
10 KiB

Tainacan Application Programming Interface

Brief Description

A REST API for Tainacan Plugin. This API uses the Wordpress REST API.

Routes and Endpoints


  1. Collections
  2. Items
  3. Metadata
  4. Metadatum Types
  5. Item Metadata
  6. Taxonomies
  7. Filters
  8. Filter Types
  9. Terms
  10. Logs
  11. Others


  1. Route wp-json/tainacan/v2/collections/(?P<collection_id>[\d]+)

    1. Endpoints:

      1. GET (Fetch a collection)      

      2. DELETE (Delete or Trash a collection and all your dependencies)

        To delete pass in body of a requisition the parameter is_permanently as true. To only trash pass false.

      3. PATCH or PUT (Update a collection)

        Example of JSON passed in body for updating a collection:    

            "name": "string",
            "description": "string",
  1. Route wp-json/tainacan/v2/collections

    1. Endpoints:

      1. GET (Fetch all collections)

      2. POST (Create a collection).

        Example of JSON passed in body for creating a collection:

            "name": "string",
            "description": "string",
            "status": "string",
            "order": "string",
            "parent": "integer",
            "slug": "string",
            "default_orderby": "string",
            "default_order": "string",
            "columns": "string",
            "default_view_mode": "string"


  1. Route wp-json/tainacan/v2/collection/(?P<collection_id>[\d]+)/items

    1. Endpoints:

      1. GET (Fetch all items from a collection)

      2. POST (Create a item in a collection)

        Example of JSON passed in body for creating a item:

            "title": "string",
            "description": "string",
            "status": "string",
            "terms": ["integer", "integer", ...]
  1. Route wp-json/tainacan/v2/items/(?P<item_id>[\d]+)

    1. Endpoints:

      1. GET (Fetch a item)

      2. DELETE (Delete or Trash a item and all your dependencies)

        To delete pass in body of a requisition the parameter is_permanently as true. To only trash pass false.

      3. PATCH or PUT (Update a item)

        Example of JSON passed in body for updating a item:    

            "title": "string",
            "description": "string",
            "terms": ["integer", "integer", ...]


  1. Route wp-json/tainacan/v2/collection/(?P<collection_id>[\d]+)/metadata

    1. Endpoints:
      1. GET (Fetch all collection metadatum)

      2. POST (Create a metadatum in collection and all it items)

        In body of requisition pass a JSON with the attributes of metadatum like:

            "name": "string", 
            "description": "string",
            "metadatum_type": "string",
            "order": "string",
            "parent": "integer",
            "required": "string",
            "collection_key": "string",
            "multiple": "string",
            "cardinality": "string",
            "mask": "string",
            "default_value": "string",
            "field_type_options": "string",
  1. Route wp-json/tainacan/v2/collection/(?P<collection_id>[\d]+)/metadata/(?P<metadatum_id>[\d]+)

    1. Endpoints:

      1. GET (Fetch a metadatum from a collection or Fetch all metadatum values)

        To fetch all metadatum values from a metadatum of a collection in all it items, pass a query like ?fetch=all_field_values

      2. PATCH or PUT (Update a metadatum in a collection and all it items)

        In body of requisition pass a JSON with the attributes you need to update, like:

            "name": "string", 
            "description": "string",
  1. Route wp-json/tainacan/v2/metadata

    1. Endpoints:

      1. GET (Fetch all default metadata)

      2. POST (Create a default metadatum)

        In body of requisition pass a JSON with the attributes of metadatum.

  2. Route wp-json/tainacan/v2/metadata/(?P(<metadatum_id>[\d]+))

    1. Endpoints:

      1. DELETE (Trash a default metadatum)

      2. PATCH or PUT (Update a default metadatum)

        In body of requisition pass a JSON with the attributes you need to update.

Metadatum Types

  1. Route wp-json/tainacan/v2/metadatum-types

    1. Endpoint:

      1. GET (Fetch all metadatum types)

Item Metadata

  1. Route wp-json/tainacan/v2/item/(?P<item_id>[\d]+)/metadata/(?P<metadatum_id>[\d]+)

    1. Endpoints:

      1. PATCH or PUT (Set value of a metadata)

        In body of requisition pass a JSON with values of metadata, like:

            "values": ["any", "type"]
  1. Route wp-json/tainacan/v2/item/(?P<item_id>[\d]+)/metadata

    1. Endpoint:

      1. GET (Fetch all item metadata, with it values)


  1. Route wp-json/tainacan/v2/taxonomies

    1. Endpoints:

      1. GET (Fetch all taxonomies)

      2. POST (Create a taxonomy)

        Example of JSON passed in body for creating a taxonomy:

            "name": "string",
            "description": "string",
            "status": "string",
            "parent": "string",
            "slug": "string",
            "allow_insert": "string",
            "collections_ids": "array"
  1. Route wp-json/tainacan/v2/taxonomies/(?P<taxonomy_id>[\d]+)

    1. Endpoints:

      1. GET (Fetch a taxonomy)

      2. DELETE (Delete or trash a taxonomy)

        To delete pass in body of requisition the parameter is_permanently as true. To only trash pass false.

      3. PATCH or PUT (Update a taxonomy)

        Example of JSON passed in body for updating a taxonomy:    

            "name": "string",
            "description": "string",
  1. Route wp-json/tainacan/v2/taxonomies/(?P<taxonomy_id>[\d]+)/collection/(?P<collection_id>[\d]+)

    1. Endpoints:

      1. PATCH or PUT (Add a Collection in a Taxonomy)


  1. Route wp-json/tainacan/v2/collection/(?P<collection_id>[\d]+)/metadatum/(?P<metadatum_id>[\d]+)/filters

    1. Endpoints:

      1. POST (Create a filter)

        Example of JSON passed in body for creating a filter:

            "filter_type": "string",
            "filter": {
                  "name": "string",
                  "description": "string",
  1. Route wp-json/tainacan/v2/filters/(?P<filter_id>[\d]+)

    1. Endpoints:

      1. GET (Fetch a filter)

      2. DELETE (Delete or trash a filter)

        To delete pass in body of requisition the parameter is_permanently as true. To only trash pass false.

      3. PATCH or PUT (Update a filter)

        Example of JSON passed in body for updating a filter:

            "name": "string",
  1. Route wp-json/tainacan/v2/filters

    1. Endpoints:

      1. GET (Fetch all repository filters)

      2. POST (Create a filter in repository. Without metadatum and collection associations)

        Example of JSON passed in body for creating a filter:

            "filter_type": "string",
            "filter": {
                  "name": "string",
                  "description": "string",
  1. Route wp-json/tainacan/v2/collection/(?P<collection_id>[\d]+)/filters

    1. Endpoints:

      1. GET (Fetch all collection filters)

      2. POST (Create a filter in a collection, without metadatum association)

        Example of JSON passed in body for creating a filter:

            "filter_type": "string",
            "filter": {
                  "name": "string",
                  "description": "string",

Filter Types

  1. Route wp-json/tainacan/v2/filter-types

    1. Endpoint:

      1. GET (Fetch all filter types)


  1. Route wp-json/tainacan/v2/taxonomy/(?P<taxonomy_id>[\d]+)/terms

    1. Endpoints:

      1. GET (Fetch all tems of a taxonomy)

      2. POST (Create a term in a taxonomy)

        Example of JSON passed in body for creating a term:

            "name": "string",
            "user": "int",
  1. Route wp-json/tainacan/v2/taxonomy/(?P<taxonomy_id>[\d]+)/terms/(?P<term_id>[\d]+)

    1. Endpoints:

      1. GET (Fecth a term of a taxonomy)

      2. DELETE (Delete a term of a taxonoy)

      3. PATCH or PUT (Update a term in a taxonomy)

        Example of JSON passed in body for updating a term:

            "name": "string",


  1. Route wp-json/tainacan/v2/logs

    1. Endpoints:

      1. GET (Get all logs)
  2. Route wp-json/tainacan/v2/logs/(?P<log_id>[\d]+)

    1. Endpoints:

      1. GET (Get a log)


To Create, Read, Update or Delete Media or Users you can use the default routes of Wordpress.

See about Media in Media | REST API Handbook;

See about Users in Users | REST API Handbook.