- Updated README.md with the latest project details.
- Updated the project logo for enhanced branding.
- Modified main.py to incorporate the updated logo in the app sidebar for improved visual representation.
- Added Dockerfile to facilitate the creation of a Docker image for the application.
- Included .dockerignore to specify files and directories to exclude during the Docker image build.
- Configured the Dockerfile to upload the created image to Docker Hub for easier distribution and accessibility.
- Removed docker-compose.yml for simplification of the Docker setup.
- Amended Dockerfile to ensure the creation of the correct Docker image for the application.
- Modified .streamlit/config.toml to update the theme settings.
- Removed download buttons and added Streamlit page configurations in main.py for improved user experience.
- Updated README.md to include badges for enhanced project information and visibility.
- Removed mkdocs-material from requirements.txt and added it to dev-requirements.txt for better organization and separation of development-specific dependencies.
- Added netlify.toml to facilitate Netlify configuration for deployment.
- Updated requirements.txt to include the mkdocs-material package for enhanced project documentation.
- Updated main.py with revised Eleven Labs API integration and corrected content for accurate topics and ads.
- Deleted the sample script file for cleanup.
- Altered eleven_labs_stuff.py to align with the updated API.
- Introduced Streamlit theming through .streamlit/config.toml for improved UI appearance.
- Corrected code in main.py to address issues and enhance functionality.
- Added a sample script generated by the application for reference and demonstration purposes.
- Updated input statements in main.py for improved user interaction.
- Revised the OpenAI endpoint in open_ai_stuff.py to migrate to the latest OpenAI library version for enhanced functionality and compatibility.
- Modified various project templates in .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE for consistency and relevance.
- Updated .pre-commit-config.yaml to enhance code quality checks and formatting.
- Adjusted CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md to align with project guidelines.
- Added documentation in docs/development.md for development specifics.
- Added new files in the source directory:
- generated_podcast_mp3s/__init__.py
- generated_podcast_scripts/__init__.py
- main.py
- music package with multiple .mp3 files
- prompts package with different podcast prompt scripts
- utils package with various utility modules.
- Added .pre-commit-config.yaml to establish pre-commit hooks for code quality checks and formatting.
- Modified CITATION.cff to update project citation configuration for improved recognition and referencing.
- Updated requirements.txt to reflect changes in dependencies.
- Installed all necessary dependencies, including development dependencies.
- Implemented documentation using MkDocs with the Material theme for comprehensive project documentation.
- Added .github/FUNDING.yml, .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug_report.md, .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/custom.md, .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/feature_request.md for standardized issue reporting and funding information.
- Also included dev-requirements.txt and requirements.txt to manage development dependencies and required libraries for the project.
- Added essential project files: .gitignore, CITATION.cff, CODEOWNERS, CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md, CONTRIBUTING.md, LICENSE, README.md, and SECURITY.md for better project organization and to provide clear guidelines for contributions, licensing, and security protocols.