475 lines
13 KiB
475 lines
13 KiB
# Anton Stonor <stonor@giraffen.dk>, 2005.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Kupu 1.3\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-08-17 20:34+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2005-08-17 20:34+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Anton Stonor <stonor@giraffen.dk>\n"
"Language-Team: Danish <stonor@giraffen.dk>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0\n"
"Language-Code: da\n"
"Language-Name: Danish\n"
"Preferred-Encodings: latin1 utf-8\n"
"Domain: kupuconfig\n"
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\libraries.pt
#. <input class="context" i18n:attributes="value" type="submit" value="Add"/>
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\resource_types.pt
#. <input class="context" i18n:attributes="value" name="zmi_add_resource_type:method" type="submit" value="Add"/>
msgid "Add"
msgstr "Tilføj"
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\libraries.pt
#. <input class="context" i18n:attributes="value" name="zmi_delete_libraries:method" type="submit" value="Delete"/>
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\resource_types.pt
#. <input class="context" i18n:attributes="value" name="zmi_delete_resource_types:method" type="submit" value="Delete"/>
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Slet"
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\libraries.pt
#. <input class="context" i18n:attributes="value" name="zmi_move_down:method" type="submit" value="Move Down"/>
msgid "Move Down"
msgstr "Flyt ned"
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\libraries.pt
#. <input class="context" i18n:attributes="value" name="zmi_move_up:method" type="submit" value="Move Up"/>
msgid "Move Up"
msgstr "Flyt op"
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\libraries.pt
#. <input class="context" i18n:attributes="value" name="zmi_update_libraries:method" type="submit" value="Save"/>
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\kupu_config.pt
#. <input class="context" i18n:attributes="value" name="configure_kupu:method" tabindex="" tal:attributes="tabindex tabindex|nothing;" type="submit" value="Save"/>
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\resource_types.pt
#. <input class="context" i18n:attributes="value" name="zmi_update_resource_types:method" type="submit" value="Save"/>
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Gem"
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\libraries.pt
#. <input class="context" i18n:attributes="value" type="submit" value="Set"/>
msgid "Set"
msgstr "Sæt"
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\kupu_config.pt
#. <em i18n:translate="any_tag" tal:condition="not:tags">
#. Any tag
#. </em>
msgid "any_tag"
msgstr "Ethvert tag"
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\libraries.pt
#. <td i18n:translate="authenticated_member">
#. Authenticated member
#. </td>
msgid "authenticated_member"
msgstr "Bruger"
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\libraries.pt
#. <p i18n:translate="available_tales">
#. The following variables are available in the TALES expressions:
#. </p>
msgid "available_tales"
msgstr "De følgende variabler er tilgængelige i TALES-udtryk:"
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\libraries.pt
#. <td i18n:translate="context_folder">
#. The folder the context object is located in
#. </td>
msgid "context_folder"
msgstr "Mappen, som objektet befinder sig i"
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\libraries.pt
#. <td i18n:translate="context_folder_uri">
#. The URL of the folder the context object is located in
#. </td>
msgid "context_folder_uri"
msgstr "URL på mappen, som objektet befinder sig i"
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\libraries.pt
#. <td i18n:translate="current_context">
#. The current context object
#. </td>
msgid "current_context"
msgstr "Det aktuelle objekt"
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\libraries.pt
#. <td i18n:translate="current_context_url">
#. The URL of the current context object
#. </td>
msgid "current_context_url"
msgstr "URL på det aktuelle objekt"
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\libraries.pt
#. <th i18n:translate="default">
#. Default
#. </th>
msgid "default"
msgstr "Standard"
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\kupu_config.pt
#. <h3 i18n:translate="heading_configuration">
#. Kupu Configuration
#. </h3>
msgid "heading_configuration"
msgstr "Indstilling af wysiwyg editor (Kupu)"
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\libraries.pt
#. <h3 i18n:translate="heading_kupu_configuration">
#. Kupu Configuration
#. </h3>
msgid "heading_kupu_configuration"
msgstr "Indstilling af wysiwyg editor (Kupu)"
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\kupu_config.pt
#. <div class="formHelp" i18n:translate="help_class_blacklist">
#. Enter a list of classnames to be excluded (one per line)
#. </div>
msgid "help_class_blacklist"
msgstr "Skriv en liste over CSS classer, som skal fjernes (en pr. linie)"
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\kupu_config.pt
#. <div class="formHelp" i18n:translate="help_link_uid">
#. Links to objects on this site created by Kupu can use unique
#. object ids so that the links remain valid even if the target object is
#. renamed or moved elsewhere on the site.
#. </div>
msgid "help_link_uid"
msgstr "Hvis du krydser af, vil links til andet indhold på sitet blive ved med at virke, selvom indholdet bliver flyttet rundt."
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\kupu_config.pt
#. <div class="formHelp" i18n:translate="help_navigate_away">
#. Kupu can install a handler to warn before navigating
#. away from a page where a form (even the non-Kupu fields) has been edited.
#. Turn this off to prevent Kupu loading its own handler.
#. </div>
msgid "help_navigate_away"
msgstr "Kupu kan installere kode, som advarer, hvis du klikker væk fra en forumular uden at have gemt indholdet."
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\kupu_config.pt
#. <div class="formHelp" i18n:translate="help_paragraph_styles">
#. Enter a list of paragraph styles to appear in the style pulldown. Format is title|tag or title|tag|className, one per line.
#. </div>
msgid "help_paragraph_styles"
msgstr "Skriv en list over de formater, som en skribent kan vælge i dropdownboksen med formater. Skriv dem sådan: titel|tag eller titel|tag|class-navn, en pr. linie."
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\kupu_config.pt
#. <div class="formHelp" i18n:translate="help_remove_entities">
#. Enter HTML tags and attributes to be removed when saving documents. (Uncheck to remove entries)
#. </div>
msgid "help_remove_entities"
msgstr "Skriv HTML tags og attributer, som skal fjernes, når et dokument bliver gemt. (Fjern afkrydsninger for at begrænse filteret)"
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\kupu_config.pt
#. <div class="formHelp" i18n:translate="help_style_whitelist">
#. Enter a list of style elements to be permitted (one per line)
#. </div>
msgid "help_style_whitelist"
msgstr "Skriv en liste over de HTML style-elementer, som er tilladt. (en pr. linie)"
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\kupu_config.pt
#. <div class="formHelp" i18n:translate="help_table_classes">
#. Enter a list of class names to be made available in the table drawer
#. </div>
msgid "help_table_classes"
msgstr "Skriv en liste over CSS class-navne, som man skal kunne vælge til tabeller"
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\libraries.pt
#. <th i18n:translate="icon_uri">
#. Icon URI
#. </th>
msgid "icon_uri"
msgstr "URI for ikon"
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\kupu_config.pt
#. <th i18n:translate="label_attributes">
#. Attributes
#. </th>
msgid "label_attributes"
msgstr "Attributter"
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\kupu_config.pt
#. <th colspan="2" i18n:translate="label_class_blacklist">
#. Class Blacklist
#. </th>
msgid "label_class_blacklist"
msgstr "Forbudte classer"
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\libraries.pt
#. <th i18n:translate="label_icon_uri">
#. Icon URI
#. </th>
msgid "label_icon_uri"
msgstr "URI for ikon"
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\kupu_config.pt
#. <label for="kupu_installBeforeUnload" i18n:translate="label_install_kupu">
#. Install Kupu code to detect form changes
#. </label>
msgid "label_install_kupu"
msgstr "Installer Kupu kode, som opdager ændringer i formularen"
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\kupu_config.pt
#. <label for="kupu_linkbyuid" i18n:translate="label_link_uid">
#. Link using UIDs
#. </label>
msgid "label_link_uid"
msgstr "Udødelige links"
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\libraries.pt
#. <h4 i18n:translate="label_manage_libraries">
#. Manage libraries
#. </h4>
msgid "label_manage_libraries"
msgstr "Håndter link- og billedvælger"
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\kupu_config.pt
#. <label for="parastyles" i18n:translate="label_paragraph_styles">
#. Paragraph Styles
#. </label>
msgid "label_paragraph_styles"
msgstr "Afsnitformater"
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\libraries.pt
#. <th i18n:translate="label_source_uri">
#. Source URI
#. </th>
msgid "label_source_uri"
msgstr "Kilde URI"
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\kupu_config.pt
#. <th colspan="2" i18n:translate="label_style_whitelist">
#. Style Whitelist
#. </th>
msgid "label_style_whitelist"
msgstr "Tilladte styles"
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\kupu_config.pt
#. <label for="table_classnames" i18n:translate="label_tables">
#. Tables
#. </label>
msgid "label_tables"
msgstr "Tabelformater"
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\kupu_config.pt
#. <th i18n:translate="label_tags">
#. Tags
#. </th>
msgid "label_tags"
msgstr "Tags"
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\libraries.pt
#. <th i18n:translate="label_title">
#. Title
#. </th>
msgid "label_title"
msgstr "Titel"
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\resource_types.pt
#. <legend i18n:translate="legend_add_resource_type">
#. Add new resource type
#. </legend>
msgid "legend_add_resource_type"
msgstr "Tilføj ny resource-type"
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\kupu_config.pt
#. <legend i18n:translate="legend_html_filter">
#. HTML Filter
#. </legend>
msgid "legend_html_filter"
msgstr "HTML-filter"
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\kupu_config.pt
#. <legend i18n:translate="legend_link_options">
#. Link options
#. </legend>
msgid "legend_link_options"
msgstr "Linkindstillinger"
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\resource_types.pt
#. <legend i18n:translate="legend_map_resource_types">
#. Map resource types
#. </legend>
msgid "legend_map_resource_types"
msgstr "Indstil resourcetyper"
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\kupu_config.pt
#. <legend i18n:translate="legend_styles">
#. Styles
#. </legend>
msgid "legend_styles"
msgstr "Formater"
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\kupu_config.pt
#. <legend i18n:translate="legend_warning">
#. Warn before losing changes
#. </legend>
msgid "legend_warning"
msgstr "Advar før, du mister ændringer"
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\libraries.pt
#. <td i18n:translate="portal_object">
#. The portal object
#. </td>
msgid "portal_object"
msgstr "Portalobjektet"
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\libraries.pt
#. <td i18n:translate="portal_object_url">
#. URL of the portal
#. </td>
msgid "portal_object_url"
msgstr "Webstedets URL"
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\resource_types.pt
#. <th i18n:translate="portal_types">
#. Portal types
#. </th>
msgid "portal_types"
msgstr "Indholdstyper"
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\libraries.pt
#. <td i18n:translate="request">
#. Request
#. </td>
msgid "request"
msgstr "Request"
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\resource_types.pt
#. <th i18n:translate="resource_type">
#. Resource type
#. </th>
msgid "resource_type"
msgstr "Resourcetyper"
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\libraries.pt
#. <th i18n:translate="source_uri">
#. Source URI
#. </th>
msgid "source_uri"
msgstr "Kilde URI"
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\libraries.pt
#. <p i18n:translate="text_kupu_drawers">
#. In the below form, you may manage the list of drawer libraries for
#. the kupu editor. Each property of a library is dynamically expanded at
#. execution time using TALES expressions. That way it is possible, to
#. support libraries like
#. <em>
#. Current folder
#. </em>
#. or
#. <em>
#. My folder
#. </em>
#. very easily.
#. </p>
msgid "text_kupu_drawers"
msgstr "Her kan du styre, hvordan brugeren kan finde billede og interne links. Ud ad kassen understøtter wysiwyg editoren Kupu lister som <em>My recent items</em> og <em>Current folder</em>. Du kan tilpasse disse efter sitets behov nedenfor."
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\resource_types.pt
#. <p i18n:translate="text_resource_types">
#. While libraries provide abstract locations for objects of any type,
#. Kupu distinguishes objects by resource type. For example, a user might
#. request a library showing objects to link to or a library showing
#. objects to be inserted into a document. The abstract location
#. (library) might be the same, but the former library would contain
#. documents, the latter images.
#. </p>
msgid "text_resource_types"
msgstr "Her kan du vælge, hvilke indholdstyper, man skal kunne linke til (linkable) og indsætte som billede (mediaobject). Desuden kan man vælge, hvilke indholdstyper, der kan optræder som mapper (collection)."
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\resource_types.pt
#. <p i18n:translate="text_resource_types2">
#. This management screen allows you to define resource types using a
#. list of portal types. A special resource type,
#. <code>
#. collection
#. </code>
#. ,
#. identifies portal types that are to be treated as collections.
#. </p>
msgid "text_resource_types2"
msgstr " "
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\libraries.pt
#. <th i18n:translate="uri">
#. URI
#. </th>
msgid "uri"
msgstr "URI"
#: c:\zopep21\Products\kupu\plone\kupu_config.pt
#. <em i18n:translate="whole_tag_removed" tal:condition="not:attributes">
#. Whole tag removed
#. </em>
msgid "whole_tag_removed"
msgstr "Hele tagget bliver fjernet"
msgid "Config"
msgstr "Grundindstillinger"
msgid "Libraries"
msgstr "Popup-vælger"
msgid "Resource Types"
msgstr "Resourcetyper"
msgid "Documentation"
msgstr "Dokumentation"