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Releasing a new version

This is a work in progress documentaion on how to release a new version.


  • $CURRENT_VERSION is the current "old" version (e.g. 0.2)
  • $NEW_VERSION is the version we are releasing (e.g. 0.3)
  • $GIT_PATH is where our repository is cloned
  • $BUILD_PATH is where the plugin is condigured to buid
  • $SVN_PATH is where the WordPress.org SVN repo is

Start in the git repository

git checkout develop
git pull

Edit version numbers

Edit src/readme.txt and src/tainacan.php and change the version numbers to $NEW_VERSION.

Set build to production mode

Edit webpack.config.js to set production mode.

Build and cleanup

rm -r admin/scss/.sass-cache

Prepare SVN repo

Create tag with the old version

svn cp https://plugins.svn.wordpress.org/tainacan/trunk https://plugins.svn.wordpress.org/tainacan/tags/$OLD_VERSION

clean trunk

rm -rf $SVN_PATH/trunk/*

Copy new files

cp -R $BUILD_PATH/* $SVN_PATH/trunk/

Update assets

cp $GIT_PATH/wp-repo-assets/* $SVN_PATH/assets/

Finish and commit

Go to the SVN folder


svn rm all files that have been removed

svn st | grep '^!' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs svn rm

svn add all new files

svn st | grep '^?' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs svn add


svn ci


In few minutes the new release should be available in the WordPress directory.

Check if everything is ok.

Commit and create tag on git

Once the release is tested and confirmed, commit and create the tag on git.

Don't forget to undo the changes to webpack.config.js, setting production mode to false again.


git checkout webpack.config.js

git commit -am "Releasing verion $NEW_VERSION"
git tag $NEW_VERSION
git checkout master
git merge develop
git push --all
git push --tags