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  • Missing config package dependency


  • shopper.gotoMyAccount() go to the /my-account/ page
  • clickFilter() util helper method that clicks on a list page filter
  • moveAllItemsToTrash() util helper method that checks every item in a list page and moves them to the trash
  • createSimpleOrder( status ) component which accepts an order status string and creates a basic order with that status
  • addProductToOrder( orderId, productName ) component which adds the provided productName to the passed in orderId
  • createCoupon( couponAmount ) component which accepts a coupon amount string (it defaults to 5) and creates a basic coupon. Returns the generated coupon code.


  • Deprecated StoreOwnerFlow, CustomerFlow in favour of merchant,shopper
  • createSimpleOrder( status ) returns the ID of the order that was created
  • Updated createCoupon( couponAmount ) component to be more dynamic in functioning, now you can use any coupon discount type in tests


  • Initial/beta release