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Testing notes and ZIP for release 10.0.6

Zip file for testing: woocommerce-gutenberg-products-block.zip

WooCommerce Core

Fix Mini-Cart block check to see whether a script has already been enqueued. (9649)

  1. Make sure you have WC core 7.7.1.
  2. Enable a block theme.
  3. Add the Mini-Cart block to the header of your store.
  4. Go to the frontend and open the Mini-Cart drawer. Verify it opens.
  5. Install the Page Optimize and Product Bundles plugins (no need to change anything in their configuration).
  6. Go to a page in the frontend that doesn't have any blocks besides the Mini-Cart you added to the header.
  7. Open the Mini-Cart drawer and verify it opens without JS errors.

Partially uplift #9251 to 10.0.x. (9652)

  1. Enable a block theme.
  2. Add the Mini-Cart block to the header of your store.
  3. Go to Appearance > Editor > Template Parts > Mini-Cart.
  4. Modify the text and background colors of Mini Cart View Cart Button and Mini Cart Proceed to Checkout Button.
  5. Save the template part and reload the page. Verify the colors persisted.
  6. Go to the frontend, open the Mini-Cart drawer and verify the colors are applied correctly there too.