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# Logs
## Logs Repository
<!-- BEGIN DOC-COMMENT H3 src/classes/repositories/class-tainacan-logs.php -->
### `class Logs extends Repository`
Implement a Logs system
### `public function register_post_type()`
### `public function fetch($args = [], $output = null)`
fetch logs based on ID or WP_Query args
Logs are stored as posts. Check WP_Query docs to learn all args accepted in the $args parameter (@see https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/classes/wp_query/) You can also use a mapped property, such as name and description, as an argument and it will be mapped to the appropriate WP_Query argument
* `$args` — array — WP_Query args || int $args the log id
* `$output` — string — The desired output format (@see \Tainacan\Repositories\Repository::fetch_output() for possible values)
**Returns:** `\WP_Query|Array` — an instance of wp query OR array of entities;
### `public function log_inserts($new_value, $value = null)`
Insert a log when a new entity is inserted
* `$new_value` — Entity
* `$value` — Entity
**Returns:** `Entities\Log` — new created log
### `public function approve($log)`
* `$log` — Entities\Log
**Returns:** `Entities\Entity|boolean` — return insert/update valeu or false
### `$value = $log->get_value()`
## Log Entity
<!-- BEGIN DOC-COMMENT H3 src/classes/entities/class-tainacan-log.php -->
### `class Log extends Entity`
Represents entity Log
### `protected $repository = 'Logs'`
### `function get_title()`
Return the Log title
**Returns:** string
### `function get_order()`
Return the log order type
**Returns:** string
### `function get_parent()`
Retun the parent ID
**Returns:** integer
### `function get_description()`
Return the Log description
**Returns:** string
### `function get_blog_id()`
Return the ID of blog
**Returns:** integer
### `function get_user_id()`
Return User Id of who make the action
**Returns:** `int` — User Id of logged action
### `public function get_value()`
Get value of log entry
* `$value` — mixed
**Returns:** void
### `public function get_old_value()`
Get old value of log entry object
* `$value` — mixed
**Returns:** void
### `function set_title($value)`
Set log tittle
* `$value` — string
**Returns:** void
### `function set_order($value)`
Define the order type
* `$value` — [string]
**Returns:** void
### `function set_parent($value)`
Define the parent ID
* `$value` — [integer]
**Returns:** void
### `function set_description($value)`
Define the Log description
* `$value` — [string]
**Returns:** void
### `protected function set_user_id($value = 0)`
Define the user ID of log entry
* `$value` — [integer]
**Returns:** void
### `protected function set_blog_id($value = 0)`
Define the blog ID of log entry
* `$value` — [integer]
**Returns:** void
### `protected function set_value($value = null)`
Define the value of log entry
* `$value` — [mixed]
**Returns:** void
### `protected function set_old_value($value = null)`
Set old value of log entry
* `$value` — [mixed]
**Returns:** void
### `public static function create($msn = false, $desc = '', $new_value = null, $old_value = null, $status = 'publish')`
* `$msn` — boolean|string
* `$desc` — string
* `$new_value` — mixed
* `$old_value` — mixed
* `$status` — string — 'publish', 'private' or 'pending'
**Returns:** \Tainacan\Entities\Log
### `public function approve()`