
13 KiB


  • Add autoComplete prop to the SelectControl component. #7497
  • Fix calendar not being dismissed when clicking outside. #7714


  • Fix a bug in the deprecated callback handlers of Form component. #7356
  • Fix a bug in the <DateFilter> component where values were retained when switching between rules #7423
  • Add hidden legend position to Chart. #7378
  • Update aligning Table fields with the fallback on isNumeric. #7431


  • Fix commonjs module build, allow package to be built in isolation. #7286
  • Remove deprecated Card, Count and Gravatar components. #7293
  • Add TableSummaryPlaceholder to support skeleton loading. #7294


  • Add rowKey prop to Table and TableCard component. #7196
  • AdvancedFilters: Create workable defaults for Reports that don't have them #7186
  • Filters: On update respect all other queries, not just persistedQueries #7155
  • Fix non-string query prop warning in SelectControl component. #7046
  • Fix WordPress 5.8 compatibility UI fixes #7255
  • Revert Card component removal #7167.
  • Update DynamicForm, adding initial config memoization. #7256
  • Update package dependencies


  • Fix style regression with the Chart header. #7002
  • Fix styling of the advanced filter operator selection. #7005
  • Remove the use of Dashicons and replace with @wordpress/icons or gridicons #7020
  • Add tree shaking support to this package. #7034
  • Deprecate the Gravatar component. #7716
  • Remove useFilters from the package. #7117
  • Deprecate SegmentedSelection, it will be removed in the next major release. #7118
  • Deprecate the Count component, with plan to remove in next major version. #7115
  • Remove the long deprecated Card component (use Card from @wordpress/components instead). #7114
  • Add <AbbreviatedCard /> component. #7017
  • Remove support for IE11. #7112


  • Fix autocompleter for custom Search in CompareFilter #6911
  • SelectControl: automatically scroll to selected options when list is displayed. #6906
  • SelectControl: no longer auto selects on rendering list. #6906
  • Make Search accept synchronous autocompleter.options. #6884
  • SelectControl: fix display of multiple selections without inline tags. #6862
  • Add depreciation notice for the current list. #6787
  • Force <SearchListItem> form elements id to be unique. #6871
  • Add controlId and name props to <SearchListItem>. #6871
  • Minor styling tweaks and fixes to <SearchListcontrol>. #6871
  • Fix autocompleter for custom Search in FilterPicker #6880
  • Remove woocommerce/experimental dependency. #6986


  • Update dependencies.


  • Update dependencies.


  • Make pagination buttons height and width consistent. #6725
  • Add optional children prop to <SummaryNumber>. #6748
  • Add @woocommerce/experimental, md5 and dompurify as dependencies. #6804


  • Change styling of <ProductImage />.
  • Remove the showCount prop from <SearchListItem>. Count will always be displayed if any of those props is not undefined/null: countLabel and item.count.
  • Fix alignment of <SearchListItem> count bubble in newest versions of @wordpress/components.
  • <SearchListControl> no longer has different styles when it's used inside a panel. Those styles are available now with the isCompact prop.
  • Support custom attributes in <AttributeFilter />.
  • Add product attributes support to <Search />.
  • Allow single-selection support to <Search />.
  • Improve handling of multiple and inlineTags in <SelectControl />.
  • Deprecate use of <Card> in favor of the <Card> component in @wordpress/components.
  • Fixing screen reader text being undefined for report <Table>
  • Update <SearchListControl /> to use checkbox and radio inputs.
  • Fix so the onChange value type always matches the selected type. #6594

Breaking changes

  • Move Lodash to a peer dependency.


  • Update dependencies.


  • Update dependencies.


  • Fix default value for <Table /> component onQueryChange prop.
  • Deprecate our bespoke component useFilters in favor of using the WordPress variety withFilters.
  • Fix screen reader text in <AdvancedFilters />.
  • Add <AttributeFilter /> component to <AdvancedFilters />.
  • Fix internal dependencies for <Plugins />.
  • Add full response to <Plugins /> callbacks onError and onComplete.


  • Added <Timeline /> component.
  • Added <ImageUpload /> component.
  • Style form components for WordPress 5.3.
  • Fix CompareFilter options format (key prop vs. id).
  • Fix styling of <Search /> component "clear all" button.
  • Add state classes to <TextControlWithAffixes /> component.
  • Fix <AnimationSlider /> example code.
  • Add <Plugins /> component for installation of plugins.
  • Removed use of IconButton in favor of Button component.
  • Add custom autocompleter support to <Search /> component.
  • Fix <SelectControl /> component to allow clicking anywhere on options in list to select.
  • Add support for <List /> component item tags and link types.
  • Add <List /> and <Link /> components to Storybook.
  • Add <Pill /> component.
  • Add key prop to <List /> component items.
  • Remove unused ref from <DateRangeFilterPicker />.

Breaking Changes

  • Removed SplitButton because its not being used.


Breaking Changes

  • Added a new <ScrollTo /> component.
  • Changed the <List /> description prop to content and allowed content nodes to be passed in addition to strings.
  • Removed the <SimpleSelectControl /> component.

Decouple wcSettings from published packages (#3001)

  • AdvancedFilters component now receives siteLocale as a prop.
  • ReportsFilters component now receives siteLocale as a prop.
  • NumberFilter component now receives currencySymbol and symbolPosition as props.
  • AdvancedFilters and ReportsFilters receive currency as a prop, it is required and must be an instance of the new Currency object exported by @woocommerce/currency
  • Chart receives currency as a prop.
  • Add storeDate prop to <ReportFilters /> and <DateRangeFilterPicker /> components.
  • AdvancedFilters and ReportFilters now receive a required storeDate prop as a means to pass down date initialization values from client.
  • The href prop in the <Link> component must now receive the full url instead of relative.

Other Changes

  • Renamed the <Autocomplete /> component to <SelectControl />.
  • Added isSearchable prop to <SelectControl /> to allow simple select dropdowns.
  • Removed WC-Admin specific actions from <TableCard /> component.
  • Export the <CompareButton /> component.
  • Add <TextControl /> component.
  • Require currency prop in <AdvancedFilters /> component.
  • Remove call to getAdminLink() inside the <Link /> component.
  • Explicitly import component styles from @wordpress/base-styles (#3292)
  • Update various dependencies


  • AdvancedFilters component: fire onAdvancedFilterAction for match changes.
  • TableCard component: add onSearch and onSort function props.
  • Add new component <List /> for displaying interactive list items.
  • Fix z-index issue in <Chart /> empty message.
  • Added a new <SimpleSelectControl /> component.
  • Added a new <WebPreview /> component.
  • SearchListItem component: fix long count values being cut-off in IE11.
  • Add disabled prop to CompareButton, Search, and TableCard components.
  • Table component: add empty table display.


  • Added support for a countLabel prop on SearchListItem to allow custom counts.


  • and got a disabled prop.
  • TableCard component: new onPageChange prop.
  • TableCard now has a defaultOrder parameter to specify default sort column sort order.
  • Pagination no longer considers 0 a valid input and triggers onPageChange on the input blur event.
  • Tweaks to SummaryListPlaceholder height in order to better match SummaryNumber.
  • EllipsisMenu component (breaking change): Remove children prop in favor of a render prop renderContent so that function arguments isOpen, onToggle, and onClose can be passed down.
  • Chart has a new prop named yBelow1Format which overrides the yFormat for values between -1 and 1 (not included).
  • Add a totals prop to Chart component that allows overwriting the total values shown in the legend.
  • Add new component <Stepper /> for showing a list of steps and progress.
  • Add new <Spinner /> component.
  • Card component: updated default Muriel design.
  • Card component: new description prop.
  • Card component: new isInactive prop.
  • DateRangeFilterPicker (breaking change): Introduced onRangeSelect prop and remove path prop better control.
  • Update license to GPL-3.0-or-later.


  • Chart legend component now uses withInstanceId HOC so the ids used in several HTML elements are unique.
  • Chart component now accepts data with negative values.
  • Chart component: new prop filterParam used to detect selected items in the current query. If there are, they will be displayed in the chart even if their values are 0.
  • Expand search results and allow searching when input is refocused in autocompleter.
  • Animation Slider: Remove focusOnChange in favor of onExited so consumers can pass a function to be executed after a transition has finished.
  • SearchListControl: Add onSearch callback prop to let the parent component know about search changes.
  • Calendar: Expose isInvalidDate prop to DatePicker to indicated invalid days that are not selectable.
  • Calendar: Expose isInvalidDate prop to DateRange and remove the invalidDays prop.
  • Bump dependency versions.


  • Chart component: new props emptyMessage and baseValue. When an empty message is provided, it will be displayed on top of the chart if there are no values different than baseValue.
  • Chart component: remove d3-array dependency.
  • Chart component: fix display when there is no data.
  • Chart component: change chart type query parameter to chartType.
  • Chart component: add screenReaderFormat prop that will be used to format dates for screen reader labels.
  • Bug fix for <StockReportTable /> returning N/A instead of zero.
  • Add new component: SearchListControl for displaying and filtering a selectable list of items.


  • Improves display of charts where all values are 0.
  • Fix X-axis labels in hourly bar charts.
  • New <Search> prop named showClearButton, that will display a 'Clear' button when the search box contains one or more tags.
  • Number of selectable chart elements is now limited to 5.
  • Color scale logic for charts with lots of items has been fixed.
  • Update @woocommerce/navigation to v2.0.0
  • Bug fix for <StockReportTable /> returning N/A instead of zero.
  • In <Search> use backspace key to remove tags from the search box.


  • Add emoji-flags dependency


  • Chart component: format numbers and prices using store currency settings.
  • Make href/linking optional in SummaryNumber.
  • Fix SummaryNumber example code.


  • Add download log ip address autocompleter to search component
  • Add order number autocompleter to search component
  • Add order number, username, and IP address filters to the downloads report.
  • Added interactive prop for d3chart/legend to signal if legend items are clickable or not.
  • Fix for undefined ref in d3chart/legend.
  • Added three news props to <Chart>:
    • interactiveLegend: whether legend items are clickable or not. Defaults to true.
    • legendPosition: can be top, side or bottom. If not specified, it's calculated based on mode and viewport width.
    • showHeaderControls: whether the header controls must be visible. Defaults to true.
  • getColor() method in chart utils now requires keys and colorScheme to be passed as separate params.
  • Fix to avoid duplicated Y-axis ticks when the Y max value was 0.
  • Remove decimals from Y-axis when displaying currencies.
  • Fix date formatting on charts in Safari.


  • Update <Table /> to use header keys to denote which columns are shown
  • Add onColumnsChange property to <Table /> which is called when columns are shown/hidden
  • Add country autocompleter to search component
  • Add customer email autocompleter to search component
  • Add customer username autocompleter to search component
  • Adding new <Chart /> component.
  • Added new showDatePicker prop to <Filters /> component which allows to use the filters component without the date picker.
  • Added new taxes and customers autocompleters, and added support for using them within <Filters />.
  • Bug fix for <SummaryNumber /> returning N/A instead of zero.
  • Bug fix for screen reader label IDs in <Table /> header.
  • Added new component <TextControlWithAffixes />.


  • Update Search to exclude already-selected items
  • Fix incorrectly loaded proptype-validator
  • Update focus style on SummaryNumber
  • Remove prefixes from order statuses


  • Add interpolate-components as an explicit dependency, fixes issue with
  • Update <Popover /> usage to match core component updates
  • Chart component: Add chartMode prop to control display mode
  • Add Taxes autocompleter to Search
  • Improve test coverage with new tests