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WooCommerce Onboarding Tasks

The onboarding tasks provides a way to help store owners get their sites quickly set up.

The task list is easily extensible to allow inserting custom tasks around plugin setup that benefits store owners.

Models and classes


The TaskLists class acts as a data store for tasks and provides a way to add or retrieve tasks and lists.

  • TaskLists::get_lists() - Get all registered task lists
  • TaskLists::get_visible() - Get visible task lists
  • TaskLists::get_list( $id ) - Get a list by ID
  • TaskLists::get_task( $id ) - Get a task by ID
  • TaskLists::add_list( $args ) - Add a list with the given arguments
  • TaskLists::add_task( $list_id, $args ) - Add a task to a given list ID



$args = array(
  'id'              => 'my-task', // A unique task ID.
  'title'           => 'My Task', // Task title.
  'content'         => 'Task explanation and instructions', // Content shown in the task list item.
  'action_label'    => __( "Do the task!", 'woocommerce' ), // Text used for the action button.
  'action_url'      => 'http://wordpress.com/my/task', // URL used when clicking the task item in lieu of SlotFill.
  'is_complete'     => get_option( 'my-task-option', false ), // Determine if the task is complete.
  'can_view'        => 'US:CA' === wc_get_base_location(),
  'level'           => 3, // Priority level shown for extended tasks.
  'time'            => __( '2 minutes', 'plugin-text-domain' ), // Time string for time to complete the task.
  'is_dismissable'  => false, // Determine if the taks is dismissable.
  'is_snoozeable'   => true, // Determine if the taks is snoozeable.
  'additional_info' => array( 'apples', 'oranges', 'bananas' ), // Additional info passed to the task.
$task = new Task( $args );


  • $task->dismiss() - Dismiss the task
  • $task->undo_dismiss() - Undo dismissal of a task
  • $task->is_dismissed() - Check if a task is dismissed
  • $task->snooze() - Snooze a task for later
  • $task->undo_snooze() - Undo snoozing of a task
  • $task->is_snoozed() - Check if a task has been snoozed
  • $task->mark_actioned() - Mark a task as actioned. Optional to help determine completion
  • $task->is_actioned() - Check if a task has been actioned
  • $task->get_json() - Get the camelcase JSON for use in the client
    • id (int) - Task ID.
    • title (string) - Task title.
    • canView (bool) - If a task should be viewable on a given store.
    • content (string) - Task content.
    • additionalInfo (object) - Additional extensible information about the task.
    • actionLabel (string) - The label used for the action button.
    • actionUrl (string) - The URL used when clicking the task if no task card is required.
    • isComplete (bool) - If the task has been completed or not.
    • time (string) - Length of time to complete the task.
    • level (integer) - A priority for task list sorting.
    • isActioned (bool) - If a task has been actioned.
    • isDismissed (bool) - If a task has been dismissed.
    • isDismissable (bool) - Whether or not a task is dismissable.
    • isSnoozed (bool) - If a task has been snoozed.
    • isSnoozeable (bool) - Whether or not a task can be snoozed.
    • snoozedUntil (int) - Timestamp in milliseconds that the task has been snoozed until.



$args = array(
  'id'      => 'my-list', // A unique task list ID.
  'title'   => 'My List', // Task list title.
  'sort_by' => array( // An array of keys to sort the tasks by.
      'key'   => 'is_complete',
      'order' => 'asc',
      'key'   => 'level',
      'order' => 'asc',
$list = new TaskList( $args );


  • $task_list->is_hidden() - Check if a task list is hidden
  • $task_list->is_visible() - Check if a task list is visible (opposite value of is_hidden())
  • $task_list->hide() - Hide a task list
  • $task_list->unhide() - Undo hiding of a task list
  • $task_list->is_complete() - Check if a task list is complete
  • $task_list->add_task( $args ) - Add a task to a task list
  • $task_list->get_viewable_tasks() - Get tasks that are marked as can_view for the store
  • $task_list->sort_tasks( $sort_by ) - Sort the tasks by the provided sort_by value or the task list sort_by property if no argument is passed.
  • $task_list->get_json() - Get the camelcase JSON for use in the client
    • id (int) - Task list ID.
    • title (string) - Task list title.
    • isHidden (bool) - If a task has been hidden.
    • isVisible (bool) - If a task list is visible.
    • isComplete (bool) - Whether or not all viewable tasks have been completed.
    • tasks (array) - An array of Task objects.

Data store actions

Using the @woocommerce/data package, the following selectors and actions are available to interact with the task lists under the onboarding store.

import { ONBOARDING_STORE_NAME } from '@woocommerce/data';
import { useSelect } from '@wordpress/data';

const { snoozeTask } = useDispatch( ONBOARDING_STORE_NAME );
const { taskLists } = useSelect( ( select ) => {
  const { getTaskLists } = select( ONBOARDING_STORE_NAME );

  return {
    taskLists: getTaskLists(),
} );
  • getTaskLists - (select) Resolve any registered task lists with their nested tasks
  • hideTaskList( id ) - (dispatch) Hide a task list
  • actionTask( id ) - (dispatch) Mark a task as actioned
  • snoozeTask( id ) - (dispatch) Snooze a task
  • dismissTask( id ) - (dispatch) Dismiss a task
  • optimisticallyCompleteTask( id ) - (dispatch) Optimistically mark a task as complete


The task UI can be supplemented by registering plugins that fill the provided task slots.

Task content

A task list fill is required if no action_url is provided for the task. This is the content shown after a task list item has been clicked.

import { WooOnboardingTask } from '@woocommerce/onboarding';

registerPlugin( 'my-task-plugin', {
	scope: 'woocommerce-tasks',
	render: () => (
    <WooOnboardingTask id="my-task">
      { ( { onComplete, query } ) => (
        <MyTask onComplete={ onComplete } />
      ) }
} );

Task list item

The items shown in the list can be customized beyond the default task list item. This can allow for custom appearance or specific onClick behavior for your task.

import { WooOnboardingTaskListItem } from '@woocommerce/onboarding';

registerPlugin( 'my-task-list-item-plugin', {
	scope: 'woocommerce-tasks',
	render: () => (
    <WooOnboardingTaskListItem id="appearance">
      { ( { defaultTaskItem, onComplete } ) => (
        <MyTaskListItem onComplete={ onComplete } />
      ) }
} );


The following REST endpoints are available to interact with tasks. For ease of use, we recommend using the data store actions above to interact with these endpoints.

  • /wc-admin/onboarding/tasks (GET) - Retrieve all tasks and their statuses
  • /wc-admin/onboarding/tasks/{list_id}/hide (POST) - Hide a given task list
  • /wc-admin/onboarding/tasks/{task_id}/dismiss (POST) - Dismiss a task
  • /wc-admin/onboarding/tasks/{task_id}/undo_dismiss (POST) - Undo dismissal of a task
  • /wc-admin/onboarding/tasks/{task_id}/snooze (POST) - Snooze a task for later
  • /wc-admin/onboarding/tasks/{task_id}/undo_snooze (POST) - Undo snoozing of a task
  • /wc-admin/onboarding/tasks/{task_id}/action (POST) - Mark a task as actioned