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date 2006.; author RicardoPereira; state Exp;
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date 2005.; author RogerHyam; state Exp;
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Some comments emailed in by Arthur:
1. In the Recommendations, I think there separate Recommendation on the
consistent naming of TDWG Standards. It is mentioned under 4.9.1, but this
is a very important issue that I believe needs separating out. We obviously
need to develop a naming convention/standard.
2. Another recommendation: I sent Lee some time back an example of a
pseudo-standards organisation that included in its documentation a section
on "Who the standard is aimed at". I can't find that reference at the
moment. "Museum Curators" etc. I think this is a very good idea and would
recommend it in the documentation as a mandatory.
3. Recommendation 4.6.2. Why "US English"? I think you need to add some
justification in your justification statement.
4. Recommendation 4.9.5. I think it is worth also including here "How the
Standard should be cited" It is often very difficult to find out how to
cite /reference a particular standard (and books sometimes). It is easily
solved by adding a one line "This Standard is to be cited as: ...." near the
Copyright statement.
5. Appendix A
a. Botanical Periodicals I believe is now also available as a searchable
on-line database (TDWG has not discussed though). There was something on
TAXACOM about this some time back.
b. HISPID - there is now a Version 4. I don't believe that this version has
been submitted as a TDWG Standard.
Conn, B.J. (ed.) 2000. HISPID4. Herbarium Information Standards and
Protocols for Interchange of Data. Version 4 - Internet only version.
Sydney: Royal Botanic Gardens. http://plantnet.rbgsyd.nsw.gov.au/Hispid4/
[Accessed 23 Dec 2005].
-- Main.RogerHyam - 23 Dec 2005@
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