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post_title: Example WordPress plugin header comment for WooCommerce extensions
menu_title: Plugin header comments
tags: reference
This is a WordPress plugin header comment. It's used to provide WordPress with metadata about a plugin.
* Plugin Name: WooCommerce Extension
* Plugin URI: https://woocommerce.com/products/woocommerce-extension/
* Description: Your extension's description text.
* Version: 1.0.0
* Author: Your Name
* Author URI: http://yourdomain.com/
* Developer: Your Name
* Developer URI: http://yourdomain.com/
* Text Domain: woocommerce-extension
* Domain Path: /languages
* WC requires at least: 8.0
* WC tested up to: 8.3
* License: GNU General Public License v3.0
* License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html
* Woo: 12345:342928dfsfhsf8429842374wdf4234sfd
Here's what each line should contain:
* Plugin Name: The name of your plugin.
* Plugin URI: The home page of the plugin or the product page on WooCommerce.com.
* Description: A short description of the plugin.
* Version: The current version number of the plugin.
* Author: The name of the plugin author.
* Author URI: The author's website or profile page.
* Developer: The name of the developer if different from the author.
* Developer URI: The developer's website or profile page.
* Text Domain: The text domain is used for internationalization.
* Domain Path: The domain path is used to show where the MO files are located.
* WC requires at least: The minimum version of WooCommerce required for the plugin to work.
* WC tested up to: The latest version of WooCommerce that the plugin has been tested with.
* License: The license of the plugin.
* License URI: The URL where the license is explained in detail.
* Woo: A unique identifier for a plugin sold on WooCommerce.com. When submitting your extension or adding a new version, **we will automatically add this to the header of your main file**. You are not required to add it manually, but you can opt to include it before uploading.
This header comment is placed at the top of the main plugin file, so WordPress can read it.