svp !"
#: classes/countries.class.php:471
#@ woothemes
msgid "to the"
msgstr "pour le"
#: classes/countries.class.php:472
#@ woothemes
msgid "to"
msgstr "pour"
#: classes/gateways/gateway-banktransfer.php:50
#: classes/gateways/gateway-cheque.php:44
#: classes/gateways/gateway-paypal.php:95
#: classes/shipping/shipping-flat_rate.php:50
#: classes/shipping/shipping-free_shipping.php:44
#@ woothemes
msgid "Enable/Disable"
msgstr "Activer/Désactiver"
#: classes/gateways/gateway-banktransfer.php:52
#@ woothemes
msgid "Enable Bank Transfer"
msgstr "Activer Virement Bancaire"
#: classes/gateways/gateway-banktransfer.php:56
#: classes/gateways/gateway-cheque.php:50
#: classes/gateways/gateway-paypal.php:101
#@ woothemes
msgid "Title"
msgstr "Titre"
#: classes/gateways/gateway-banktransfer.php:58
#: classes/gateways/gateway-cheque.php:52
#: classes/gateways/gateway-paypal.php:103
#: classes/shipping/shipping-flat_rate.php:58
#: classes/shipping/shipping-free_shipping.php:52
#@ woothemes
msgid "This controls the title which the user sees during checkout."
msgstr "Ceci contrôle le titre que les utilisateurs verront durant la commande."
#: classes/gateways/gateway-banktransfer.php:59
#@ woothemes
msgid "Direct Bank Transfer"
msgstr "Virement Bancaire Direct"
#: classes/gateways/gateway-banktransfer.php:62
#: classes/gateways/gateway-cheque.php:56
#@ woothemes
msgid "Customer Message"
msgstr "Message Client"
#: classes/gateways/gateway-banktransfer.php:64
#@ woothemes
msgid "Give the customer instructions for paying via BACS, and let them know that their order won't be shipping until the money is received."
msgstr "Donne au client les instructions pour régler via BACS, et l'informer que sa commande ne sera pas envoyée avant que le règlement ne soit reçu."
#: classes/gateways/gateway-banktransfer.php:65
#@ woothemes
msgid "Make your payment directly into our bank account. Please use your Order ID as the payment reference. Your order wont be shipped until the funds have cleared in our account."
msgstr "Effectuez votre paiement directement avec votre compte bancaire. Utilisez votre ID de commande comme référence de paiement. Votre commande ne sera pas livrée avant le règlement de la commande."
#: classes/gateways/gateway-banktransfer.php:68
#: classes/gateways/gateway-banktransfer.php:141
#: classes/gateways/gateway-banktransfer.php:174
#@ woothemes
msgid "Account Name"
msgstr "Nom Compte"
#: classes/gateways/gateway-banktransfer.php:74
#: classes/gateways/gateway-banktransfer.php:142
#: classes/gateways/gateway-banktransfer.php:175
#@ woothemes
msgid "Account Number"
msgstr "Numéro Compte"
#: classes/gateways/gateway-banktransfer.php:80
#: classes/gateways/gateway-banktransfer.php:143
#: classes/gateways/gateway-banktransfer.php:176
#@ woothemes
msgid "Sort Code"
msgstr "Sort Code"
#: classes/gateways/gateway-banktransfer.php:86
#: classes/gateways/gateway-banktransfer.php:144
#: classes/gateways/gateway-banktransfer.php:177
#@ woothemes
msgid "Bank Name"
msgstr "Nom Banque"
#: classes/gateways/gateway-banktransfer.php:92
#: classes/gateways/gateway-banktransfer.php:145
#: classes/gateways/gateway-banktransfer.php:178
#@ woothemes
msgid "IBAN"
msgstr "IBAN"
#: classes/gateways/gateway-banktransfer.php:94
#: classes/gateways/gateway-banktransfer.php:100
#@ woothemes
msgid "Your bank may require this for international payments"
msgstr "Votre banque peut demander ceci pour les règlements internationaux"
#: classes/gateways/gateway-banktransfer.php:98
#@ woothemes
msgid "BIC (formerly Swift)"
msgstr "BIC (anciennement Swift)"
#: classes/gateways/gateway-banktransfer.php:116
#@ woothemes
msgid "BACS Payment"
msgstr "Paiement BACS"
#: classes/gateways/gateway-banktransfer.php:117
#@ woothemes
msgid "Allows payments by BACS (Bank Account Clearing System), more commonly known as direct bank/wire transfer."
msgstr "Autorise les paiement par BACS (Bank Account Clearing System), plus communément connu comme banque/virement bancaire"
#: classes/gateways/gateway-banktransfer.php:138
#: classes/gateways/gateway-banktransfer.php:171
#@ woothemes
msgid "Our Details"
msgstr "Nos Détails"
#: classes/gateways/gateway-banktransfer.php:146
#: classes/gateways/gateway-banktransfer.php:179
#@ woothemes
msgid "BIC"
msgstr "BIC"
#: classes/gateways/gateway-banktransfer.php:200
#@ woothemes
msgid "Awaiting BACS payment"
msgstr "En attente de paiement BACS"
#: classes/gateways/gateway-cheque.php:46
#@ woothemes
msgid "Enable Cheque Payment"
msgstr "Activer Paiement Chèque"
#: classes/gateways/gateway-cheque.php:53
#: classes/gateways/gateway-cheque.php:74
#@ woothemes
msgid "Cheque Payment"
msgstr "Paiement Chèque"
#: classes/gateways/gateway-cheque.php:75
#@ woothemes
msgid "Allows cheque payments. Why would you take cheques in this day and age? Well you probably wouldn't but it does allow you to make test purchases for testing order emails and the 'success' pages etc."
msgstr "Autorise les paiements par chèque. Pourquoi voudriez-vous prendre des chèques? Et bien, vous ne l'utiliserez probablement pas, mais cela vous permet de faire des achats de test pour tester des emails ordre et le «succès» des pages etc"
#: classes/gateways/gateway-cheque.php:115
#@ woothemes
msgid "Awaiting cheque payment"
msgstr "En attente règlement par chèque"
#: classes/gateways/gateway-paypal.php:97
#@ woothemes
msgid "Enable PayPal standard"
msgstr "Activer PayPal standard"
#: classes/gateways/gateway-paypal.php:104
#@ woothemes
msgid "PayPal"
msgstr "PayPal"
#: classes/gateways/gateway-paypal.php:107
#: templates/single-product/tabs/description-tab.php:1
#@ woothemes
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Description"
#: classes/gateways/gateway-paypal.php:109
#@ woothemes
msgid "This controls the description which the user sees during checkout."
msgstr "Ceci contrôle la description que les utilisateurs verront durant le réglement."
#: classes/gateways/gateway-paypal.php:110
#@ woothemes
msgid "Pay via PayPal; you can pay with your credit card if you don't have a PayPal account"
msgstr "Régler via PayPal, vous pouvez régler avec votre carte bancaire même si vous ne possédez pas de compte PayPal"
#: classes/gateways/gateway-paypal.php:113
#@ woothemes
msgid "PayPal Email"
msgstr "Email PayPal"
#: classes/gateways/gateway-paypal.php:115
#@ woothemes
msgid "Please enter your PayPal email address; this is needed in order to take payment."
msgstr "Entrez votre adresse email PayPal, svp, ceci est nécessaire dans la commande pour prendre le paiement."
#: classes/gateways/gateway-paypal.php:119
#@ woothemes
msgid "Shipping details"
msgstr "Détails Expédition"
#: classes/gateways/gateway-paypal.php:125
#@ woothemes
msgid "PayPal sandbox"
msgstr "PayPal sandbox"
#: classes/gateways/gateway-paypal.php:127
#@ woothemes
msgid "Enable PayPal sandbox"
msgstr "Activer PayPal sandbox"
#: classes/gateways/gateway-paypal.php:67
#@ woothemes
msgid "PayPal standard"
msgstr "PayPal standard"
#: classes/gateways/gateway-paypal.php:68
#@ woothemes
msgid "PayPal standard works by sending the user to PayPal to enter their payment information."
msgstr "PayPal standard fonctionne en envoyant l'utilisateur vers PayPal pour entrer ces informations de règlement."
#: classes/gateways/gateway-paypal.php:236
#: classes/gateways/gateway-paypal.php:270
#@ woothemes
msgid "Shipping cost"
msgstr "Coût Expédition"
#: classes/gateways/gateway-paypal.php:306
#@ woothemes
msgid "Pay via PayPal"
msgstr "Régler via PayPal"
#: classes/gateways/gateway-paypal.php:306
#@ woothemes
msgid "Cancel order &amp; restore cart"
msgstr "Annuler la commande et restaurer le panier"
#: classes/gateways/gateway-paypal.php:285
#@ woothemes
msgid "Thank you for your order. We are now redirecting you to PayPal to make payment."
msgstr "Merci de votre commande. Nous allons maintenant vous rediriger vers PayPal pour effectuer votre paiement."
#: classes/gateways/gateway-paypal.php:330
#@ woothemes
msgid "Thank you for your order, please click the button below to pay with PayPal."
msgstr "Merci de votre commande, cliquez sur le bouton ci-dessous pour régler via PayPal, svp."
#: classes/gateways/gateway-paypal.php:427
#@ woothemes
msgid "IPN payment completed"
msgstr "Paiement IPN complété"
#: classes/gateways/gateway-paypal.php:443
#: classes/gateways/gateway-paypal.php:450
#, php-format
#@ woothemes
msgid "Payment %s via IPN."
msgstr "Paiement %s via IPN"
#: classes/woocommerce_settings_api.class.php:36
#@ woothemes
msgid "This function needs to be overridden by your payment gateway class."
msgstr "Cette fonction doit être remplacée par votre classe de passerelle de paiement."
#: classes/order.class.php:283
#, php-format
#@ woothemes
msgid " <small>%svia %s</small>"
msgstr " <small>%svia %s</small>"
#: classes/order.class.php:507
#, php-format
#@ woothemes
msgid "Order status changed from %s to %s."
msgstr "État de la commande modifié de %s à %s"
#: classes/order.class.php:648
#@ woothemes
msgid "Order item stock reduced successfully."
msgstr "Stock d'élément de la commande diminué avec succès"
#: classes/product.class.php:398
#: classes/product.class.php:403
#@ woothemes
msgid "available"
msgstr "disponible"
#: classes/product.class.php:399
#@ woothemes
msgid " (backorders allowed)"
msgstr "(backorders autorisés)"
#: classes/product.class.php:410
#: classes/product.class.php:422
#@ woothemes
msgid "Available on backorder"
msgstr "Disponible en backorder"
#: classes/product.class.php:662
#: templates/single-product-reviews.php:29
#, php-format
#@ woothemes
msgid "Rated %s out of 5"
msgstr "Note %s sur 5"
#: classes/shipping/shipping-flat_rate.php:16
#@ woothemes
msgid "Flat rate"
msgstr "Taux Fixe"
#: classes/shipping/shipping-flat_rate.php:278
#: classes/shipping/shipping-flat_rate.php:286
#@ woothemes
msgid "Flat Rates"
msgstr "Taux Fixes"
#: classes/shipping/shipping-flat_rate.php:279
#@ woothemes
msgid "Flat rates let you define a standard rate per item, or per order."
msgstr "Les taux fixes vous laissent définir un taux standard par élément, ou par commande."
#: classes/shipping/shipping-flat_rate.php:56
#: classes/shipping/shipping-free_shipping.php:50
#@ woothemes
msgid "Method Title"
msgstr "Titre Méthode"
#: classes/shipping/shipping-flat_rate.php:103
#@ woothemes
msgid "Cost excluding tax. Enter an amount, e.g. 2.50."
msgstr "Coût sans les taxes. Entrez un montant. Ex : 2.50."
#: classes/shipping/shipping-flat_rate.php:294
#@ woothemes
msgid "Handling Fee"
msgstr "Frais de manutention"
#: classes/shipping/shipping-flat_rate.php:109
#@ woothemes
msgid "Fee excluding tax. Enter an amount, e.g. 2.50, or a percentage, e.g. 5%. Leave blank to disable."
msgstr "Les frais sans les taxes. Entrez un montant (Ex : 2.50) ou un pourcentage (Ex : 5%). Laissez vide pour désactiver."
#: classes/shipping/shipping-flat_rate.php:62
#: classes/shipping/shipping-free_shipping.php:69
#@ woothemes
msgid "Method availability"
msgstr "Méthode de disponibilité"
#: classes/shipping/shipping-flat_rate.php:67
#: classes/shipping/shipping-free_shipping.php:74
#@ woothemes
msgid "All allowed countries"
msgstr "Tous les pays autorisés"
#: classes/shipping/shipping-free_shipping.php:16
#@ woothemes
msgid "Free shipping"
msgstr "Livraison gratuite"
#: classes/shipping/shipping-free_shipping.php:53
#: classes/shipping/shipping-free_shipping.php:100
#@ woothemes
msgid "Free Shipping"
msgstr "Livraison Gratuite"
#: classes/shipping/shipping-free_shipping.php:46
#@ woothemes
msgid "Enable Free Shipping"
msgstr "Activer Livraison Gratuite"
#: classes/shipping/shipping-free_shipping.php:56
#@ woothemes
msgid "Minimum Order Amount"
msgstr "Montant minimum de commande"
#: classes/shipping/shipping-free_shipping.php:58
#@ woothemes
msgid "Users will need to spend this amount to get free shipping. Leave blank to disable."
msgstr "Les utilisateurs auront besoin de dépenser cette somme pour obtenir la livraison gratuite. Laissez vide pour désactiver."
#: classes/countries.class.php:30
#@ woothemes
msgid "Andorra"
msgstr "Andorra"
#: classes/countries.class.php:256
#@ woothemes
msgid "United Arab Emirates"
msgstr "Émirats Arabes Unis"
#: classes/countries.class.php:25
#@ woothemes
msgid "Afghanistan"
msgstr "Afghanistan"
#: classes/countries.class.php:34
#@ woothemes
msgid "Antigua and Barbuda"
msgstr "Antigua and Barbuda"
#: classes/countries.class.php:32
#@ woothemes
msgid "Anguilla"
msgstr "Anguilla"
#: classes/countries.class.php:27
#@ woothemes
msgid "Albania"
msgstr "Albania"
#: classes/countries.class.php:36
#@ woothemes
msgid "Armenia"
msgstr "Armenia"
#: classes/countries.class.php:176
#@ woothemes
msgid "Netherlands Antilles"
msgstr "Netherlands Antilles"
#: classes/countries.class.php:31
#@ woothemes
msgid "Angola"
msgstr "Angola"
#: classes/countries.class.php:33
#@ woothemes
msgid "Antarctica"
msgstr "Antarctica"
#: classes/countries.class.php:35
#@ woothemes
msgid "Argentina"
msgstr "Argentina"
#: classes/countries.class.php:29
#@ woothemes
msgid "American Samoa"
msgstr "American Samoa"
#: classes/countries.class.php:39
#@ woothemes
msgid "Austria"
msgstr "Austria"
#: classes/countries.class.php:38
#@ woothemes
msgid "Australia"
msgstr "Australia"
#: classes/countries.class.php:37
#@ woothemes
msgid "Aruba"
msgstr "Aruba"
#: classes/countries.class.php:26
#@ woothemes
msgid "Aland Islands"
msgstr "Aland Islands"
#: classes/countries.class.php:40
#@ woothemes
msgid "Azerbaijan"
msgstr "Azerbaijan"
#: classes/countries.class.php:52
#@ woothemes
msgid "Bosnia and Herzegovina"
msgstr "Bosnia and Herzegovina"
#: classes/countries.class.php:44
#@ woothemes
msgid "Barbados"
msgstr "Barbados"
#: classes/countries.class.php:43
#@ woothemes
msgid "Bangladesh"
msgstr "Bangladesh"
#: classes/countries.class.php:46
#@ woothemes
msgid "Belgium"
msgstr "Belgique"
#: classes/countries.class.php:59
#@ woothemes
msgid "Burkina Faso"
msgstr "Burkina Faso"
#: classes/countries.class.php:58
#@ woothemes
msgid "Bulgaria"
msgstr "Bulgaria"
#: classes/countries.class.php:42
#@ woothemes
msgid "Bahrain"
msgstr "Bahrain"
#: classes/countries.class.php:60
#@ woothemes
msgid "Burundi"
msgstr "Burundi"
#: classes/countries.class.php:48
#@ woothemes
msgid "Benin"
msgstr "Benin"
#: classes/countries.class.php:205
#@ woothemes
msgid "Saint Barthélemy"
msgstr "Saint Barthélemy"
#: classes/countries.class.php:49
#@ woothemes
msgid "Bermuda"
msgstr "Bermuda"
#: classes/countries.class.php:57
#@ woothemes
msgid "Brunei"
msgstr "Brunei"
#: classes/countries.class.php:51
#@ woothemes
msgid "Bolivia"
msgstr "Bolivia"
#: classes/countries.class.php:54
#@ woothemes
msgid "Brazil"
msgstr "Brazil"
#: classes/countries.class.php:41
#@ woothemes
msgid "Bahamas"
msgstr "Bahamas"
#: classes/countries.class.php:50
#@ woothemes
msgid "Bhutan"
msgstr "Bhutan"
#: classes/countries.class.php:53
#@ woothemes
msgid "Botswana"
msgstr "Botswana"
#: classes/countries.class.php:45
#@ woothemes
msgid "Belarus"
msgstr "Belarus"
#: classes/countries.class.php:47
#@ woothemes
msgid "Belize"
msgstr "Belize"
#: classes/countries.class.php:63
#@ woothemes
msgid "Canada"
msgstr "Canada"
#: classes/countries.class.php:71
#@ woothemes
msgid "Cocos (Keeling) Islands"
msgstr "Cocos (Keeling) Islands"
#: classes/countries.class.php:75
#@ woothemes
msgid "Congo (Kinshasa)"
msgstr "Congo (Kinshasa)"
#: classes/countries.class.php:66
#@ woothemes
msgid "Central African Republic"
msgstr "Central African Republic"
#: classes/countries.class.php:74
#@ woothemes
msgid "Congo (Brazzaville)"
msgstr "Congo (Brazzaville)"
#: classes/countries.class.php:235
#@ woothemes
msgid "Switzerland"
msgstr "Suisse"
#: classes/countries.class.php:130
#@ woothemes
msgid "Ivory Coast"
msgstr "Ivory Coast"
#: classes/countries.class.php:76
#@ woothemes
msgid "Cook Islands"
msgstr "Cook Islands"
#: classes/countries.class.php:68
#@ woothemes
msgid "Chile"
msgstr "Chile"
#: classes/countries.class.php:62
#@ woothemes
msgid "Cameroon"
msgstr "Cameroon"
#: classes/countries.class.php:69
#@ woothemes
msgid "China"
msgstr "China"
#: classes/countries.class.php:72
#@ woothemes
msgid "Colombia"
msgstr "Colombia"
#: classes/countries.class.php:77
#@ woothemes
msgid "Costa Rica"
msgstr "Costa Rica"
#: classes/countries.class.php:79
#@ woothemes
msgid "Cuba"
msgstr "Cuba"
#: classes/countries.class.php:64
#@ woothemes
msgid "Cape Verde"
msgstr "Cape Verde"
#: classes/countries.class.php:70
#@ woothemes
msgid "Christmas Island"
msgstr "Christmas Island"
#: classes/countries.class.php:80
#@ woothemes
msgid "Cyprus"
msgstr "Cyprus"
#: classes/countries.class.php:81
#@ woothemes
msgid "Czech Republic"
msgstr "Czech Republic"
#: classes/countries.class.php:104
#@ woothemes
msgid "Germany"
msgstr "Allemagne"
#: classes/countries.class.php:83
#@ woothemes
msgid "Djibouti"
msgstr "Djibouti"
#: classes/countries.class.php:82
#@ woothemes
msgid "Denmark"
msgstr "Denmark"
#: classes/countries.class.php:84
#@ woothemes
msgid "Dominica"
msgstr "Dominica"
#: classes/countries.class.php:85
#@ woothemes
msgid "Dominican Republic"
msgstr "Dominican Republic"
#: classes/countries.class.php:28
#@ woothemes
msgid "Algeria"
msgstr "Algeria"
#: classes/countries.class.php:86
#@ woothemes
msgid "Ecuador"
msgstr "Ecuador"
#: classes/countries.class.php:91
#@ woothemes
msgid "Estonia"
msgstr "Estonia"
#: classes/countries.class.php:87
#@ woothemes
msgid "Egypt"
msgstr "Egypt"
#: classes/countries.class.php:266
#@ woothemes
msgid "Western Sahara"
msgstr "Western Sahara"
#: classes/countries.class.php:90
#@ woothemes
msgid "Eritrea"
msgstr "Eritrea"
#: classes/countries.class.php:228
#@ woothemes
msgid "Spain"
msgstr "Espagne"
#: classes/countries.class.php:92
#@ woothemes
msgid "Ethiopia"
msgstr "Ethiopia"
#: classes/countries.class.php:96
#@ woothemes
msgid "Finland"
msgstr "Finland"
#: classes/countries.class.php:95
#@ woothemes
msgid "Fiji"
msgstr "Fiji"
#: classes/countries.class.php:93
#@ woothemes
msgid "Falkland Islands"
msgstr "Falkland Islands"
#: classes/countries.class.php:163
#@ woothemes
msgid "Micronesia"
msgstr "Micronesia"
#: classes/countries.class.php:94
#@ woothemes
msgid "Faroe Islands"
msgstr "Faroe Islands"
#: classes/countries.class.php:97
#@ woothemes
msgid "France"
msgstr "France"
#: classes/countries.class.php:101
#@ woothemes
msgid "Gabon"
msgstr "Gabon"
#: classes/countries.class.php:257
#@ woothemes
msgid "United Kingdom"
msgstr "Royaume Uni"
#: classes/countries.class.php:109
#@ woothemes
msgid "Grenada"
msgstr "Grenada"
#: classes/countries.class.php:103
#: classes/countries.class.php:362
#@ woothemes
msgid "Georgia"
msgstr "Georgia"
#: classes/countries.class.php:98
#@ woothemes
msgid "French Guiana"
msgstr "French Guiana"
#: classes/countries.class.php:113
#@ woothemes
msgid "Guernsey"
msgstr "Guernsey"
#: classes/countries.class.php:105
#@ woothemes
msgid "Ghana"
msgstr "Ghana"
#: classes/countries.class.php:106
#@ woothemes
msgid "Gibraltar"
msgstr "Gibraltar"
#: classes/countries.class.php:108
#@ woothemes
msgid "Greenland"
msgstr "Greenland"
#: classes/countries.class.php:102
#@ woothemes
msgid "Gambia"
msgstr "Gambia"
#: classes/countries.class.php:114
#@ woothemes
msgid "Guinea"
msgstr "Guinea"
#: classes/countries.class.php:110
#@ woothemes
msgid "Guadeloupe"
msgstr "Guadeloupe"
#: classes/countries.class.php:89
#@ woothemes
msgid "Equatorial Guinea"
msgstr "Equatorial Guinea"
#: classes/countries.class.php:107
#@ woothemes
msgid "Greece"
msgstr "Greece"
#: classes/countries.class.php:112
#@ woothemes
msgid "Guatemala"
msgstr "Guatemala"
#: classes/countries.class.php:111
#@ woothemes
msgid "Guam"
msgstr "Guam"
#: classes/countries.class.php:115
#@ woothemes
msgid "Guinea-Bissau"
msgstr "Guinea-Bissau"
#: classes/countries.class.php:116
#@ woothemes
msgid "Guyana"
msgstr "Guyana"
#: classes/countries.class.php:118
#@ woothemes
msgid "Honduras"
msgstr "Honduras"
#: classes/countries.class.php:78
#@ woothemes
msgid "Croatia"
msgstr "Croatia"
#: classes/countries.class.php:117
#@ woothemes
msgid "Haiti"
msgstr "Haiti"
#: classes/countries.class.php:120
#@ woothemes
msgid "Hungary"
msgstr "Hungary"
#: classes/countries.class.php:123
#@ woothemes
msgid "Indonesia"
msgstr "Indonesia"
#: classes/countries.class.php:126
#@ woothemes
msgid "Ireland"
msgstr "Ireland"
#: classes/countries.class.php:128
#@ woothemes
msgid "Israel"
msgstr "Israel"
#: classes/countries.class.php:127
#@ woothemes
msgid "Isle of Man"
msgstr "Isle of Man"
#: classes/countries.class.php:122
#@ woothemes
msgid "India"
msgstr "India"
#: classes/countries.class.php:55
#@ woothemes
msgid "British Indian Ocean Territory"
msgstr "British Indian Ocean Territory"
#: classes/countries.class.php:125
#@ woothemes
msgid "Iraq"
msgstr "Iraq"
#: classes/countries.class.php:124
#@ woothemes
msgid "Iran"
msgstr "Iran"
#: classes/countries.class.php:121
#@ woothemes
msgid "Iceland"
msgstr "Iceland"
#: classes/countries.class.php:129
#@ woothemes
msgid "Italy"
msgstr "Italy"
#: classes/countries.class.php:133
#@ woothemes
msgid "Jersey"
msgstr "Jersey"
#: classes/countries.class.php:131
#@ woothemes
msgid "Jamaica"
msgstr "Jamaica"
#: classes/countries.class.php:134
#@ woothemes
msgid "Jordan"
msgstr "Jordan"
#: classes/countries.class.php:132
#@ woothemes
msgid "Japan"
msgstr "Japan"
#: classes/countries.class.php:136
#@ woothemes
msgid "Kenya"
msgstr "Kenya"
#: classes/countries.class.php:139
#@ woothemes
msgid "Kyrgyzstan"
msgstr "Kyrgyzstan"
#: classes/countries.class.php:61
#@ woothemes
msgid "Cambodia"
msgstr "Cambodia"
#: classes/countries.class.php:137
#@ woothemes
msgid "Kiribati"
msgstr "Kiribati"
#: classes/countries.class.php:73
#@ woothemes
msgid "Comoros"
msgstr "Comoros"
#: classes/countries.class.php:207
#@ woothemes
msgid "Saint Kitts and Nevis"
msgstr "Saint Kitts and Nevis"
#: classes/countries.class.php:184
#@ woothemes
msgid "North Korea"
msgstr "North Korea"
#: classes/countries.class.php:227
#@ woothemes
msgid "South Korea"
msgstr "South Korea"
#: classes/countries.class.php:138
#@ woothemes
msgid "Kuwait"
msgstr "Kuwait"
#: classes/countries.class.php:65
#@ woothemes
msgid "Cayman Islands"
msgstr "Cayman Islands"
#: classes/countries.class.php:135
#@ woothemes
msgid "Kazakhstan"
msgstr "Kazakhstan"
#: classes/countries.class.php:140
#@ woothemes
msgid "Laos"
msgstr "Laos"
#: classes/countries.class.php:142
#@ woothemes
msgid "Lebanon"
msgstr "Lebanon"
#: classes/countries.class.php:208
#@ woothemes
msgid "Saint Lucia"
msgstr "Saint Lucia"
#: classes/countries.class.php:146
#@ woothemes
msgid "Liechtenstein"
msgstr "Liechtenstein"
#: classes/countries.class.php:229
#@ woothemes
msgid "Sri Lanka"
msgstr "Sri Lanka"
#: classes/countries.class.php:144
#@ woothemes
msgid "Liberia"
msgstr "Liberia"
#: classes/countries.class.php:143
#@ woothemes
msgid "Lesotho"
msgstr "Lesotho"
#: classes/countries.class.php:147
#@ woothemes
msgid "Lithuania"
msgstr "Lithuania"
#: classes/countries.class.php:148
#@ woothemes
msgid "Luxembourg"
msgstr "Luxembourg"
#: classes/countries.class.php:141
#@ woothemes
msgid "Latvia"
msgstr "Latvia"
#: classes/countries.class.php:145
#@ woothemes
msgid "Libya"
msgstr "Libya"
#: classes/countries.class.php:169
#@ woothemes
msgid "Morocco"
msgstr "Morocco"
#: classes/countries.class.php:165
#@ woothemes
msgid "Monaco"
msgstr "Monaco"
#: classes/countries.class.php:164
#@ woothemes
msgid "Moldova"
msgstr "Moldova"
#: classes/countries.class.php:167
#@ woothemes
msgid "Montenegro"
msgstr "Montenegro"
#: classes/countries.class.php:209
#@ woothemes
msgid "Saint Martin (French part)"
msgstr "Saint Martin (French part)"
#: classes/countries.class.php:151
#@ woothemes
msgid "Madagascar"
msgstr "Madagascar"
#: classes/countries.class.php:157
#@ woothemes
msgid "Marshall Islands"
msgstr "Marshall Islands"
#: classes/countries.class.php:150
#@ woothemes
msgid "Macedonia"
msgstr "Macedonia"
#: classes/countries.class.php:155
#@ woothemes
msgid "Mali"
msgstr "Mali"
#: classes/countries.class.php:171
#@ woothemes
msgid "Myanmar"
msgstr "Myanmar"
#: classes/countries.class.php:166
#@ woothemes
msgid "Mongolia"
msgstr "Mongolia"
#: classes/countries.class.php:149
#@ woothemes
msgid "Macao S.A.R., China"
msgstr "Macao S.A.R., China"
#: classes/countries.class.php:185
#@ woothemes
msgid "Northern Mariana Islands"
msgstr "Northern Mariana Islands"
#: classes/countries.class.php:158
#@ woothemes
msgid "Martinique"
msgstr "Martinique"
#: classes/countries.class.php:159
#@ woothemes
msgid "Mauritania"
msgstr "Mauritania"
#: classes/countries.class.php:168
#@ woothemes
msgid "Montserrat"
msgstr "Montserrat"
#: classes/countries.class.php:156
#@ woothemes
msgid "Malta"
msgstr "Malta"
#: classes/countries.class.php:160
#@ woothemes
msgid "Mauritius"
msgstr "Mauritius"
#: classes/countries.class.php:154
#@ woothemes
msgid "Maldives"
msgstr "Maldives"
#: classes/countries.class.php:152
#@ woothemes
msgid "Malawi"
msgstr "Malawi"
#: classes/countries.class.php:162
#@ woothemes
msgid "Mexico"
msgstr "Mexico"
#: classes/countries.class.php:153
#@ woothemes
msgid "Malaysia"
msgstr "Malaysia"
#: classes/countries.class.php:170
#@ woothemes
msgid "Mozambique"
msgstr "Mozambique"
#: classes/countries.class.php:172
#@ woothemes
msgid "Namibia"
msgstr "Namibia"
#: classes/countries.class.php:177
#@ woothemes
msgid "New Caledonia"
msgstr "New Caledonia"
#: classes/countries.class.php:180
#@ woothemes
msgid "Niger"
msgstr "Niger"
#: classes/countries.class.php:183
#@ woothemes
msgid "Norfolk Island"
msgstr "Norfolk Island"
#: classes/countries.class.php:181
#@ woothemes
msgid "Nigeria"
msgstr "Nigeria"
#: classes/countries.class.php:179
#@ woothemes
msgid "Nicaragua"
msgstr "Nicaragua"
#: classes/countries.class.php:175
#@ woothemes
msgid "Netherlands"
msgstr "Netherlands"
#: classes/countries.class.php:186
#@ woothemes
msgid "Norway"
msgstr "Norway"
#: classes/countries.class.php:174
#@ woothemes
msgid "Nepal"
msgstr "Nepal"
#: classes/countries.class.php:173
#@ woothemes
msgid "Nauru"
msgstr "Nauru"
#: classes/countries.class.php:182
#@ woothemes
msgid "Niue"
msgstr "Niue"
#: classes/countries.class.php:178
#@ woothemes
msgid "New Zealand"
msgstr "New Zealand"
#: classes/countries.class.php:187
#@ woothemes
msgid "Oman"
msgstr "Oman"
#: classes/countries.class.php:191
#@ woothemes
msgid "Panama"
msgstr "Panama"
#: classes/countries.class.php:194
#@ woothemes
msgid "Peru"
msgstr "Peru"
#: classes/countries.class.php:99
#@ woothemes
msgid "French Polynesia"
msgstr "French Polynesia"
#: classes/countries.class.php:192
#@ woothemes
msgid "Papua New Guinea"
msgstr "Papua New Guinea"
#: classes/countries.class.php:195
#@ woothemes
msgid "Philippines"
msgstr "Philippines"
#: classes/countries.class.php:188
#@ woothemes
msgid "Pakistan"
msgstr "Pakistan"
#: classes/countries.class.php:197
#@ woothemes
msgid "Poland"
msgstr "Poland"
#: classes/countries.class.php:210
#@ woothemes
msgid "Saint Pierre and Miquelon"
msgstr "Saint Pierre and Miquelon"
#: classes/countries.class.php:196
#@ woothemes
msgid "Pitcairn"
msgstr "Pitcairn"
#: classes/countries.class.php:199
#@ woothemes
msgid "Puerto Rico"
msgstr "Puerto Rico"
#: classes/countries.class.php:190
#@ woothemes
msgid "Palestinian Territory"
msgstr "Palestinian Territory"
#: classes/countries.class.php:198
#@ woothemes
msgid "Portugal"
msgstr "Portugal"
#: classes/countries.class.php:189
#@ woothemes
msgid "Palau"
msgstr "Palau"
#: classes/countries.class.php:193
#@ woothemes
msgid "Paraguay"
msgstr "Paraguay"
#: classes/countries.class.php:200
#@ woothemes
msgid "Qatar"
msgstr "Qatar"
#: classes/countries.class.php:201
#@ woothemes
msgid "Reunion"
msgstr "Reunion"
#: classes/countries.class.php:202
#@ woothemes
msgid "Romania"
msgstr "Romania"
#: classes/countries.class.php:217
#@ woothemes
msgid "Serbia"
msgstr "Serbia"
#: classes/countries.class.php:203
#@ woothemes
msgid "Russia"
msgstr "Russia"
#: classes/countries.class.php:204
#@ woothemes
msgid "Rwanda"
msgstr "Rwanda"
#: classes/countries.class.php:215
#@ woothemes
msgid "Saudi Arabia"
msgstr "Saudi Arabia"
#: classes/countries.class.php:223
#@ woothemes
msgid "Solomon Islands"
msgstr "Solomon Islands"
#: classes/countries.class.php:218
#@ woothemes
msgid "Seychelles"
msgstr "Seychelles"
#: classes/countries.class.php:230
#@ woothemes
msgid "Sudan"
msgstr "Sudan"
#: classes/countries.class.php:234
#@ woothemes
msgid "Sweden"
msgstr "Sweden"
#: classes/countries.class.php:220
#@ woothemes
msgid "Singapore"
msgstr "Singapore"
#: classes/countries.class.php:206
#@ woothemes
msgid "Saint Helena"
msgstr "Saint Helena"
#: classes/countries.class.php:222
#@ woothemes
msgid "Slovenia"
msgstr "Slovenia"
#: classes/countries.class.php:232
#@ woothemes
msgid "Svalbard and Jan Mayen"
msgstr "Svalbard and Jan Mayen"
#: classes/countries.class.php:221
#@ woothemes
msgid "Slovakia"
msgstr "Slovakia"
#: classes/countries.class.php:219
#@ woothemes
msgid "Sierra Leone"
msgstr "Sierra Leone"
#: classes/countries.class.php:213
#@ woothemes
msgid "San Marino"
msgstr "San Marino"
#: classes/countries.class.php:216
#@ woothemes
msgid "Senegal"
msgstr "Senegal"
#: classes/countries.class.php:224
#@ woothemes
msgid "Somalia"
msgstr "Somalia"
#: classes/countries.class.php:231
#@ woothemes
msgid "Suriname"
msgstr "Suriname"
#: classes/countries.class.php:214
#@ woothemes
msgid "Sao Tome and Principe"
msgstr "Sao Tome and Principe"
#: classes/countries.class.php:88
#@ woothemes
msgid "El Salvador"
msgstr "El Salvador"
#: classes/countries.class.php:236
#@ woothemes
msgid "Syria"
msgstr "Syria"
#: classes/countries.class.php:233
#@ woothemes
msgid "Swaziland"
msgstr "Swaziland"
#: classes/countries.class.php:249
#@ woothemes
msgid "Turks and Caicos Islands"
msgstr "Turks and Caicos Islands"
#: classes/countries.class.php:67
#@ woothemes
msgid "Chad"
msgstr "Chad"
#: classes/countries.class.php:100
#@ woothemes
msgid "French Southern Territories"
msgstr "French Southern Territories"
#: classes/countries.class.php:242
#@ woothemes
msgid "Togo"
msgstr "Togo"
#: classes/countries.class.php:240
#@ woothemes
msgid "Thailand"
msgstr "Thailand"
#: classes/countries.class.php:238
#@ woothemes
msgid "Tajikistan"
msgstr "Tajikistan"
#: classes/countries.class.php:243
#@ woothemes
msgid "Tokelau"
msgstr "Tokelau"
#: classes/countries.class.php:241
#@ woothemes
msgid "Timor-Leste"
msgstr "Timor-Leste"
#: classes/countries.class.php:248
#@ woothemes
msgid "Turkmenistan"
msgstr "Turkmenistan"
#: classes/countries.class.php:246
#@ woothemes
msgid "Tunisia"
msgstr "Tunisia"
#: classes/countries.class.php:244
#@ woothemes
msgid "Tonga"
msgstr "Tonga"
#: classes/countries.class.php:247
#@ woothemes
msgid "Turkey"
msgstr "Turkey"
#: classes/countries.class.php:245
#@ woothemes
msgid "Trinidad and Tobago"
msgstr "Trinidad and Tobago"
#: classes/countries.class.php:250
#@ woothemes
msgid "Tuvalu"
msgstr "Tuvalu"
#: classes/countries.class.php:237
#@ woothemes
msgid "Taiwan"
msgstr "Taiwan"
#: classes/countries.class.php:239
#@ woothemes
msgid "Tanzania"
msgstr "Tanzania"
#: classes/countries.class.php:255
#@ woothemes
msgid "Ukraine"
msgstr "Ukraine"
#: classes/countries.class.php:254
#@ woothemes
msgid "Uganda"
msgstr "Uganda"
#: classes/countries.class.php:258
#@ woothemes
msgid "United States"
msgstr "États-Unis"
#: classes/countries.class.php:259
#@ woothemes
msgid "Uruguay"
msgstr "Uruguay"
#: classes/countries.class.php:260
#@ woothemes
msgid "Uzbekistan"
msgstr "Uzbekistan"
#: classes/countries.class.php:262
#@ woothemes
msgid "Vatican"
msgstr "Vatican"
#: classes/countries.class.php:211
#@ woothemes
msgid "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines"
msgstr "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines"
#: classes/countries.class.php:263
#@ woothemes
msgid "Venezuela"
msgstr "Venezuela"
#: classes/countries.class.php:56
#@ woothemes
msgid "British Virgin Islands"
msgstr "British Virgin Islands"
#: classes/countries.class.php:251
#@ woothemes
msgid "U.S. Virgin Islands"
msgstr "U.S. Virgin Islands"
#: classes/countries.class.php:264
#@ woothemes
msgid "Vietnam"
msgstr "Vietnam"
#: classes/countries.class.php:261
#@ woothemes
msgid "Vanuatu"
msgstr "Vanuatu"
#: classes/countries.class.php:265
#@ woothemes
msgid "Wallis and Futuna"
msgstr "Wallis and Futuna"
#: classes/countries.class.php:212
#@ woothemes
msgid "Samoa"
msgstr "Samoa"
#: classes/countries.class.php:267
#@ woothemes
msgid "Yemen"
msgstr "Yemen"
#: classes/countries.class.php:161
#@ woothemes
msgid "Mayotte"
msgstr "Mayotte"
#: classes/countries.class.php:225
#@ woothemes
msgid "South Africa"
msgstr "South Africa"
#: classes/countries.class.php:268
#@ woothemes
msgid "Zambia"
msgstr "Zambia"
#: classes/countries.class.php:269
#@ woothemes
msgid "Zimbabwe"
msgstr "Zimbabwe"
#: classes/countries.class.php:274
#@ woothemes
msgid "Australian Capital Territory"
msgstr "Australian Capital Territory"
#: classes/countries.class.php:275
#@ woothemes
msgid "New South Wales"
msgstr "New South Wales"
#: classes/countries.class.php:276
#@ woothemes
msgid "Northern Territory"
msgstr "Northern Territory"
#: classes/countries.class.php:277
#@ woothemes
msgid "Queensland"
msgstr "Queensland"
#: classes/countries.class.php:278
#@ woothemes
msgid "South Australia"
msgstr "South Australia"
#: classes/countries.class.php:279
#@ woothemes
msgid "Tasmania"
msgstr "Tasmania"
#: classes/countries.class.php:280
#@ woothemes
msgid "Victoria"
msgstr "Victoria"
#: classes/countries.class.php:281
#@ woothemes
msgid "Western Australia"
msgstr "Western Australia"
#: classes/countries.class.php:315
#@ woothemes
msgid "Alberta"
msgstr "Alberta"
#: classes/countries.class.php:316
#@ woothemes
msgid "British Columbia"
msgstr "Colombie-Britannique"
#: classes/countries.class.php:317
#@ woothemes
msgid "Manitoba"
msgstr "Manitoba"
#: classes/countries.class.php:318
#@ woothemes
msgid "New Brunswick"
msgstr "Nouveau-Brunswick"
#: classes/countries.class.php:319
#@ woothemes
msgid "Newfoundland"
msgstr "Terre-Neuve"
#: classes/countries.class.php:320
#@ woothemes
msgid "Northwest Territories"
msgstr "Territoires du Nord-Ouest"
#: classes/countries.class.php:321
#@ woothemes
msgid "Nova Scotia"
msgstr "Nouvelle-Écosse"
#: classes/countries.class.php:322
#@ woothemes
msgid "Nunavut"
msgstr "Nunavut"
#: classes/countries.class.php:323
#@ woothemes
msgid "Ontario"
msgstr "Ontario"
#: classes/countries.class.php:324
#@ woothemes
msgid "Prince Edward Island"
msgstr "Île du Prince-Édouard"
#: classes/countries.class.php:325
#@ woothemes
msgid "Quebec"
msgstr "Québec"
#: classes/countries.class.php:326
#@ woothemes
msgid "Saskatchewan"
msgstr "Saskatchewan"
#: classes/countries.class.php:327
#@ woothemes
msgid "Yukon Territory"
msgstr "Yukon"
#: classes/countries.class.php:352
#@ woothemes
msgid "Alabama"
msgstr "Alabama"
#: classes/countries.class.php:354
#@ woothemes
msgid "Arizona"
msgstr "Arizona"
#: classes/countries.class.php:355
#@ woothemes
msgid "Arkansas"
msgstr "Arkansas"
#: classes/countries.class.php:356
#@ woothemes
msgid "California"
msgstr "California"
#: classes/countries.class.php:357
#@ woothemes
msgid "Colorado"
msgstr "Colorado"
#: classes/countries.class.php:358
#@ woothemes
msgid "Connecticut"
msgstr "Connecticut"
#: classes/countries.class.php:359
#@ woothemes
msgid "Delaware"
msgstr "Delaware"
#: classes/countries.class.php:360
#@ woothemes
msgid "District Of Columbia"
msgstr "District Of Columbia"
#: classes/countries.class.php:361
#@ woothemes
msgid "Florida"
msgstr "Florida"
#: classes/countries.class.php:363
#@ woothemes
msgid "Hawaii"
msgstr "Hawaii"
#: classes/countries.class.php:364
#@ woothemes
msgid "Idaho"
msgstr "Idaho"
#: classes/countries.class.php:365
#@ woothemes
msgid "Illinois"
msgstr "Illinois"
#: classes/countries.class.php:366
#@ woothemes
msgid "Indiana"
msgstr "Indiana"
#: classes/countries.class.php:367
#@ woothemes
msgid "Iowa"
msgstr "Iowa"
#: classes/countries.class.php:368
#@ woothemes
msgid "Kansas"
msgstr "Kansas"
#: classes/countries.class.php:369
#@ woothemes
msgid "Kentucky"
msgstr "Kentucky"
#: classes/countries.class.php:370
#@ woothemes
msgid "Louisiana"
msgstr "Louisiana"
#: classes/countries.class.php:371
#@ woothemes
msgid "Maine"
msgstr "Maine"
#: classes/countries.class.php:372
#@ woothemes
msgid "Maryland"
msgstr "Maryland"
#: classes/countries.class.php:373
#@ woothemes
msgid "Massachusetts"
msgstr "Massachusetts"
#: classes/countries.class.php:374
#@ woothemes
msgid "Michigan"
msgstr "Michigan"
#: classes/countries.class.php:375
#@ woothemes
msgid "Minnesota"
msgstr "Minnesota"
#: classes/countries.class.php:376
#@ woothemes
msgid "Mississippi"
msgstr "Mississippi"
#: classes/countries.class.php:377
#@ woothemes
msgid "Missouri"
msgstr "Missouri"
#: classes/countries.class.php:378
#@ woothemes
msgid "Montana"
msgstr "Montana"
#: classes/countries.class.php:379
#@ woothemes
msgid "Nebraska"
msgstr "Nebraska"
#: classes/countries.class.php:380
#@ woothemes
msgid "Nevada"
msgstr "Nevada"
#: classes/countries.class.php:381
#@ woothemes
msgid "New Hampshire"
msgstr "New Hampshire"
#: classes/countries.class.php:382
#@ woothemes
msgid "New Jersey"
msgstr "New Jersey"
#: classes/countries.class.php:383
#@ woothemes
msgid "New Mexico"
msgstr "New Mexico"
#: classes/countries.class.php:384
#@ woothemes
msgid "New York"
msgstr "New York"
#: classes/countries.class.php:385
#@ woothemes
msgid "North Carolina"
msgstr "North Carolina"
#: classes/countries.class.php:386
#@ woothemes
msgid "North Dakota"
msgstr "North Dakota"
#: classes/countries.class.php:387
#@ woothemes
msgid "Ohio"
msgstr "Ohio"
#: classes/countries.class.php:388
#@ woothemes
msgid "Oklahoma"
msgstr "Oklahoma"
#: classes/countries.class.php:389
#@ woothemes
msgid "Oregon"
msgstr "Oregon"
#: classes/countries.class.php:390
#@ woothemes
msgid "Pennsylvania"
msgstr "Pennsylvania"
#: classes/countries.class.php:391
#@ woothemes
msgid "Rhode Island"
msgstr "Rhode Island"
#: classes/countries.class.php:392
#@ woothemes
msgid "South Carolina"
msgstr "South Carolina"
#: classes/countries.class.php:393
#@ woothemes
msgid "South Dakota"
msgstr "South Dakota"
#: classes/countries.class.php:394
#@ woothemes
msgid "Tennessee"
msgstr "Tennessee"
#: classes/countries.class.php:395
#@ woothemes
msgid "Texas"
msgstr "Texas"
#: classes/countries.class.php:396
#@ woothemes
msgid "Utah"
msgstr "Utah"
#: classes/countries.class.php:397
#@ woothemes
msgid "Vermont"
msgstr "Vermont"
#: classes/countries.class.php:398
#@ woothemes
msgid "Virginia"
msgstr "Virginia"
#: classes/countries.class.php:399
#@ woothemes
msgid "Washington"
msgstr "Washington"
#: classes/countries.class.php:400
#@ woothemes
msgid "West Virginia"
msgstr "West Virginia"
#: classes/countries.class.php:401
#@ woothemes
msgid "Wisconsin"
msgstr "Wisconsin"
#: classes/countries.class.php:402
#@ woothemes
msgid "Wyoming"
msgstr "Wyoming"
#: classes/countries.class.php:405
#@ woothemes
msgid "Americas"
msgstr "Americas"
#: classes/countries.class.php:406
#@ woothemes
msgid "Europe"
msgstr "Europe"
#: classes/countries.class.php:407
#@ woothemes
msgid "Pacific"
msgstr "Pacific"
#: shortcodes/shortcode-cart.php:42
#: shortcodes/shortcode-my_account.php:167
#@ woothemes
msgid "Please enter a valid postcode/ZIP."
msgstr "Entrez un code postal/ZIP valide, svp."
#: shortcodes/shortcode-cart.php:54
#: shortcodes/shortcode-cart.php:59
#@ woothemes
msgid "Shipping costs updated."
msgstr "Coûts d'expédition mis à jour."
#: templates/cart/empty.php:7
#@ woothemes
msgid "Your cart is currently empty."
msgstr "Votre panier est actuellement vide."
#: templates/cart/empty.php:11
#@ woothemes
msgid "&larr; Return To Shop"
msgstr "&larr; Retour à la Boutique"
#: templates/cart/cart.php:17
#@ woothemes
msgid "Product Name"
msgstr "Nom du produit"
#: templates/cart/cart.php:18
#@ woothemes
msgid "Unit Price"
msgstr "Prix à l'Unité"
#: templates/cart/cart.php:32
#@ woothemes
msgid "Remove this item"
msgstr "Enlever cet élément"
#: classes/shipping/shipping-free_shipping.php:62
#: templates/cart/cart.php:76
#: woocommerce.php:702
#@ woothemes
msgid "Coupon"
msgstr "Coupon"
#: templates/cart/cart.php:76
#: templates/checkout/coupon-form.php:19
#@ woothemes
msgid "Apply Coupon"
msgstr "Appliquer Coupon"
#: templates/cart/cart.php:79
#@ woothemes
msgid "Proceed to Checkout &rarr;"
msgstr "Procéder à la commande &rarr;"
#: shortcodes/shortcode-checkout.php:35
#@ woothemes
msgid "The order totals have been updated. Please confirm your order by pressing the Place Order button at the bottom of the page."
msgstr "Le total de la commande à été mis à jour. Confirmez votre commande svp en cliquant sur le bouton en bas de la page."
#: templates/myaccount/my-account.php:11
#, php-format
#@ woothemes
msgid "Hello, <strong>%s</strong>. From your account dashboard you can view your recent orders, manage your shipping and billing addresses and <a href=\"%s\">change your password</a>."
msgstr "Bonjour, <strong>%s</strong>. Vous pouvez voir vos commandes récentes, gérer vos adresses de livraison et de facturation et <a href=\"%s\">changer votre mot de passe</a> à partir du tableau de bord de votre compte"
#: templates/myaccount/my-account.php:16
#@ woothemes
msgid "Available downloads"
msgstr "Téléchargements Disponibles"
#: templates/myaccount/my-account.php:19
#@ woothemes
msgid " download Remaining"
msgid_plural " downloads Remaining"
msgstr[0] " téléchargement restant"
msgstr[1] "téléchargements restants"
#: templates/myaccount/my-account.php:24
#@ woothemes
msgid "Recent Orders"
msgstr "Commandes récentes"
#: templates/myaccount/my-account.php:42
#@ woothemes
msgid "#"
msgstr "#"
#: templates/myaccount/my-account.php:44
#@ woothemes
msgid "Ship to"
msgstr "Expédia à"
#: templates/myaccount/my-account.php:45
#@ woothemes
msgid "Total"
msgstr "Total"
#: templates/checkout/thankyou.php:24
#: templates/myaccount/my-account.php:65
#@ woothemes
msgid "Pay"
msgstr "Effectuer le paiement"
#: templates/myaccount/my-account.php:66
#@ woothemes
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Annuler"
#: admin/post-types/shop_order.php:124
#: templates/myaccount/my-account.php:68
#@ woothemes
msgid "View"
msgstr "Voir"
#: templates/myaccount/my-account.php:81
#@ woothemes
msgid "My Addresses"
msgstr "Mes Adresses"
#: templates/myaccount/my-account.php:82
#@ woothemes
msgid "The following addresses will be used on the checkout page by default."
msgstr "Les adresse suivantes seront utilisées par défaut sur la page de commande."
#: templates/myaccount/my-account.php:107
#@ woothemes
msgid "You have not set up a billing address yet."
msgstr "Vous n'avez pas défini d'adresse de facturation."
#: templates/myaccount/my-account.php:135
#@ woothemes
msgid "You have not set up a shipping address yet."
msgstr "Vous n'avez pas encore défini d'adresse de livraison."
#: shortcodes/shortcode-my_account.php:131
#@ woothemes
msgid "First name is a required field."
msgstr "Le nom est un champ requis."
#: shortcodes/shortcode-my_account.php:134
#@ woothemes
msgid "Last name is a required field."
msgstr "Le prénom est un champ requis."
#: shortcodes/shortcode-my_account.php:137
#@ woothemes
msgid "Address is a required field."
msgstr "L'adresse est un champ requis."
#: shortcodes/shortcode-my_account.php:140
#@ woothemes
msgid "City is a required field."
msgstr "La ville est un champ requis."
#: shortcodes/shortcode-my_account.php:143
#@ woothemes
msgid "Postcode is a required field."
msgstr "Le code postal est un champ requis."
#: shortcodes/shortcode-my_account.php:146
#@ woothemes
msgid "Country is a required field."
msgstr "Le pays est un champ requis."
#: shortcodes/shortcode-my_account.php:149
#@ woothemes
msgid "State is a required field."
msgstr "La région est un champ requis."
#: shortcodes/shortcode-my_account.php:154
#@ woothemes
msgid "Email is a required field."
msgstr "L'email est un champ requis."
#: shortcodes/shortcode-my_account.php:157
#@ woothemes
msgid "Phone number is a required field."
msgstr "Le n° de tel est un champ requis."
#: shortcodes/shortcode-my_account.php:160
#@ woothemes
msgid "Please enter a valid email address."
msgstr "Entrez une adresse email valide, svp."
#: shortcodes/shortcode-my_account.php:163
#@ woothemes
msgid "Please enter a valid phone number."
msgstr "Entrez un n° de tel valide, svp."
#: templates/cart/shipping_calculator.php:51
#: templates/myaccount/edit-address.php:88
#@ woothemes
msgid "state"
msgstr "état"
#: templates/myaccount/edit-address.php:106
#@ woothemes
msgid "Save Address"
msgstr "Sauvegarder l'adresse"
#: shortcodes/shortcode-my_account.php:257
#@ woothemes
msgid "Please enter your password."
msgstr "Entrez votre mot de passe, svp."
#: templates/myaccount/change-password.php:14
#@ woothemes
msgid "New password"
msgstr "Nouveau mot de passe"
#: templates/myaccount/change-password.php:18
#@ woothemes
msgid "Re-enter new password"
msgstr "Entrez le nouveau mot de passe à nouveau"
#: templates/myaccount/change-password.php:23
#@ woothemes
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Sauver"
#: shortcodes/shortcode-my_account.php:300
#, php-format
#@ woothemes
msgid "Order <mark>#%s</mark> made on <mark>%s</mark>"
msgstr "Commande <mark>#%s</mark> effectuée le <mark>%s</mark>"
#: shortcodes/shortcode-my_account.php:301
#, php-format
#@ woothemes
msgid ". Order status: <mark>%s</mark>"
msgstr ". État de la commande : <mark>%s</mark>"
#: shortcodes/shortcode-my_account.php:307
#: templates/order/tracking.php:25
#@ woothemes
msgid "Order Updates"
msgstr "Mises à jour de la commande"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:55
#: templates/order/order-details-table.php:10
#@ woothemes
msgid "Order Details"
msgstr "Détails Commande"
#: templates/checkout/pay_for_order.php:8
#: templates/checkout/review_order.php:8
#: templates/order/order-details-table.php:15
#@ woothemes
msgid "Qty"
msgstr "Qté"
#: templates/checkout/pay_for_order.php:9
#: templates/checkout/review_order.php:9
#: templates/order/order-details-table.php:16
#@ woothemes
msgid "Totals"
msgstr "Totaux"
#: templates/checkout/pay_for_order.php:14
#: widgets/widget-cart.php:73
#@ woothemes
msgid "Subtotal"
msgstr "Sous Total"
#: templates/checkout/pay_for_order.php:26
#@ woothemes
msgid "Discount"
msgstr "Promotion"
#: templates/checkout/pay_for_order.php:30
#@ woothemes
msgid "Grand Total"
msgstr "Grand Total"
#: classes/woocommerce_email.class.php:334
#: templates/order/order-details-table.php:46
#@ woothemes
msgid "Note:"
msgstr "Note :"
#: templates/emails/customer_completed_order.php:54
#: templates/emails/customer_note_notification.php:58
#: templates/emails/customer_processing_order.php:54
#: templates/emails/new_order.php:54
#: templates/order/order-details-table.php:96
#@ woothemes
msgid "Customer details"
msgstr "Détails Client"
#: admin/post-types/shop_order.php:68
#: templates/emails/customer_completed_order.php:57
#: templates/emails/customer_note_notification.php:61
#: templates/emails/customer_processing_order.php:57
#: templates/emails/new_order.php:57
#: templates/order/order-details-table.php:100
#@ woothemes
msgid "Email:"
msgstr "Email :"
#: templates/order/order-details-table.php:101
#@ woothemes
msgid "Telephone:"
msgstr "Téléphone :"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:45
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:48
#: templates/order/order-details-table.php:114
#: templates/order/order-details-table.php:127
#@ woothemes
msgid "N/A"
msgstr "N/A"
#: templates/order/tracking.php:12
#, php-format
#@ woothemes
msgid "Order #%s which was made %s has the status &ldquo;%s&rdquo;"
msgstr "Commande #%s qui a été effectuée %s avec l'état &ldquo;%s&rdquo;"
#: templates/order/tracking.php:12
#: templates/order/tracking.php:14
#@ woothemes
msgid " ago"
msgstr "il y a"
#: templates/order/tracking-form.php:11
#@ woothemes
msgid "To track your order please enter your Order ID in the box below and press return. This was given to you on your receipt and in the confirmation email you should have received."
msgstr "Pour suivre votre commande entrez votre ID de commande dans la boîte ci-dessous et pressez Entrée. Il vous a été fourni dans votre reçu et dans l'email de confirmation que vous devez avoir reçu."
#: templates/order/tracking-form.php:13
#@ woothemes
msgid "Order ID"
msgstr "No de commande"
#: templates/order/tracking-form.php:13
#@ woothemes
msgid "Found in your order confirmation email."
msgstr "Trouvé dans votre mail de confirmation de commande."
#: templates/order/tracking-form.php:14
#@ woothemes
msgid "Billing Email"
msgstr "Email Facturation"
#: templates/order/tracking-form.php:14
#@ woothemes
msgid "Email you used during checkout."
msgstr "Email utilisé durant le règlement."
#: templates/order/tracking-form.php:17
#@ woothemes
msgid "Track\""
msgstr "Suivi\""
#: shortcodes/shortcode-pay.php:76
#@ woothemes
msgid "Your order has already been paid for. Please contact us if you need assistance."
msgstr "Votre commande a déjà été réglée. Contactez nous, svp si vous avez besoin d'assistance."
#: shortcodes/shortcode-pay.php:81
#: woocommerce-functions.php:564
#@ woothemes
msgid "Invalid order."
msgstr "Commande non valide"
#: shortcodes/shortcode-pay.php:101
#: templates/checkout/thankyou.php:36
#@ woothemes
msgid "Order:"
msgstr "Commande :"
#: shortcodes/shortcode-pay.php:105
#: templates/checkout/thankyou.php:40
#@ woothemes
msgid "Date:"
msgstr "Date :"
#: shortcodes/shortcode-pay.php:113
#: templates/checkout/thankyou.php:48
#@ woothemes
msgid "Payment method:"
msgstr "Méthode de Paiement :"
#: templates/checkout/thankyou.php:13
#@ woothemes
msgid "Unfortunately your order cannot be processed as the originating bank/merchant has declined your transaction."
msgstr "Malheureusement votre commande ne peut être effectuée car la banque a décliné votre transaction."
#: templates/checkout/thankyou.php:32
#: templates/checkout/thankyou.php:63
#@ woothemes
msgid "Thank you. Your order has been received."
msgstr "Merci. Votre commande a été reçue."
#: templates/archive-product.php:12
#@ woothemes
msgid "Search Results:"
msgstr "Résultats de recherche :"
#: templates/checkout/form.php:31
#@ woothemes
msgid "Your order"
msgstr "Votre commande"
#: templates/checkout/pay_for_order.php:75
#@ woothemes
msgid "Sorry, it seems that there are no available payment methods for your location. Please contact us if you require assistance or wish to make alternate arrangements."
msgstr "Désolé, il semble qu'il n'y ai pas de méthodes de paiement disponibles pour votre localisation. Contactez nous, svp si vous avez besoin d'assistance ou si vous désirez effectuer un autre arrangement."
#: templates/checkout/pay_for_order.php:84
#@ woothemes
msgid "Pay for order"
msgstr "Règlement pour la commande"
#: templates/cart/totals.php:57
#: templates/checkout/review_order.php:57
#@ woothemes
msgid "Free"
msgstr "Gratuit"
#: templates/checkout/review_order.php:69
#@ woothemes
msgid "Please fill in your details above to see available shipping methods."
msgstr "Veuillez entrer une adresse de livraison ci-haut pour voir les modes d'expédition disponibles."
#: templates/checkout/review_order.php:71
#@ woothemes
msgid "Sorry, it seems that there are no available shipping methods for your state. Please contact us if you require assistance or wish to make alternate arrangements."
msgstr "Désolé, il semble qu'il n'y ai pas de méthodes de livraison disponibles pour votre région. Svp, contactez nous si vous avez besoin d'assistance ou si vous voulez effectuer un autre arrangement."
#: templates/checkout/review_order.php:147
#@ woothemes
msgid "Please fill in your details above to see available payment methods."
msgstr "Veuillez entrer une adresse de livraison ci-haut pour voir les modes de paiement disponibles."
#: templates/checkout/review_order.php:149
#@ woothemes
msgid "Sorry, it seems that there are no available payment methods for your state. Please contact us if you require assistance or wish to make alternate arrangements."
msgstr "Désolé, il semble qu'il n'y ai pas de méthode de règlement disponible pour votre région. Svp, contactez nous si vous avez besoin d'aide ou si vous désirez effectuer un autre arrangement."
#: templates/checkout/review_order.php:159
#@ woothemes
msgid "Since your browser does not support JavaScript, or it is disabled, please ensure you click the <em>Update Totals</em> button before placing your order. You may be charged more than the amount stated above if you fail to do so."
msgstr "Votre navigateur ne supporte pas JavaScript ou bien il est désactivé, assurez vous de cliquer sur le bouton <em>Mise à Jour Totaux</em> avant de passer votre commande. Vous pouvez être facturé plus que le montant indiqué ci-dessus si vous omettez de le faire."
#: templates/checkout/review_order.php:159
#@ woothemes
msgid "Update totals"
msgstr "Mise à Jour Totaux"
#: templates/checkout/review_order.php:165
#@ woothemes
msgid "Place order"
msgstr "Effectuer le paiement"
#: templates/checkout/review_order.php:169
#@ woothemes
msgid "I accept the"
msgstr "J'accepte les"
#: templates/checkout/review_order.php:169
#@ woothemes
msgid "terms &amp; conditions"
msgstr "termes &amp; conditions"
#: templates/emails/customer_completed_order.php:7
#@ woothemes
msgid "Your order is complete. Your order's details are below:"
msgstr "Votre commande est expédiée. En voici les détails&nbsp;:"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:366
#: templates/emails/customer_completed_order.php:31
#: templates/emails/customer_note_notification.php:35
#: templates/emails/customer_pay_for_order.php:35
#: templates/emails/customer_processing_order.php:31
#: templates/emails/new_order.php:31
#: templates/order/order-details-table.php:29
#@ woothemes
msgid "Shipping:"
msgstr "Expédition :"
#: admin/post-types/shop_order.php:71
#: templates/emails/customer_completed_order.php:60
#: templates/emails/customer_note_notification.php:64
#: templates/emails/customer_processing_order.php:60
#: templates/emails/new_order.php:60
#@ woothemes
msgid "Tel:"
msgstr "Tel :"
#: templates/emails/customer_completed_order.php:65
#: templates/emails/customer_note_notification.php:69
#: templates/emails/customer_processing_order.php:65
#: templates/emails/new_order.php:65
#@ woothemes
msgid "Billing address"
msgstr "Adresse de Facturation"
#: templates/emails/customer_completed_order.php:73
#: templates/emails/customer_note_notification.php:77
#: templates/emails/customer_processing_order.php:73
#: templates/emails/new_order.php:73
#@ woothemes
msgid "Shipping address"
msgstr "Adresse de Livraison"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:862
#@ woothemes
msgid "Powered by WooCommerce"
msgstr "Traduit par <a href=\"http://www.wolforg.eu\">Wolforg</a>. Propulsé par WooCommerce"
#: templates/emails/new_order.php:7
#@ woothemes
msgid ". Their order is as follows:"
msgstr ". Leur commande est la suivante :"
#: templates/loop-shop.php:49
#@ woothemes
msgid "No products found which match your selection."
msgstr "Aucun produit trouvé correspondant à votre sélection."
#: templates/single-product-reviews.php:31
#, php-format
#@ woothemes
msgid "%s review for %s"
msgid_plural "%s reviews for %s"
msgstr[0] "%s avis pour %s"
msgstr[1] "%s avis pour %s"
#: templates/single-product/tabs/reviews-tab.php:2
#: templates/single-product-reviews.php:37
#@ woothemes
msgid "Reviews"
msgstr "Avis"
#: templates/loop/pagination.php:13
#: templates/single-product-reviews.php:53
#@ woothemes
msgid "<span class=\"meta-nav\">&larr;</span> Previous"
msgstr "<span class=\"meta-nav\">&larr;</span> Précédent"
#: templates/loop/pagination.php:12
#: templates/single-product-reviews.php:54
#@ woothemes
msgid "Next <span class=\"meta-nav\">&rarr;</span>"
msgstr "Suivant <span class=\"meta-nav\">&rarr;</span>"
#: templates/single-product-reviews.php:58
#@ woothemes
msgid "Add Review"
msgstr "Ajouter Avis"
#: templates/single-product-reviews.php:60
#@ woothemes
msgid "Add a review"
msgstr "Ajouter un Avis"
#: templates/single-product-reviews.php:66
#@ woothemes
msgid "There are no reviews yet, would you like to <a href=\"#review_form\" class=\"inline show_review_form\">submit yours</a>?"
msgstr "Il n'y a pas encore d'avis, voulez vous <a href=\"#review_form\" class=\"inline show_review_form\">donner le votre</a>?"
#: templates/myaccount/login.php:46
#: templates/single-product-reviews.php:81
#@ woothemes
msgid "Email"
msgstr "Email"
#: templates/single-product-reviews.php:84
#@ woothemes
msgid "Submit Review"
msgstr "Envoyer"
#: templates/single-product-reviews.php:87
#@ woothemes
msgid "Rating"
msgstr "Noter"
#: templates/single-product-reviews.php:88
#@ woothemes
msgid "Rate..."
msgstr "Note..."
#: templates/single-product-reviews.php:89
#@ woothemes
msgid "Perfect"
msgstr "Parfait"
#: templates/single-product-reviews.php:90
#@ woothemes
msgid "Good"
msgstr "Bon"
#: templates/single-product-reviews.php:91
#@ woothemes
msgid "Average"
msgstr "Moyen"
#: templates/single-product-reviews.php:92
#@ woothemes
msgid "Not that bad"
msgstr "Pas Mal"
#: templates/single-product-reviews.php:93
#@ woothemes
msgid "Very Poor"
msgstr "Très Mauvais"
#: widgets/widget-cart.php:26
#@ woothemes
msgid "WooCommerce Shopping Cart"
msgstr "Panier WooCommerce"
#: widgets/widget-cart.php:68
#@ woothemes
msgid "No products in the cart."
msgstr "Votre panier est vide."
#: widgets/widget-cart.php:77
#@ woothemes
msgid "View Cart &rarr;"
msgstr "Voir panier &rarr;"
#: widgets/widget-cart.php:77
#@ woothemes
msgid "Checkout &rarr;"
msgstr "Payer &rarr;"
#: widgets/widget-best_sellers.php:116
#: widgets/widget-cart.php:93
#: widgets/widget-featured_products.php:113
#: widgets/widget-layered_nav.php:319
#: widgets/widget-onsale.php:149
#: widgets/widget-price_filter.php:193
#: widgets/widget-product_categories.php:114
#: widgets/widget-product_search.php:69
#: widgets/widget-product_tag_cloud.php:70
#: widgets/widget-recent_products.php:129
#: widgets/widget-recent_reviews.php:120
#: widgets/widget-recently_viewed.php:116
#: widgets/widget-top_rated_products.php:135
#@ woothemes
msgid "Title:"
msgstr "Titre :"
#: widgets/widget-featured_products.php:24
#@ woothemes
msgid "Display a list of featured products on your site."
msgstr "Affiche une liste de vos produits mis en avant dans votre site."
#: widgets/widget-featured_products.php:26
#@ woothemes
msgid "WooCommerce Featured Products"
msgstr "WooCommerce Produits mis en avant"
#: widgets/widget-featured_products.php:55
#@ woothemes
msgid "Featured Products"
msgstr "Produits Mis en Avant"
#: widgets/widget-best_sellers.php:119
#: widgets/widget-featured_products.php:116
#: widgets/widget-onsale.php:152
#: widgets/widget-recent_products.php:132
#: widgets/widget-recent_reviews.php:123
#: widgets/widget-recently_viewed.php:119
#: widgets/widget-top_rated_products.php:138
#@ woothemes
msgid "Number of products to show:"
msgstr "Nombre de produits à afficher :"
#: widgets/widget-layered_nav.php:137
#@ woothemes
msgid "Shows a custom attribute in a widget which lets you narrow down the list of products when viewing product categories."
msgstr "Affiche un attribut personnalisé dans un widget qui vous permet d'affiner la liste des produits lors de la visualisation des catégories de produits."
#: widgets/widget-layered_nav.php:139
#@ woothemes
msgid "WooCommerce Layered Nav"
msgstr "WooCommerce Style Nav"
#: widgets/widget-layered_nav.php:322
#@ woothemes
msgid "Attribute:"
msgstr "Attribut :"
#: widgets/widget-price_filter.php:98
#@ woothemes
msgid "Shows a price filter slider in a widget which lets you narrow down the list of shown products when viewing product categories."
msgstr "Affiche un widget de filtre de prix glissant qui permet d'afficher la liste des produits en visualisant une catégorie de produits."
#: widgets/widget-price_filter.php:100
#@ woothemes
msgid "WooCommerce Price Filter"
msgstr "WooCommerce Filtre de Prix"
#: widgets/widget-price_filter.php:184
#@ woothemes
msgid "Filter by price"
msgstr "Filtrer par prix"
#: widgets/widget-product_categories.php:23
#@ woothemes
msgid "A list or dropdown of product categories."
msgstr "Une liste ou un menu déroulant des catégories de produits"
#: widgets/widget-product_categories.php:25
#@ woothemes
msgid "WooCommerce Product Categories"
msgstr "WooCommerce Catégories Produits"
#: widgets/widget-product_categories.php:124
#@ woothemes
msgid "Show as dropdown"
msgstr "Afficher menu déroulant"
#: widgets/widget-product_categories.php:127
#@ woothemes
msgid "Show post counts"
msgstr "Afficher compteur articles"
#: widgets/widget-product_categories.php:130
#@ woothemes
msgid "Show hierarchy"
msgstr "Afficher Hiérarchie"
#: widgets/widget-product_search.php:23
#@ woothemes
msgid "A Search box for products only."
msgstr "Une boîte de recherche uniquement pour les produits"
#: widgets/widget-product_search.php:25
#@ woothemes
msgid "WooCommerce Product Search"
msgstr "WooCommerce Recherche Produits"
#: widgets/widget-product_search.php:48
#@ woothemes
msgid "Search for:"
msgstr "Recherche pour :"
#: widgets/widget-product_search.php:49
#@ woothemes
msgid "Search for products"
msgstr "Rechercher des produits"
#: widgets/widget-product_tag_cloud.php:23
#@ woothemes
msgid "Your most used product tags in cloud format."
msgstr "Vos mots-clés de produits les plus utilisés dans un format nuage"
#: widgets/widget-product_tag_cloud.php:25
#@ woothemes
msgid "WooCommerce Product Tags"
msgstr "WooCommerce Mots-Clés Produits"
#: widgets/widget-recent_products.php:23
#@ woothemes
msgid "Display a list of your most recent products on your site."
msgstr "Affiche une liste de vos produits récents sur votre site;"
#: widgets/widget-recent_products.php:25
#@ woothemes
msgid "WooCommerce Recent Products"
msgstr "WooCommerce Produits Récents"
#: widgets/widget-recent_products.php:54
#@ woothemes
msgid "New Products"
msgstr "Nouveaux Produits"
#: widgets/widget-recent_products.php:136
#@ woothemes
msgid "Show hidden product variations"
msgstr "Afficher les variations de produits cachées"
#: widgets/widget-recent_reviews.php:23
#@ woothemes
msgid "Display a list of your most recent reviews on your site."
msgstr "Affiche une liste des avis les plus récents sur votre site"
#: widgets/widget-recent_reviews.php:25
#@ woothemes
msgid "WooCommerce Recent Reviews"
msgstr "WooCommerce Avis Récents"
#: widgets/widget-recent_reviews.php:55
#@ woothemes
msgid "Recent Reviews"
msgstr "Avis Récents"
#: widgets/widget-recent_reviews.php:85
#, php-format
#@ default
msgctxt "woothemes"
msgid "by %1$s"
msgstr "par %1$s"
#: widgets/widget-recently_viewed.php:23
#@ woothemes
msgid "Display a list of recently viewed products."
msgstr "Affiche une liste des produits récemment vus"
#: widgets/widget-recently_viewed.php:25
#@ woothemes
msgid "WooCommerce Recently Viewed Products"
msgstr "WooCommerce Produits Vus Récemment"
#: widgets/widget-recently_viewed.php:56
#@ woothemes
msgid "Recently viewed"
msgstr "Récemment vus"
#: widgets/widget-top_rated_products.php:24
#@ woothemes
msgid "Display a list of top rated products on your site."
msgstr "Affiche une liste de vos produits les mieux notés sur votre site"
#: widgets/widget-top_rated_products.php:26
#@ woothemes
msgid "WooCommerce Top Rated Products"
msgstr "WooCommerce Produits les mieux notés"
#: widgets/widget-top_rated_products.php:55
#@ woothemes
msgid "Top Rated Products"
msgstr "Produits les mieux notés"
#: woocommerce.php:368
#@ woothemes
msgid "Customer"
msgstr "Client"
#: woocommerce.php:375
#@ woothemes
msgid "Shop Manager"
msgstr "Gestionnaire Boutique"
#: woocommerce-functions.php:981
#@ woothemes
msgid "You have taken too long. Please go back and refresh the page."
msgstr "Vous avez été trop long. Revenez en arrière et rafraîchissez la page, svp."
#: woocommerce-functions.php:984
#@ woothemes
msgid "Please rate the product."
msgstr "Donnez une note au produit svp."
#: templates/single-product/review.php:22
#@ woothemes
msgid "Your comment is awaiting approval"
msgstr "Votre commentaire est en attente de validation"
#: templates/single-product/review.php:25
#@ woothemes
msgid "Rating by"
msgstr "Noté par"
#: templates/single-product/review.php:25
#@ woothemes
msgid "on"
msgstr "le"
#: woocommerce-ajax.php:106
#@ woothemes
msgid "Sorry, your session has expired."
msgstr "Désolé, votre session a expiré"
#: woocommerce-ajax.php:106
#@ woothemes
msgid "Return to homepage &rarr;"
msgstr "Retour à l'accueil &rarr;"
#: woocommerce-ajax.php:661
#@ woothemes
msgid "No products found"
msgstr "0 produits trouvés"
#: woocommerce-functions.php:177
#: woocommerce-functions.php:197
#@ woothemes
msgid "Cart updated."
msgstr "Panier mis à jour"
#: woocommerce-functions.php:345
#, php-format
#@ woothemes
msgid "<a href=\"%s\" class=\"button\">View Cart &rarr;</a> Product successfully added to your cart."
msgstr "<a href=\"%s\" class=\"button\">Voir le panier &rarr;</a> Produit ajouté avec succès à votre panier."
#: woocommerce-functions.php:226
#: woocommerce-functions.php:264
#@ woothemes
msgid "Please choose product options&hellip;"
msgstr "Choisissez les options produit svp &hellip;"
#: woocommerce-functions.php:290
#@ woothemes
msgid "Please choose a quantity&hellip;"
msgstr "Choisissez une quantité, svp &hellip;"
#: woocommerce-functions.php:296
#@ woothemes
msgid "Please choose a product&hellip;"
msgstr "Choisissez un produit svp &hellip;"
#: woocommerce-functions.php:398
#@ woothemes
msgid "Username is required."
msgstr "Nom d'utilisateur requis"
#: woocommerce-functions.php:399
#: woocommerce-functions.php:484
#@ woothemes
msgid "Password is required."
msgstr "Mot de passe requis"
#: woocommerce-functions.php:553
#@ woothemes
msgid "Order cancelled by customer."
msgstr "Commande annulée par le client"
#: woocommerce-functions.php:556
#@ woothemes
msgid "Your order was cancelled."
msgstr "Votre commande a été annulée"
#: woocommerce-functions.php:560
#@ woothemes
msgid "Your order is no longer pending and could not be cancelled. Please contact us if you need assistance."
msgstr "Votre commande n'est plus en attente et ne peut être annulée. Contactez nous si vous avez besoin d'assistance."
#: woocommerce-functions.php:616
#, php-format
#@ woothemes
msgid "Sorry, you have reached your download limit for this file. <a href=\"%s\">Go to homepage &rarr;</a>"
msgstr "Désolé, vous avez dépassé le nombre de téléchargements pour ce fichier. <a href=\"%s\">Aller à l'accueil &rarr;</a>"
#: woocommerce-functions.php:760
#, php-format
#@ woothemes
msgid "File not found. <a href=\"%s\">Go to homepage &rarr;</a>"
msgstr "Fichier non trouvé. <a href=\"%s\">Aller à l'accueil &rarr;</a>"
#: classes/woocommerce_email.class.php:116
#@ woothemes
msgid "New Customer Order"
msgstr "Nouvelle commande client"
#: classes/woocommerce_email.class.php:118
#, php-format
#@ woothemes
msgid "[%s] New Customer Order (# %s)"
msgstr "[%s] Nouvelle commande (# %s)"
#: classes/woocommerce_email.class.php:174
#@ woothemes
msgid "Order Complete"
msgstr "Commande expédiée"
#: classes/woocommerce_email.class.php:267
#: classes/woocommerce_email.class.php:270
#@ woothemes
msgid "Product low in stock"
msgstr "Produit avec stock faible"
#: classes/woocommerce_email.class.php:271
#@ woothemes
msgid "is low in stock."
msgstr "est en stock faible."
#: classes/woocommerce_email.class.php:284
#: classes/woocommerce_email.class.php:287
#@ woothemes
msgid "Product out of stock"
msgstr "Produit non disponible"
#: classes/woocommerce_email.class.php:288
#@ woothemes
msgid "is out of stock."
msgstr "n'est plus en stock"
#: classes/woocommerce_email.class.php:314
#: classes/woocommerce_email.class.php:317
#@ woothemes
msgid "Product Backorder"
msgstr "Product Backorder"
#: classes/woocommerce_email.class.php:318
#@ woothemes
msgid " units of #"
msgstr "unités de #"
#: classes/woocommerce_email.class.php:318
#@ woothemes
msgid "have been backordered."
msgstr "a été backordered."
#: woocommerce.php:461
#@ woothemes
msgid "Product Category"
msgstr "Catégorie Produit"
#: woocommerce.php:462
#@ woothemes
msgid "Search Product Categories"
msgstr "Rechercher Catégories Produit"
#: woocommerce.php:463
#@ woothemes
msgid "All Product Categories"
msgstr "Toutes les Catégories Produit"
#: woocommerce.php:464
#@ woothemes
msgid "Parent Product Category"
msgstr "Catégorie Produit Parente"
#: woocommerce.php:465
#@ woothemes
msgid "Parent Product Category:"
msgstr "Catégorie Produit Parente :"
#: woocommerce.php:466
#@ woothemes
msgid "Edit Product Category"
msgstr "Modifier Produit Parente"
#: woocommerce.php:467
#@ woothemes
msgid "Update Product Category"
msgstr "Mise à Jour Catégorie Produit"
#: woocommerce.php:468
#@ woothemes
msgid "Add New Product Category"
msgstr "Ajouter Nouvelle Catégorie Produit"
#: woocommerce.php:469
#@ woothemes
msgid "New Product Category Name"
msgstr "Nouveau Nom Catégorie Produit"
#: woocommerce.php:426
#@ woothemes
msgctxt "slug"
msgid "product-category"
msgstr "catégorie-produit"
#: woocommerce.php:484
#@ woothemes
msgid "Product Tag"
msgstr "Mot-Clé Produit"
#: woocommerce.php:485
#@ woothemes
msgid "Search Product Tags"
msgstr "Rechercher Mots-Clés Produit"
#: woocommerce.php:486
#@ woothemes
msgid "All Product Tags"
msgstr "Tous les Mots-Clés Produit"
#: woocommerce.php:487
#@ woothemes
msgid "Parent Product Tag"
msgstr "Mot-Clé Produit Parent"
#: woocommerce.php:488
#@ woothemes
msgid "Parent Product Tag:"
msgstr "Mot-Clé Produit Parent :"
#: woocommerce.php:489
#@ woothemes
msgid "Edit Product Tag"
msgstr "Modifier Mot-Clé Produit"
#: woocommerce.php:490
#@ woothemes
msgid "Update Product Tag"
msgstr "Mise à Jour Mot-Clé Produit"
#: woocommerce.php:491
#@ woothemes
msgid "Add New Product Tag"
msgstr "Ajouter Nouveau Mot-Clé Produit"
#: woocommerce.php:492
#@ woothemes
msgid "New Product Tag Name"
msgstr "Nouveau Nom Mot-Clé Produit"
#: woocommerce.php:428
#@ woothemes
msgctxt "slug"
msgid "product-tag"
msgstr "mot-cle-produit"
#: woocommerce.php:596
#@ woothemes
msgid "Add Product"
msgstr "Ajouter Produit"
#: woocommerce.php:597
#@ woothemes
msgid "Add New Product"
msgstr "Ajouter Nouveau Produit"
#: woocommerce.php:599
#@ woothemes
msgid "Edit Product"
msgstr "Modifier Produit"
#: woocommerce.php:600
#@ woothemes
msgid "New Product"
msgstr "Nouveau Produit"
#: woocommerce.php:601
#: woocommerce.php:602
#@ woothemes
msgid "View Product"
msgstr "Voir Produit"
#: woocommerce.php:603
#@ woothemes
msgid "Search Products"
msgstr "Rechercher Produits"
#: woocommerce.php:604
#@ woothemes
msgid "No Products found"
msgstr "0 Produits Trouvés"
#: woocommerce.php:605
#@ woothemes
msgid "No Products found in trash"
msgstr "0 Produits Trouvés dans la corbeille"
#: woocommerce.php:608
#@ woothemes
msgid "This is where you can add new products to your store."
msgstr "Ceci est l'endroit où vous pouvez ajouter des nouveaux produits dans votre boutique."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:19
#: woocommerce.php:627
#@ woothemes
msgid "Variations"
msgstr "Variations"
#: woocommerce.php:628
#@ woothemes
msgid "Variation"
msgstr "Variation"
#: woocommerce.php:630
#@ woothemes
msgid "Add New Variation"
msgstr "Ajouter Nouvelle Variation"
#: woocommerce.php:632
#@ woothemes
msgid "Edit Variation"
msgstr "Modifier Variation"
#: woocommerce.php:633
#@ woothemes
msgid "New Variation"
msgstr "Nouvelle Variation"
#: woocommerce.php:634
#: woocommerce.php:635
#@ woothemes
msgid "View Variation"
msgstr "Voir Variation"
#: woocommerce.php:636
#@ woothemes
msgid "Search Variations"
msgstr "Rechercher Variations"
#: woocommerce.php:637
#@ woothemes
msgid "No Variations found"
msgstr "0 Variations trouvées"
#: woocommerce.php:638
#@ woothemes
msgid "No Variations found in trash"
msgstr "Pas de variations trouvées dans la corbeille"
#: woocommerce.php:639
#@ woothemes
msgid "Parent Variation"
msgstr "Variation Parente"
#: woocommerce.php:659
#@ woothemes
msgid "Add Order"
msgstr "Ajouter commande"
#: woocommerce.php:660
#@ woothemes
msgid "Add New Order"
msgstr "Nouvelle commande"
#: woocommerce.php:662
#@ woothemes
msgid "Edit Order"
msgstr "Modifier commande"
#: woocommerce.php:663
#@ woothemes
msgid "New Order"
msgstr "Nouvelle commande"
#: woocommerce.php:666
#@ woothemes
msgid "Search Orders"
msgstr "Rechercher dans les commandes"
#: woocommerce.php:667
#@ woothemes
msgid "No Orders found"
msgstr "Aucune commande trouvée"
#: woocommerce.php:668
#@ woothemes
msgid "No Orders found in trash"
msgstr "0 Commandes trouvées dans la corbeille"
#: woocommerce.php:669
#@ woothemes
msgid "Parent Orders"
msgstr "Commandes Parentes"
#: woocommerce.php:671
#@ woothemes
msgid "This is where store orders are stored."
msgstr "Voici où les produits sont stockés"
#: woocommerce.php:531
#@ woothemes
msgid "Order statuses"
msgstr "États de commande"
#: woocommerce.php:532
#@ woothemes
msgid "Order status"
msgstr "États de commande"
#: woocommerce.php:533
#@ woothemes
msgid "Search Order statuses"
msgstr "Rechercher états de commande"
#: woocommerce.php:534
#@ woothemes
msgid "All Order statuses"
msgstr "Tous les états de commande"
#: woocommerce.php:535
#@ woothemes
msgid "Parent Order status"
msgstr "État de la commande parente"
#: woocommerce.php:536
#@ woothemes
msgid "Parent Order status:"
msgstr "État de la commande parente :"
#: woocommerce.php:537
#@ woothemes
msgid "Edit Order status"
msgstr "Modifier l'état de la commande"
#: woocommerce.php:538
#@ woothemes
msgid "Update Order status"
msgstr "Mise à jour de l'état de la commande"
#: woocommerce.php:539
#@ woothemes
msgid "Add New Order status"
msgstr "Ajouter nouvel état de commande"
#: woocommerce.php:540
#@ woothemes
msgid "New Order status Name"
msgstr "Nom du nouvel état de commande"
#: woocommerce.php:701
#@ woothemes
msgid "Coupons"
msgstr "Coupons"
#: woocommerce.php:703
#@ woothemes
msgid "Add Coupon"
msgstr "Ajouter Coupon"
#: woocommerce.php:704
#@ woothemes
msgid "Add New Coupon"
msgstr "Ajouter Nouveau Coupon"
#: woocommerce.php:706
#@ woothemes
msgid "Edit Coupon"
msgstr "Modifier Coupon"
#: woocommerce.php:707
#@ woothemes
msgid "New Coupon"
msgstr "Nouveau Coupon"
#: woocommerce.php:708
#@ woothemes
msgid "View Coupons"
msgstr "Voir Coupons"
#: woocommerce.php:709
#@ woothemes
msgid "View Coupon"
msgstr "Voir Coupon"
#: woocommerce.php:710
#@ woothemes
msgid "Search Coupons"
msgstr "Rechercher Coupons"
#: woocommerce.php:711
#@ woothemes
msgid "No Coupons found"
msgstr "0 Coupons Trouvés"
#: woocommerce.php:712
#@ woothemes
msgid "No Coupons found in trash"
msgstr "0 Coupons trouvés dans la corbeille"
#: woocommerce.php:713
#@ woothemes
msgid "Parent Coupon"
msgstr "Coupon Parent"
#: woocommerce.php:715
#@ woothemes
msgid "This is where you can add new coupons that customers can use in your store."
msgstr "Voici où vous pouvez ajouter de nouveaux coupons que vos clients peuvent utiliser dans votre boutique."
#: templates/loop/sale_flash.php:10
#: templates/single-product/sale_flash.php:10
#@ woothemes
msgid "Sale!"
msgstr "Vente!"
#: templates/loop/add-to-cart.php:13
#: templates/loop/add-to-cart.php:29
#@ woothemes
msgid "Read More"
msgstr "Lire Plus"
#: templates/loop/add-to-cart.php:21
#@ woothemes
msgid "Select options"
msgstr "Choix options"
#: templates/loop/add-to-cart.php:25
#@ woothemes
msgid "View options"
msgstr "Voir les options"
#: templates/loop/add-to-cart.php:33
#: templates/single-product/add-to-cart/grouped.php:34
#: templates/single-product/add-to-cart/grouped.php:59
#: templates/single-product/add-to-cart/simple.php:33
#: templates/single-product/add-to-cart/variable.php:54
#@ woothemes
msgid "Add to cart"
msgstr "Ajouter au panier"
#: templates/single-product/add-to-cart/variable.php:21
#@ woothemes
msgid "Choose an option"
msgstr "Choisir une option"
#: templates/loop/sorting.php:10
#@ woothemes
msgid "Alphabetically"
msgstr "Alphabétique"
#: templates/loop/sorting.php:11
#@ woothemes
msgid "Most Recent"
msgstr "Plus Récents"
#: classes/checkout.class.php:136
#: templates/single-product/tabs/attributes-tab.php:4
#: templates/single-product/tabs/attributes.php:10
#@ woothemes
msgid "Additional Information"
msgstr "Information Complémentaire"
#: templates/single-product/tabs/description.php:10
#@ woothemes
msgid "Product Description"
msgstr "Description Produit"
#: templates/single-product/related.php:12
#@ woothemes
msgid "Related Products"
msgstr "Produits en Rapport"
#: templates/cart/shipping_calculator.php:14
#@ woothemes
msgid "Calculate Shipping"
msgstr "Calculer les frais d'expédition"
#: classes/countries.class.php:865
#: classes/countries.class.php:922
#: templates/cart/shipping_calculator.php:57
#@ woothemes
msgid "Postcode/Zip"
msgstr "Code Postal / Zip"
#: templates/cart/shipping_calculator.php:60
#@ woothemes
msgid "Update Totals"
msgstr "Mise à jour totaux"
#: templates/cart/totals.php:14
#@ woothemes
msgid "Cart Totals"
msgstr "Totaux du panier"
#: templates/cart/totals.php:71
#, php-format
#@ woothemes
msgid "estimated for %s"
msgstr "estimation pour %s"
#: templates/cart/totals.php:88
#@ woothemes
msgid "Note: Tax and shipping totals are estimated and will be updated during checkout based on your billing information."
msgstr "Note : Les totaux de taxes et de livraison sont estimés et seront mis à jour durant la commande selon vos informations de livraison."
#: templates/myaccount/login.php:13
#: templates/myaccount/login.php:27
#: templates/shop/login-form.php:24
#@ woothemes
msgid "Login"
msgstr "Connexion"
#: templates/myaccount/login.php:28
#: templates/shop/login-form.php:25
#@ woothemes
msgid "Lost Password?"
msgstr "Mot de Passe perdu?"
#: templates/checkout/login-form.php:8
#@ woothemes
msgid "Already registered?"
msgstr "Déjà Inscrit?"
#: templates/checkout/login-form.php:11
#@ woothemes
msgid "Click here to login"
msgstr "Cliquez ici pour vous connecter"
#: templates/checkout/login-form.php:13
#@ woothemes
msgid "If you have shopped with us before, please enter your username and password in the boxes below. If you are a new customer please proceed to the Billing &amp; Shipping section."
msgstr "Si vous avez déjà acheté chez nous, entre votre nom d'utilisateur et votre mot de passe dans les boîtes ci-dessous. Si vous êtes un nouveau client, rendez-vous à la section Facturation &amp; Livraison"
#: templates/shop/breadcrumb.php:8
#@ woothemes
msgctxt "breadcrumb"
msgid "Home"
msgstr "Accueil"
#: templates/shop/breadcrumb.php:60
#@ woothemes
msgid "Products tagged &ldquo;"
msgstr "Produits avec le mot-clé &ldquo;"
#: templates/shop/breadcrumb.php:83
#: templates/shop/breadcrumb.php:167
#@ woothemes
msgid "Search results for &ldquo;"
msgstr "Résultats de recherche pour &ldquo;"
#: templates/shop/breadcrumb.php:131
#@ woothemes
msgid "Error 404"
msgstr "Erreur 404"
#: templates/shop/breadcrumb.php:171
#@ woothemes
msgid "Posts tagged &ldquo;"
msgstr "Articles avec le mot-clé &ldquo;"
#: templates/shop/breadcrumb.php:182
#@ woothemes
msgid "Page"
msgstr "Page"
#: templates/single-product/up-sells.php:11
#@ woothemes
msgid "You may also like&hellip;"
msgstr "Vous aimerez peut-être aussi&hellip;"
#: templates/cart/cross-sells.php:12
#@ woothemes
msgid "You may be interested in&hellip;"
msgstr "Vous serez peut-être intéressé par&hellip;"
#: woocommerce-template.php:52
#@ woothemes
msgid "This is a demo store for testing purposes &mdash; no orders shall be fulfilled."
msgstr "Ceci est une boutique de démonstration pour test &mdash; aucune commande ne sera honorée."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:64
#@ woothemes
msgid "Turkish Lira (TL)"
msgstr "Turkish Lira (TL)"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:1040
#@ woothemes
msgid "Like WooCommerce? <a href=\"http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/woocommerce/\">Support us by leaving a rating!</a>"
msgstr "Vous aimez WooCommerce? <a href=\"http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/woocommerce/\">Supportez nous en nous donnant une note!</a>"
#: classes/gateways/gateway-cheque.php:58
#@ woothemes
msgid "Let the customer know the payee and where they should be sending the cheque to and that their order won't be shipping until you receive it."
msgstr "Faire savoir au client bénéficiaire et où ils devra envoyer le chèque à l'ordre et que leur port ne sera pas jusqu'à ce que vous recevez."
#: classes/countries.class.php:847
#: templates/myaccount/edit-address.php:65
#@ woothemes
msgid "State"
msgstr "Etat"
#: templates/checkout/thankyou.php:17
#@ woothemes
msgid "Please attempt your purchase again or go to your account page."
msgstr "S'il vous plaît essayez à nouveau votre achat ou allez sur la page de votre compte."
#: templates/checkout/thankyou.php:19
#@ woothemes
msgid "Please attempt your purchase again."
msgstr "S'il vous plaît essayez à nouveau votre achat."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:197
#@ woothemes
msgid "Configure&nbsp;terms"
msgstr "Configurer&nbsp;les&nbsp;termes"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-import.php:61
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings-forms.php:321
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings-forms.php:406
#: woocommerce.php:569
#@ woothemes
msgid "All"
msgstr "Tous"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-import.php:62
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-import.php:63
#: woocommerce.php:570
#: woocommerce.php:571
#@ woothemes
msgid "Parent"
msgstr "Parent"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-import.php:65
#: woocommerce.php:573
#@ woothemes
msgid "Update"
msgstr "Mettre à jour"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-import.php:66
#: woocommerce.php:574
#@ woothemes
msgid "Add New"
msgstr "Ajouter"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-import.php:67
#: woocommerce.php:575
#@ woothemes
msgid "New"
msgstr "Nouveau"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:452
#@ woothemes
msgid "Exclude image"
msgstr "Exclure l'image"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:461
#@ woothemes
msgid "Enabling this option will hide it from the product page image gallery."
msgstr "Cette option cachera l'image de la galerie dans une page de produit."
#: admin/post-types/shop_order.php:26
#@ woothemes
msgid "Actions"
msgstr "Actions"
#: admin/post-types/shop_order.php:80
#@ woothemes
msgid "Paid via"
msgstr "Payé avec"
#: admin/post-types/shop_order.php:93
#@ woothemes
msgid "Shipped via"
msgstr "Expédié par"
#: admin/post-types/shop_order.php:123
#@ woothemes
msgid "Complete"
msgstr "Expédiée"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings-forms.php:176
#@ woothemes
msgid "Hard Crop"
msgstr "Recadrage forcé"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings-forms.php:247
#@ woothemes
msgid "Select a page..."
msgstr "Choisissez une page..."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:269
#@ woothemes
msgid "This sets the base page of your shop."
msgstr "Ceci choisit la page de départ de votre boutique."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:278
#@ woothemes
msgid "Base Page Title"
msgstr "Titre de la page de départ"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:279
#@ woothemes
msgid "This title to show on the shop base page. Leave blank to use the page title."
msgstr "Le titre à afficher sur la page de départ de la boutique. Laisser vide pour utiliser le titre de la page."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:298
#@ woothemes
msgid "Logout link"
msgstr "Lien de déconnexion"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:299
#@ woothemes
msgid "Append a logout link to menus containing \"My Account\""
msgstr "Ajoute un lien de déconnexion aux menus contenant \"Mon compte\""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:307
#@ woothemes
msgid "Permalinks"
msgstr "Permaliens"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:310
#@ woothemes
msgid "Taxonomy base page"
msgstr "Page de départ de la taxinomie"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:311
#, php-format
#@ woothemes
msgid "Prepend shop categories/tags with shop base page (<code>%s</code>)"
msgstr "Ajouter l'adresse de la page de départ (<code>%s</code>) avant les catégories et mots-clés de la boutique"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:336
#@ woothemes
msgid "Product base page"
msgstr "Page de départ des produits"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:337
#, php-format
#@ woothemes
msgid "Prepend product permalinks with shop base page (<code>%s</code>)"
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:345
#@ woothemes
msgid "Product base category"
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:346
#@ woothemes
msgid "Prepend product permalinks with product category"
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:447
#@ woothemes
msgid "Subcategories"
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:448
#@ woothemes
msgid "Show subcategories on category pages"
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:456
#@ woothemes
msgid "Show subcategories on the shop page"
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:464
#@ woothemes
msgid "When showing subcategories, hide products"
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:489
#@ woothemes
msgid "Enable the dimension fields for products"
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:518
#@ woothemes
msgid "Dimensions Unit"
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:519
#@ woothemes
msgid "This controls what unit you will define lengths in."
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:525
#@ woothemes
msgid "cm"
msgstr "cm"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:526
#@ woothemes
msgid "in"
msgstr "pouce"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:601
#@ woothemes
msgid "Catalog Images"
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:602
#@ woothemes
msgid "This size is usually used in product listings"
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:610
#@ woothemes
msgid "Single Product Image"
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:611
#@ woothemes
msgid "This is the size used by the main image on the product page."
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:619
#@ woothemes
msgid "Product Thumbnails"
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:620
#@ woothemes
msgid "This size is usually used for the gallery of images on the product page."
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:801
#@ woothemes
msgid "Email Recipient Options"
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:804
#@ woothemes
msgid "New order notifications"
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:805
#@ woothemes
msgid "The recipient of new order emails. Defaults to the admin email."
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:813
#@ woothemes
msgid "Inventory notifications"
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:814
#@ woothemes
msgid "The recipient of stock emails. Defaults to the admin email."
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:823
#@ woothemes
msgid "Email Sender Options"
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:826
#@ woothemes
msgid "\"From\" name"
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:827
#@ woothemes
msgid "The sender name for WooCommerce emails."
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:835
#@ woothemes
msgid "\"From\" email address"
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:836
#@ woothemes
msgid "The sender email address for WooCommerce emails."
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:845
#, php-format
#@ woothemes
msgid "This section lets you customise the WooCommerce emails. <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">Click here to preview your email template</a>. For more advanced control copy <code>woocommerce/templates/emails/</code> to <code>yourtheme/woocommmerce/emails/</code>."
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:848
#@ woothemes
msgid "Header image"
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:849
#, php-format
#@ woothemes
msgid "Enter a URL to an image you want to show in the email's header. Upload your image using the <a href=\"%s\">media uploader</a>."
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:857
#@ woothemes
msgid "Email footer text"
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:858
#@ woothemes
msgid "The text to appear in the footer of WooCommerce emails."
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:866
#@ woothemes
msgid "Base colour"
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:867
#@ woothemes
msgid "The base colour for WooCommerce email templates. Default <code>#557da1</code>."
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:875
#@ woothemes
msgid "Background colour"
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:876
#@ woothemes
msgid "The background colour for WooCommerce email templates. Default <code>#eeeeee</code>."
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:884
#@ woothemes
msgid "Email body background colour"
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:885
#@ woothemes
msgid "The main body background colour. Default <code>#fdfdfd</code>."
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:893
#@ woothemes
msgid "Email body text colour"
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:894
#@ woothemes
msgid "The main body text colour. Default <code>#505050</code>."
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:1032
#@ woothemes
msgid "Welcome to WooCommerce!"
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:1033
#@ woothemes
msgid "WooCommerce requires several WordPress pages containing shortcodes in order to work correctly; these include Shop, Cart, Checkout and My Account. To add these pages automatically please click the 'Automatically add pages' button below, otherwise you can set them up manually. See the 'Pages' tab in settings for more information."
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:1034
#@ woothemes
msgid "Automatically add pages"
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:1034
#@ woothemes
msgid "Skip setup"
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:1041
#@ woothemes
msgid "WooCommerce has been installed and setup. Enjoy :)"
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:1060
#@ woothemes
msgid "Emails"
msgstr "Emails"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-taxonomies.php:22
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-taxonomies.php:81
#@ woothemes
msgid "Thumbnail"
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-taxonomies.php:26
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-taxonomies.php:86
#@ woothemes
msgid "Upload/Add image"
msgstr "Uploader/Ajouter image"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-taxonomies.php:27
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-taxonomies.php:87
#@ woothemes
msgid "Remove image"
msgstr "Supprimer image"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:33
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:236
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:240
#: classes/shipping/shipping-flat_rate.php:322
#: classes/shipping/shipping-flat_rate.php:323
#: classes/shipping/shipping-flat_rate.php:354
#: classes/shipping/shipping-flat_rate.php:355
#@ woothemes
msgid "0.00"
msgstr "0.00"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:33
#@ woothemes
msgid "Enter an amount e.g. 2.99"
msgstr ""
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:36
#@ woothemes
msgid "Check this box if the coupon cannot be used in conjunction with other coupons"
msgstr ""
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:45
#@ woothemes
msgid "(optional) Comma separate IDs which need to be in the cart to use this coupon or, for \"Product Discounts\", which products are discounted."
msgstr ""
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:48
#@ woothemes
msgid "Exclude Product IDs"
msgstr ""
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:48
#@ woothemes
msgid "(optional) Comma separate IDs which must not be in the cart to use this coupon or, for \"Product Discounts\", which products are not discounted."
msgstr ""
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:51
#@ woothemes
msgid "Unlimited usage"
msgstr ""
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:54
#@ woothemes
msgid "Never expire"
msgstr ""
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:91
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:252
#@ woothemes
msgid "Any"
msgstr ""
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:165
#@ woothemes
msgid "Default variation selections:"
msgstr ""
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:177
#@ woothemes
msgid "No default"
msgstr ""
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:110
#: classes/product.class.php:828
#@ woothemes
msgid "Dimensions"
msgstr ""
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:111
#@ woothemes
msgid "Length"
msgstr ""
#: classes/cart.class.php:1014
#@ woothemes
msgid "via"
msgstr "par"
#: classes/countries.class.php:480
#@ woothemes
msgid "the"
msgstr " "
#: classes/countries.class.php:488
#@ woothemes
msgid "VAT"
msgstr "TVA"
#: classes/countries.class.php:501
#@ woothemes
msgid "(inc. VAT)"
msgstr "(incluant la TVA)"
#: classes/countries.class.php:501
#@ woothemes
msgid "(inc. tax)"
msgstr "(incluant la taxe)"
#: classes/countries.class.php:510
#@ woothemes
msgid "(ex. VAT)"
msgstr "(excluant la TVA)"
#: woocommerce.php:1060
#@ woothemes
msgid "Product % Discount"
msgstr "Taux de rabais sur produit"
#: classes/countries.class.php:353
#@ woothemes
msgid "Alaska"
msgstr "Alaska"
#: templates/cart/cart.php:47
#@ woothemes
msgid "Available on backorder."
msgstr "Disponible mais en rupture de stock."
#: templates/myaccount/edit-address.php:32
#@ woothemes
msgid "Address line 1"
msgstr "Adresse"
#: templates/myaccount/edit-address.php:36
#@ woothemes
msgid "Address line 2"
msgstr "Adresse (suite)"
#: templates/order/tracking.php:14
#@ woothemes
msgid "and was completed"
msgstr "et a été expédiée"
#: templates/emails/customer_completed_order.php:11
#: templates/emails/customer_note_notification.php:15
#: templates/emails/customer_processing_order.php:11
#: templates/emails/new_order.php:11
#@ woothemes
msgid "Order #:"
msgstr "No de commande&nbsp;:"
#: templates/emails/customer_processing_order.php:7
#@ woothemes
msgid "Thank you, we are now processing your order. Your order's details are below."
msgstr "Merci! Nous traitons votre commande. En voici les détails&nbps;:"
#: templates/emails/new_order.php:7
#@ woothemes
msgid "You have received an order from"
msgstr "Vous avez reçu une commande de"
#: templates/single-product-reviews.php:64
#@ woothemes
msgid "Be the first to review"
msgstr "Soyez le premier à donner votre avis"
#: widgets/widget-best_sellers.php:22
#@ woothemes
msgid "Display a list of your best selling products on your site."
msgstr "Affiche une liste des produits se vendant le mieux sur votre site."
#: widgets/widget-best_sellers.php:24
#@ woothemes
msgid "WooCommerce Best Sellers"
msgstr "Meilleurs vendeurs WooCommerce"
#: widgets/widget-best_sellers.php:53
#@ woothemes
msgid "Best Sellers"
msgstr "Meilleurs vendeurs"
#: widgets/widget-price_filter.php:169
#@ woothemes
msgid "Filter"
msgstr "Filtre"
#: woocommerce-functions.php:943
#@ woothemes
msgid "New products"
msgstr "Nouveaux produits"
#: woocommerce-functions.php:951
#, php-format
#@ woothemes
msgid "New products added to %s"
msgstr "Nouveaux produits ajoutés a %s"
#: woocommerce-functions.php:959
#, php-format
#@ woothemes
msgid "New products tagged %s"
msgstr "Nouveaux produits taggés avec %s"
#: classes/woocommerce_email.class.php:143
#, php-format
#@ woothemes
msgid "[%s] Order Received"
msgstr "[%s] Commande reçue"
#: classes/woocommerce_email.class.php:170
#, php-format
#@ woothemes
msgid "[%s] Order Complete/Download Links"
msgstr "[%s] Commande reçue/Liens de téléchargement"
#: classes/woocommerce_email.class.php:171
#@ woothemes
msgid "Order Complete/Download Links"
msgstr "Commande expédiée/Liens de téléchargement"
#: classes/woocommerce_email.class.php:173
#, php-format
#@ woothemes
msgid "[%s] Order Complete"
msgstr "[%s] Commande expédiée"
#: classes/woocommerce_email.class.php:207
#, php-format
#@ woothemes
msgid "[%s] Pay for Order"
msgstr "[%s] Payer pour une commande"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-functions.php:82
#@ woothemes
msgid "Email preview"
msgstr ""
#: classes/woocommerce_email.class.php:345
#@ woothemes
msgid "Order information"
msgstr "Informations sur la commande"
#: woocommerce-core-functions.php:439
#: woocommerce.php:430
#@ woothemes
msgid "product"
msgstr "produit"
#: templates/cart/totals.php:93
#@ woothemes
msgid "No shipping methods were found; please recalculate your shipping and enter your state/county and zip/postcode to ensure their are no other available methods for your location."
msgstr "Aucune méthode d'expédition n'a été trouvée. Veuillez entrer à nouveau votre adresse de livraison, recalculer la livraison et vous assurer qu'il n'y a pas une autre méthode d'expédition pour votre région."
#: templates/cart/totals.php:93
#, php-format
#@ woothemes
msgid "Sorry, it seems that there are no available shipping methods for your location (%s)."
msgstr "Désolé, il semble qu'aucune méthode d'expédition ne soit disponible pour votre région (%s)."
#: templates/cart/totals.php:94
#@ woothemes
msgid "If you require assistance or wish to make alternate arrangements please contact us."
msgstr "Si vous désirez de l'assistance ou encore planifier d'autres types d'arrangement, veuillez communiquer avec nous."
#: templates/shop/breadcrumb.php:176
#@ woothemes
msgid "Author:"
msgstr "Auteur:"
#: widgets/widget-login.php:58
#: woocommerce-functions.php:142
#@ woothemes
msgid "Logout"
msgstr "Déconnexion"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:25
#@ woothemes
msgid "WooCommerce Settings"
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:133
#@ woothemes
msgid "Calculate totals based on order items, discount amount, and shipping? Note, you will need to calculate discounts before tax manually."
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:135
#@ woothemes
msgid "Load the customer's billing information? This will remove any currently entered billing information."
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:136
#@ woothemes
msgid "Load the customer's shipping information? This will remove any currently entered shipping information."
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:147
#@ woothemes
msgid "No customer selected"
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:24
#@ woothemes
msgid "Sales by day"
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:29
#@ woothemes
msgid "Sales by month"
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1010
#@ woothemes
msgid "Product no longer exists"
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings-forms.php:263
#@ woothemes
msgid "Choose a country&hellip;"
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings-forms.php:276
#@ woothemes
msgid "Choose countries&hellip;"
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings-forms.php:298
#@ woothemes
msgid "Countries/states"
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings-forms.php:300
#@ woothemes
msgid "Enter a tax rate (percentage) to 4 decimal places."
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings-forms.php:301
#@ woothemes
msgid "Choose whether or not this tax rate also gets applied to shipping."
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings-forms.php:306
#@ woothemes
msgid "+ Add Tax Rate"
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings-forms.php:307
#@ woothemes
msgid "Duplicate selected rows"
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings-forms.php:307
#@ woothemes
msgid "Delete selected rows"
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings-forms.php:318
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings-forms.php:403
#@ woothemes
msgid "Select countries/states&hellip;"
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings-forms.php:321
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings-forms.php:406
#@ woothemes
msgid "US States"
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings-forms.php:321
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings-forms.php:406
#@ woothemes
msgid "EU States"
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings-forms.php:357
#@ woothemes
msgid "Done"
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings-forms.php:385
#@ woothemes
msgid " countries/states selected"
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings-forms.php:401
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings-forms.php:521
#@ woothemes
msgid "No countries selected"
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings-forms.php:435
#: classes/shipping/shipping-flat_rate.php:363
#@ woothemes
msgid "Delete the selected rates?"
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings-forms.php:447
#@ woothemes
msgid "Duplicate the selected rates?"
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings-forms.php:525
#, php-format
#@ woothemes
msgid "(1 state)"
msgid_plural "(%s states)"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings-forms.php:531
#, php-format
#@ woothemes
msgid "and 1 state"
msgid_plural "and %s states"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings-forms.php:533
#, php-format
#@ woothemes
msgid "1 country"
msgid_plural "%1$s countries"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:33
#@ woothemes
msgid "This controls what currency prices are listed at in the catalog and which currency gateways will take payments in."
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:47
#@ woothemes
msgid "Czech Koruna (&#75;&#269;)"
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:65
#@ woothemes
msgid "South African rand (R)"
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:95
#@ woothemes
msgid "Allow users to checkout without signing up for an account"
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:103
#@ woothemes
msgid "Allow users to create an account and login from the checkout page"
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:119
#@ woothemes
msgid "\"Ship to same address option\" checked by default"
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:127
#@ woothemes
msgid "Show order comments section"
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:135
#@ woothemes
msgid "Force <abbr title=\"Secure Sockets Layer, a computing protocol that ensures the security of data sent via the Internet by using encryption\">SSL</abbr>/HTTPS (an SSL Certificate is required)"
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:143
#@ woothemes
msgid "Un-force <abbr title=\"Secure Sockets Layer, a computing protocol that ensures the security of data sent via the Internet by using encryption\">SSL</abbr>/HTTPS when leaving the checkout"
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:151
#@ woothemes
msgid "Customer Accounts"
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:152
#@ woothemes
msgid "Allow unregistered users to register from the My Account page"
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:160
#@ woothemes
msgid "Clear cart when logging out"
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:168
#@ woothemes
msgid "Prevent customers from accessing WordPress admin"
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:176
#@ woothemes
msgid "Styling"
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:177
#@ woothemes
msgid "Enable WooCommerce CSS styles"
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:193
#@ woothemes
msgid "Scripts"
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:194
#@ woothemes
msgid "Enable AJAX add to cart buttons on product archives"
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:202
#@ woothemes
msgid "Enable WooCommerce lightbox on the product page"
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:218
#@ woothemes
msgid "Enable jQuery UI (used by the price slider widget)"
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:226
#@ woothemes
msgid "Output WooCommerce JavaScript in the footer (<code>wp_footer</code>)"
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:234
#@ woothemes
msgid "File download method"
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:235
#@ woothemes
msgid "Forcing downloads will keep URLs hidden, but some servers may serve large files unreliably. If supported, <code>X-Accel-Redirect</code>/ <code>X-Sendfile</code> can be used to serve downloads instead (server requires <code>mod_xsendfile</code>)."
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:242
#@ woothemes
msgid "Force Downloads"
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:243
#@ woothemes
msgid "X-Accel-Redirect/X-Sendfile"
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:244
#@ woothemes
msgid "Redirect only"
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:249
#@ woothemes
msgid "Localisation"
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:250
#@ woothemes
msgid "Use informal localisation file if it exists"
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:907
#@ woothemes
msgid "ShareThis"
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:911
#, php-format
#@ woothemes
msgid "Enter your %1$sShareThis publisher ID%2$s to show social sharing buttons on product pages."
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:920
#@ woothemes
msgid "Google Analytics"
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:931
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:939
#@ woothemes
msgid "Tracking code"
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:932
#@ woothemes
msgid "Add tracking code to your site's footer. You don't need to enable this if using a 3rd party analytics plugin."
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:940
#@ woothemes
msgid "Add eCommerce tracking code to the thankyou page"
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:318
#@ woothemes
msgid "Product category slug"
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:319
#@ woothemes
msgid "Shows in the product category URLs. Leave blank to use the default slug."
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:327
#@ woothemes
msgid "Product tag slug"
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:328
#@ woothemes
msgid "Shows in the product tag URLs. Leave blank to use the default slug."
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:497
#@ woothemes
msgid "Show weight and dimension fields in product attributes tab"
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:589
#@ woothemes
msgid "Trim zeros"
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:590
#@ woothemes
msgid "Trim zeros after the decimal point when displaying prices"
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:598
#, php-format
#@ woothemes
msgid "These settings affect the actual dimensions of images in your catalog - the display on the front-end will still be affected by CSS styles. After changing these settings you may need to <a href=\"%s\">regenerate your thumbnails</a>."
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:699
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:708
#@ woothemes
msgid "Shipping calculations"
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:700
#@ woothemes
msgid "Enable shipping"
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:717
#@ woothemes
msgid "Shipping destination"
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:734
#@ woothemes
msgid "Tax calculations"
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:751
#@ woothemes
msgid "Round tax at subtotal level, instead of per line"
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:759
#@ woothemes
msgid "Tax display (cart totals)"
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:760
#@ woothemes
msgid "Always display cart contents excluding tax"
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:768
#@ woothemes
msgid "Always display cart totals excluding tax"
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:1167
#@ woothemes
msgid "Your activated payment gateways are listed below. Drag and drop rows to re-order them for display on the checkout."
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:1171
#@ woothemes
msgid "Default"
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:1172
#@ woothemes
msgid "Gateway"
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:1189
#@ woothemes
msgid "Gateway ID"
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-taxonomies.php:146
#@ woothemes
msgid "Product categories for your store can be managed here. To change the order of categories on the front-end you can drag and drop to sort them. To see more categories listed click the \"screen options\" link at the top of the page."
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-taxonomies.php:157
#@ woothemes
msgid "Shipping classes can be used to group products of similar type. These groups can then be used by certain shipping methods to provide different rates to different products."
msgstr ""
#: admin/post-types/product.php:393
#@ woothemes
msgid "Show all product types"
msgstr ""
#: admin/post-types/product.php:403
#@ woothemes
msgid "Show all sub-types"
msgstr ""
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:39
#@ woothemes
msgid "Apply before tax"
msgstr ""
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:39
#@ woothemes
msgid "Check this box if the coupon should be applied before calculating cart tax"
msgstr ""
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:42
#@ woothemes
msgid "Enable free shipping"
msgstr ""
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:42
#, php-format
#@ woothemes
msgid "Check this box if the coupon enables free shipping (see <a href=\"%s\">Free Shipping</a>)"
msgstr ""
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:91
#@ woothemes
msgid "No billing address set."
msgstr ""
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:96
#@ woothemes
msgid "Load customer billing address"
msgstr ""
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:119
#@ woothemes
msgid "No shipping address set."
msgstr ""
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:124
#@ woothemes
msgid "Load customer shipping address"
msgstr ""
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:125
#@ woothemes
msgid "Copy from billing information"
msgstr ""
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:166
#@ woothemes
msgid "Item&nbsp;Meta"
msgstr ""
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:169
#@ woothemes
msgid "Base&nbsp;Cost"
msgstr ""
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:169
#@ woothemes
msgid "Cost before discounts"
msgstr ""
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:169
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:170
#@ woothemes
msgid "Up to 4 decimals are allowed for precision."
msgstr ""
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:170
#@ woothemes
msgid "Final cost after discount"
msgstr ""
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:232
#@ woothemes
msgid "0"
msgstr ""
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:244
#@ woothemes
msgid "0.0000"
msgstr ""
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:323
#@ woothemes
msgid "Save/update the order"
msgstr "Mettre à jour la commande"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:325
#@ woothemes
msgid "Reduces stock for each item in the order; useful after manually creating an order or manually marking an order as paid."
msgstr ""
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:327
#@ woothemes
msgid "Restores stock for each item in the order; useful after refunding or canceling the entire order."
msgstr ""
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:329
#@ woothemes
msgid "Email the order to the customer. Unpaid orders will include a payment link."
msgstr ""
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:375
#@ woothemes
msgid "Shipping tax:"
msgstr ""
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:389
#: templates/emails/customer_completed_order.php:27
#: templates/emails/customer_note_notification.php:31
#: templates/emails/customer_pay_for_order.php:31
#: templates/emails/customer_processing_order.php:27
#: templates/emails/new_order.php:27
#: templates/order/order-details-table.php:25
#@ woothemes
msgid "Cart Discount:"
msgstr ""
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:396
#: templates/emails/customer_completed_order.php:39
#: templates/emails/customer_note_notification.php:43
#: templates/emails/customer_pay_for_order.php:43
#: templates/emails/customer_processing_order.php:39
#: templates/emails/new_order.php:39
#: templates/order/order-details-table.php:37
#@ woothemes
msgid "Order Discount:"
msgstr ""
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:403
#: templates/emails/customer_completed_order.php:43
#: templates/emails/customer_note_notification.php:47
#: templates/emails/customer_pay_for_order.php:47
#: templates/emails/customer_processing_order.php:43
#: templates/emails/new_order.php:43
#: templates/order/order-details-table.php:41
#@ woothemes
msgid "Order Total:"
msgstr "Total de la commande:"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_notes.php:48
#@ woothemes
msgid "Add a note for your reference, or add a customer note (the user will be notified)."
msgstr ""
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:19
#@ woothemes
msgid "Variations for variable products are defined here."
msgstr ""
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:47
#@ woothemes
msgid "Before you can start adding variations you must set up and save some variable attributes via the <strong>Attributes</strong> tab."
msgstr ""
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:50
#@ woothemes
msgid "Prices"
msgstr ""
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:50
#@ woothemes
msgid "Sale prices"
msgstr ""
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:50
#@ woothemes
msgid "Stock"
msgstr ""
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:50
#@ woothemes
msgid "File paths"
msgstr ""
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:50
#@ woothemes
msgid "Download limits"
msgstr ""
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:117
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:276
#@ woothemes
msgid "Enter a SKU for this variation or leave blank to use the parent product SKU."
msgstr ""
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:119
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:278
#@ woothemes
msgid "Enter a quantity to manage stock for this variation, or leave blank to use the variable product stock options."
msgstr ""
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:121
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:280
#@ woothemes
msgid "Enter a weight for this variation or leave blank to use the parent product weight."
msgstr ""
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:124
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:283
#@ woothemes
msgid "Dimensions (L&times;W&times;H)"
msgstr ""
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:137
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:294
#@ woothemes
msgid "Enable this option if access is given to a downloadable file upon purchase of a product."
msgstr ""
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:139
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:296
#@ woothemes
msgid "Enable this option if a product is not shipped or there is no shipping cost."
msgstr ""
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:145
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:301
#@ woothemes
msgid "File path:"
msgstr ""
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:145
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:301
#@ woothemes
msgid "Enter a File Path to make this variation a downloadable product, or leave blank."
msgstr ""
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:145
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:301
#@ woothemes
msgid "&uarr;"
msgstr ""
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:145
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:301
#@ woothemes
msgid "Upload"
msgstr ""
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:151
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:305
#@ woothemes
msgid "Download Limit:"
msgstr ""
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:151
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:305
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:399
#@ woothemes
msgid "Unlimited"
msgstr ""
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:201
#@ woothemes
msgid "Add (optional) information for product variations. If you modify your product attributes you must save the product before they will be selectable."
msgstr ""
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:426
#@ woothemes
msgid "Enter a file path/URL"
msgstr ""
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:432
#@ woothemes
msgid "Enter a download limit"
msgstr ""
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:507
#@ woothemes
msgid "Variable product"
msgstr ""
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:37
#@ woothemes
msgid "Up-sells &amp; Cross-sells"
msgstr ""
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:43
#@ woothemes
msgid "Downloads"
msgstr ""
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:65
#@ woothemes
msgid "Product URL"
msgstr ""
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:65
#@ woothemes
msgid "Enter the external URL to the product."
msgstr ""
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:743
#@ woothemes
msgid "Simple product"
msgstr ""
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:744
#@ woothemes
msgid "Grouped product"
msgstr ""
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:745
#@ woothemes
msgid "External/Affiliate product"
msgstr ""
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:749
#@ woothemes
msgid "Product visibility"
msgstr ""
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:756
#@ woothemes
msgid "Enable this option if a product is not shipped or there is no shipping cost"
msgstr ""
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:758
#@ woothemes
msgid "Enable this option if access is given to a downloadable file upon purchase of a product"
msgstr ""
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:761
#@ woothemes
msgid "Enable this option to feature this product"
msgstr ""
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanels-init.php:52
#@ woothemes
msgid "Product name"
msgstr ""
#: classes/cart.class.php:356
#@ woothemes
msgid "This product cannot be purchased."
msgstr ""
#: classes/cart.class.php:362
#@ woothemes
msgid "This product cannot be purchased - the price is not yet set."
msgstr ""
#: classes/countries.class.php:226
#@ woothemes
msgid "South Georgia/Sandwich Islands"
msgstr ""
#: classes/countries.class.php:253
#@ woothemes
msgid "US Minor Outlying Islands"
msgstr ""
#: classes/countries.class.php:252
#@ woothemes
msgid "US Armed Forces"
msgstr ""
#: classes/countries.class.php:285
#@ woothemes
msgid "Amazonas"
msgstr ""
#: classes/countries.class.php:286
#@ woothemes
msgid "Acre"
msgstr ""
#: classes/countries.class.php:287
#@ woothemes
msgid "Alagoas"
msgstr ""
#: classes/countries.class.php:288
#@ woothemes
msgid "Amap&aacute;"
msgstr ""
#: classes/countries.class.php:289
#@ woothemes
msgid "Cear&aacute;"
msgstr ""
#: classes/countries.class.php:290
#@ woothemes
msgid "Distrito federal"
msgstr ""
#: classes/countries.class.php:291
#@ woothemes
msgid "Espirito santo"
msgstr ""
#: classes/countries.class.php:292
#@ woothemes
msgid "Maranh&atilde;o"
msgstr ""
#: classes/countries.class.php:293
#@ woothemes
msgid "Paran&aacute;"
msgstr ""
#: classes/countries.class.php:294
#@ woothemes
msgid "Pernambuco"
msgstr ""
#: classes/countries.class.php:295
#@ woothemes
msgid "Piau&iacute;"
msgstr ""
#: classes/countries.class.php:296
#@ woothemes
msgid "Rio grande do norte"
msgstr ""
#: classes/countries.class.php:297
#: classes/countries.class.php:310
#@ woothemes
msgid "Rio grande do sul"
msgstr ""
#: classes/countries.class.php:298
#@ woothemes
msgid "Rond&ocirc;nia"
msgstr ""
#: classes/countries.class.php:299
#@ woothemes
msgid "Roraima"
msgstr ""
#: classes/countries.class.php:300
#@ woothemes
msgid "Santa catarina"
msgstr ""
#: classes/countries.class.php:301
#@ woothemes
msgid "Sergipe"
msgstr ""
#: classes/countries.class.php:302
#@ woothemes
msgid "Tocantins"
msgstr ""
#: classes/countries.class.php:303
#@ woothemes
msgid "Par&aacute;"
msgstr ""
#: classes/countries.class.php:304
#@ woothemes
msgid "Bahia"
msgstr ""
#: classes/countries.class.php:305
#@ woothemes
msgid "Goi&aacute;s"
msgstr ""
#: classes/countries.class.php:306
#@ woothemes
msgid "Mato grosso"
msgstr ""
#: classes/countries.class.php:307
#@ woothemes
msgid "Mato grosso do sul"
msgstr ""
#: classes/countries.class.php:308
#@ woothemes
msgid "Rio de janeiro"
msgstr ""
#: classes/countries.class.php:309
#@ woothemes
msgid "S&atilde;o paulo"
msgstr ""
#: classes/countries.class.php:311
#@ woothemes
msgid "Minas gerais"
msgstr ""
#: classes/countries.class.php:312
#@ woothemes
msgid "Paraiba"
msgstr ""
#: classes/countries.class.php:499
#, php-format
#@ woothemes
msgid "(inc. %s%% VAT)"
msgstr ""
#: classes/countries.class.php:499
#, php-format
#@ woothemes
msgid "(inc. %s%% tax)"
msgstr ""
#: classes/gateways/gateway-paypal.php:79
#@ woothemes
msgid "Gateway Disabled"
msgstr ""
#: classes/gateways/gateway-paypal.php:79
#@ woothemes
msgid "PayPal does not support your store currency."
msgstr ""
#: classes/gateways/gateway-paypal.php:121
#@ woothemes
msgid "Send shipping details to PayPal. Since PayPal verifies addresses sent to it this can cause errors, therefore we recommend disabling this option."
msgstr ""
#: classes/gateways/gateway-paypal.php:131
#@ woothemes
msgid "Debug"
msgstr ""
#: classes/gateways/gateway-paypal.php:133
#@ woothemes
msgid "Enable logging (<code>woocommerce/logs/paypal.txt</code>)"
msgstr ""
#: classes/gateways/gateway-paypal.php:453
#@ woothemes
msgid "Order refunded/reversed"
msgstr ""
#: classes/gateways/gateway-paypal.php:454
#, php-format
#@ woothemes
msgid "Order #%s has been marked as refunded - PayPal reason code: %s"
msgstr ""
#: classes/gateways/gateway-paypal.php:458
#, php-format
#@ woothemes
msgid "Payment for order #%s refunded/reversed"
msgstr ""
#: classes/shipping/shipping-flat_rate.php:52
#@ woothemes
msgid "Enable Flat Rate shipping"
msgstr ""
#: classes/shipping/shipping-flat_rate.php:59
#@ woothemes
msgid "Flat Rate"
msgstr ""
#: classes/shipping/shipping-flat_rate.php:80
#@ woothemes
msgid "Calculation Type"
msgstr ""
#: classes/shipping/shipping-flat_rate.php:85
#@ woothemes
msgid "Per Order - charge shipping for the entire order as a whole"
msgstr ""
#: classes/shipping/shipping-flat_rate.php:86
#@ woothemes
msgid "Per Item - charge shipping for each item individually"
msgstr ""
#: classes/shipping/shipping-flat_rate.php:87
#@ woothemes
msgid "Per Class - charge shipping for each shipping class in an order"
msgstr ""
#: classes/shipping/shipping-flat_rate.php:101
#@ woothemes
msgid "Default Cost"
msgstr ""
#: classes/shipping/shipping-flat_rate.php:107
#@ woothemes
msgid "Default Handling Fee"
msgstr ""
#: classes/shipping/shipping-flat_rate.php:292
#: woocommerce.php:508
#@ woothemes
msgid "Shipping Class"
msgstr ""
#: classes/shipping/shipping-flat_rate.php:293
#@ woothemes
msgid "Cost, excluding tax."
msgstr ""
#: classes/shipping/shipping-flat_rate.php:294
#@ woothemes
msgid "Fee excluding tax. Enter an amount, e.g. 2.50, or a percentage, e.g. 5%."
msgstr ""
#: classes/shipping/shipping-flat_rate.php:299
#@ woothemes
msgid "+ Add Flat Rate"
msgstr ""
#: classes/shipping/shipping-flat_rate.php:300
#@ woothemes
msgid "Add rates for shipping classes here &mdash; they will override the default costs defined above."
msgstr ""
#: classes/shipping/shipping-flat_rate.php:300
#@ woothemes
msgid "Delete selected rates"
msgstr ""
#: classes/shipping/shipping-flat_rate.php:317
#: classes/shipping/shipping-flat_rate.php:349
#@ woothemes
msgid "Select a class&hellip;"
msgstr ""
#: classes/shipping/shipping-free_shipping.php:64
#@ woothemes
msgid "Free shipping requires a free shipping coupon"
msgstr ""
#: classes/shipping/shipping-free_shipping.php:65
#@ woothemes
msgid "Users will need to enter a valid free shipping coupon code to use this method."
msgstr ""
#: classes/shipping/shipping-free_shipping.php:101
#@ woothemes
msgid "Free Shipping - does what it says on the tin."
msgstr ""
#: languages/strings.php:13
#@ woothemes
msgid "pending"
msgstr "non traitée"
#: languages/strings.php:14
#@ woothemes
msgid "failed"
msgstr "échec"
#: languages/strings.php:15
#@ woothemes
msgid "on-hold"
msgstr "attente de paiement"
#: languages/strings.php:16
#@ woothemes
msgid "processing"
msgstr "en traitement"
#: languages/strings.php:17
#@ woothemes
msgid "completed"
msgstr "complétée"
#: languages/strings.php:18
#@ woothemes
msgid "refunded"
msgstr "remboursée"
#: languages/strings.php:19
#@ woothemes
msgid "cancelled"
msgstr "annulée"
#: templates/cart/cart.php:79
#@ woothemes
msgid "Update Cart"
msgstr "Mettre à jour les totaux"
#: templates/myaccount/my-account.php:77
#@ woothemes
msgid "You have no recent orders."
msgstr "Vous n'avez pas de commandes récentes"
#: shortcodes/shortcode-order_tracking.php:45
#, php-format
#@ woothemes
msgid "Sorry, we could not find that order id in our database. <a href=\"%s\">Want to retry?</a>"
msgstr "Désolé, nous ne trouvons pas cette commande dans notre base de donnée. <a href=\"%s\">Voulez-vous réessayer?</a>"
#: templates/checkout/form.php:9
#@ woothemes
msgid "You must be logged in to checkout."
msgstr "Vous devez vous identifier avant de passer au paiement de votre commande."
#: templates/cart/totals.php:18
#: templates/checkout/review_order.php:14
#@ woothemes
msgid "Cart Subtotal"
msgstr "Sous-total"
#: templates/cart/totals.php:78
#: templates/checkout/review_order.php:86
#@ woothemes
msgid "Order Discount"
msgstr "Rabais sur la commande"
#: templates/emails/customer_completed_order.php:23
#: templates/emails/customer_note_notification.php:27
#: templates/emails/customer_pay_for_order.php:27
#: templates/emails/customer_processing_order.php:23
#: templates/emails/new_order.php:23
#: templates/order/order-details-table.php:21
#@ woothemes
msgid "Cart Subtotal:"
msgstr "Sous-total: "
#: templates/emails/customer_new_account.php:7
#, php-format
#@ woothemes
msgid "Thanks for registering on %s. Your login details are below:"
msgstr "Merci de vous être inscris sur %s. Voici les détails de votre compte:"
#: templates/emails/customer_new_account.php:10
#, php-format
#@ woothemes
msgid "Username: %s"
msgstr "Identifiant: %s"
#: templates/emails/customer_new_account.php:11
#, php-format
#@ woothemes
msgid "Password: %s"
msgstr "Mot de passe: %s"
#: templates/emails/customer_new_account.php:14
#, php-format
#@ woothemes
msgid "You can login to your account area here: %s."
msgstr "Vous pouvez vous connecter à votre zone de membre ici: %s."
#: templates/emails/customer_note_notification.php:7
#@ woothemes
msgid "Hello, a note has just been added to your order:"
msgstr "Bonjour, une note vient d'être ajoutée à votre commande: "
#: templates/emails/customer_note_notification.php:11
#@ woothemes
msgid "For your reference, your order details are shown below."
msgstr "Pour votre information, voici les détails de votre commande."
#: templates/emails/customer_pay_for_order.php:15
#@ woothemes
msgid "Order #"
msgstr "Commande #"
#: templates/myaccount/login.php:38
#: templates/myaccount/login.php:66
#@ woothemes
msgid "Register"
msgstr "S'inscrire"
#: templates/myaccount/login.php:56
#@ woothemes
msgid "Re-enter password"
msgstr "Entrer le mot de passe à nouveau"
#: templates/single-product-reviews.php:95
#@ woothemes
msgid "Your Review"
msgstr "Votre avis"
#: widgets/widget-cart.php:24
#@ woothemes
msgid "Display the user's Shopping Cart in the sidebar."
msgstr ""
#: widgets/widget-layered_nav.php:342
#@ woothemes
msgid "Query Type:"
msgstr ""
#: widgets/widget-layered_nav.php:344
#@ woothemes
msgid "AND"
msgstr ""
#: widgets/widget-layered_nav.php:345
#@ woothemes
msgid "OR"
msgstr ""
#: widgets/widget-login.php:22
#@ woothemes
msgid "Display a login area and \"My Account\" links in the sidebar."
msgstr ""
#: widgets/widget-login.php:24
#@ woothemes
msgid "WooCommerce Login"
msgstr ""
#: widgets/widget-login.php:42
#: widgets/widget-login.php:180
#@ woothemes
msgid "Customer Login"
msgstr ""
#: widgets/widget-login.php:43
#: widgets/widget-login.php:183
#, php-format
#@ woothemes
msgid "Welcome %s"
msgstr ""
#: widgets/widget-login.php:56
#@ woothemes
msgid "My account"
msgstr "Mon compte"
#: widgets/widget-login.php:57
#@ woothemes
msgid "Change my password"
msgstr "Modifier mot de passe"
#: widgets/widget-login.php:97
#@ woothemes
msgid "Login &raquo;"
msgstr ""
#: widgets/widget-login.php:97
#@ woothemes
msgid "Lost password?"
msgstr ""
#: widgets/widget-login.php:179
#@ woothemes
msgid "Logged out title:"
msgstr ""
#: widgets/widget-login.php:182
#@ woothemes
msgid "Logged in title:"
msgstr ""
#: widgets/widget-login.php:227
#: woocommerce-functions.php:465
#@ woothemes
msgid "<strong>ERROR</strong>: Please enter a username."
msgstr ""
#: widgets/widget-login.php:230
#@ woothemes
msgid "<strong>ERROR</strong>: Please enter your password."
msgstr ""
#: widgets/widget-onsale.php:23
#@ woothemes
msgid "Display a list of your on-sale products on your site."
msgstr ""
#: widgets/widget-onsale.php:25
#@ woothemes
msgid "WooCommerce On-sale"
msgstr ""
#: widgets/widget-onsale.php:54
#@ woothemes
msgid "On Sale"
msgstr ""
#: widgets/widget-price_filter.php:167
#@ woothemes
msgid "Min price"
msgstr ""
#: widgets/widget-price_filter.php:168
#@ woothemes
msgid "Max price"
msgstr ""
#: woocommerce-functions.php:342
#, php-format
#@ woothemes
msgid "<a href=\"%s\" class=\"button\">Continue Shopping &rarr;</a> Product successfully added to your cart."
msgstr ""
#: woocommerce-functions.php:467
#@ woothemes
msgid "<strong>ERROR</strong>: This username is invalid because it uses illegal characters. Please enter a valid username."
msgstr ""
#: woocommerce-functions.php:470
#@ woothemes
msgid "<strong>ERROR</strong>: This username is already registered, please choose another one."
msgstr ""
#: woocommerce-functions.php:475
#@ woothemes
msgid "<strong>ERROR</strong>: Please type your e-mail address."
msgstr ""
#: woocommerce-functions.php:477
#@ woothemes
msgid "<strong>ERROR</strong>: The email address isn&#8217;t correct."
msgstr ""
#: woocommerce-functions.php:480
#@ woothemes
msgid "<strong>ERROR</strong>: This email is already registered, please choose another one."
msgstr ""
#: woocommerce-functions.php:485
#@ woothemes
msgid "Re-enter your password."
msgstr ""
#: woocommerce-functions.php:489
#@ woothemes
msgid "Anti-spam field was filled in."
msgstr ""
#: woocommerce-functions.php:588
#, php-format
#@ woothemes
msgid "Invalid email address. <a href=\"%s\">Go to homepage &rarr;</a>"
msgstr ""
#: woocommerce-functions.php:600
#, php-format
#@ woothemes
msgid "Invalid download. <a href=\"%s\">Go to homepage &rarr;</a>"
msgstr ""
#: woocommerce-functions.php:610
#, php-format
#@ woothemes
msgid "Invalid order. <a href=\"%s\">Go to homepage &rarr;</a>"
msgstr ""
#: woocommerce-ajax.php:656
#@ woothemes
msgid "Cross-sell"
msgstr ""
#: woocommerce-ajax.php:656
#@ woothemes
msgid "Up-sell"
msgstr ""
#: classes/woocommerce_email.class.php:205
#, php-format
#@ woothemes
msgid "Invoice for Order #%s"
msgstr ""
#: classes/woocommerce_email.class.php:244
#@ woothemes
msgid "A note has been added to your order"
msgstr ""
#: classes/woocommerce_email.class.php:246
#, php-format
#@ woothemes
msgid "[%s] A note has been added to your order"
msgstr ""
#: classes/woocommerce_email.class.php:368
#, php-format
#@ woothemes
msgid "Your account on %s"
msgstr ""
#: classes/woocommerce_email.class.php:369
#@ woothemes
msgid "Your account details"
msgstr ""
#: woocommerce.php:505
#: woocommerce.php:507
#@ woothemes
msgid "Shipping Classes"
msgstr ""
#: woocommerce.php:509
#@ woothemes
msgid "Search Shipping Classes"
msgstr ""
#: woocommerce.php:510
#@ woothemes
msgid "All Shipping Classes"
msgstr ""
#: woocommerce.php:511
#@ woothemes
msgid "Parent Shipping Class"
msgstr ""
#: woocommerce.php:512
#@ woothemes
msgid "Parent Shipping Class:"
msgstr ""
#: woocommerce.php:513
#@ woothemes
msgid "Edit Shipping Class"
msgstr ""
#: woocommerce.php:514
#@ woothemes
msgid "Update Shipping Class"
msgstr "Mettre à jour les class \\\"shipping\\\""
#: woocommerce.php:515
#@ woothemes
msgid "Add New Shipping Class"
msgstr ""
#: woocommerce.php:516
#@ woothemes
msgid "New Shipping Class Name"
msgstr ""
#: templates/single-product/meta.php:14
#@ woothemes
msgid "Category:"
msgstr ""
#: templates/single-product/meta.php:16
#@ woothemes
msgid "Tags:"
msgstr ""
#: templates/single-product/add-to-cart/external.php:15
#@ woothemes
msgid "Buy product"
msgstr ""
#: templates/cart/totals.php:23
#: templates/cart/totals.php:78
#@ woothemes
msgid "[Remove]"
msgstr ""
#: admin/post-types/shop_order.php:65
#@ woothemes
msgid "made by"
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:215
#@ woothemes
msgid "Attribute label"
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:217
#@ woothemes
msgid "Name for the attribute (shown on the front-end)."
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:221
#@ woothemes
msgid "Attribute slug"
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:223
#@ woothemes
msgid "Unique slug/reference for the attribute; must be shorter than 28 characters."
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:111
#@ woothemes
msgid "Enable coupon form on checkout"
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:210
#@ woothemes
msgid "Enable \"chosen\" (enhanced select input) for country selection inputs"
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:696
#@ woothemes
msgid "Shipping can be enabled and disabled from this section."
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:907
#@ woothemes
msgid "ShareThis offers a sharing widget which will allow customers to share links to products with their friends."
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:920
#@ woothemes
msgid "Google Analytics is a free service offered by Google that generates detailed statistics about the visitors to a website."
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:1061
#@ woothemes
msgid "Integration"
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:1105
#@ woothemes
msgid "Your activated shipping methods are listed below. Drag and drop rows to re-order them for display on the frontend."
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:1109
#@ woothemes
msgid "Shipping Method"
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:1120
#@ woothemes
msgid "Method ID"
msgstr ""
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-taxonomies.php:207
#@ woothemes
msgid "Configure shipping class"
msgstr ""
#: classes/countries.class.php:119
#@ woothemes
msgid "Hong Kong"
msgstr ""
#: classes/countries.class.php:335
#@ woothemes
msgid "Hong Kong Island"
msgstr ""
#: classes/countries.class.php:336
#@ woothemes
msgid "Kowloong"
msgstr ""
#: classes/countries.class.php:337
#@ woothemes
msgid "New Territories"
msgstr ""
#: classes/countries.class.php:706
#: classes/countries.class.php:719
#: classes/countries.class.php:822
#: classes/countries.class.php:839
#@ woothemes
msgid "Province"
msgstr ""
#: classes/countries.class.php:714
#@ woothemes
msgid "Municipality"
msgstr ""
#: classes/countries.class.php:751
#@ woothemes
msgid "Town/District"
msgstr ""
#: classes/countries.class.php:754
#@ woothemes
msgid "Region"
msgstr ""
#: classes/countries.class.php:844
#@ woothemes
msgid "Zip"
msgstr ""
#: classes/countries.class.php:855
#@ woothemes
msgid "County"
msgstr ""
#: classes/countries.class.php:868
#: classes/countries.class.php:917
#@ woothemes
msgid "Town/City"
msgstr ""
#: classes/countries.class.php:900
#@ woothemes
msgid "Company Name"
msgstr ""
#: classes/countries.class.php:901
#@ woothemes
msgid "Company (optional)"
msgstr ""
#: classes/countries.class.php:911
#@ woothemes
msgid "Address 2 (optional)"
msgstr ""
#: classes/order.class.php:369
#@ woothemes
msgid "Download:"
msgstr ""
#: classes/product.class.php:571
#: classes/product.class.php:577
#@ woothemes
msgctxt "min_price"
msgid "From:"
msgstr ""
#: templates/checkout/coupon-form.php:7
#@ woothemes
msgid "Have a coupon?"
msgstr ""
#: templates/checkout/coupon-form.php:10
#@ woothemes
msgid "Click here to enter your code"
msgstr ""
#: templates/order/order-details-table.php:72
#@ woothemes
msgid "Download file &rarr;"
msgstr ""
#: widgets/widget-cart.php:97
#@ woothemes
msgid "Hide if cart is empty"
msgstr ""
#: widgets/widget-product_categories.php:117
#@ woothemes
msgid "Order by:"
msgstr ""
#: widgets/widget-product_categories.php:119
#@ woothemes
msgid "Category Order"
msgstr ""
#: woocommerce.php:825
#@ woothemes
msgid "Select an option&hellip;"
msgstr ""