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# Item Metadata
## Item Metadata Repository
<!-- BEGIN DOC-COMMENT H3 src/classes/repositories/class-tainacan-item-metadata.php -->
### `if ( $item_metadata->get_field()->get_parent() > 0 && is_null($item_metadata->get_meta_id()) )`
When we are adding a field that is child of another, this means it is inside a compound field
In that case, if the Item_Metadata object is not set with a meta_id, it means we want to create a new one and not update an existing. This is the case of a multiple compound field.
### `public function delete($item_metadata)`
**Returns:** mixed|void
### `public function add_compound_value(Entities\Item_Metadata_Entity $item_metadata, $meta_id)`
**Returns:** `null|ind` — the meta id of the created compound metadata
### `public function fetch($object, $output = null )`
Fetch Item Field objects related to an Item
* `$object` — Entities\Item
**Returns:** array
### `public function get_value(Entities\Item_Metadata_Entity $item_metadata)`
Get the value for a Item field.
* `$item_metadata` — Entities\Item_Metadata_Entity
**Returns:** mixed
### `private function extract_compound_value(array $ids, Entities\Item $item, $compund_meta_id)`
Transforms the array saved as meta_value with the IDs of post_meta saved as a value for compound fields and converts it into an array of Item Metadatada Entitites
* `$ids` — array — The array of post_meta ids
* `$item` — Entities\Item — The item this post_meta is related to
* `$compund_meta_id` — int — the meta_id of the parent compound metadata
**Returns:** `array` — An array of Item_Metadata_Entity objects
### `public function update( $object, $new_values = null )`
**Returns:** mixed
### `public function suggest($item_metadata)`
Suggest a value to be inserted as a item Field value, return a pending log
* `$item_metadata` — Entities\Item_Metadata_Entity
**Returns:** Entities\Log
## Item Metadata Entity
<!-- BEGIN DOC-COMMENT H3 src/classes/entities/class-tainacan-item-metadata-entity.php -->
### `class Item_Metadata_Entity extends Entity`
Represents the Item Field Entity
### `protected $repository = 'Item_Metadata'`
### `function __construct(Item $item, Field $field, $meta_id = null, $parent_meta_id = null)`
* `$item` — Item — Item Entity
* `$field` — Field — Field Entity
* `$meta_id` — int — ID for a specific meta row
### `function set_item(Item $item)`
Define the item
* `$item` — Item
**Returns:** void
### `function set_value($value)`
Define the field value
* `|` — [integer — string] $value
**Returns:** void
### `function set_field(Field $field)`
Define the field
* `$field` — Field
**Returns:** void
### `function set_meta_id($meta_id)`
Set the specific meta ID for this metadata.
When this value is set, get_value() will use it to fetch the value from the post_meta table, instead of considering the item and field IDs
* `$meta_id` — int — the ID of a specifica post_meta row
### `function set_parent_meta_id($parent_meta_id)`
Set parent_meta_id. Used when a item_metadata is inside a compound Field
When you have a multiple compound field, this indicates of which instace of the value this item_metadata is attached to
* `$parent_meta_id` — [type] — [description]
### `function get_item()`
Return the item
**Returns:** Item
### `function get_field()`
Return the field
**Returns:** Field
### `function get_meta_id()`
Return the meta_id
**Returns:** Field
### `function get_parent_meta_id()`
Return the meta_id
**Returns:** Field
### `function get_value()`
Return the field value
**Returns:** `string` — | integer
### `function is_multiple()`
Return true if field is multiple, else return false
**Returns:** boolean
### `function is_collection_key()`
Return true if field is key
**Returns:** boolean
### `function is_required()`
Return true if field is required
**Returns:** boolean
### `function validate()`
Validate attributes
**Returns:** boolean