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WooCommerce Dashboard

The new dashboard in WooCommerce has been designed to allow you to keep track of the statistics and data that matter most to your site. Each section of the dashboard can be fully customized to meet the needs of your store, and also act as launching points to dive deeper into other Analytics Reports.

The dashboard is comprised of three sections: Performance Indicators, Charts, and Leaderboards. The data presented in these sections are controlled by the Date Picker which appears at the top of the page. This lets you quickly look at data for a number of preset date ranges like week, month, quarter, and year to date, or to select a specific date range to view.

Furthermore these sections can be re-ordered, re-named, or even toggled off if you don't want to view a particular section(s).

Customizing Dashboard Sections

To customize dashboard sections, click the kebab menu in the top right corner of the section. The first item that appears in this menu is the ability to toggle the display of the various stats that are shown in the section. Below that you will find options for renaming the section, moving it up or down, or removing it entirely from the dashboard.

Adding a Dashboard Section

If you removed a dashboard section, or you have an extension installed that adds in an option for a new section, a plus icon will appear at the bottom of your dashboard. Clicking that plus will allow you to insert previously removed sections, or add in new ones.

Performance Indicator Section

By default the Performance Indicators section is what appears at the top of your dashboard below the Date Picker. Each performance indicator will display a label informing you of the statistic that is being presented, the value of that statistic for the date range selected, a percentage change over the prior period along with a trend arrow of up/down/same, and the value for the previous period that is being compared.

Beyond giving you a quick glimpse into the statistic, Peroformance Indicators also act as a quick shortcut to dive deeper into the data behind the stat. For example, clicking on the Total sales indicator will open up the Revenue Report for the date range that has been selected on the Dashboard. From there you can view associated charts, and tabular data for deeper analysis.

Using the customization menu in the top right corner of the section, you can toggle the display of the following default performance indicators:

Indicator Name Description Links To ( Report Name > Chart Name )
Total sales Gross sales - Returns - Coupons + Taxes + Shipping Revenue Report > Total sales
Net sales Gross sales - Returns - Coupons Revenue Report > Net sales
Orders The number of new orders placed for a selected date range Orders Report > Orders
Average order value Net sales / Orders Orders Report > Average order value
Items sold The discrete number of items sold. Products Report > Items sold
Refunds Money returned to the customer via a refund Revenue Report > Refunds
Discounted orders The count of orders with a coupon applied. Coupons Report > Orders Count
Net discount amount Total sum of discounts from coupons. Coupons Report > Amount
Total tax Order tax + Shipping tax Taxes Report > Total tax
Order tax The total of tax applied to items in an order Taxes Report > Order tax
Shipping tax The total of tax applied to shipping in an order Taxes Report > Shipping tax
Shipping The shipping charges associated with an order or refund. Revenue Report > Shipping
Downloads Total count of downloaded files Downloads Report > Download Count
Gross sales Sale price of product(s) x quantity ordered. Does not include refunds, coupons, taxes or shipping Revenue Report > Gross sales

Charts Section

The next section displayed by default is Charts. The customization menu again allows you to toggle the display of charts that are most useful for your Store. The following charts are available to display in this section:

Chart Name Description Links To ( Report Name > Chart Name )
Total sales Gross sales - Returns - Coupons + Taxes + Shipping Revenue Report > Total sales
Net sales Gross sales - Returns - Coupons Revenue Report > Net sales
Orders The number of new orders placed for a selected date range Orders Report > Orders
Average order value Net sales / Orders Orders Report > Average order value
Items sold The discrete number of items sold. Products Report > Items sold
Refunds Money returned to the customer via a refund Revenue Report > Refunds
Discounted orders The count of orders with a coupon applied. Coupons Report > Orders Count
Gross Discount Amount Total sum of discounts from coupons. Coupons Report > Amount
Total tax Order tax + Shipping tax Taxes Report > Total tax
Order tax The total of tax applied to items in an order Taxes Report > Order tax
Shipping tax The total of tax applied to shipping in an order Taxes Report > Shipping tax
Shipping The shipping charges associated with an order or refund. Revenue Report > Shipping
Downloads Total count of downloaded files Downloads Report > Download Count

Chart Interval Options

The charts section has a control which allows you to set the time interval to display in the charts. The options displayed in the interval drop down are determined by how long of a date range you currently have selected in the Date Picker.

Length of Date Range Interval Options
One year or more 'day', 'week', 'month', 'quarter', 'year'
90 days to 1 year 'day', 'week', 'month', 'quarter'
1 month - 89 days 'day', 'week', 'month'
1 week - 28 days 'day', 'week'
1 day - 1 week 'day'
1 day 'day', 'hour'

Chart Type Option

The last way you can customize the appearance of the charts is the ability to toggle between Line and Bar charts. Your selection chosen here will be saved to your user options and used on subsequent visits to the WooCommerce Dashboard.

Leaderboard Section

The final section on the Dashboard allows you to view four different "Leaderboards" for your store's statistics. Like the other two sections, you can also toggle the visibility of the leaderboards via the customization menu. By default you have the following four Leaderboards to choose from:

  • Top Customers, Total Spend
  • Top Coupons, Number of Orders
  • Top categories, Items sold
  • Top products, Items sold