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Setting up yout local enviroment

This document will run you through setting up your local enviroment and running the tests. If you haven't done it yet, please have a look at key concepts so you can have a better Understanding of the project.


This is the development repository for the Tainacan WordPress plugin.

Overview of folders:

  • docs - This technical documentation
  • tests - phpunit tests
  • src - The actual plugin. Everything outside this folder is not part of the distribution package

This repository includes all the tools needed to develop Tainacan, such as tests and other scripts to compile sass and other things.

Before you start

Tainacan is a WordPress plugin, so you will need all the basic dependencies you usually have to run a WordPress site, such as PHP and MySQL.

You wil also need:

  • composer to manage dependencies
  • sass to compile sass into css files
  • phpunit to run tests
  • node to work with Vue.js
sudo apt-get install phpunit composer ruby nodejs npm
sudo gem install sass

Setting up

First of all, clone this repository.

Note that you can NOT clone it directly in the WordPress plugins directory. Clone it in a folder of its own and configure your build to point to the your local WordPress plugins folder.

git clone git@git.github.com:tainacan/tainacan.git

Install dependencies via composer

composer install
npm install

And that's pretty much all. Now you will want to set up your tests and your build.


When we want to build the plugin, we run build.sh that basically compiles all the assets (sass), installs any dependence and moves the files to the plugin directory. This compiled version of the plugin will be then added to the official WordPress Plugin repository.


In order to use it, make a copy of build-config-sample.sh and name it only build-config.sh. Edit it and set the folder in which you want the build to be made.

If you are running a local environment, you might want to check build-watch.sh. This script will watch your development folder for changes and automatically build the plugin so you don't have to do it manually every time you modify a file.


Create a new MySQL database for your tests. This database will be cleaned and restored everytime you run the tests.

Install the WordPress Tests library running the provided script.

tests/bin/install-wp-tests.sh wordpress_test root root /path/to/wordpress-test-folder localhost latest

The parameters are:

  • Database name
  • MySQL username
  • MySQL password
  • WordPress Test Directory (In order to test the API, this folder must be inside your local webserver)
  • MySQL host
  • WordPress version

WordPress Test Directory will be created with 2 sub folders:

  • wordpress-test - An installation of WordPress
  • wordpress-tests-lib - As the name says, the WordPress Tests Library

Inside tests folder, edit the file called bootstrap-config-sample.php and inform the folder where you installed your WordPress Test Library. This will be /path/to/wordpress-test-folder/wodpress-tests-lib. Save the file as bootstrap-config.php.

You are done! Now, to run your tests, simply go to the root directory of the repository and type:


Also note that the installation script will create a config file in the destination folder with your database credentials. If you have to change it, you will need to edit it there.