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---++ LSID Based Integration Ants Demonstration
Rod Page
---+++ Description
The original description was: "This group will develop a prototype system that integrates LSID based data. It will use ants as specific taxon group."
This is sort of what I've done. What I'm aiming for is something like the diagram below, where diverse sources of data are integrated into a triple store. The two key issues of relevance to TDWG GUID are the use of GUIDs to identify digital objects, and the use of metadata as RDF.
<img class="center" alt="" title="idea" src="http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/4123/605/400/GoogleAnt.0.jpg" >
For details on how this was done, please see [[http://semant.blogspot.com/][my blog]] (I find it a lot easier to blog stuff as it gets done, rather than edit a Wiki).
---+++ Technical Information
* *URL for prototype user interface:* http://linnaeus.zoology.gla.ac.uk/~rpage/ants/
* *LSID authority(ies):* ncbi.nlm.nih.gov.lsid.gla.ac.uk (served from Glasgow), lsid.gla.ac.uk
* *LSID namespace(s):* pubmed, taxon, gi, predicates
* *Hardware platform:* Apple iBook G4 for prototyping, Generic PC server (AMD 1.4 GHz CPU, 512 Mb RAM, 130 Gb hard disk)
* *Server platform:* Fedora Core 4, Apache 2.0.54, MySQL 4.1.11, PHP 5.0.4
* *LSID Software stack used:* Modification of Roger Hyam's PHP code
* *RDF/OWL ontology used for metadata:* Dublin Core, PRISM, FOAF, uBio, home grown
* *Approximate number of LSIDs stored:* Around 360,000 triples
* *Benchmarchs:* Too embarrassing to mention
* *Other resources:*
* Google Maps API http://www.google.com/apis/maps/
* Connotea RSS feed http://www.connotea.org/
* 3Store 2.2.22 http://sourceforge.net/projects/threestore/
* GraphViz http://www.graphviz.org
* numerous Perl scripts
* and a C++ program to populate triple store http://iphylo.blogspot.com/2006/05/ants-rdf-and-triple-stores.html
---+++ Roadmap, Milestones, Timeline
See http://semant.blogspot.com/.
---+++ Discussion, Implementation Issues
For background please see http://semant.blogspot.com/.
The server has two IP's, and this causes Google Maps some confusion -- if you get a warning about the Google Maps API key, just ignore it.
---+++ Lessons Learned, Conclusions, Recommendations
Don't try this at home...
---+++++ Categories
@d1 1
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a38 10
*URL for prototype user interface:* http://linnaeus.zoology.gla.ac.uk/~rpage/ants/
*LSID authority(ies):* ncbi.nlm.nih.gov.lsid.gla.ac.uk (served from Glasgow), lsid.gla.ac.uk
*LSID namespace(s):* pubmed, taxon, gi, predicates
*Hardware platform:* Apple iBook G4 for prototyping, Generic PC server (AMD 1.4 GHz CPU, 512 Mb RAM, 130 Gb hard disk)
*Server platform:* Fedora Core 4, Apache 2.0.54, MySQL 4.1.11, PHP 5.0.4
*LSID Software stack used:* Modification of Roger Hyam's PHP code
*RDF/OWL ontology used for metadata:* Dublin Core, PRISM, FOAF, uBio, home grown
*Approximate number of LSIDs stored:* Around 360,000 triples
*Benchmarchs:* Too embarrassing to mention
*Other resources:* Google Maps API http://www.google.com/apis/maps/, Connotea RSS feed http://www.connotea.org/, 3Store 2.2.22 http://sourceforge.net/projects/threestore/, GraphViz http://www.graphviz.org, numerous Perl scripts and a C+ + program to populate triple store http://iphylo.blogspot.com/2006/05/ants-rdf-and-triple-stores.html
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a64 1
@First update by Rod Page
@d17 1
a17 1
d23 4
a26 4
*LSID authority(ies):* ncbi.nlm.nih.gov.lsid.gla.ac.uk (served from Glasgow)
*LSID namespace(s):* pubmed, taxon, gi
*Hardware platform:* Apple iBook G4 for prototyping, Generic PC (AMD 1.4 GHz, 512 Mb RAM, 130 Gb hard disk)M
*Server platform:* Fedora Core 4, Apache 2, MySQL, PHP 5
d28 1
a28 1
*RDF/OWL ontology used for metadata:* Dublin Core, PRISM, FOAF, uBio, own
d31 1
a31 1
*Other resources:* Google Maps API http://www.google.com/apis/maps/, Connotea RSS feed http://www.connotea.org/, 3Store 2.2.22 http://sourceforge.net/projects/threestore/
d43 2
@Initial revision
@d5 2
d11 6
a16 1
This group will develop a prototype system that integrates LSID based data. It will use ants as specific taxon group.
d22 10
a31 10
*URL for prototype user interface:*
*LSID authority(ies):*
*LSID namespace(s):*
*Hardware platform:* (Intel, Sun, etc - include complete specs: processors, amount of RAM, disk, SCSI, ATA, SATA, RAID, etc)
*Server platform:* (OS, Webserver, DBMS, programming language - please include versions)
*LSID Software stack used:* (Java, Perl, .NET - client and/or server - please include versions)
*RDF/OWL ontology used for metadata:* (URI to ontology)
*Approximate number of LSIDs stored:*
*Other resources:*
d36 1
a36 4
(Enter one task per line with estimated time for completion. Check tasks when completed, but leave all entries for logging purposes)
* Mar/06 - Set up webserver
* Apr/06 - Install LSID server stack and map data tables
d41 1
a41 1
(List issues, readblocks, missing software components, etc)
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a55 1