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# Exposers
Exposers are declarations and methods that expose the items of your repository in a certain way.
## Structure
### Name
String $name
The name of the Exposer.
### Slug
String $slug
A URL friendly version of the Exposer name, to be used as a parameter to the API request informing you want to get the data using this exposer.
### Supported Mapping Standard
Array or true $mappers
A list of mapping standards that is exposer supports. This means that whenever someone makes a request to receive that via this exposer, he/she will also be able to choose in which mapping standar they want the content to be served, or true for serve all mappers.
### Methods
Every exposer have to implement PHP methods that will build the API response and have to be parent of Tainacan\Exposers\Types\Type
####callback rest response
\WP_REST_Response rest_request_after_callbacks will receve a array of elements to be exposed, and api request, server and reponse.
* Change response after api callbacks
* @param \WP_REST_Response $response
* @param \WP_REST_Server $handler
* @param \WP_REST_Request $request
* @return \WP_REST_Response
public function rest_request_after_callbacks( $response, $handler, $request );
Using this method an exposer can also print data in the `HEAD` section of the HTML when visiting an item page. For example, JSON-LD exposer can add a JSON-LD object to the head of the page of every item in your collection, modifing the rest server ($handler).
### Registering a new exposer
For register a new exposer, the action need to be added to `tainacan-register-exposer-types` hook, like:
function myNewExposer($exposers) {
add_action('tainacan-register-exposer-types', 'myNewExposer');
### Example
namespace Tainacan\Exposers\Types;
* Generate a text formated response
class Txt extends Type {
public $mappers = ['Value'];
public $slug = 'txt'; // type slug for url safe
public $name = 'TXT';
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see \Tainacan\Exposers\Types\Type::rest_request_after_callbacks()
public function rest_request_after_callbacks( $response, $handler, $request ) {
$response->set_headers( ['Content-Type: text/plain; charset=' . get_option( 'blog_charset' )] );
$txt = '';
$txt = $this->array_to_txt($response->get_data(), apply_filters('tainacan-exposer-txt', $txt));
return $response;
* Convert Array to Txt
* @param array $data
* @param string $txt
* @return string
protected function array_to_txt( $data, $txt ) {
foreach( $data as $key => $value ) {
if( is_numeric($key) ){
$key = apply_filters('tainacan-exposer-numeric-item-prefix', __('item', 'tainacan').'-', get_class($this)).$key; //dealing with giving a key prefix
if( is_array($value) ) {
$txt .= $key.": ".$this->array_to_txt($value, '['.$txt.']\n');
} else {
$txt .= $key.": ".$value .'\n';
return $txt;