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Items Repository

public function get_cpt_labels()

Get generic labels for the custom post types created for each collection

Returns: array — Labels in the format expected by register_post_type()

public function register_post_type()

Register each Item post_type {@inheritDoc}

public function fetch( $args = [], $collections = [], $output = null )

fetch items based on ID or WP_Query args

Items are stored as posts. Check WP_Query docs to learn all args accepted in the $args parameter (@see https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/classes/wp_query/) You can also use a mapped property, such as name and description, as an argument and it will be mapped to the appropriate WP_Query argument

The second paramater specifies from which collections item should be fetched. You can pass the Collection ID or object, or an Array of IDs or collection objects


  • $args — array — WP_Query args || int $args the item id
  • $collections — array — Array Entities\Collection || Array int collections IDs || int collection id || Entities\Collection collection object
  • $output — string — The desired output format (@see \Tainacan\Repositories\Repository::fetch_output() for possible values)

Returns: \WP_Query|Array — an instance of wp query OR array of entities;

if ( ! isset( $args['post_status'] ) )

If no specific status is defined in the query, WordPress will fetch public items and private items for users withe the correct permission.

If a collection is private, it must have the same behavior, despite its items are public or not.

public function fetch_ids( $args = [], $collections = [] )

fetch items IDs based on WP_Query args

to learn all args accepted in the $args parameter (@see https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/classes/wp_query/) You can also use a mapped property, such as name and description, as an argument and it will be mapped to the appropriate WP_Query argument

The second paramater specifies from which collections item should be fetched. You can pass the Collection ID or object, or an Array of IDs or collection objects


  • $args — array — WP_Query args || int $args the item id
  • $collections — array — Array Entities\Collection || Array int collections IDs || int collection id || Entities\Collection collection object

Returns: Array — array of IDs;

public function delete( $args )


  • ( — $args — is a array like [post_id, [is_permanently => bool]] )

Returns: mixed|Entities\Item

public function title_in_posts_where( $where, $wp_query )

allow wp query filter post by array of titles

Returns: string

public function content_in_posts_where( $where, $wp_query )

allow wp query filter post by array of content

Returns: string

Item Entity

class Item extends Entity

Represents the Entity Item

protected $repository = 'Items'


function __construct( $which = 0 )


function set_terms( $value )

function get_terms()

Returns: mixed|null

function get_attachments()

Returns: array

function get_author_name()

Returns: string

Returns: false|string

Returns: int|string

function get_modification_date()

Returns: mixed|null

function get_creation_date()

Returns: mixed|null

function get_author_id()

Returns: mixed|null

function get_url()

Returns: mixed|null

function get_id()

Return the item ID

Returns: integer

function get_title()

Return the item title

Returns: string

function get_order()

Return the item order type

Returns: string

function get_parent()

Return the parent ID

Returns: integer

function get_description()

Return the item description

Returns: string

public function get_db_identifier()


public function get_capabilities()

Use especial Item capabilities {@inheritDoc}

function set_title( $value )

Define the title


  • $value — [string]

Returns: void

function set_order( $value )

Define the order type


  • $value — [string]

Returns: void

function set_parent( $value )

Define the parent ID


  • $value — [integer]

Returns: void

function set_description( $value )

Define the description


  • $value — [string]

Returns: void

function get_fields()

Return a List of ItemMetadata objects

It will return all fields associeated with the collection this item is part of.

If the item already has a value for any of the fields, it will be available.

Returns: array — Array of ItemMetadata objects

protected function set_cap()

set meta cap object

function validate()


public function validate_core_fields()
