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Add a message above the login / register form

This code will add a custom message above the login/register form on the users my-account page.

Add this code to your child themes functions.php file or via a plugin that allows custom functions to be added, such as the Code snippets plugin. Avoid adding custom code directly to your parent themes functions.php file, as this will be wiped entirely when you update the theme.

if ( ! function_exists( 'YOUR_PREFIX_login_message' ) ) {
     * Add a message above the login / register form on my-account page
    function YOUR_PREFIX_login_message() {
        if ( get_option( 'woocommerce_enable_myaccount_registration' ) == 'yes' ) {
            <div class="woocommerce-info">
            <p><?php _e( 'Returning customers login. New users register for next time so you can:', 'YOUR-TEXTDOMAIN' ); ?></p>
                <li><?php _e( 'View your order history', 'YOUR-TEXTDOMAIN' ); ?></li>
                <li><?php _e( 'Check on your orders', 'YOUR-TEXTDOMAIN' ); ?></li>
                <li><?php _e( 'Edit your addresses', 'YOUR-TEXTDOMAIN' ); ?></li>
                <li><?php _e( 'Change your password', 'YOUR-TEXTDOMAIN' ); ?></li>
    add_action( 'woocommerce_before_customer_login_form', 'YOUR_PREFIX_login_message' );

Please note that for this code to work, the following options must be checked in the WooCommerce “Accounts & Privacy” settings:

  • Allow customers to create an account during checkout.
  • Allow customers to create an account on the "My Account" page.