
22 KiB

WooCommerce core critical flows

We have identified what we consider to be our most critical user flows within WooCommerce Core. These flows will help us focus and prioritize our testing efforts. They will also help us consider the impact of changes and priority of issues.

These flows will continually evolve as the platform evolves with flows updated, added or re-prioritised.

Shopper critical flow areas

Merchant critical flow areas

Shopper - Shop

User Type Flow Area Flow Name Test File
Shopper Shop Search Store shopper/shop-search-browse-sort.spec.js
Shopper Shop Browse by categories shopper/shop-search-browse-sort.spec.js
Shopper Shop Can sort items shopper/shop-search-browse-sort.spec.js
Shopper Shop Add Simple Product to Cart (from shop page) shopper/cart.spec.js
Shopper Shop Display shop catalog
Shopper Shop Products by tag
Shopper Shop Products by attribute
Shopper Shop Use product filters
Shopper Shop Display product showcase blocks correctly
Shopper Shop Navigation menu default links

Shopper - Product

User Type Flow Area Flow Name Test File
Shopper Product Add Simple Product to Cart shopper/product-simple.spec.js
Shopper Product Add Grouped Product to Cart shopper/product-grouped.spec.js
Shopper Product Variable Product info updates depending on variation shopper/product-variable.spec.js
Shopper Product Add Variable Product to Cart shopper/product-variable.spec.js
Shopper Product Display up-sell product
Shopper Product Display releated products
Shopper Product Display reviews
Shopper Product Add review
Shopper Product View product images
Shopper Product View product descriptions

Shopper - Cart

User Type Flow Area Flow Name Test File
Shopper Cart Add to cart redirects to cart when enabled shopper/cart-redirection.spec.js
Shopper Cart View cart shopper/cart.spec.js
Shopper Cart Update product quantity within limits shopper/cart.spec.js
Shopper Cart Remove products from cart shopper/cart.spec.js
Shopper Cart Apply all coupon types shopper/cart-coupons.spec.js
Shopper Cart Display shipping options by address shopper/calculate-shipping.spec.js
Shopper Cart View empty cart
Shopper Cart Display correct tax
Shopper Cart Respect coupon usage contraints
Shopper Cart Display cross-sell products
Shopper Cart Proceed to checkout

Shopper - Checkout

User Type Flow Area Flow Name Test File
Shopper Checkout Correct item in Order Review shopper/checkout.spec.js
Shopper Checkout Can add shipping address shopper/checkout.spec.js
Shopper Checkout Guest can place order shopper/checkout.spec.js
Shopper Checkout Create an account shopper/checkout-create-account.spec.js
Shopper Checkout Login to existing account shopper/checkout-login.spec.js
Shopper Checkout Existing customer can place order shopper/checkout.spec.js
Shopper Checkout Use all coupon types shopper/checkout-coupons.spec.js
Shopper Checkout View checkout
Shopper Checkout Receive warnings when form is incomplete
Shopper Checkout Add billing address
Shopper Checkout Respect coupon usage contraints
Shopper Checkout Display correct tax in checkout
Shopper Checkout View order confirmation page

Shopper - Email

User Type Flow Area Flow Name Test File
Shopper Email Customer Account Emails Received shopper/
Shopper Email Customer Order Detail Emails Received shopper/order-email-receiving.spec.js

Shopper - My Account

User Type Flow Area Flow Name Test File
Shopper My Account Create an account shopper/my-account-create-account.spec.js
Shopper My Account Login to existing account shopper/my-account.spec.js
Shopper My Account View Account Details shopper/my-account.spec.js
Shopper My Account Update Addresses shopper/my-account-addresses.spec.js
Shopper My Account View Orders shopper/
Shopper My Account Pay for Order shopper/my-account-pay-order.spec.js
Shopper My Account View Downloads shopper/my-account-downloads.spec.js

Merchant - Onboarding

User Type Flow Area Flow Name Test File
Merchant Core Profiler Introduction & opt-in
Merchant Core Profiler User profile information
Merchant Core Profiler Business information
Merchant Core Profiler Extensions page
Merchant Core Profiler WooPayments included in extensions for eligible criteria
Merchant Core Profiler WooPayments not included in extensions for ineligible criteria
Merchant Core Profiler Install all default extensions
Merchant Core Profiler Complete site setup
Merchant Core Profiler Skip introduction and confirm business location
Merchant Core Profiler Completed profiler doesn't reappear after site upgrade

Merchant - Dashboard

User Type Flow Area Flow Name Test File
Merchant WC Home Completing profiler redirects to home
Merchant WC Home Complete all steps on task list
Merchant WC Home Hide the task list
Merchant WC Home Store management displayed after task list finished
Merchant WC Home Direct access to analytics reports from stats overview
Merchant WC Home Preserve task list completion status after upgrade
Merchant WC Home Interact with extended task list
Merchant Activity Panel Interact with activity button
Merchant Inbox Interact with notes and perform CTAs
Merchant Inbox Dismiss single note and all notes

Merchant - Settings

User Type Flow Area Flow Name Test File
Merchant Settings Update General Settings merchant/settings-general.spec.js
Merchant Settings Add Tax Rates merchant/settings-tax.spec.js
Merchant Settings Add Shipping Zones merchant/create-shipping-zones.spec.js
Merchant Settings Add Shipping Classes merchant/create-shipping-classes.spec.js
Merchant Settings Enable local pickup for checkout block
Merchant Settings Enable HPOS
Merchant Settings Update payment settings
Merchant Settings Maintain tax and shipping settings post-upgrade

Merchant - Coupons

User Type Flow Area Flow Name Test File
Merchant Coupons Add Coupon merchant/create-coupon.spec.js

Merchant - Analytics

User Type Flow Area Flow Name Test File
Merchant Analytics View revenue report admin-analytics/analytics.spec.js
Merchant Analytics View overview report
Merchant Analytics Confirm correct summary numbers on overview report
Merchant Analytics Use date filter on overview page
Merchant Analytics Customize performance indicators on overview page
Merchant Analytics Use date filter on revenue report
Merchant Analytics Download revenue report as CSV
Merchant Analytics Use advanced filters on orders report
Merchant Analytics Analytics settings
Merchant Analytics Set custom date range on revenue report

Merchant - Products

User Type Flow Area Flow Name Test File
Merchant Products View all products
Merchant Products Search products merchant/product-search.spec.js
Merchant Products Add simple product merchant/create-simple-product.spec.js
Merchant Products Add variable product merchant/products/add-variable-product/create-variable-product.spec.js
Merchant Products Edit product details merchant/product-edit.spec.js
Merchant Products Add virtual product merchant/create-simple-product.spec.js
Merchant Products Import products CSV merchant/product-import-csv.spec.js
Merchant Products Add downloadable product
Merchant Products View product reviews list
Merchant Products View all products reviews list
Merchant Products Edit product review
Merchant Products Trash product review
Merchant Products Bulk edit products
Merchant Products Remove products
Merchant Products Manage product images
Merchant Products Manage product inventory
Merchant Products Manage product attributes
Merchant Products Manage global attributes
Merchant Products Add up-sell
Merchant Products Add cross-sell
Merchant Products (New) Disable new product experience
Merchant Products (New) Add simple product
Merchant Products (New) Edit simple product
Merchant Products (New) Manage product images
Merchant Products (New) Manage product inventory
Merchant Products (New) Manage product attributes

Merchant - Orders

User Type Flow Area Flow Name Test File
Merchant Orders View all orders merchant/
Merchant Orders Can add new order basic merchant/order-edit.spec.js
Merchant Orders View single order merchant/order-edit.spec.js
Merchant Orders Update order status to completed merchant/order-edit.spec.js
Merchant Orders Update order status to cancelled
Merchant Orders Update order details merchant/order-edit.spec.js
Merchant Orders Customer payment page merchant/customer-payment-page.spec.js
Merchant Orders Refund order merchant/order-refund.spec.js
Merchant Orders Apply coupon merchant/order-coupon.spec.js
Merchant Orders Can add new order complex - multiple product types & tax classes merchant/create-order.spec.js
Merchant Orders Search orders merchant/order-search.spec.js
Merchant Orders Filter orders by order status merchant/order-status-filter.spec.js
Merchant Orders Bulk change order status
Merchant Orders Add order notes

Merchant - Email

User Type Flow Area Flow Name Test File
Merchant Email Receive and check content of new order email merchant/order-emails.spec.js
Merchant Email Receive and check content of cancelled order email
Merchant Email Receive and check content of failed order email
Merchant Email Resent new order email
Merchant Email Send invoice/order details to customer via Email

Merchant - Plugins

User Type Flow Area Flow Name Test File
Merchant Plugins Can update WooCommerce smoke-tests/update-woocommerce.spec.js
Merchant Plugins Can uninstall WooCommerce

Merchant - My Subscriptions

User Type Flow Area Flow Name Test File
Merchant My Subscriptions Can initiate WooCommerce.com Connection

Merchant - Pages

User Type Flow Area Flow Name Test File
Merchant Pages Can create a new page merchant/create-page.spec.js

Merchant - Posts

User Type Flow Area Flow Name Test File
Merchant Posts Can create a new post merchant/create-post.spec.js