
5684 lines
180 KiB
Raw Normal View History

msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WooCommerce 2.0.9 Admin\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://github.com/woothemes/woocommerce/issues\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-05-10 11:38:26+00:00\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-06-06 19:29+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Birgit Olzem <coachbirgit@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Inpsyde GmbH <info@inpsyde.com>\n"
"Language: german\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
"X-Generator: Poedit 1.5.5\n"
"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: UTF-8\n"
"X-Poedit-KeywordsList: __;_e;__ngettext:1,2;_n:1,2;__ngettext_noop:1,2\n"
"X-Poedit-Basepath: ../../../\n"
#: admin/importers/importers-init.php:13
msgid "WooCommerce Tax Rates (CSV)"
msgstr "WooCommerce Steuersätze (CSV)"
#: admin/importers/importers-init.php:13
msgid "Import <strong>tax rates</strong> to your store via a csv file."
msgstr "<strong>Steuersätze</strong> in Ihren Shop via CSV-Datei importieren."
#: admin/importers/tax-rates-importer.php:103
#: admin/importers/tax-rates-importer.php:186
#: admin/importers/tax-rates-importer.php:226
#: admin/importers/tax-rates-importer.php:241
msgid "Sorry, there has been an error."
msgstr "Bedaure, aber es trat ein Fehler auf."
#: admin/importers/tax-rates-importer.php:104
msgid "The file does not exist, please try again."
msgstr "Die Datei existiert nicht. Bitte versuchen Sie es erneut."
#: admin/importers/tax-rates-importer.php:187
msgid "The CSV is invalid."
msgstr "Die CSV-Datei ist ungültig."
#: admin/importers/tax-rates-importer.php:198
msgid ""
"Import complete - imported <strong>%s</strong> tax rates and skipped <strong>"
msgstr ""
"Import abgeschlossen. Es wurden <strong>%s</strong> Steuersätze importiert "
"und <strong>%s</strong> Steuersätze übersprungen."
#: admin/importers/tax-rates-importer.php:208
msgid "All done!"
msgstr "Alles erledigt!"
#: admin/importers/tax-rates-importer.php:208
msgid "View Tax Rates"
msgstr "Steuersätze ansehen"
#: admin/importers/tax-rates-importer.php:259
msgid "Import Tax Rates"
msgstr "Steuersätze importieren"
#: admin/importers/tax-rates-importer.php:282
msgid ""
"Hi there! Upload a CSV file containing tax rates to import the contents into "
"your shop. Choose a .csv file to upload, then click \"Upload file and import"
msgstr ""
"Hallo! Laden Sie eine CSV-Datei mit Steuersätzen hoch und importieren Sie "
"deren Inhalte in Ihren Shop. Wählen Sie eine <code>.csv</code>-Datei zum "
"Hochladen aus und wählen Sie danach \"Datei hochladen und importieren\"."
#: admin/importers/tax-rates-importer.php:284
msgid ""
"Tax rates need to be defined with columns in a specific order (10 columns). "
"<a href=\"%s\">Click here to download a sample</a>."
msgstr ""
"Steuersätze müssen mit Spalten in einer bestimmten Reihenfolge definiert "
"werden (10 Spalten). <a href=\"%s\">Klicken Sie hier, um eine Beispieldatei "
#: admin/importers/tax-rates-importer.php:292
msgid ""
"Before you can upload your import file, you will need to fix the following "
msgstr ""
"Bevor Sie Ihre Importdatei hochladen können, müssen Sie folgenden Fehler "
#: admin/importers/tax-rates-importer.php:301
msgid "Choose a file from your computer:"
msgstr "Wählen Sie eine Datei von Ihrem Rechner:"
#: admin/importers/tax-rates-importer.php:307
msgid "Maximum size: %s"
2013-06-30 15:01:17 +00:00
msgstr "Maximale Grösse: %s"
#: admin/importers/tax-rates-importer.php:312
msgid "OR enter path to file:"
msgstr "ODER geben Sie den Pfad zu einer Datei an:"
#: admin/importers/tax-rates-importer.php:319
msgid "Delimiter"
msgstr "Trennzeichen"
#: admin/importers/tax-rates-importer.php:325
msgid "Upload file and import"
msgstr "Datei hochladen und importieren"
#: admin/includes/duplicate_product.php:23
msgid "No product to duplicate has been supplied!"
msgstr "Es wurde kein Produkt zum Duplizieren angegeben!"
#: admin/includes/duplicate_product.php:43
msgid "Product creation failed, could not find original product:"
msgstr ""
"Die Produkterstellung schlug fehl - das Originalprodukt wurde nicht gefunden:"
#: admin/includes/duplicate_product.php:90
msgid "(Copy)"
msgstr "(Kopieren)"
#: admin/includes/notice-install.php:6
msgid ""
"<strong>Welcome to WooCommerce</strong> &#8211; You're almost ready to start "
"selling :)"
msgstr ""
"<strong>Willkommen bei WooCommerce!</strong> &#8211; Fast fertig - gleich "
"kann es losgehen mit dem Verkaufen ;-)"
#: admin/includes/notice-install.php:7
msgid "Install WooCommerce Pages"
msgstr "WooCommerce-Seiten installieren"
#: admin/includes/notice-install.php:7
msgid "Skip setup"
msgstr "Einrichtung überspringen"
#: admin/includes/notice-theme-support.php:6
msgid ""
"<strong>Your theme does not declare WooCommerce support</strong> &#8211; if "
"you encounter layout issues please read our integration guide or choose a "
"WooCommerce theme :)"
msgstr ""
"<strong>Ihr aktives Theme hat keine WooCommerce Unterstützung deklariert</"
"strong> &#8211; Falls Sie Layout-Probleme entdecken sollten, lesen Sie bitte "
"unsere Theme-Integrationsanleitung oder entscheiden Sie sich für eine "
"WooCommerce Theme :)."
#: admin/includes/notice-theme-support.php:7
msgid "Theme Integration Guide"
msgstr "Theme-Integrationsanleitung (Engl.)"
#: admin/includes/notice-theme-support.php:7
msgid "Hide this notice"
msgstr "Diesen Hinweis ausblenden"
#: admin/includes/notice-update.php:6
msgid ""
"<strong>Data Update Required</strong> &#8211; We just need to update your "
"install to the latest version"
msgstr ""
"<strong>Aktualisierung der Daten erforderlich!</strong> &#8211; Wir müssen "
"Ihre Installation auf die neueste Version aktualisieren."
#: admin/includes/notice-update.php:7
msgid "Run the updater"
msgstr "Die Aktualisierung jetzt starten"
#: admin/includes/notice-update.php:12
msgid ""
"It is strongly recommended that you backup your database before proceeding. "
"Are you sure you wish to run the updater now?"
msgstr ""
"Es wird dringend empfohlen, dass Sie eine Datenbank-Sicherung Ihrer "
"WordPress-Installation anlegen. Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie die Aktualisierung "
"jetzt starten wollen?"
#: admin/includes/updates/woocommerce-update-2.0.php:49
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:885
msgctxt "slug"
msgid "product-category"
msgstr "produktkategorie"
#: admin/includes/updates/woocommerce-update-2.0.php:50
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:898
msgctxt "slug"
msgid "product-tag"
msgstr "produkt-stichwort"
#: admin/includes/updates/woocommerce-update-2.0.php:58
msgctxt "slug"
msgid "product"
msgstr "produkt"
#: admin/includes/updates/woocommerce-update-2.0.php:179
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-install.php:207
msgctxt "page_slug"
msgid "lost-password"
msgstr "passwort-verloren"
#: admin/includes/updates/woocommerce-update-2.0.php:179
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-install.php:207
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:335
msgid "Lost Password"
msgstr "Passwort verloren"
#: admin/includes/welcome.php:48
msgid "Welcome to WooCommerce"
msgstr "Willkommen bei WooCommerce"
#: admin/includes/welcome.php:135
msgid "Welcome to WooCommerce %s"
msgstr "Willkommen WooCommerce %s"
#: admin/includes/welcome.php:140
msgid "Thanks, all done!"
msgstr "Danke, alles erledigt!"
#: admin/includes/welcome.php:142
msgid "Thank you for updating to the latest version!"
msgstr "Danke, dass Sie auf die neueste Version aktualisiert haben!"
#: admin/includes/welcome.php:144
msgid "Thanks for installing!"
msgstr "Danke fürs Installieren!"
#: admin/includes/welcome.php:146
msgid ""
"%s WooCommerce %s is more powerful, stable, and secure than ever before. We "
"hope you enjoy it."
msgstr ""
"%s WooCommerce %s ist noch funktionsreicher, stabiler und sicherer als "
"jemals zuvor. Wir hoffen, Ihnen gefällt diese Version."
#: admin/includes/welcome.php:150
msgid "Version %s"
msgstr "Version %s"
#: admin/includes/welcome.php:153 admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:41
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:88 admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:278
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Einstellungen"
#: admin/includes/welcome.php:154
msgid "Docs"
msgstr "Dokumentation"
#: admin/includes/welcome.php:161
msgid "What's New"
msgstr "Was neu ist"
#: admin/includes/welcome.php:163
msgid "Credits"
msgstr "Danksagungen"
#: admin/includes/welcome.php:186
msgid "Security in mind"
msgstr "Sicherheit immer dabei"
#: admin/includes/welcome.php:190
msgid "Sucuri Safe Plugin"
msgstr "Sucuri-gesichertes Plugin"
#: admin/includes/welcome.php:191
msgid ""
"You will be happy to learn that WooCommerce has been audited and certified "
"by the Sucuri Security team. Whilst there is not much to be seen visually to "
"understand the amount of work that went into this audit, rest assured that "
"your website is powered by one of the most powerful and stable eCommerce "
"plugins available."
msgstr ""
"Sie werden froh sein, zu erfahren, dass WooCommerce vom Sucuri "
"Sicherheitsteam geprüft und zertifiziert wurde. Während es visuell nicht "
"viel zu sehen gibt, um die Menge der Arbeit zu verstehen, welche in diese "
"Prüfung geflossen ist, so können Sie doch sicher sein, dass Ihre Webseite "
"von einem der sichersten eCommerce-Plugins angetrieben wird."
#: admin/includes/welcome.php:194
msgid "A Smoother Admin Experience"
msgstr "Ein verbessertes Erlebnis im Adminbereich"
#: admin/includes/welcome.php:200
msgid "New Product Panel"
msgstr "Neues Produkt-Panel"
#: admin/includes/welcome.php:201
msgid ""
"We have revised the product data panel making it cleaner, more streamlined, "
"and more logical. Adding products is a breeze!"
msgstr ""
"Wir haben das Produktdaten-Panel überarbeitet: klarer strukturiert und vor "
"allem logischer. Produkte hinzuzufügen geht jetzt mehr \"wie im Nu\" :)."
#: admin/includes/welcome.php:206
msgid "Nicer Order Screens"
msgstr "Schönere Bestell-Übersichtsfenster"
#: admin/includes/welcome.php:207
msgid ""
"Order pages have had a cleanup, with a more easily scannable interface. We "
"particularly like the new status icons!"
msgstr ""
"Die Bestellseiten wurden gestrafft und sind nun besser visuell zu erfassen. "
"Wir mögen besonders die neuen Status-Icons!"
#: admin/includes/welcome.php:212
msgid "Multi-Download Support"
msgstr "Multi-Download-Unterstützung"
#: admin/includes/welcome.php:213
msgid ""
"Products can have multiple downloadable files - purchasers will get access "
"to all the files added."
msgstr ""
"Produkte können nun mehrere herunterladbare Dateien haben - Käufer erhalten "
"dann Zugriff auf alle hinzugefügten Dateien."
#: admin/includes/welcome.php:218
msgid "Less Taxing Taxes"
msgstr "Weniger anstrengende Steuern"
#: admin/includes/welcome.php:224
msgid "New Tax Input Panel"
msgstr "Neues Steuern-Eingabe-Panel"
#: admin/includes/welcome.php:225
msgid ""
"The tax input pages have been streamlined to make inputting taxes simpler - "
"adding multiple taxes for a single jurisdiction is now much easier using the "
"priority system. There is also CSV import/export support."
msgstr ""
"Die Seiten zur Steuern-Eingabe wurden gestrafft, um die Pflege zu "
"erleichtern. Mehrere Steuern für eine einzelne Zuständigkeit sind jetzt viel "
2013-06-30 15:01:17 +00:00
"leichter anzulegen mit dem neuen Prioritätssystem. Es gibt ausserdem eine "
"Import-/ Exportfunktion via CSV-Datei."
#: admin/includes/welcome.php:229
msgid "Improved Tax Options"
msgstr "Verbesserte Steuer-Optionen"
#: admin/includes/welcome.php:230
msgid ""
"As requested by some users, we now support taxing the billing address "
"instead of shipping (optional), and we allow you to choose which tax class "
"applies to shipping."
msgstr ""
"Wie oft angefragt von Benutzern, unterstützen wir jetzt auch das Besteuern "
"der Rechnungsanschrift, statt der Versandanschrift (optional). Und, wir "
"erlauben Ihnen die Wahl, welche Steuerklasse für den Versand gilt."
#: admin/includes/welcome.php:235
msgid "Product Listing Improvements Customers Will Love"
msgstr ""
"Verbesserungen bei den Produktauflistungen, welche die Kunden lieben werden"
#: admin/includes/welcome.php:241
msgid "New Sorting Options"
msgstr "Neue Filteroptionen"
#: admin/includes/welcome.php:242
msgid "Customers can now sort products by popularity and ratings."
msgstr "Kunden können Produkte jetzt nach Beliebtheit und Bewertungen filtern."
#: admin/includes/welcome.php:247
msgid "Better Pagination and Result Counts"
msgstr "Bessere Paginierung und Ergebniszähler"
#: admin/includes/welcome.php:248
msgid ""
"Numbered pagination has been added to core, and we show the number of "
"results found above the listings."
msgstr ""
"Nummerische Pagination wurde dem WooCommerce-Core hinzugefügt. Und, wir "
"zeigen die Anzahl der Treffer über den Auflistungen."
#: admin/includes/welcome.php:253
msgid "Inline Star Rating Display"
msgstr "Inline-Anzeige der Bewertungs-Sterne"
#: admin/includes/welcome.php:254
msgid ""
"We have added star ratings to the catalog which are pulled from reviews."
msgstr ""
"Wir haben Bewertungs-Sterne dem Produktkatalog hinzugefügt, welche von den "
"Produktbewertungen \"gezogen\" werden."
#: admin/includes/welcome.php:262
msgid "Under the Hood"
msgstr "Unter der Oberfläche"
#: admin/includes/welcome.php:266
msgid "New product classes"
msgstr "Neue Produktklassen"
#: admin/includes/welcome.php:267
msgid ""
"The product classes have been rewritten and are now factory based. Much more "
"extendable, and easier to query products using the new <code>get_product()</"
"code> function."
msgstr ""
"Die Produktklassen wurden neu geschrieben und sind nun werksbasiert. Viel "
"besser erweiterbar und es ist einfacher, Produkte abzufragen über die neue "
"Funktion <code>get_product()</code>."
#: admin/includes/welcome.php:271
msgid "Capability overhaul"
msgstr "Überarbeitung der Berechtigungen"
#: admin/includes/welcome.php:272
msgid ""
"More granular capabilities for admin/shop manager roles covering products, "
"orders and coupons."
msgstr ""
"Berechtigungen für Administratoren und Shop-Manager können viel feiner "
"justiert werden und decken Produkte, Bestellungen sowie Gutscheine ab."
#: admin/includes/welcome.php:276
msgid "API Improvements"
msgstr "Schnittstellen-Verbesserungen (API)"
#: admin/includes/welcome.php:277
msgid ""
"<code>WC-API</code> now has real endpoints, and we've optimised the gateways "
"API significantly by only loading gateways when needed."
msgstr ""
"<code>WC-API</code> besitzt nun reale Endpunkte und wir haben die "
"Schnittstelle für die Zahlungsweisen signifikant verbessert, indem "
"Zahlungsweisen nur noch geladen werden, wenn sie benötigt werden."
#: admin/includes/welcome.php:283
msgid "Cache-friendly cart widgets"
msgstr "Cache-freundliche Warenkorb-Widgets"
#: admin/includes/welcome.php:284
msgid ""
"Cart widgets and other \"fragments\" are now pulled in via AJAX - this works "
"wonders with static page caching."
msgstr ""
"Warenkorb-Widgets und andere \"Fragemente\" werden nun via AJAX geladen. Das "
"wirkt Wunder beim Cachen statischer Seiten."
#: admin/includes/welcome.php:288
msgid "Session handling"
msgstr "Session-Handling"
#: admin/includes/welcome.php:289
msgid ""
"PHP SESSIONS have been a problem for many users in the past, so we've "
"developed our own handler using cookies and options to make these more "
msgstr ""
"PHP-SESSIONS waren in der Vergangenheit ein Problem für viele Anwender. "
"Daher haben wir unser eigenes Handling-System entwickelt, welches mit "
"Cookies und Optionen arbeitet, damit dies alles zuverlässiger funktioniert."
#: admin/includes/welcome.php:293
msgid "Retina Ready"
msgstr "Bereit für hochauflösende Displays"
#: admin/includes/welcome.php:294
msgid "All graphics within WC have been optimised for HiDPI displays."
msgstr ""
"Alle Grafiken innerhalb von WooCommerce wurden optimiert für HiDPI- bzw. "
#: admin/includes/welcome.php:301
msgid "Better stock handling"
msgstr "Bessere Lagerverwaltung"
#: admin/includes/welcome.php:302
msgid ""
"We have added an option to hold stock for unpaid orders (defaults to "
"60mins). When this time limit is reached, and the order is not paid for, "
"stock is released and the order is cancelled."
msgstr ""
"Wir haben eine Option hinzugefügt, das Lager für unbezahlte Bestellungen "
"\"anzuhalten\" (Standard: 60 Minuten). Wenn dieses Zeitlimit erreicht ist "
"und die Bestellung nicht bezahlt wurde, wird das Lager wieder freigegeben "
"und die Bestellung abgebrochen."
#: admin/includes/welcome.php:306
msgid "Improved Line-item storage"
msgstr "Verbesserte Speicherung von Produktpositionen"
#: admin/includes/welcome.php:307
msgid ""
"We have changed how order items get stored making them easier (and faster) "
"to access for reporting. Order items are no longer serialised within an "
"order - they are stored within their own table."
msgstr ""
"Wir haben die Art und Weise geändert, wie Produkte gespeichert werden, damit "
"sie einfacher (und schneller) für Berichte/ Statistiken zur Verfügung "
"stehen. Bestell-Daten werden nicht länger serialisiert (serialised) "
"innerhalb einer Bestellung - sie werden innerhalb ihrer eigenen Tabelle "
#: admin/includes/welcome.php:311
msgid "Autoload"
msgstr "Automatisches Laden von Klassen (Autoload)"
#: admin/includes/welcome.php:312
msgid ""
"We have setup autoloading for classes - this has dramatically reduced memory "
"usage in 2.0."
msgstr ""
"Wir haben das automatische Laden von Klassen eingerichtet. Dies hat den "
"(PHP-) Speicherverbrauch dramatisch reduziert in WooCommerce Version 2.0+."
#: admin/includes/welcome.php:319
msgid "Go to WooCommerce Settings"
msgstr "Zu den WooCommerce Einstellungen gehen &rarr;"
#: admin/includes/welcome.php:337
msgid ""
"WooCommerce is developed and maintained by a worldwide team of passionate "
"individuals and backed by an awesome developer community. Want to see your "
"name? <a href=\"https://github.com/woothemes/woocommerce/blob/master/"
"CONTRIBUTING.md\">Contribute to WooCommerce</a>."
msgstr ""
"WooCommerce wird entwickelt und gepflegt von einem weltweiten Team von "
"vielen leidenschaftlichen Einzelpersonen hinter denen eine wunderbare "
"Entwickler-Community steht. Sie wollen Ihren Namen dabei sehen? <a href="
"\">Tragen Sie bei zu WooCommerce</a>."
#: admin/includes/welcome.php:363
msgid "View %s"
msgstr "%s ansehen"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:31
msgid "Make a duplicate from this product"
msgstr "Duplikat von diesem Produkt erstellen"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:32
msgid "Duplicate"
msgstr "Duplizieren"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:61
msgid "Copy to a new draft"
msgstr "Zu neuem Entwurf kopieren"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:86 admin/woocommerce-admin-taxonomies.php:297
msgid "Image"
msgstr "Bild"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:88
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:376
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:470
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:233
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:269
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:307
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:330
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:374
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:399
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:437
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Name"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:91 admin/post-types/product.php:557
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/variation-admin-html.php:52
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:98
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:2099
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:2135
msgid "SKU"
msgstr "Art.-Nr."
#: admin/post-types/product.php:94
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:83
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:63
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:90
msgid "Stock"
msgstr "Lager"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:96 admin/post-types/product.php:568
#: admin/post-types/product.php:789 admin/woocommerce-admin-functions.php:202
msgid "Price"
msgstr "Preis"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:98
msgid "Categories"
msgstr "Kategorien"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:99
msgid "Tags"
msgstr "Schlagwörter"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:100 admin/post-types/product.php:632
#: admin/post-types/product.php:906
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:1058
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:450
msgid "Featured"
msgstr "Empfohlen"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:101 admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:251
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:309
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:386
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Typ"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:102 admin/post-types/shop_order.php:50
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Datum"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:151
msgid "Edit this item"
msgstr "Dieses Element bearbeiten"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:151
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:140
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:230
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:387
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:1061
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:323
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Bearbeiten"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:152
msgid "Edit this item inline"
msgstr "Dieses Element inline bearbeiten"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:152
msgid "Quick&nbsp;Edit"
msgstr "Schnellbearbeitung"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:156 admin/post-types/shop_coupon.php:65
msgid "Restore this item from the Trash"
msgstr "Dieses Element aus dem Papierkorb wiederherstellen."
#: admin/post-types/product.php:156 admin/post-types/shop_coupon.php:65
msgid "Restore"
msgstr "Wiederherstellen"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:158 admin/post-types/shop_coupon.php:67
msgid "Move this item to the Trash"
msgstr "Dieses Element in den Papierkorb verschieben"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:158 admin/post-types/shop_coupon.php:67
msgid "Trash"
msgstr "Papierkorb"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:160 admin/post-types/shop_coupon.php:69
msgid "Delete this item permanently"
msgstr "Dieses Element dauerhaft löschen"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:160 admin/post-types/shop_coupon.php:69
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:463
msgid "Delete Permanently"
msgstr "Dauerhaft löschen"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:165
msgid "Preview &#8220;%s&#8221;"
msgstr "Vorschau &#8220;%s&#8221;"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:165
msgid "Preview"
msgstr "Vorschau"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:167
msgid "View &#8220;%s&#8221;"
msgstr "Ansehen &#8220;%s&#8221;"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:167 admin/post-types/shop_order.php:171
msgid "View"
msgstr "Anzeigen"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:214
msgid "Grouped"
msgstr "Gruppiert"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:216
msgid "External/Affiliate"
msgstr "Extern/ Affiliate"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:220 admin/post-types/product.php:407
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/variation-admin-html.php:174
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:52
msgid "Virtual"
msgstr "Virtuell"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:222 admin/post-types/product.php:403
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/variation-admin-html.php:172
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:58
msgid "Downloadable"
msgstr "Herunterladbar"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:224
msgid "Simple"
msgstr "Einfach"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:228 admin/post-types/product.php:387
msgid "Variable"
msgstr "Variable"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:251
msgid "Toggle featured"
msgstr "Empfohlene Auf-/ Zuklappen"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:253
msgid "yes"
msgstr "ja"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:255
msgid "no"
msgstr "nein"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:262 admin/post-types/product.php:641
#: admin/post-types/product.php:930
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:231
msgid "In stock"
msgstr "Auf Lager"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:264 admin/post-types/product.php:642
#: admin/post-types/product.php:931
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:232
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:2119
msgid "Out of stock"
msgstr "Vergriffen"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:373
msgid "Show all product types"
msgstr "Alle Produkttypen"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:381
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:39
msgid "Grouped product"
msgstr "Gruppiertes Produkt"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:383
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:40
msgid "External/Affiliate product"
msgstr "Externes/ Affiliate-Produkt"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:385
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:38
msgid "Simple product"
msgstr "Einfaches Produkt"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:399
msgid "Show all sub-types"
msgstr "Alle Unter-Typen"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:520
msgid "[%s with SKU of %s]"
msgstr "[%s mit Art.-Nr. von %s]"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:526
msgid "[%s with ID of %d]"
msgstr "[%s mit ID von %d]"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:552 admin/post-types/product.php:783
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanels-init.php:46
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:508
msgid "Product Data"
msgstr "Produktdaten"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:570
msgid "Regular price"
msgstr "Regulärer Preis"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:575 admin/post-types/product.php:813
msgid "Sale"
msgstr "Aktion"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:577
msgid "Sale price"
msgstr "Aktionspreis"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:588 admin/post-types/product.php:839
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/variation-admin-html.php:96
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:84
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:273
msgid "Weight"
msgstr "Gewicht"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:599 admin/post-types/product.php:863
msgid "L/W/H"
msgstr "L/B/H"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:601 admin/post-types/product.php:879
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:85
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:286
msgid "Length"
msgstr "Länge"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:602 admin/post-types/product.php:880
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:86
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:287
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:797
msgid "Width"
msgstr "Breite"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:603 admin/post-types/product.php:881
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:87
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:288
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:799
msgid "Height"
msgstr "Höhe"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:613 admin/post-types/product.php:887
msgid "Visibility"
msgstr "Sichtbarkeit"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:618 admin/post-types/product.php:893
msgid "Catalog &amp; search"
msgstr "Katalog &amp; Suche"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:619 admin/post-types/product.php:894
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:1047
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:46
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:183
msgid "Catalog"
msgstr "Katalog"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:620 admin/post-types/product.php:895
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:1048
msgid "Search"
msgstr "Suche"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:621 admin/post-types/product.php:896
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:1049
msgid "Hidden"
msgstr "Verborgen"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:636 admin/post-types/product.php:924
msgid "In stock?"
msgstr "Am Lager?"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:657 admin/post-types/product.php:942
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:212
msgid "Manage stock?"
msgstr "Lager verwalten?"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:661 admin/post-types/product.php:961
#: admin/post-types/product.php:977
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:219
msgid "Stock Qty"
msgstr "Lagermenge"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:794 admin/post-types/product.php:818
#: admin/post-types/product.php:844 admin/post-types/product.php:868
#: admin/post-types/product.php:892 admin/post-types/product.php:911
#: admin/post-types/product.php:929 admin/post-types/product.php:947
#: admin/post-types/product.php:966
msgid "— No Change —"
msgstr "— Keine Änderung —"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:795 admin/post-types/product.php:819
#: admin/post-types/product.php:845 admin/post-types/product.php:869
#: admin/post-types/product.php:967
msgid "Change to:"
msgstr "Ändern zu:"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:796 admin/post-types/product.php:820
msgid "Increase by (fixed amount or %):"
msgstr "Erhöhen um (fester Betrag oder %):"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:797 admin/post-types/product.php:821
msgid "Decrease by (fixed amount or %):"
msgstr "Vermindern um (fester Betrag oder %):"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:807 admin/post-types/product.php:832
msgid "Enter price"
msgstr "Preis eingeben"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:822
msgid "Decrease regular price by (fixed amount or %):"
msgstr "Regulären Preis vermindern um (fester Betrag oder %):"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:912 admin/post-types/product.php:948
#: admin/post-types/shop_order.php:190 admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:122
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:286
msgid "Yes"
msgstr "Ja"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:913 admin/post-types/product.php:949
#: admin/post-types/shop_order.php:192 admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:122
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:286
msgid "No"
msgstr "Nein"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:1183
msgid "Sort Products"
msgstr "Produkte sortieren"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:1222
msgid "Insert into product"
msgstr "In Produkt einfügen"
#: admin/post-types/product.php:1223
msgid "Uploaded to this product"
msgstr "Hochgeladen für dieses Produkt"
#: admin/post-types/shop_coupon.php:25
msgid "Code"
msgstr "Gutschein-Code"
#: admin/post-types/shop_coupon.php:26
msgid "Coupon type"
msgstr "Gutscheintyp"
#: admin/post-types/shop_coupon.php:27
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:45
msgid "Coupon amount"
msgstr "Gutscheinbetrag"
#: admin/post-types/shop_coupon.php:28
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Beschreibung"
#: admin/post-types/shop_coupon.php:29
msgid "Product IDs"
msgstr "Produkt-IDs"
#: admin/post-types/shop_coupon.php:30
msgid "Usage / Limit"
msgstr "Verwendung/ Limit"
#: admin/post-types/shop_coupon.php:31
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:158
msgid "Expiry date"
msgstr "Ablaufdatum"
#: admin/post-types/shop_coupon.php:56
msgid "Edit coupon"
msgstr "Gutschein bearbeiten"
#: admin/post-types/shop_coupon.php:114
msgid "%s / %s"
msgstr "%s / %s"
#: admin/post-types/shop_coupon.php:116
msgid "%s / &infin;"
msgstr "%s / &infin;"
#: admin/post-types/shop_coupon.php:149
msgid "Show all types"
msgstr "Alle Typen"
#: admin/post-types/shop_order.php:43
#: admin/settings/settings-payment-gateways.php:29
#: admin/settings/settings-shipping-methods.php:31
msgid "Status"
msgstr "Status"
#: admin/post-types/shop_order.php:44
msgid "Order"
msgstr "Bestellung"
#: admin/post-types/shop_order.php:45
msgid "Billing"
msgstr "Rechnung"
#: admin/post-types/shop_order.php:46
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:539
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:81
#: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:52
#: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:217
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:49
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:187
msgid "Shipping"
msgstr "Versand"
#: admin/post-types/shop_order.php:47
msgid "Order Total"
msgstr "Gesamtsumme"
#: admin/post-types/shop_order.php:48
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanels-init.php:71
msgid "Order Notes"
msgstr "Bestellnotizen"
#: admin/post-types/shop_order.php:49
msgid "Customer Notes"
msgstr "Kundennotizen"
#: admin/post-types/shop_order.php:51
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:386
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:433
msgid "Actions"
msgstr "Aktionen"
#: admin/post-types/shop_order.php:95
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:93
msgid "Guest"
msgstr "Gast"
#: admin/post-types/shop_order.php:98
msgid "Order %s"
msgstr "Bestellung %s"
#: admin/post-types/shop_order.php:98
msgid "made by"
msgstr "von"
#: admin/post-types/shop_order.php:101
msgid "Email:"
msgstr "E-Mail:"
#: admin/post-types/shop_order.php:104
msgid "Tel:"
msgstr "Telefon:"
#: admin/post-types/shop_order.php:114 admin/post-types/shop_order.php:123
msgid "Via"
msgstr "Via"
#: admin/post-types/shop_order.php:131
msgid "Unpublished"
msgstr "Unveröffentlicht"
#: admin/post-types/shop_order.php:133
msgid "Y/m/d g:i:s A"
msgstr "d.m.Y G:i:s"
#: admin/post-types/shop_order.php:139
msgid "%s ago"
msgstr "vor %s"
#: admin/post-types/shop_order.php:141
msgid "Y/m/d"
msgstr "d.m.Y"
#: admin/post-types/shop_order.php:158
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-dashboard.php:176
msgid "Processing"
msgstr "Abwicklung"
#: admin/post-types/shop_order.php:165
msgid "Complete"
msgstr "Abgeschlossen"
#: admin/post-types/shop_order.php:282
msgid "Show all statuses"
msgstr "Alle Status"
#: admin/post-types/shop_order.php:301 admin/post-types/shop_order.php:326
msgid "Show all customers"
msgstr "Alle Kunden"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/order-download-permission-html.php:6
msgid "Revoke Access"
msgstr "Zugang wiederherstellen"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/order-download-permission-html.php:7
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/variation-admin-html.php:7
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:369
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:463
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:439
msgid "Click to toggle"
msgstr "Klicken zum Aufklappen"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/order-download-permission-html.php:9
msgid "File %d: %s"
msgstr "Datei %d: %s"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/order-download-permission-html.php:9
msgid "Downloaded %s time"
msgid_plural "Downloaded %s times"
msgstr[0] "%s Mal heruntergeladen"
msgstr[1] "%s Mal heruntergeladen"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/order-download-permission-html.php:16
msgid "Downloads Remaining"
msgstr "Verbleibende Downloads"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/order-download-permission-html.php:19
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/variation-admin-html.php:149
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/variation-admin-html.php:157
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:158
msgid "Unlimited"
msgstr "Unbegrenzt"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/order-download-permission-html.php:22
msgid "Access Expires"
msgstr "Zugang läuft ab"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/order-download-permission-html.php:23
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:164
msgid "Never"
msgstr "Niemals"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/order-fee-html.php:10
msgid "Fee Name"
msgstr "Name der Gebühr"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/order-fee-html.php:17
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/order-item-html.php:89
msgid "Tax class"
msgstr "Steuerklasse"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/order-fee-html.php:19
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/order-tax-html.php:8
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:561
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:666
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1658
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:2671
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:2680
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-users.php:90 admin/woocommerce-admin-users.php:112
msgid "N/A"
msgstr "k.A."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/order-fee-html.php:20
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:179
msgid "Taxable"
msgstr "besteuerbar"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/order-fee-html.php:25
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/order-item-html.php:96
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:54
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:186
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:972
#: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:29
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:228
msgid "Standard"
msgstr "Standard"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/order-fee-html.php:43
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/order-item-html.php:115
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1562
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1615
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:2386
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:2555
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:2633
msgid "Total"
msgstr "Gesamtsumme"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/order-item-html.php:10
msgid "Product ID:"
msgstr "Produkt-ID:"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/order-item-html.php:13
msgid "Variation ID:"
msgstr "Variations-ID:"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/order-item-html.php:16
msgid "Product SKU:"
msgstr "Art.-Nr. des Produkts:"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/order-item-html.php:44
msgid "Add&nbsp;meta"
msgstr "Meta hinzufügen"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/order-item-html.php:117
msgid "Subtotal"
msgstr "Zwischensumme"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/order-tax-html.php:6
msgid "Tax Rate:"
msgstr "Steuersatz:"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/order-tax-html.php:16
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:630
msgid "Sales Tax:"
msgstr "Umsatzsteuer:"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/order-tax-html.php:20
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:638
msgid "Shipping Tax:"
msgstr "Versandsteuer:"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/variation-admin-html.php:6
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:368
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:462
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:438
msgid "Remove"
msgstr "Entfernen"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/variation-admin-html.php:20
msgid "Any"
msgstr "Jede"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/variation-admin-html.php:52
msgid ""
"Enter a SKU for this variation or leave blank to use the parent product SKU."
msgstr ""
"Geben Sie eine Art.-Nr. für diese Variation ein oder lassen Sie das Feld "
"frei, um automatisch die Art.-Nr. des Eltern-Produktes zu verwenden."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/variation-admin-html.php:63
msgid "Stock Qty:"
msgstr "Lagermenge:"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/variation-admin-html.php:63
msgid ""
"Enter a quantity to enable stock management at variation level, or leave "
"blank to use the parent product's options."
msgstr ""
"Geben Sie eine Menge ein, um die Lagerverwaltung auf dem Niveau von "
"Variationen zu aktivieren, oder lassen Sie dies frei, um die Option des "
"übergeordneten Produkts (Elternprodukt) zu verwenden."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/variation-admin-html.php:72
msgid "Regular Price:"
msgstr "Regulärer Preis:"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/variation-admin-html.php:73
msgid "Variation price (required)"
msgstr "Preis der Variation (erforderlich)"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/variation-admin-html.php:76
msgid "Sale Price:"
msgstr "Aktionspreis:"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/variation-admin-html.php:76
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:125
msgid "Schedule"
msgstr "Aktionszeitraum"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/variation-admin-html.php:76
msgid "Cancel schedule"
msgstr "Planung abbrechen"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/variation-admin-html.php:83
msgid "Sale start date:"
msgstr "Verkaufs-Startdatum:"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/variation-admin-html.php:84
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:136
msgctxt "placeholder"
msgid "From&hellip;"
msgstr "Von..."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/variation-admin-html.php:87
msgid "Sale end date:"
msgstr "Verkaufs-Enddatum:"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/variation-admin-html.php:88
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:137
msgctxt "placeholder"
msgid "To&hellip;"
msgstr "Bis..."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/variation-admin-html.php:96
msgid ""
"Enter a weight for this variation or leave blank to use the parent product "
msgstr ""
"Geben Sie ein Gewicht für diese Variation ein oder lassen Sie das Feld frei, "
"um automatisch das Gewicht des Eltern-Produkts zu verwenden."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/variation-admin-html.php:104
msgid "Dimensions (L&times;W&times;H)"
2013-06-30 15:01:17 +00:00
msgstr "Grösse (Tiefe&times;Breite&times;Höhe)"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/variation-admin-html.php:115
msgid "Shipping class:"
msgstr "Versandgruppe:"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/variation-admin-html.php:119
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:53
msgid "Same as parent"
msgstr "Gleiche wie übergeordnet"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/variation-admin-html.php:130
msgid "Tax class:"
msgstr "Steuerklasse:"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/variation-admin-html.php:141
msgid "File paths:"
msgstr "Dateipfade:"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/variation-admin-html.php:141
msgid ""
"Enter one or more File Paths, one per line, to make this variation a "
"downloadable product, or leave blank."
msgstr ""
"Geben Sie einen oder mehrere Dateipfade an, einen pro Zeile, um diese "
"Variation zu einem herunterladbaren Produkt zu machen. Oder lassen Sie das "
"Feld einfach frei."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/variation-admin-html.php:142
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:153
msgid "File paths/URLs, one per line"
msgstr "Dateipfade/ -URLs, einen pro Zeile"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/variation-admin-html.php:143
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:154
msgid "Choose a file"
msgstr "Eine Datei auswählen"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/variation-admin-html.php:143
msgid "Upload"
msgstr "Hochladen"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/variation-admin-html.php:143
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:154
msgid "Insert file URL"
msgstr "Datei-URL einfügen"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/variation-admin-html.php:148
msgid "Download Limit:"
msgstr "Downloadlimit:"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/variation-admin-html.php:148
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:158
msgid "Leave blank for unlimited re-downloads."
msgstr "Frei lassen für unbegrenzte Downloads."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/variation-admin-html.php:156
msgid "Download Expiry:"
msgstr "Download-Verfall"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/variation-admin-html.php:156
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:164
msgid ""
"Enter the number of days before a download link expires, or leave blank."
msgstr ""
"Geben Sie die Zahl der Tage ein, bevor der Download-Link ausläuft, oder "
"lassen Sie das Feld frei."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/variation-admin-html.php:170
msgid "Enabled"
msgstr "Aktiv"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/variation-admin-html.php:172
msgid ""
"Enable this option if access is given to a downloadable file upon purchase "
"of a product"
msgstr ""
"Aktivieren Sie diese Option, falls während eines Produktkaufs Zugriff auf "
"eine herunterladbare Datei gewährt wird."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/variation-admin-html.php:174
msgid ""
"Enable this option if a product is not shipped or there is no shipping cost"
msgstr ""
"Aktivieren Sie diese Option, falls ein Produkt nicht versandt wird oder "
"keine Versandkosten erhoben werden."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:37
msgid "Coupon description"
msgstr "Gutschein-Beschreibung"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:37
msgid "Optionally enter a description for this coupon for your reference."
msgstr ""
"Geben Sie eine optionale Beschreibung für diesen Gutschein an - zur internen "
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:42
msgid "Discount type"
msgstr "Rabattart"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:45
msgid "Value of the coupon."
msgstr "Wert des Gutscheins."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:51
msgid "Enable free shipping"
msgstr "'Versandkostenfrei' aktivieren"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:51
msgid ""
"Check this box if the coupon grants free shipping. The <a href=\"%s\">free "
"shipping method</a> must be enabled with the \"must use coupon\" setting "
msgstr ""
"Aktivieren Sie dieses Kontrollkästchen, wenn der Gutschein kostenfreien "
"Versand beinhaltet. Die <a href=\"%s\">Methode Versandkostenfrei</a> muss "
"aktiviert sein, sowie ebenfalls die Einstellung \"erfordert Gutschein\"."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:54
msgid "Individual use"
msgstr "Individuelle Verwendung"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:54
msgid ""
"Check this box if the coupon cannot be used in conjunction with other "
msgstr ""
"Aktivieren Sie dieses Kontrollkästchen, wenn dieser Gutschein nicht zusammen "
"mit anderen Gutscheinen verwendet werden darf."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:57
msgid "Apply before tax"
msgstr "Vor der Mwst. zuweisen"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:57
msgid ""
"Check this box if the coupon should be applied before calculating cart tax."
msgstr ""
"Aktivieren Sie dieses Kontrollkästchen, wenn dieser Gutschein vor dem "
"Berechnen der Mehrwertsteuer auf den Warenkorbinhalt zugewiesen werden soll."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:60
msgid "Exclude sale items"
2013-06-30 15:01:17 +00:00
msgstr "Produkte mit Aktionspreis ausschliessen"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:60
msgid ""
"Check this box if the coupon should not apply to items on sale. Per-item "
"coupons will only work if the item is not on sale. Per-cart coupons will "
"only work if there are no sale items in the cart."
msgstr ""
"Aktivieren Sie dieses Kontrollkästchen, wenn der Gutschein nicht für "
"Produkte mit Aktionspreis gelten soll. Pro-Produkt-Gutscheine werden dann "
"nur funktionieren, wenn das Produkt nicht gerade einen Aktionspreis hat. Pro-"
"Produkt-Gutscheine dann auch nur funktionieren, wenn sich keine Produkte mit "
"Aktionspreis im Warenkorb befinden."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:65
msgid "Minimum amount"
msgstr "Mindestbetrag"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:65
msgid "No minimum"
msgstr "Kein Mindestbetrag"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:65
msgid ""
"This field allows you to set the minimum subtotal needed to use the coupon."
msgstr ""
"Dieses Feld erlaubt es Ihnen, einen Mindestbestellwert (Zwischensumme) "
"festzulegen, damit dieser Gutschein verwendet werden kann."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:74
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-taxonomies.php:28
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-taxonomies.php:122
msgid "Products"
msgstr "Produkte"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:75
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:400
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:523
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:540
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1245
msgid "Search for a product&hellip;"
msgstr "Nach einem Produkt suchen&hellip;"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:89
msgid ""
"Products which need to be in the cart to use this coupon or, for \"Product "
"Discounts\", which products are discounted."
msgstr ""
"Produkte, welche sich im Warenkorb befinden müssen, damit der Gutschein "
"verwendet werden kann. Oder, für \"Produktrabatt\", welche Produkte "
"rabattiert sind."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:94
msgid "Exclude products"
2013-06-30 15:01:17 +00:00
msgstr "Produkte ausschliessen"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:95
msgid "Search for a product…"
msgstr "Nach Produkt suchen..."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:109
msgid ""
"Products which must not be in the cart to use this coupon or, for \"Product "
"Discounts\", which products are not discounted."
msgstr ""
"Produkte, welche sich nicht im Warenkorb befinden dürfen, damit dieser "
"Gutschein verwendet werden kann. Oder, für \"Produktrabatt\", welche "
"Produkte nicht rabattiert sind."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:116
msgid "Product categories"
msgstr "Produktkategorien"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:117
msgid "Any category"
msgstr "Beliebige Kategorie"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:125
msgid ""
"A product must be in this category for the coupon to remain valid or, for "
"\"Product Discounts\", products in these categories will be discounted."
msgstr ""
"Ein Produkt muss sich in dieser Kategorie befinden, damit der Gutschein "
"gültig bleibt. Oder, für \"Produktrabatt\": Produkte in diesen Kategorien "
"werden rabattiert."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:130
msgid "Exclude categories"
2013-06-30 15:01:17 +00:00
msgstr "Kategorien ausschliessen"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:131
msgid "No categories"
msgstr "Keine Kategorien"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:139
msgid ""
"Product must not be in this category for the coupon to remain valid or, for "
"\"Product Discounts\", products in these categories will not be discounted."
msgstr ""
"Das Produkt darf sich nicht in dieser Kategorie befinden, damit der "
"Gutschein gültig bleibt. Oder, für \"Produktrabatt\": Produkte in diesen "
"Kategorien werden nicht rabattiert."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:145
msgid "Email restrictions"
msgstr "E-Mail Einschränkungen"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:145
msgid "No restrictions"
msgstr "keine Einschränkungen"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:145
msgid ""
"List of emails to check against the customer's billing email when an order "
"is placed."
msgstr ""
"Liste der zu prüfenden E-Mails, die sich von der E-Mail unterscheidet, die "
"beim Kauf angegeben wurde."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:152
msgid "Usage limit"
msgstr "Wie oft einlösbar?"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:152
msgctxt "placeholder"
msgid "Unlimited usage"
msgstr "Unbegrenzte Verwendung"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:152
msgid "How many times this coupon can be used before it is void."
msgstr "Wie oft dieser Gutschein verwendet werden kann, bevor er abläuft."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:158
msgctxt "placeholder"
msgid "Never expire"
msgstr "Nie auslaufend"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:158
msgid "The date this coupon will expire, <code>YYYY-MM-DD</code>."
msgstr ""
"Das Datum an dem dieser Gutscheins ablaufen wird, eingeben im Format: "
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:195
msgid ""
"Coupon code already exists - customers will use the latest coupon with this "
msgstr ""
"Dieser Gutschein existiert bereits - Kunden werden den aktuellsten Gutschein "
"mit diesem Code verwenden."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:59
msgid "Order Details"
msgstr "Bestelldetails"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:62
msgid "Order number"
msgstr "Bestellnummer"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:67
msgid "Customer IP:"
msgstr "IP-Adresse des Kunden:"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:74
msgid "General Details"
msgstr "Allgemeine Details"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:76
msgid "Order status:"
msgstr "Bestellstatus:"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:86
msgid "Order Date:"
msgstr "Bestelldatum:"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:87
msgid "h"
msgstr "h"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:87
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:567
msgid "m"
msgstr "m"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:91
msgid "Customer:"
msgstr "Kunde:"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:131
msgid "Customer Note:"
msgstr "Kundennotiz:"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:132
msgid "Customer's notes about the order"
msgstr "Kundennotizen zur Bestellung"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:140
msgid "Billing Details"
msgstr "Rechnungsdetails"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:144
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:234
msgid "First Name"
msgstr "Vorname"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:148
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:238
msgid "Last Name"
msgstr "Nachname"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:152
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:242
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-users.php:155 admin/woocommerce-admin-users.php:204
msgid "Company"
msgstr "Firma"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:156
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:246
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-users.php:159 admin/woocommerce-admin-users.php:208
msgid "Address 1"
2013-06-30 15:01:17 +00:00
msgstr "Strasse und Hausnummer"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:160
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:250
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-users.php:163 admin/woocommerce-admin-users.php:212
msgid "Address 2"
msgstr "Adresszusatz"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:164
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:254
#: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:42
#: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:217
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-users.php:167 admin/woocommerce-admin-users.php:216
msgid "City"
msgstr "Stadt"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:168
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:258
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-users.php:171 admin/woocommerce-admin-users.php:220
msgid "Postcode"
msgstr "Postleitzahl"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:172
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:262
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-users.php:179 admin/woocommerce-admin-users.php:228
msgid "Country"
msgstr "Land"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:175
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:265
msgid "Select a country&hellip;"
msgstr "Wählen Sie ein Land aus&hellip;"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:178
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:268
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-users.php:175 admin/woocommerce-admin-users.php:224
msgid "State/County"
msgstr "Bundesland/ Kanton"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:182
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-users.php:187
msgid "Email"
msgstr "E-Mail"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:185
msgid "Phone"
msgstr "Telefon"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:193
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:195
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:277
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:279
msgid "Address"
msgstr "Adresse"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:195
msgid "No billing address set."
msgstr "Es wurde keine Rechnungsanschrift angegeben."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:208
msgid "Load billing address"
msgstr "Rechnungsanschrift laden"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:230
msgid "Shipping Details"
msgstr "Versanddetails"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:279
msgid "No shipping address set."
msgstr "Es wurde keine Versandanschrift angegeben."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:292
msgid "Load shipping address"
msgstr "Versandanschrift laden"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:292
msgid "Copy from billing"
msgstr "Von Rechnung kopieren"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:339
msgid "Item"
msgstr "Element"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:344
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:191
#: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:217
msgid "Tax Class"
msgstr "Mwst.-Klasse"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:344
msgid "Tax class for the line item"
msgstr "Steuerklassen für diese Position"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:347
msgid "Qty"
msgstr "Anz"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:349
msgid "Totals"
msgstr "Gesamtbetrag"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:349
msgid "Line subtotals are before pre-tax discounts, totals are after."
msgstr ""
"Zwischensummen werden vor den Vorsteuer-Rabatten aufgelistet, Gesamtsummen "
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:352
#: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:387
#: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:475
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:48
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:186
msgid "Tax"
msgstr "Mehrwertsteuer"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:388
msgid "Delete Lines"
msgstr "Positionen löschen"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:390
msgid "Stock Actions"
msgstr "Lager-Aktionen"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:391
msgid "Reduce Line Stock"
msgstr "Lagermenge der Position reduzieren"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:392
msgid "Increase Line Stock"
msgstr "Lagermenge der Position erhöhen"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:396
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:456
msgid "Apply"
msgstr "Übernehmen"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:402
msgid "Add item(s)"
msgstr "Element(e) hinzufügen"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:403
msgid "Add fee"
msgstr "Gebühr hinzufügen"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:434
msgid "Resend order emails"
msgstr "Bestell-E-Mails erneut senden"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:465
msgid "Move to Trash"
msgstr "In den Papierkorb verschieben"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:470
msgid "Save Order"
msgstr "Bestellung speichern"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:470
msgid "Save/update the order"
msgstr "Bestellung speichern/ aktualisieren"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:498
msgid "Discounts"
msgstr "Rabatte"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:502
msgid "Cart Discount:"
msgstr "Warenkorbrabatt:"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:502
msgid "Discounts before tax - calculated by comparing subtotals to totals."
msgstr ""
"Rabatte vor Steuern - berechnet indem Zwischensummen mit Gesamtsummen "
"verglichen werden."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:510
msgid "Order Discount:"
msgstr "Rabatt auf Bestellung:"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:510
msgid "Discounts after tax - user defined."
msgstr "Rabatte nach Steuern - benutzerdefiniert."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:543
msgid "Label:"
msgstr "Beschriftung:"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:544
msgid "The shipping title the customer sees"
msgstr "Der Versandmethoden-Titel, den der Besucher/ Kunde sieht"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:551
msgid "Cost:"
msgstr "Kosten:"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:552
msgid "(ex. tax)"
msgstr "(exkl. Mwst.)"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:559
msgid "Method:"
msgstr "Methode:"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:581
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:583
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:682
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:684
msgid "Other"
msgstr "Andere"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:597
msgid "Tax Rows"
msgstr "Steuer-Zeilen"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:622
msgid "+ Add tax row"
msgstr "+ Steuerposition hinzufügen"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:622
msgid ""
"These rows contain taxes for this order. This allows you to display multiple "
"or compound taxes rather than a single total."
msgstr ""
"Diese Zeilen enthalten Steuern für diese Bestellung. Dies erlaubt es Ihnen, "
"mehrere oder verbundene Steuern zu berechnen, gegenüber einer einzigen "
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:626
msgid "Tax Totals"
msgstr "Steuer gesamt"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:630
msgid "Total tax for line items + fees."
msgstr "Gesamte Steuer für alle Positionen + Gebühr"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:652
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanels-init.php:70
msgid "Order Totals"
msgstr "Gesamtsumme"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:656
msgid "Order Total:"
msgstr "Gesamtsumme:"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:664
msgid "Payment Method:"
msgstr "Zahlungsweise:"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:695
msgid "Calc taxes"
msgstr "Steuern berechnen"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:697
msgid "Calc totals"
msgstr "Gesamtsummen berechnen"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_downloads.php:57
msgid "Choose a downloadable product&hellip;"
msgstr "Wählen Sie ein herunterladbares Produkt..."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_downloads.php:87
msgid "Grant Access"
msgstr "Zugriff gewähren"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_downloads.php:125
msgid ""
"Could not grant access - the user may already have permission for this file "
"or billing email is not set. Ensure the billing email is set, and the order "
"has been saved."
msgstr ""
"Zugriff konnte nicht gestattet werden. Der Benutzer hat entweder schon "
"Zugriff auf diese Datei oder die Rechnungs-/ Bezahl-E-Mail ist nicht "
"festgelegt. Stellen Sie sicher, dass die Rechnungs-/ Bezahl-E-Mail "
"festgelegt ist und die Bestellung gespeichert wurde."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_downloads.php:148
msgid "Are you sure you want to revoke access to this download?"
msgstr ""
"Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie den Zugang zu diesem Download erneuern wollen?"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_notes.php:44
msgid "added %s ago"
msgstr "vor %s hinzugefügt"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_notes.php:44
msgid "Delete note"
msgstr "Notiz löschen"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_notes.php:50
msgid "There are no notes for this order yet."
msgstr "Für diese Bestellung gibt es noch keine Anmerkungen."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_notes.php:56
msgid "Add note"
msgstr "Notiz hinzufügen"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_notes.php:56
msgid ""
"Add a note for your reference, or add a customer note (the user will be "
msgstr ""
"Fügen Sie hier eine Notiz hinzu, entweder für Ihre interne Verwaltung oder "
"für den Kunden (welcher dann darüber benachrichtigt wird)."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_notes.php:62
msgid "Customer note"
msgstr "Kundennotiz"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_notes.php:63
msgid "Private note"
msgstr "Private Notiz"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_notes.php:65
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:501
msgid "Add"
msgstr "Hinzufügen"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:23
msgid "Variations for variable products are defined here."
msgstr "Variationen für variable Produkte werden hier festgelegt."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:23
msgid "Variations"
msgstr "Variationen"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:65
msgid ""
"Before adding variations, add and save some attributes on the "
"<strong>Attributes</strong> tab."
msgstr ""
"Bevor Sie Variationen hinzufügen, legen Sie zunächst einige Merkmale über "
"den Menüpunkt <strong>Eigenschaften</strong> an."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:67
msgid "Learn more"
msgstr "Mehr erfahren"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:74
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:329
msgid "Close all"
2013-06-30 15:01:17 +00:00
msgstr "Alle schliessen"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:74
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:329
msgid "Expand all"
msgstr "Alle aufklappen"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:75
msgid "Bulk edit:"
msgstr "Aktion wählen:"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:77
msgid "Toggle &quot;Enabled&quot;"
msgstr "&quot;Aktiviert&quot; Auf-/ Zuklappen"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:78
msgid "Toggle &quot;Downloadable&quot;"
msgstr "&quot;Herunterladbar&quot; Auf-/ Zuklappen"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:79
msgid "Toggle &quot;Virtual&quot;"
msgstr "&quot;Virtuell&quot; Auf-/ Zuklappen"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:80
msgid "Delete all variations"
msgstr "Alle Variationen löschen"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:81
msgid "Prices"
msgstr "Preise"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:82
msgid "Sale prices"
msgstr "Verkaufspreise"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:88
msgid "File Path"
msgstr "Dateipfad"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:89
msgid "Download limit"
msgstr "Downloadlimit"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:90
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:164
msgid "Download Expiry"
msgstr "Download-Verfall"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:93
msgid "Go"
msgstr "Los"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:193
msgid "Add Variation"
msgstr "Variation hinzufügen"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:195
msgid "Link all variations"
msgstr "Alle Varianten miteinander verknüpfen"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:197
msgid "Default selections:"
msgstr "Standardauswahl:"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:210
msgid "No default"
msgstr "Kein Standard"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:299
msgid ""
"Are you sure you want to link all variations? This will create a new "
"variation for each and every possible combination of variation attributes "
"(max 50 per run)."
msgstr ""
"Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie alle Variationen verlinken wollen? Dies wird eine "
"neue Variation erstellen für jede mögliche Kombination von Eigenschaften "
"(maximal 50 pro Durchlauf)."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:316
msgid "variation added"
msgstr "Variation hinzugefügt"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:318
msgid "variations added"
msgstr "Variationen hinzugefügt"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:320
msgid "No variations added"
msgstr "Keine Variationen hinzugefügt"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:343
msgid "Are you sure you want to remove this variation?"
msgstr "Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie diese Variation entfernen wollen?"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:399
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete all variations? This cannot be undone."
msgstr ""
"Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie alle Variationen löschen wollen? Dies kann nicht "
"rückgängig gemacht werden!"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:402
msgid "Last warning, are you sure?"
msgstr "Letzte Warnung - sind Sie sicher?"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:439
msgid "Enter a value"
msgstr "Einen Wert eingeben"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:517
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-taxonomies.php:62
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-taxonomies.php:154
msgid "Choose an image"
msgstr "Ein Bild auswählen"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:519
msgid "Set variation image"
msgstr "Bild für Variation festlegen"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:563
msgid "Variable product"
msgstr "Variables Produkt"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:629
msgid "Variation #%s of %s"
msgstr "Variation #%s von %s"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:43
msgid "Product Type"
msgstr "Produkttyp"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:53
msgid "Virtual products are intangible and aren't shipped."
msgstr "Virtuelle Produkte sind immateriell und werden nicht versandt."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:59
msgid "Downloadable products give access to a file upon purchase."
msgstr ""
"Herunterladbare Produkte erlauben Zugriff auf eine Datei während des "
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:77
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:44
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:182
msgid "General"
msgstr "Allgemein"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:79
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:47
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:185
msgid "Inventory"
msgstr "Bestand"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:83
msgid "Linked Products"
msgstr "Verlinkte Produkte"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:85
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:299
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:66
msgid "Attributes"
msgstr "Eigenschaften"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:87
msgid "Advanced"
msgstr "Erweitert"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:98
msgid "Stock Keeping Unit"
msgstr "Einheit für die Lagerhaltung/ Bestandspflege"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:98
msgid ""
"SKU refers to a Stock-keeping unit, a unique identifier for each distinct "
"product and service that can be purchased."
msgstr ""
"Artikel-Nr. bezieht sich auf eine Einheit zur Lagerhaltung, ein einzigartige "
2013-06-30 15:01:17 +00:00
"Identifkationsgrösse für jedes Produkt und jede Dienstleistung, die man "
"kaufen kann."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:109
msgid "Product URL"
msgstr "Produkt-URL"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:109
msgid "Enter the external URL to the product."
msgstr "Geben Sie die externe URL zum Produkt an."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:112
msgid "Button text"
msgstr "Button-Text"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:112
msgctxt "placeholder"
msgid "Buy product"
msgstr "Produkt kaufen"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:112
msgid "This text will be shown on the button linking to the external product."
msgstr ""
"Dieser Text wird auf dem Button erscheinen, der auf das externe Produkt "
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:119
msgid "Regular Price"
msgstr "Regulärer Preis"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:125
msgid "Sale Price"
msgstr "Aktionspreis"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:135
msgid "Sale Price Dates"
msgstr "Aktionspreis-Datum/ -Zeitraum"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:138
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:1082
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Abbrechen"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:152
msgid "File paths (one per line)"
msgstr "Dateipfade (einer pro Zeile)"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:158
msgid "Download Limit"
msgstr "Downloadlimit"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:178
msgid "Tax Status"
msgstr "Mehrwertsteuerstatus"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:180
msgid "Shipping only"
msgstr "Nur beim Versand"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:181
msgid "None"
msgstr "mehrwertsteuerfrei"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:212
msgid "Enable stock management at product level"
msgstr "Lagerverwaltung auf Produktebene aktivieren"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:219
msgid ""
"Stock quantity. If this is a variable product this value will be used to "
"control stock for all variations, unless you define stock at variation level."
msgstr ""
"Lagerbestand. Wenn dies ein variables Produkt ist, wird dieser Wert "
"verwendet, um den Bestand für alle Variationen zu verwenden, ungeachtet "
"dessen, ob Sie einen Bestand für die Variationen angelegt haben."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:230
msgid "Stock status"
msgstr "Lagerstatus"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:233
msgid ""
"Controls whether or not the product is listed as \"in stock\" or \"out of "
"stock\" on the frontend."
msgstr ""
"Kontrolliert, ob das Produkt in der Besucheransicht (Frontend) als \"Am Lager"
"\" oder \"vergriffen\" gelistet wird."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:240
msgid "Allow Backorders?"
msgstr "Fehlmengen erlauben?"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:241
msgid "Do not allow"
msgstr "Nicht erlauben"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:242
msgid "Allow, but notify customer"
msgstr "Erlauben, aber Kunde benachrichtigen"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:243
msgid "Allow"
msgstr "Erlauben"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:244
msgid ""
"If managing stock, this controls whether or not backorders are allowed for "
"this product and variations. If enabled, stock quantity can go below 0."
msgstr ""
"Wenn die Lagerverwaltung aktiv ist, kontrolliert dies, ob Nachbestellungen "
"für dieses Produkt und Variationen erlaubt sind. Falls aktiviert, kann der "
"Lagerbestandswert auch unter 0 gehen."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:255
msgid "Sold Individually"
msgstr "Einzeln verkauft"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:255
msgid ""
"Enable this to only allow one of this item to be bought in a single order"
msgstr ""
"Diese Option aktivieren, um zu erlauben, dass nur eines von diesen Produkten "
"in einer einzelnen Bestellung gekauft werden kann."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:273
msgid "Weight in decimal form"
msgstr "Gewicht in dezimaler Einheit"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:284
msgid "Dimensions"
2013-06-30 15:01:17 +00:00
msgstr "Grösse"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:290
msgid "LxWxH in decimal form"
msgstr "LxBxH in dezimaler Einheit"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:311
msgid "No shipping class"
msgstr "Keine Versandgruppe"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:317
msgid "Shipping class"
msgstr "Versandgruppe"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:317
msgid ""
"Shipping classes are used by certain shipping methods to group similar "
msgstr ""
"Versandgruppen werden von bestimmten Versandmethoden verwendet, um ähnliche "
"Produkte zu gruppieren."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:384
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:476
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:440
msgid "Value(s)"
msgstr "Wert(e)"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:386
msgid "Select terms"
msgstr "Terms auswählen"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:398
msgid "Select all"
msgstr "Alle auswählen"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:398
msgid "Select none"
msgstr "Nichts auswählen"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:400
msgid "Add new"
msgstr "Hinzufügen"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:413
msgid "Pipe (|) separate terms"
msgstr "Termini mit Pipe-Symbol (<code>|</code>) trennen"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:427
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:482
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:442
msgid "Visible on the product page"
msgstr "Sichtbar auf der Produktseite"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:440
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:488
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:443
msgid "Used for variations"
msgstr "Verwendet für Variationen"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:477
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:441
msgid "Enter some text, or some attributes by pipe (|) separating values."
msgstr ""
"Geben Sie etwas Text ein, oder einige Attribute, getrennt vom Pipe-Symbol "
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:503
msgid "Custom product attribute"
msgstr "Benutzerdefiniertes Produktmerkmal"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:515
msgid "Save attributes"
msgstr "Eigenschaften speichern"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:522
msgid "Up-Sells"
msgstr "Upselling"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:537
msgid ""
"Up-sells are products which you recommend instead of the currently viewed "
"product, for example, products that are more profitable or better quality or "
"more expensive."
msgstr ""
"Upselling (Up-sells) sind Produkte, welche Sie <em>statt</em> des aktuell "
"angesehenen Produktes empfehlen. Das können zum Beispiel Produkte sein, die "
"teurer/ profitabler sind oder eine bessere Qualität aufweisen."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:539
msgid "Cross-Sells"
msgstr "Querverkauf"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:554
msgid ""
"Cross-sells are products which you promote in the cart, based on the current "
msgstr ""
"Querverkauf (Cross-Selling) sind Produkte, welche Sie im Warenkorb (bzw. "
"darum herum) bewerben können, basierend auf dem aktuell gewählten Produkt."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:564
msgid "Choose a grouped product&hellip;"
msgstr "Wählen Sie ein gruppiertes Produkt&hellip;"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:590
msgid "Grouping"
msgstr "Gruppieren"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:590
msgid "Set this option to make this product part of a grouped product."
msgstr ""
"Diese Option setzen, um das Produkt zum Teil eines gruppierten Produktes zu "
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:610
msgid "Purchase Note"
msgstr "Kauf-Notiz"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:610
msgid "Enter an optional note to send the customer after purchase."
msgstr ""
"Geben Sie eine optionale Notiz ein, um den Kunde nach dem Kauf zu "
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:617
msgid "Menu order"
msgstr "Menüreihenfolge"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:617
msgid "Custom ordering position."
msgstr "Benutzerdefinierte Sortierung."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:625
msgid "Enable reviews"
msgstr "Produktrezensionen erlauben"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:714
msgid "Product SKU must be unique."
msgstr "Produkt-Artikelnummer muss einzigartig sein."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:1046
msgid "Catalog/search"
msgstr "Katalog/ Suche"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:1053
msgid "Catalog visibility:"
msgstr "Katalogsichtbarkeit:"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:1069
msgid ""
"Define the loops this product should be visible in. The product will still "
"be accessible directly."
msgstr ""
"Bestimmen Sie die Auflistungen (Loops), in denen das Produkt sichtbar sein "
"soll. Das Produkt wird dennoch immer direkt erreichbar bleiben."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:1075
msgid "Enable this option to feature this product."
msgstr ""
"Aktivieren Sie diese Option, um das Produkt zu empfehlen bzw. hervorzuheben "
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:1077
msgid "Featured Product"
msgstr "Empfohlenes Produkt"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:1081
msgid "OK"
msgstr "OK"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_images.php:43
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_images.php:103
msgid "Delete image"
msgstr "Bild löschen"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_images.php:43
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_images.php:103
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:323
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Löschen"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_images.php:54
msgid "Add product gallery images"
msgstr "Produktgaleriebilder hinzufügen"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_images.php:80
msgid "Add Images to Product Gallery"
msgstr "Bilder zur Produktgalerie hinzufügen"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_images.php:82
msgid "Add to gallery"
msgstr "Zur Galerie hinzufügen"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanels-init.php:47
msgid "Product Gallery"
msgstr "Produktgalerie"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanels-init.php:55
msgid "Product Short Description"
msgstr "Kurzbeschreibung des Produkts"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanels-init.php:64
msgid "Reviews"
msgstr "Bewertungen"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanels-init.php:68
msgid "Order Data"
msgstr "Bestelldaten"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanels-init.php:69
msgid "Order Items"
msgstr "Bestellpositionen"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanels-init.php:69
msgid ""
"Note: if you edit quantities or remove items from the order you will need to "
"manually update stock levels."
msgstr ""
"Hinweis: Wenn Sie die Mengen ändern oder Produkte aus der Bestellung "
"entfernen, müssen Sie manuell die Lagermengen für die entsprechenden "
"Produkte anpassen!"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanels-init.php:72
msgid "Downloadable Product Permissions"
msgstr "Berechtigungen für herunterladbares Produkt"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanels-init.php:72
msgid ""
"Note: Permissions for order items will automatically be granted when the "
"order status changes to processing/completed."
msgstr ""
"Hinweis: Berechtigungen für bestellte Produkte werden automatisch erteilt, "
"wenn sich der Bestellstatuns von \"In Bearbeitung\" auf \"Fertiggestellt\" "
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanels-init.php:73
msgid "Order Actions"
msgstr "Bestellaktionen"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanels-init.php:81
msgid "Coupon Data"
msgstr "Gutscheindaten"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanels-init.php:100
msgid "Coupon code"
msgstr "Gutscheincode"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanels-init.php:101
msgid "Product name"
msgstr "Produktname"
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanels-init.php:185
msgid "Allow reviews."
msgstr "Rezensionen/ Bewertungen erlauben."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanels-init.php:186
msgid ""
"Allow <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">trackbacks and pingbacks</a> on this "
msgstr ""
"<a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">Trackbacks und Pingbacks</a> auf dieser "
"Seite erlauben."
#: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanels-init.php:186
msgid "http://codex.wordpress.org/Introduction_to_Blogging#Managing_Comments"
msgstr "http://codex.wordpress.org/Introduction_to_Blogging#Managing_Comments"
#: admin/settings/settings-frontend-styles.php:23
msgid "Styles"
msgstr "Stile"
#: admin/settings/settings-frontend-styles.php:43
msgid "Primary"
msgstr "Primärfarbe"
#: admin/settings/settings-frontend-styles.php:43
msgid "Call to action buttons/price slider/layered nav UI"
msgstr ""
"Aufruf zum Handeln Buttons/ Preis-Slider/ Benuter-Interface der Ebenen-"
#: admin/settings/settings-frontend-styles.php:44
msgid "Secondary"
msgstr "Sekundärfarbe"
#: admin/settings/settings-frontend-styles.php:44
msgid "Buttons and tabs"
msgstr "Buttons und Tabs"
#: admin/settings/settings-frontend-styles.php:45
msgid "Highlight"
msgstr "Hervorheben"
#: admin/settings/settings-frontend-styles.php:45
msgid "Price labels and Sale Flashes"
msgstr "Preistabellen und Angebotshinweise"
#: admin/settings/settings-frontend-styles.php:46
msgid "Content"
msgstr "Inhalt"
#: admin/settings/settings-frontend-styles.php:46
msgid "Your themes page background - used for tab active states"
msgstr ""
"Seiten-Hintergrund Ihres Themes - verwendet für den aktiven Tab-Zustand"
#: admin/settings/settings-frontend-styles.php:47
msgid "Subtext"
msgstr "Subtexte"
#: admin/settings/settings-frontend-styles.php:47
msgid "Used for certain text and asides - breadcrumbs, small text etc."
msgstr ""
"Verwendet für bestimmte Texte und Anmerkungen - Breadcrumbs, Kleingedrucktes "
#: admin/settings/settings-frontend-styles.php:51
msgid ""
"To edit colours <code>woocommerce/assets/css/woocommerce-base.less</code> "
"and <code>woocommerce.css</code> need to be writable. See <a href=\"http://"
"codex.wordpress.org/Changing_File_Permissions\">the Codex</a> for more "
msgstr ""
"Um die Farben bearbeiten zu können, müssen die Dateien <code>woocommerce/"
"assets/css/woocommerce-base.less</code> und <code>woocommerce.css</code> "
"beschreibbar sein. Schauen Sie im <a href=\"http://codex.wordpress.org/"
"Changing_File_Permissions\">WordPress-Codex (Engl.)</a> für weitere "
"Informationen dazu."
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:18
msgid "Localisation"
msgstr "Sprachdateien"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:19
msgid "Use informal localisation for %s"
msgstr ""
"Informelle Übersetzungen für diese Sprache (%s) verwenden - \"DU\"-Anrede"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:33
msgid "General Options"
msgstr "Grundeinstellungen"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:36
msgid "Base Location"
msgstr "Basisland"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:37
msgid ""
"This is the base location for your business. Tax rates will be based on this "
msgstr ""
"Dies ist die regionale Basis (Stammland/ Basisland) für Ihren Shop. "
"Steuersätze werden auf diesem Land basieren."
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:46
msgid "Currency"
msgstr "Währung"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:47
msgid ""
"This controls what currency prices are listed at in the catalog and which "
"currency gateways will take payments in."
msgstr ""
"Dies legt fest, in welcher Währung im Produktkatalog Preise gelistet werden "
"und in welcher Währung die entsprechenden Zahlungsweise Zahlungen "
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:58
msgid "Allowed Countries"
msgstr "Erlaubte Länder"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:59
msgid "These are countries that you are willing to ship to."
msgstr "Dies sind die Länder, wohin Sie versenden wollen."
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:67
msgid "All Countries"
msgstr "Alle Länder"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:68 admin/settings/settings-init.php:73
msgid "Specific Countries"
msgstr "Ausgewählte Länder"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:84
msgid "Store Notice"
msgstr "Shop-Hinweistext"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:85
msgid "Enable site-wide store notice text"
msgstr "Webseiten-weiten Shop-Hinweistext aktivieren"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:92
msgid "Store Notice Text"
msgstr "Hinweistext für den Shop (im Testmodus etc.)"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:95
msgid ""
"This is a demo store for testing purposes &mdash; no orders shall be "
msgstr ""
"Dies ist ein Demo-Shop, nur für Testzwecke &mdash; Bestellungen werden "
"<em>nicht</em> ausgeführt."
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:102
msgid "Cart, Checkout and Accounts"
msgstr "Warenkorb, Kasse und Kundenkonten"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:105 admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:61
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:76
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:63
msgid "Coupons"
msgstr "Gutscheine"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:106
msgid "Enable the use of coupons"
msgstr "Verwendung von Gutscheinen aktivieren"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:110
msgid "Coupons can be applied from the cart and checkout pages."
msgstr ""
"Gutscheine können von den Seiten des Warenkorbs und der Kasse aus zugewiesen "
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:114
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-install.php:201
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:307
msgid "Checkout"
msgstr "Bezahlvorgang (Zur Kasse)"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:115
msgid "Enable guest checkout (no account required)"
msgstr "Gastbestellungen ermöglichen (kein Benutzerkonto erforderlich)"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:123
msgid "Enable customer note field on checkout"
msgstr "Hinweisfeld für Kunden beim Bezahlvorgang aktivieren"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:131
msgid "Force secure checkout"
msgstr "Sicheren Bezahlvorgang erzwingen"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:137
msgid ""
"Force SSL (HTTPS) on the checkout pages (an SSL Certificate is required)."
msgstr ""
"SSL-Verbindung (HTTPS) auf den Seiten des Bezahlvorgangs erzwingen (ein SSL-"
"Zertifikat für die Domain ist dann erforderlich!)."
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:141
msgid "Un-force HTTPS when leaving the checkout"
msgstr ""
"HTTPS nicht mehr erzwingen, wenn der Bezahlvorgang (Kasse/ Checkout) "
"verlassen wird."
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:150
msgid "Registration"
msgstr "Registrierung"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:151
msgid "Allow registration on the checkout page"
msgstr "Benutzerregistrierung auf der 'Bezahlen'-Seite erlauben"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:159
msgid "Allow registration on the \"My Account\" page"
msgstr "Benutzerregistrierung auf der 'Mein Konto'-Seite erlauben"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:167
msgid "Register using the email address for the username"
msgstr "Beim Registrieren die E-Mail-Adresse als Benutzername verwenden"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:175
msgid "Customer Accounts"
msgstr "Kunden-Benutzerkonten"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:176
msgid "Prevent customers from accessing WordPress admin"
msgstr "Kunden den Zugang zum WordPress-Adminbereich verwehren"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:184
msgid "Clear cart when logging out"
msgstr "Warenkorb beim Abmelden leeren"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:192
msgid "Allow customers to repurchase orders from their account page"
msgstr ""
"Es Kunden erlauben, Bestellungen von ihrem Kundenkonto aus erneut zu "
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:201
msgid "Styles and Scripts"
msgstr "Stile und Skripte"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:204
msgid "Styling"
msgstr "Styling"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:205
msgid "Enable WooCommerce CSS"
msgstr "WooCommerce-eigene CSS-Stile aktivieren"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:216
msgid "Scripts"
msgstr "Skripte"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:217
msgid "Enable Lightbox"
msgstr "Lightbox-Funktion aktivieren"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:220
msgid ""
"Include WooCommerce's lightbox. Product gallery images and the add review "
"form will open in a lightbox."
msgstr ""
"WooCommerce-eigene Lightbox (prettyPhoto) verwenden. Dann werden "
"Produktgaleriebilder und das Schreiben einer neuen Produktbewertung in einer "
"Lightbox geöffnet."
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:226
msgid "Enable enhanced country select boxes"
msgstr "Erweiterte Länderauswahl-Boxen aktivieren"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:231
msgid "This will enable a script allowing the country fields to be searchable."
msgstr ""
"Dies wird ein Skript aktivieren, welches die Länder-Felder durchsuchbar "
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:236
msgid "Downloadable Products"
msgstr "Herunterladbare Produkte"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:239
msgid "File Download Method"
msgstr "Methode zum Herunterladen der Datei"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:240
msgid ""
"Forcing downloads will keep URLs hidden, but some servers may serve large "
"files unreliably. If supported, <code>X-Accel-Redirect</code>/ <code>X-"
"Sendfile</code> can be used to serve downloads instead (server requires "
msgstr ""
"Downloads zu erzwingen, belässt die URLs im verborgenen Zustand, doch einige "
2013-06-30 15:01:17 +00:00
"Webserver stellen grosse Dateien nur unzuverlässig bereit. Falls unterstützt, "
"können <code>X-Accel-Redirect</code>/ <code>X-Sendfile</code> verwendet "
"werden, um damit die Downloads bereitzustellen (der Webserver erfordert dann "
"das Modul <code>mod_xsendfile</code>)."
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:248
msgid "Force Downloads"
msgstr "Downloads erzwingen"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:249
msgid "X-Accel-Redirect/X-Sendfile"
msgstr "X-Accel-Redirect/ X-Sendfile"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:250
msgid "Redirect only"
msgstr "Nur weiterleiten"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:255
msgid "Access Restriction"
msgstr "Zugriffsbeschränkung"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:256
msgid "Downloads require login"
msgstr "Downloads erfordern eine Anmeldung"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:260
msgid "This setting does not apply to guest purchases."
msgstr "Diese Einstellung betrifft nicht die Gast-Bestellungen!"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:265
msgid "Grant access to downloadable products after payment"
msgstr "Zugriff auf herunterladbare Produkte nach der Zahlung gewähren"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:269
msgid ""
"Enable this option to grant access to downloads when orders are \"processing"
"\", rather than \"completed\"."
msgstr ""
"Aktivieren Sie diese Einstellung, um den Zugriff auf Download-Dateien schon "
"zu gewähren, wenn deren Bestellungen noch \"In Bearbeitung\" sind - statt "
"bereits \"Fertiggestellt\"."
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:285
msgid ""
"Note: The shop page has children - child pages will not work if you enable "
"this option."
msgstr ""
"Hinweis: Die Shop-Seite hat untergeordnete Seiten (Kindseiten) - Kindseiten "
"werden nicht funktionieren, wenn Sie die Option aktivieren."
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:290
msgid "Page Setup"
msgstr "Seiten-Einrichtung"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:292
msgid ""
"Set up core WooCommerce pages here, for example the base page. The base page "
"can also be used in your %sproduct permalinks%s."
msgstr ""
"WooCommerce Basisseiten hier anlegen, zum Beispiel die Shop-Basisseite. Die "
"Shop-Basisseite kann auch in Ihren %sProdukt-Permalinks%s verwendet werden."
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:297
msgid "Shop Base Page"
msgstr "Shop-Basisseite"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:298
msgid ""
"This sets the base page of your shop - this is where your product archive "
"will be."
msgstr ""
"Dies legt die Basisseite Ihres Shops fest - dort wird auch Ihr Produktarchiv "
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:308
msgid "Terms Page ID"
msgstr "'AGB' Seite"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:309
msgid ""
"If you define a \"Terms\" page the customer will be asked if they accept "
"them when checking out."
msgstr ""
"Wenn Sie eine \"AGB\"-Seite festlegen, wird der Kunde gebeten, diese zu "
"akzeptieren, wenn die Kasse-/ Bezahlen-Seite aufgerufen wird."
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:320
msgid "Shop Pages"
msgstr "Shop-Seiten"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:320
msgid ""
"The following pages need selecting so that WooCommerce knows where they are. "
"These pages should have been created upon installation of the plugin, if not "
"you will need to create them."
msgstr ""
"Die folgenden Seiten brauchen eine Auswahl/ Festlegung, damit WooCommerce "
"sie zuordnen kann. Diese Seiten sollten während der Plugin-Installation "
"erstellt worden sein. Falls nicht, müssen Sie diese erstellen."
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:323
msgid "Cart Page"
msgstr "'Warenkorb' Seite"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:324
msgid "Page contents: [woocommerce_cart]"
msgstr "Die Seite muss den Shortcode <code>[woocommerce_cart]</code> enthalten"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:334
msgid "Checkout Page"
msgstr "'Zur Kasse' Seite"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:335
msgid "Page contents: [woocommerce_checkout]"
msgstr ""
"Die Seite muss den Shortcode <code>[woocommerce_checkout]</code> enthalten"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:345
msgid "Pay Page"
msgstr "'Bezahlen' Seite"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:346
msgid "Page contents: [woocommerce_pay] Parent: \"Checkout\""
msgstr ""
"Die Seite muss den Shortcode <code>[woocommerce_pay]</code> enthalten - "
"übergeordnet: \"Kasse\""
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:356
msgid "Thanks Page"
msgstr "'Danke' Seite"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:357
msgid "Page contents: [woocommerce_thankyou] Parent: \"Checkout\""
msgstr ""
"Die Seite muss den Shortcode <code>[woocommerce_thankyou]</code> enthalten - "
"übergeordnet: \"Kasse\""
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:367
msgid "My Account Page"
msgstr "'Mein Konto' Seite"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:368
msgid "Page contents: [woocommerce_my_account]"
msgstr ""
"Die Seite muss den Shortcode <code>[woocommerce_my_account]</code> enthalten"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:378
msgid "Edit Address Page"
msgstr "'Adresse bearbeiten' Seite"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:379
msgid "Page contents: [woocommerce_edit_address] Parent: \"My Account\""
msgstr ""
"Die Seite muss den Shortcode <code>[woocommerce_edit_address]</code> "
"enthalten - übergeordnet: \"Mein Konto\""
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:389
msgid "View Order Page"
msgstr "'Bestellung ansehen' Seite"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:390
msgid "Page contents: [woocommerce_view_order] Parent: \"My Account\""
msgstr ""
"Die Seite muss den Shortcode <code>[woocommerce_view_order]</code> enthalten "
"- übergeordnet: \"Mein Konto\""
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:400
msgid "Change Password Page"
msgstr "'Passwort ändern' Seite"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:401
msgid "Page contents: [woocommerce_change_password] Parent: \"My Account\""
msgstr ""
"Die Seite muss den Shortcode <code>[woocommerce_change_password]</code> "
"enthalten - übergeordnet: \"Mein Konto\""
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:411
msgid "Logout Page"
msgstr "'Abmelden' Seite"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:412
msgid "Parent: \"My Account\""
msgstr "Übergeordnet: 'Mein Konto'"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:422
msgid "Lost Password Page"
msgstr "'Passwort verloren' Seite"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:423
msgid "Page contents: [woocommerce_lost_password] Parent: \"My Account\""
msgstr ""
"Seiteninhalt: <code>[woocommerce_lost_password]</code> &mdash; übergeordnet: "
"\"Mein Konto\""
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:439
msgid "Catalog Options"
msgstr "Katalog-Einstellungen"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:442
msgid "Default Product Sorting"
msgstr "Standard-Produktsortierung"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:443
msgid "This controls the default sort order of the catalog."
msgstr "Dies kontrolliert die Standardsortierung des Produktkatalogs."
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:449
msgid "Default sorting (custom ordering + name)"
msgstr "Standardsortierung (benutzerdefinierte Reihenfolge + Name)"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:450
msgid "Popularity (sales)"
msgstr "Beliebtheit (Verkäufe)"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:451
msgid "Average Rating"
msgstr "Durchschnittliche Bewertung"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:452
msgid "Sort by most recent"
msgstr "Nach Neuestem Produkt"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:453
msgid "Sort by price (asc)"
msgstr "Nach Preis (aufsteigend)"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:454
msgid "Sort by price (desc)"
msgstr "Nach Preis (absteigend)"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:460
msgid "Shop Page Display"
msgstr "Shop-Seitenanzeige"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:461
msgid "This controls what is shown on the product archive."
msgstr "Dies legt fest, was auf den Produktarchiven angezeigt wird."
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:467 admin/settings/settings-init.php:482
msgid "Show products"
msgstr "Produkte anzeigen"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:468 admin/settings/settings-init.php:483
msgid "Show subcategories"
msgstr "Unterkategorien anzeigen"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:469 admin/settings/settings-init.php:484
msgid "Show both"
msgstr "Beide anzeigen"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:475
msgid "Default Category Display"
msgstr "Standard Kategorieanzeige"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:476
msgid "This controls what is shown on category archives."
msgstr ""
"Dies legt fest, was auf den Seiten von Produktkategoriearchiven angezeigt "
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:490
msgid "Add to cart"
msgstr "In den Warenkorb"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:491
msgid "Redirect to the cart page after successful addition"
msgstr "Zum Warenkorb weiterleiten, nach erfolgreichem Hinzufügen"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:499
msgid "Enable AJAX add to cart buttons on archives"
msgstr "AJAX-Warenkorb-Buttons auf Produktarchivseiten aktivieren"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:508
msgid ""
"The following options affect the fields available on the edit product page."
msgstr ""
"Die folgenden Einstellungen beeinflussen die Felder, welche auf der Produkt-"
"bearbeiten-Seite verfügbar sind."
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:511
msgid "Product Fields"
msgstr "Produktfelder"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:512
msgid "Enable the <strong>SKU</strong> field for products"
msgstr "Das <strong>Art.-Nr.</strong>-Feld (SKU) für Produkte aktivieren"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:520
msgid ""
"Enable the <strong>weight</strong> field for products (some shipping methods "
"may require this)"
msgstr ""
"Das <strong>Gewichts</strong>-Feld für Produkte aktivieren (manche "
"Versandmethoden könnten dies erfordern)."
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:528
msgid ""
"Enable the <strong>dimension</strong> fields for products (some shipping "
"methods may require this)"
msgstr ""
2013-06-30 15:01:17 +00:00
"Das <strong>Grössen</strong>-Feld für Produkte aktivieren (manche "
"Versandmethoden könnten dies erfordern)."
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:536
msgid ""
"Show <strong>weight and dimension</strong> values on the <strong>Additional "
"Information</strong> tab"
msgstr ""
2013-06-30 15:01:17 +00:00
"Die Werte für <strong>Gewicht und Grösse</strong> unter dem Tab "
"<strong>Zusätzliche Informationen</strong> anzeigen"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:544
msgid "Weight Unit"
msgstr "Gewichtseinheit"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:545
msgid "This controls what unit you will define weights in."
msgstr "Dies legt fest, in welcher Einheit Sie Gewichte definieren."
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:551
msgid "kg"
msgstr "Kilogramm (Kg)"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:552
msgid "g"
msgstr "g"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:553
msgid "lbs"
msgstr "Pfund"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:554
msgid "oz"
msgstr "oz"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:560
msgid "Dimensions Unit"
2013-06-30 15:01:17 +00:00
msgstr "Grösseneinheit"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:561
msgid "This controls what unit you will define lengths in."
msgstr ""
2013-06-30 15:01:17 +00:00
"Dies legt fest, in welcher Einheit Sie die Grösse bzw. Länge definieren."
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:568
msgid "cm"
msgstr "Zentimenter (cm)"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:569
msgid "mm"
msgstr "mm"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:570
msgid "in"
msgstr "Zoll (Inch)"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:571
msgid "yd"
msgstr "Meter (m)"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:577
msgid "Product Ratings"
msgstr "Produktbewertungen"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:578
msgid "Enable ratings on reviews"
msgstr "Bewertungen bei Rezensionen aktivieren"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:587
msgid "Ratings are required to leave a review"
msgstr "Eine Wertung ist erforderlich, um eine Produktbewertung abzugeben"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:596
msgid "Show \"verified owner\" label for customer reviews"
msgstr "\"Verifizierter Kauf\" Beschriftung für Kundenbewertungen anzeigen"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:606
msgid "Pricing Options"
msgstr "Preisoptionen"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:606
msgid "The following options affect how prices are displayed on the frontend."
msgstr ""
"Die folgenden Einstellungen beeinflussen, wie Preise in der Besucheransicht "
"(Frontend) angezeigt werden."
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:609
msgid "Currency Position"
msgstr "Position der Währung"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:610
msgid "This controls the position of the currency symbol."
msgstr "Dies legt die Position des Währungssymbols fest."
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:616
msgid "Left"
msgstr "Links"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:617
msgid "Right"
msgstr "Rechts"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:618
msgid "Left (with space)"
msgstr "Links (mit Abstand)"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:619
msgid "Right (with space)"
msgstr "Rechts (mit Abstand)"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:625
msgid "Thousand Separator"
msgstr "Tausender-Trennzeichen"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:626
msgid "This sets the thousand separator of displayed prices."
msgstr ""
"Dies legt das Tausender-Trennzeichen fest, welches bei der Preisanzeige "
"verwendet wird."
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:635
msgid "Decimal Separator"
msgstr "Zehner-Trennzeichen"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:636
msgid "This sets the decimal separator of displayed prices."
msgstr ""
"Dies legt das Trennzeichen für Nachkommastellen fest, welches für die "
"Preisanzeige verwendet wird."
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:645
msgid "Number of Decimals"
msgstr "Anzahl der Dezimalstellen"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:646
msgid "This sets the number of decimal points shown in displayed prices."
msgstr ""
"Dies legt die Zahl der Nachkommastellen fest, die bei der Preisanzeige "
"erscheinen werden."
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:659
msgid "Trailing Zeros"
msgstr "Nachfolgende Nullen"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:660
msgid ""
"Remove zeros after the decimal point. e.g. <code>$10.00</code> becomes <code>"
msgstr ""
"Nullen nach dem Komma/ Punkt entfernen. Z.B.: <code>10.00 €</code> wird zu "
"<code>10 €</code>"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:668
msgid "Image Options"
msgstr "Bildoptionen"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:668
msgid ""
"These settings affect the actual dimensions of images in your catalog - the "
"display on the front-end will still be affected by CSS styles. After "
"changing these settings you may need to <a href=\"%s\">regenerate your "
msgstr ""
2013-06-30 15:01:17 +00:00
"Diese Einstellungen wirken sich direkt auf die tatsächlichen Bildgrössen in "
"Ihrem Produktkatalog aus. Die Anzeige in der Besucheransicht (Frontend) wird "
"dennoch (auch) von den CSS-Stilen beeinflusst. Nachdem diese Einstellungen "
"hier geändert wurden, ist es empfehlenswert, die Bilder bzw. Vorschaubilder "
"neu erstellen zu lassen. Dazu wird das <a href=\"%s\" target='_new'>freie "
"WordPress-Plugin 'Regenerate Thumbnails'</a> empfohlen."
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:671
msgid "Catalog Images"
msgstr "Katalogbilder"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:672
msgid "This size is usually used in product listings"
2013-06-30 15:01:17 +00:00
msgstr "Diese Grösse wird üblicherweise in Produktauflistungen verwendet"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:685
msgid "Single Product Image"
msgstr "Einzelnes Produktbild"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:686
msgid "This is the size used by the main image on the product page."
msgstr ""
2013-06-30 15:01:17 +00:00
"Dies ist die Grösse, die vom Hauptproduktbild auf der Produktseite verwendet "
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:699
msgid "Product Thumbnails"
msgstr "Produktvorschaubilder"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:700
msgid ""
"This size is usually used for the gallery of images on the product page."
msgstr ""
2013-06-30 15:01:17 +00:00
"Diese Grösse wird üblicherweise für die Produktbildergalerie auf der "
"Produktseite verwendet."
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:719
msgid "Inventory Options"
msgstr "Bestand/ Lager - Einstellungen"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:722
msgid "Manage Stock"
msgstr "Lager verwalten?"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:723
msgid "Enable stock management"
msgstr "Lagerverwaltung aktiveren"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:730
msgid "Hold Stock (minutes)"
msgstr "Lager anhalten (Minuten)"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:731
msgid ""
"Hold stock (for unpaid orders) for x minutes. When this limit is reached, "
"the pending order will be cancelled. Leave blank to disable."
msgstr ""
"Das Lager für x Minuten \"anhalten\" - für unbezahlte Bestellungen. Wenn "
"dieses Zeitlimit erreicht ist, wird die schwebende Bestellung abgebrochen. "
"Frei lassen, um diese Funktion zu deaktivieren."
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:743
msgid "Notifications"
msgstr "Benachrichtigungen"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:744
msgid "Enable low stock notifications"
msgstr "Benachrichtigung bei geringer Lagermenge aktivieren"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:752
msgid "Enable out of stock notifications"
msgstr "Benachrichtigung bei 'vergriffen' aktivieren"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:760
msgid "Notification Recipient"
msgstr "Empfänger der Benachrichtigung"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:768
msgid "Low Stock Threshold"
msgstr "Schwellenwert: Geringer Bestand"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:781
msgid "Out Of Stock Threshold"
msgstr "Schwellenwert: Nicht mehr am Lager"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:794
msgid "Out Of Stock Visibility"
msgstr "'Vergriffen'-Sichtbarkeit"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:795
msgid "Hide out of stock items from the catalog"
msgstr "Vergriffene Produkte im Produkatalog verbergen"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:802
msgid "Stock Display Format"
msgstr "Lager-Anzeigeformat"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:803
msgid "This controls how stock is displayed on the frontend."
msgstr ""
"Dies kontrolliert, wie die Lagermenge in der Besucheransicht (Frontend) "
"angezeigt wird."
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:809
msgid "Always show stock e.g. \"12 in stock\""
msgstr "Lagermenge immer anzeigen, z.B. \"12 am Lager\""
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:810
msgid "Only show stock when low e.g. \"Only 2 left in stock\" vs. \"In Stock\""
msgstr ""
"Die Lagermenge nur anzeigen, wenn wenig vorrätig ist, z.B. \"Nur 2 am Lager"
"\" vs. \"Am Lager\""
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:811
msgid "Never show stock amount"
msgstr "Lagermenge niemals anzeigen"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:823
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:292
msgid "Shipping Options"
msgstr "Versandoptionen"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:826
msgid "Shipping Calculations"
msgstr "Versandberechnungen"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:827
msgid "Enable shipping"
msgstr "Versandkosten aktivieren"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:835
msgid "Enable the shipping calculator on the cart page"
msgstr "Aktivieren Sie den Versandrechner auf der Warenkorb-Seite"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:843
msgid "Hide shipping costs until an address is entered"
msgstr "Versandkosten verbergen, bis eine Anschrift eingegeben wird"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:851
msgid "Shipping Method Display"
msgstr "Versandmethodenanzeige"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:852
msgid ""
"This controls how multiple shipping methods are displayed on the frontend."
msgstr ""
"Dies kontrolliert, wie mehrere Versandmethoden in der Besucheransicht "
"(Frontend) angezeigt werden."
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:858
msgid "Radio buttons"
msgstr "Radio-Buttons"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:859
msgid "Select box"
msgstr "Auswahlfeld"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:865
msgid "Shipping Destination"
msgstr "Versandziel"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:866
msgid "Only ship to the users billing address"
msgstr "Nur an die Versandanschrift des Kunden versenden"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:874
msgid "Ship to billing address by default"
2013-06-30 15:01:17 +00:00
msgstr "Standardmässig an die Rechnungsanschrift versenden"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:882
msgid "Collect shipping address even when not required"
msgstr "Versandanschrift aufzeichnen, auch wenn diese nicht erforderlich ist"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:900
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:188
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:329
msgid "Payment Gateways"
msgstr "Zahlungsweisen"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:900
msgid ""
"Installed payment gateways are displayed below. Drag and drop payment "
"gateways to control their display order on the checkout."
msgstr ""
"Die installierten Zahlungsweisen sind unten aufgelistet. Ziehen Sie via Drag "
"&amp; Drop die ausgewählten Zahlungsweisen in die gewünschte Reihenfolge für "
"den Bezahlvorgang (in der Besucheransicht)."
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:918
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:222
msgid "Tax Options"
msgstr "Mehrwertsteueroptionen"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:921
msgid "Enable Taxes"
msgstr "Mehrwertsteuer aktivieren"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:922
msgid "Enable taxes and tax calculations"
msgstr "Mehrwertsteuer und deren Berechnung aktivieren"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:929
msgid "Prices Entered With Tax"
msgstr "Preise werden inklusive Mehrwertsteuer eingegeben"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:933
msgid ""
"This option is important as it will affect how you input prices. Changing it "
"will not update existing products."
msgstr ""
"Diese Einstellung ist sehr wichtig, da sie beeinflusst, wie die Preise "
"eingegeben werden. ACHTUNG: Eine Änderung hier, wird <strong>nicht</strong> "
"bereits bestehende Produkte aktualiseren!"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:935
msgid "Yes, I will enter prices inclusive of tax"
msgstr "JA, ich gebe die Produktpreise inklusive (mit) Mehrwertsteuer ein."
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:936
msgid "No, I will enter prices exclusive of tax"
msgstr "NEIN, ich gebe die Produktpreise exklusive (ohne) Mehrwertsteuer ein."
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:941
msgid "Calculate Tax Based On:"
msgstr "Mwst. berechnen, basierend auf:"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:943
msgid "This option determines which address is used to calculate tax."
msgstr ""
"Diese Option legt fest, welche Anschrift für das Berechnen der Steuer "
"herangezogen wird."
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:947
msgid "Customer shipping address"
msgstr "Versandanschrift des Kunden"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:948
msgid "Customer billing address"
msgstr "Rechnungsanschrift des Kunden"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:949 admin/settings/settings-init.php:961
msgid "Shop base address"
msgstr "Basisanschrift des Shops (Basisland)"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:954
msgid "Default Customer Address:"
msgstr "Standard-Kundenanschrift:"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:956
msgid ""
"This option determines the customers default address (before they input "
"their own)."
msgstr ""
"Diese Option legt die Standardanschrift des Kunden fest (bevor dieser seine "
"eigene eingibt)."
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:960
msgid "No address"
msgstr "Keine Anschrift"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:966
msgid "Shipping Tax Class:"
msgstr "Versandsteuerklasse:"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:967
msgid ""
"Optionally control which tax class shipping gets, or leave it so shipping "
"tax is based on the cart items themselves."
msgstr ""
"Optional festlegen, welche Steuerklasse für den Versand gilt. Oder lassen "
"Sie dies frei, damit die Versandsteuer auf den Warenkorb-Elementen selbst "
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:972
msgid "Shipping tax class based on cart items"
msgstr "Versand-Steuerklasse basierend auf Warenkorb-Elementen"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:977
msgid "Rounding"
msgstr "Rundung"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:978
msgid "Round tax at subtotal level, instead of rounding per line"
msgstr ""
"Steuern auf der Ebene der Zwischensumme runden, statt pro Position zu runden"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:985
msgid "Additional Tax Classes"
msgstr "Zusätzliche Steuerklassen"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:986
msgid ""
"List additonal tax classes below (1 per line). This is in addition to the "
"default <code>Standard Rate</code>. Tax classes can be assigned to products."
msgstr ""
"Listen Sie unten zusätzliche Steuerklassen auf (1 pro Zeile). Dies ist "
2013-06-30 15:01:17 +00:00
"zusätzlich zum standardmässigen <code>Regelsatz</code>. Steuerklassen können "
"Produkten zugewiesen werden."
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:990
msgid "Reduced Rate%sZero Rate"
2013-06-30 15:01:17 +00:00
msgstr "Ermässigter Steuersatz%sSteuerfrei"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:994
msgid "Display prices during cart/checkout:"
msgstr "Preisanzeige im Warenkorb und während des Bezahlvorgangs:"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:999
msgid "Including tax"
msgstr "Inklusive Mehrwertsteuer"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:1000
msgid "Excluding tax"
msgstr "Exklusive Mehrwertsteuer"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:1012
msgid "Email Sender Options"
msgstr "E-Mail-Absender Einstellungen"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:1012
msgid ""
"The following options affect the sender (email address and name) used in "
"WooCommerce emails."
msgstr ""
"Die folgenden Einstellungen beeinflussen den Absender (E-Mail-Adresse und "
"Name), der in WooCommerce-E-Mails verwendet wird."
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:1015
msgid "\"From\" Name"
msgstr "\"Absender\"-Name"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:1024
msgid "\"From\" Email Address"
msgstr "\"Absender\"-E-Mail-Adresse"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:1037
msgid "Email Template"
msgstr "E-Mail-Template"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:1037
msgid ""
"This section lets you customise the WooCommerce emails. <a href=\"%s\" "
"target=\"_blank\">Click here to preview your email template</a>. For more "
"advanced control copy <code>woocommerce/templates/emails/</code> to "
msgstr ""
"In diesem Bereich können Sie die WooCommerce E-Mails anpassen. <a href=\"%s"
"\" target=\"_blank\">Klicken Sie hier für eine Vorschau Ihrer E-Mail-Vorlage."
"</a>. Für erweiterte Anpassungsmöglichkeiten müssen Sie den folgenden Plugin-"
"Unterordner <code>woocommerce/templates/emails/</code> in Ihr Theme bzw. "
"Child Theme kopieren, z.B. mit solch einem Pfad: <code>ihr-theme/"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:1040
msgid "Header Image"
msgstr "Kopfzeilenbild (Header)"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:1041
msgid ""
"Enter a URL to an image you want to show in the email's header. Upload your "
"image using the <a href=\"%s\">media uploader</a>."
msgstr ""
"Geben Sie eine URL zu einem Bild ein, welches Sie im Kopf der E-Mail "
"anzeigen wollen. Laden Sie Ihr Bild über die <a href=\"%s\">WordPress "
"Mediathek</a> hoch."
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:1049
msgid "Email Footer Text"
2013-06-30 15:01:17 +00:00
msgstr "E-Mail-Fusszeilentext"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:1050
msgid "The text to appear in the footer of WooCommerce emails."
2013-06-30 15:01:17 +00:00
msgstr "Text, der in der Fusszeile von WooCommerce E-Mails erscheint."
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:1054
msgid "Powered by WooCommerce"
msgstr "Angetrieben von WooCommerce"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:1058
msgid "Base Colour"
msgstr "Basisfarbe"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:1059
msgid ""
"The base colour for WooCommerce email templates. Default <code>#557da1</"
msgstr ""
"Die Basisfarbe für WooCommerce E-Mail-Vorlagen. Standard <code>#557da1</"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:1067
msgid "Background Colour"
msgstr "Hintergrundfarbe"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:1068
msgid ""
"The background colour for WooCommerce email templates. Default "
msgstr ""
"Die Hintergrundfarbe für die WooCommerce E-Mail-Templates. Standard: "
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:1076
msgid "Email Body Background Colour"
msgstr "Hintergrundfarbe des E-Mail-Inhalts (Body)"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:1077
msgid "The main body background colour. Default <code>#fdfdfd</code>."
msgstr "Die Haupt-Hintergrundfarbe (Body). Standard: <code>#fdfdfd</code>."
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:1085
msgid "Email Body Text Colour"
msgstr "Textfarbe des E-Mail-Inhalts (Body)"
#: admin/settings/settings-init.php:1086
msgid "The main body text colour. Default <code>#505050</code>."
msgstr "Die Haupt-Textfarbe (Body). Standard: <code>#505050</code>."
#: admin/settings/settings-payment-gateways.php:27
#: admin/settings/settings-shipping-methods.php:29
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:757
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-taxonomies.php:27
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-taxonomies.php:121
msgid "Default"
msgstr "Standard"
#: admin/settings/settings-payment-gateways.php:28
msgid "Gateway"
msgstr "Zahlungsweise"
#: admin/settings/settings-payment-gateways.php:45
msgid "Gateway ID"
msgstr "ID der Zahlungsweise"
#: admin/settings/settings-shipping-methods.php:23
msgid "Shipping Methods"
msgstr "Versandmethoden"
#: admin/settings/settings-shipping-methods.php:25
msgid "Drag and drop methods to control their display order."
msgstr "Methoden via Drag &amp; Drop in die gewünschte Reihenfolge ziehen."
#: admin/settings/settings-shipping-methods.php:30
msgid "Shipping Method"
msgstr "Versandmethode"
#: admin/settings/settings-shipping-methods.php:46
msgid "Method ID"
msgstr "ID der Methode"
#: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:29
msgid "Tax Rates for the \"%s\" Class"
msgstr "Steuersätze für die \"%s\" Klasse"
#: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:30
msgid ""
"Define tax rates for countries and states below. <a href=\"%s\">See here</a> "
"for available alpha-2 country codes."
msgstr ""
"Steuersätze für Länder bzw. Bundesstaaten unten festlegen. <a href=\"%s"
"\">Schauen Sie hier</a> für verfügbare Alpha-2 Ländercodes."
#: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:36
msgid "Country&nbsp;Code"
msgstr "Ländercode"
#: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:36
msgid "A 2 digit country code, e.g. US. Leave blank to apply to all."
msgstr ""
"Ein Ländercode, bestehend aus 2 Buchstaben, zum Beispiel DE (Deutschland). "
"Frei lassen, um dies nicht zu verwenden."
#: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:38
msgid "State&nbsp;Code"
msgstr "Bundesstaaten-Code"
#: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:38
msgid "A 2 digit state code, e.g. AL. Leave blank to apply to all."
msgstr ""
"Ein Bundesstaaten-Code, bestehend aus 2 Buchstaben, zum Beispiel AL (für "
"Alabama). Frei lassen, um dies nicht zu verwenden."
#: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:40
#: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:217
msgid "ZIP/Postcode"
msgstr "PLZ (Postleitzahl)"
#: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:40
msgid ""
"Postcode for this rule. Semi-colon (;) separate multiple values. Leave blank "
"to apply to all areas. Wildcards (*) can be used. Ranges for numeric "
"postcodes (e.g. 12345-12350) will be expanded into individual postcodes."
msgstr ""
"Postleitzahl für diese Regel. Mehrere Regeln mit Semikolon (<code>;</code>) "
"trennen. Frei lassen, um alle Bereiche zuzuweisen. Wildcards (<code>*</"
"code>) können verwendet werden. Postleitzahlregionen bzw. -bereiche (z.B. "
"12345-12350) werden zu einzelnen Postleitzahlen erweitert."
#: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:42
msgid ""
"Cities for this rule. Semi-colon (;) separate multiple values. Leave blank "
"to apply to all cities."
msgstr ""
"Orte für diese Regel. Mehrere Regeln mit Semikolon (<code>;</code>) trennen. "
"Frei lassen, um alle Orte zuzuweisen."
#: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:44
msgid "Rate&nbsp;%"
msgstr "Satz %"
#: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:44
msgid "Enter a tax rate (percentage) to 4 decimal places."
msgstr ""
"Geben Sie einen Mehrwertsteuersatz (Prozentsatz) ein, mit bis zu 4 "
#: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:46
msgid "Tax&nbsp;Name"
msgstr "Steuername"
#: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:46
msgid "Enter a name for this tax rate."
msgstr "Geben Sie einen Namen für diesen Steuersatz ein."
#: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:48
#: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:217
msgid "Priority"
msgstr "Priorität"
#: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:48
msgid ""
"Choose a priority for this tax rate. Only 1 matching rate per priority will "
"be used. To define multiple tax rates for a single area you need to specify "
"a different priority per rate."
msgstr ""
"Wählen Sie eine Priorität für diesen Steuersatz. Pro Priorität wird nur ein "
"zutreffender Steuersatz verwendet. Um verschiedene Steuersätze für ein "
"einzelnes Gebiet festzulegen, müssen Sie pro Steuersatz eine andere "
"Priorität angeben."
#: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:50
#: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:217
msgid "Compound"
msgstr "Zusammengesetzt"
#: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:50
msgid ""
"Choose whether or not this is a compound rate. Compound tax rates are "
"applied on top of other tax rates."
msgstr ""
"Legen Sie fest, ob dies ein zusammengesetzter Mwst.-Satz ist. "
"Zusammengesetzte Steuersätze werden vor anderen Sätzen zugewiesen."
#: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:52
msgid "Choose whether or not this tax rate also gets applied to shipping."
msgstr ""
"Wählen Sie, ob dieser Mehrwertsteuersatz ebenso auf die Versandkosten "
"erhoben wird."
#: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:59
msgid "Insert row"
msgstr "Zeile hinzufügen"
#: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:60
msgid "Remove selected row(s)"
msgstr "Ausgewählte Zeilen entfernen"
#: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:62
msgid "Export CSV"
msgstr "CSV-Datei exportieren"
#: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:63
msgid "Import CSV"
msgstr "CSV-Datei importieren"
#: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:163
msgid "No row(s) selected"
msgstr "Keine Zeile(n) ausgewählt"
#: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:217
msgid "Country Code"
msgstr "Ländercode"
#: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:217
msgid "State Code"
msgstr "Bundesstaaten-Code"
#: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:217
msgid "Rate %"
msgstr "Satz %"
#: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:217
msgid "Tax Name"
msgstr "Steuername"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:77
msgid "Please, provide an attribute name, slug and type."
msgstr "Geben Sie bitte einen Name, Permalinkteil und Typ der Eigenschaft an."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:79
msgid "Slug “%s” is too long (28 characters max). Shorten it, please."
msgstr "Permalinkteil (Slug) “%s” ist zu lang (max. 28 Zeichen). Bitte kürzen!"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:81
msgid ""
"Slug “%s” is not allowed because it is a reserved term. Change it, please."
msgstr ""
"Permalinkteil (Slug) “%s” ist nicht erlaubt, da es ein reservierter Begriff "
"ist. Bitte ändern!"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:86
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:91
msgid "Slug “%s” is already in use. Change it, please."
msgstr "Permalinkteil (Slug) “%s” ist bereits in Verwendung. Bitte ändern!"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:227
msgid "Edit Attribute"
msgstr "Merkmale bearbeiten"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:237
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:376
msgid "Name for the attribute (shown on the front-end)."
msgstr "Name für das Attribut (wie es in der Besucheransicht erscheint)."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:242
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:308
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:380
msgid "Slug"
msgstr "Permalinkteil"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:246
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:382
msgid ""
"Unique slug/reference for the attribute; must be shorter than 28 characters."
msgstr ""
"Einzigartiger Permalinkteil/Referenz für das Attribut; muss weniger als 28 "
"Zeichen enthalten."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:255
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:388
msgid "Select"
msgstr "Auswahlfeld"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:256
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:389
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Textfeld"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:259
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:392
msgid ""
"Determines how you select attributes for products. <strong>Text</strong> "
"allows manual entry via the product page, whereas <strong>select</strong> "
"attribute terms can be defined from this section. If you plan on using an "
"attribute for variations use <strong>select</strong>."
msgstr ""
"Hier legen Sie fest, wie Attribute für Produkte ausgewählt werden: "
"<strong>Textfeld</strong> ermöglicht Ihnen die manuelle Eingabe über die "
"Produktseite, während Sie mit <strong>Auswahlfeld</strong> "
"Attributbezeichnungen definieren können. Wenn Sie vorhaben, Attribute für "
"Varianten zu verwenden, nutzen Sie bitte den Typ <strong>Auswahlfeld</"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:264
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:396
msgid "Default sort order"
msgstr "Standard-Sortierreihenfolge"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:268
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:336
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:398
msgid "Custom ordering"
msgstr "Benutzerdefinierte Sortierung"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:270
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:333
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:400
msgid "Term ID"
msgstr "Termini-ID"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:272
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:402
msgid ""
"Determines the sort order on the frontend for this attribute. If using "
"custom ordering, you can drag and drop the terms in this attribute"
msgstr ""
"Legt die Sortierreihenfolge für dieses Attribut in der Besucheransicht "
"(Frontend) fest. Falls Sie benutzerdefinierte Sortierung verwenden, können "
"Sie die Termini via Drag & Drop in diesem Attribut anordnen."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:277
msgid "Update"
msgstr "Aktualisieren"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:310
msgid "Order by"
msgstr "Sortieren nach"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:311
msgid "Terms"
msgstr "Bedingungen"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:356
msgid "Configure&nbsp;terms"
msgstr "einrichten"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:360
msgid "No attributes currently exist."
msgstr "Derzeit existieren keine Merkmale."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:370
msgid "Add New Attribute"
msgstr "Neues Merkmal hinzufügen"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:371
msgid ""
"Attributes let you define extra product data, such as size or colour. You "
"can use these attributes in the shop sidebar using the \"layered nav\" "
"widgets. Please note: you cannot rename an attribute later on."
msgstr ""
2013-06-30 15:01:17 +00:00
"Mit Merkmalen lassen sich zusätzliche Produktdaten wie Grösse und Farbe "
"bestimmen. Sie können diese Merkmale in der Shop-Sidebar benutzen, wenn Sie "
"die \"Ebenen-Navigation (Layered Nav)\" Widgets einsetzen. -- <strong>Info:</"
2013-06-30 15:01:17 +00:00
"strong> Ausserdem werden Merkmale des Feldtyps 'Auswahlfeld' für die "
"Produktvariationen (konfigurierbare Produkte) benötigt. -- <strong>Bitte "
"beachten Sie:</strong> Sie können den Namen eines Merkmals nachträglich "
"nicht mehr verändern."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:405
msgid "Add Attribute"
msgstr "Merkmal hinzufügen"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:416
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete this attribute?"
msgstr "Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie dieses Merkmal löschen wollen?"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:26
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:26
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:66
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:82
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:93
msgid "Overview"
msgstr "Übersicht"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:29
msgid ""
"Thank you for using WooCommerce :) Should you need help using or extending "
"WooCommerce please <a href=\"%s\">read the documentation</a>. For further "
"assistance you can use the <a href=\"%s\">community forum</a> or if you have "
"access, <a href=\"%s\">our support desk</a>."
msgstr ""
"Danke, dass Sie WooCommerce verwenden! :) &mdash; Sollten Sie Hilfe beim "
"Verwenden oder Erweitern von WooCommerce benötigen, <a href=\"%s\">besuchen "
"Sie unsere Dokumentation (Engl.)</a>. Weitere Hilfestellung können Sie <a "
"href=\"%s\">in unserem Community-Forum (Engl.)</a> erhalten, oder, falls Sie "
"Zugriff haben, <a href=\"%s\">auf unserer Ticket-Support-Seite (Engl.)</a>."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:31
msgid ""
"If you are having problems, or to assist us with support, please check the "
"status page to identify any problems with your configuration:"
msgstr ""
"Falls Sie Probleme haben bzw. um uns beim Support zu helfen, prüfen Sie "
"bitte die Status-Seite, um Probleme mit Ihrer Konfiguration/ Installation "
"identifizieren zu können:"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:33 admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:89
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:26
msgid "System Status"
msgstr "Systemstatus"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:35
msgid ""
"If you come across a bug, or wish to contribute to the project you can also "
"<a href=\"%s\">get involved on GitHub</a>."
msgstr ""
"Wenn Sie einen Fehler finden, oder Lust haben, zum Projekt beizutragen, "
"können Sie <a href=\"%s\">auf der Entwickler-Plattform GitHub.com mitwirken</"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:43
msgid ""
"Here you can set up your store and customise it to fit your needs. The "
"sections available from the settings page include:"
msgstr ""
"Hier können Sie Ihren Shop einrichten und an Ihre Bedürfnisse anpassen. Die "
"verfügbaren Bereiche auf der Einstellungen-Seite beinhalten:"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:44
msgid ""
"General settings such as your shop base, currency, and script/styling "
"options which affect features used in your store."
msgstr ""
"Allgemeine Einstellungen, wie zum Beispiel Shop-Basis, Währung sowie Skript- "
"und Stli-Optionen, welche sich auf Features in Ihrem Shop auswirken."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:45
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:184
msgid "Pages"
msgstr "Seiten"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:45
msgid ""
"This is where important store page are defined. You can also set up other "
"pages (such as a Terms page) here."
msgstr ""
"Hier werden alle wichtigen Shop-Seiten festgelegt. Sie können auch andere "
"Seiten (wie etwa für Terms/ Taxonomien) einrichten."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:46
msgid ""
"Options for how things like price, images and weights appear in your product "
msgstr ""
"Einstellungen für Preise, Bilder und Gewicht erscheinen in Ihrem "
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:47
msgid "Options concerning stock and stock notices."
msgstr ""
"Einstellungen, das Lager bzw. den Bestand sowie Benachrichtigungen "
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:48
msgid "Options concerning tax, including international and local tax rates."
msgstr ""
2013-06-30 15:01:17 +00:00
"Einstellungen, die Mehrwertsteuer betreffend - einschliesslich "
"internationaler und lokaler Steuersätze."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:49
msgid ""
"This is where shipping options are defined, and shipping methods are set up."
msgstr ""
"Hier werden Versandoptionen definiert und ebenso Versandmethoden "
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:50
msgid "Payment Methods"
msgstr "Zahlungsweisen"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:50
msgid ""
"This is where payment gateway options are defined, and individual payment "
"gateways are set up."
msgstr ""
"Hier werden alle Einstellungen für Zahlungsweisen/ -optionen definiert. "
"Individuelle Zahlungs-Schnittstellen werden ebenfalls hier eingerichtet."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:51
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:189
msgid "Emails"
msgstr "E-Mails"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:51
msgid "Here you can customise the way WooCommerce emails appear."
msgstr ""
"Hier können Sie festlegen, wie die E-Mails aussehen, die via WooCommerce "
"versandt werden (z.B. beim Bestellvorgang)."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:52
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:190
msgid "Integration"
msgstr "Integration"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:52
msgid ""
"The integration section contains options for third party services which "
"integrate with WooCommerce."
msgstr ""
"Der Integrationsbereich enthält Einstellungen für Drittanbieter-Dienste, "
"welche sich in WooCommerce einbinden lassen."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:57 admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:64
msgid "Reports"
msgstr "Berichte"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:59
msgid ""
"The reports section can be accessed from the left-hand navigation menu. Here "
"you can generate reports for sales and customers."
msgstr ""
"Der Bereich Berichte/ Statistik kann vom linksseitigen Navigationsmenü "
"erreicht werden. Hier können Berichte für Verkäufe und Kunden abgerufen "
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:60
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:23
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:997
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1095
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1214
msgid "Sales"
msgstr "Umsatz"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:60
msgid "Reports for sales based on date, top sellers and top earners."
msgstr ""
"Berichte für Verkäufe, basierend auf Datum, bestverkaufenden und "
"bestverdienenden Produkten."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:61
msgid "Coupon usage reports."
msgstr "Bericht zur Gutschein-Verwendung."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:62
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:79
msgid "Customers"
msgstr "Kunden"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:62
msgid "Customer reports, such as signups per day."
msgstr "Kundenberichte, wie zum Beispiel Registrierungen pro Tag."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:63
msgid "Stock reports for low stock and out of stock items."
msgstr "Lagerbenachrichtigung für knappe oder vergriffene Produkte."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:68
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-dashboard.php:142
msgid "Orders"
msgstr "Bestellungen"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:70
msgid ""
"The orders section can be accessed from the left-hand navigation menu. Here "
"you can view and manage customer orders."
msgstr ""
"Der Bereich Bestellungen kann direkt vom linksseitigen Navigationsmenü aus "
"aufgerufen werden. Hier können Sie Kundenbestellungen einsehen und verwalten."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:71
msgid ""
"Orders can also be added from this section if you want to set them up for a "
"customer manually."
msgstr ""
"Bestellungen können auch von diesem Bereich aus hinzugefügt werden, wenn Sie "
"diese für einen Kunden manuell einrichten müssen."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:78
msgid ""
"Coupons can be managed from this section. Once added, customers will be able "
"to enter coupon codes on the cart/checkout page. If a customer uses a coupon "
"code they will be viewable when viewing orders."
msgstr ""
"Gutscheine können in diesem Bereich verwaltet werden. Einmal hinzugefügt, "
"sind Besucher/ Kunden in der Lage, Gutscheincodes während des Bezahlvorgangs "
"zu verwenden. Wenn ein Besucher/ Kunde einen Gutschein verwendet, wird der "
"Code sichtbar sein, beim Ansehen der Bestellung(en)."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:82
msgid "For more information:"
msgstr "Für weitere Informationen:"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:83 admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:62
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:71 admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:404
msgid "WooCommerce"
msgstr "WooCommerce"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:84
msgid "Project on WordPress.org"
msgstr "Projekt bei WordPress.org"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:85
msgid "Project on Github"
msgstr "Projekt bei GitHub.com (Entwickler)"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:86
msgid "WooCommerce Docs"
msgstr "WooCommerce Dokumentation (Engl.)"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:87
msgid "Official Extensions"
msgstr "Offizielle Erweiterungen (Extensions)"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:88
msgid "Official Themes"
msgstr "Offizielle WooCommerce-fähige Themes"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-dashboard.php:40
msgid "Monthly Sales"
msgstr "Monatlicher Umsatz"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-dashboard.php:43
msgid "WooCommerce Right Now"
msgstr "WooCommerce auf einen Blick"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-dashboard.php:44
msgid "WooCommerce Recent Orders"
msgstr "WooCommerce kürzliche Bestellungen"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-dashboard.php:45
msgid "WooCommerce Recent Reviews"
msgstr "WooCommerce Neue Bewertungen"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-dashboard.php:78
msgid "Shop Content"
msgstr "Shop-Inhalt"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-dashboard.php:84
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-functions.php:200
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:761
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:996
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1094
msgid "Product"
msgid_plural "Products"
msgstr[0] "Produkt"
msgstr[1] "Produkte"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-dashboard.php:98
msgid "Product Category"
msgid_plural "Product Categories"
msgstr[0] "Produktkategorie"
msgstr[1] "Produktkategorien"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-dashboard.php:112
msgid "Product Tag"
msgid_plural "Product Tags"
msgstr[0] "Produktschlagwort"
msgstr[1] "Produktschlagwörter"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-dashboard.php:126
msgid "Attribute"
msgid_plural "Attributes"
msgstr[0] "Eigenschaft"
msgstr[1] "Eigenschaften"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-dashboard.php:148
msgid "Pending"
msgstr "Ausstehend"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-dashboard.php:162
msgid "On-Hold"
msgstr "Warteschleife"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-dashboard.php:190
msgid "Completed"
msgstr "Fertiggestellt"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-dashboard.php:207
msgid "You are using <strong>WooCommerce %s</strong>."
msgstr "Sie verwenden <strong>WooCommerce %s</strong>."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-dashboard.php:238
msgid "l jS \\of F Y h:i:s A"
msgstr "l, j. M., \\u\\m H:i:s \\U\\h\\r"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-dashboard.php:239
msgid "item"
msgid_plural "items"
msgstr[0] "Element"
msgstr[1] "Elemente"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-dashboard.php:239
msgid "Total:"
msgstr "Gesamtsumme:"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-dashboard.php:245
msgid "There are no product orders yet."
msgstr "Es gibt bisher keine Produktbestellungen."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-dashboard.php:279
msgid "out of 5"
msgstr "von 1 bis 5"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-dashboard.php:287
msgid "There are no product reviews yet."
msgstr "Es gibt noch keine Produktbewertungen."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-dashboard.php:428
msgid "Sold"
msgstr "Verkäufen"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-dashboard.php:429
msgid "Earned"
msgstr "Verdienst"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-functions.php:190
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-install.php:225
msgid "Order Received"
msgstr "Bestellung erhalten"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-functions.php:192
msgid ""
"Thank you, we are now processing your order. Your order's details are below."
msgstr ""
"Vielen Dank! Wir bearbeiten nun Ihre Bestellung. Die Details Ihrer "
"Bestellung finden Sie unten."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-functions.php:194
msgid "Order:"
msgstr "Bestellung:"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-functions.php:201
msgid "Quantity"
msgstr "Anzahl"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-functions.php:214
msgid "Order total:"
msgstr "Gesamtsumme:"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-functions.php:220
msgid "Customer details"
msgstr "Kundendetails"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-functions.php:226
msgid "Billing address"
msgstr "Rechnungsanschrift"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-functions.php:233
msgid "Shipping address"
msgstr "Versandanschrift"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-functions.php:465
msgid "Could not compile woocommerce.less:"
msgstr "<code>woocommerce.less</code> konnte nicht kompiliert werden:"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-functions.php:486
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-functions.php:487
msgid "Mark processing"
msgstr "Kennzeichnung läuft"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-functions.php:489
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-functions.php:490
msgid "Mark completed"
msgstr "Kennzeichnung abgeschlossen"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-functions.php:527
msgid "Order status changed by bulk edit:"
msgstr "Bestellstatus verändert von Stapelverarbeitung:"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-functions.php:550
msgid "Order status changed."
msgid_plural "%s order statuses changed."
msgstr[0] "Bestellstatus geändert."
msgstr[1] "%s Bestellstatus geändert."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:88
msgid "WooCommerce Settings"
msgstr "WooCommerce Einstellungen"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:89
msgid "WooCommerce Status"
msgstr "WooCommerce Status"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:142 admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:144
msgctxt "Admin menu name"
msgid "Orders"
msgstr "Bestellungen"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:433
msgid ""
"Are you sure you want to remove the selected items? If you have previously "
"reduced this item's stock, or this order was submitted by a customer, you "
"will need to manually restore the item's stock."
msgstr ""
"Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie die ausgewählten Produkte entfernen wollen? Sie "
"müssen die Lagermenge manuell wieder herstellen, falls Sie zuvor die "
"Lagermenge dieses Produktes reduziert haben oder diese Bestellung von einem "
"Kunden aufgegeben wurde."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:434
msgid "Please select some items."
msgstr "Bitte wählen Sie einige Elemente"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:435
msgid "Remove this item meta?"
msgstr "Meta dieses Elements entfernen?"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:436
msgid "Remove this attribute?"
msgstr "Dieses Merkmal entfernen?"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:444
msgid "Enter a name for the new attribute term:"
msgstr "Geben Sie einen Namen für das neue Eigenschaftselement an:"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:445
msgid "Calculate totals based on order items, discounts, and shipping?"
msgstr ""
"Gesamtsumme basierend auf bestellten Produkten, Gutscheinen und "
"Versandkosten berechnen?"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:446
msgid ""
"Calculate line taxes? This will calculate taxes based on the customers "
"country. If no billing/shipping is set it will use the store base country."
msgstr ""
"Steuerpositionen berechnen? Dies wird die Steuern berechnen, basierend auf "
"dem Land des Kunden. Wenn keine Rechnungs-/ Versandanschrift angegeben "
"wurde, wird das Basisland des Shops verwendet."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:447
msgid ""
"Copy billing information to shipping information? This will remove any "
"currently entered shipping information."
msgstr ""
"Rechnungsinformationen zu Lieferinformationen kopieren? Dies wird alle "
"gerade eingegebenen Lieferinformationen entfernen/ löschen."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:448
msgid ""
"Load the customer's billing information? This will remove any currently "
"entered billing information."
msgstr ""
"Rechnungsinformationen des Kunden laden? Hinweis: Dies wird alle derzeit "
"eingegebene Rechnungsinformationen entfernen."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:449
msgid ""
"Load the customer's shipping information? This will remove any currently "
"entered shipping information."
msgstr ""
"Die Lieferinformationen des Kunden laden? Hinweis: Dies wird alle derzeit "
"eingegebenen Lieferinformationen entfernen."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:453
msgid "No customer selected"
msgstr "Kein Kunde ausgewählt"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:665
msgid "Product updated. <a href=\"%s\">View Product</a>"
msgstr "Produkt aktualisiert. <a href=\"%s\">Produkt ansehen</a>"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:666 admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:681
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:696
msgid "Custom field updated."
msgstr "Benutzerdefiniertes Feld aktualisiert."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:667 admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:682
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:697
msgid "Custom field deleted."
msgstr "Benutzerdefiniertes Feld gelöscht."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:668
msgid "Product updated."
msgstr "Produkt aktualisiert."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:669
msgid "Product restored to revision from %s"
msgstr "Produkt wiederhergestellt zur Revision vom %s"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:670
msgid "Product published. <a href=\"%s\">View Product</a>"
msgstr "Produkt veröffentlicht. <a href=\"%s\">Produkt ansehen</a>"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:671
msgid "Product saved."
msgstr "Produkt gespeichert."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:672
msgid "Product submitted. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"%s\">Preview Product</a>"
msgstr ""
"Produkt eingestellt. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"%s\">Produktvorschau</a>"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:673
msgid ""
"Product scheduled for: <strong>%1$s</strong>. <a target=\"_blank\" href="
"\"%2$s\">Preview Product</a>"
msgstr ""
"Produkt geplant für: <strong>%1$s</strong>. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"%2$s"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:674 admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:689
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:704
msgid "M j, Y @ G:i"
msgstr "d. F Y H:i"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:675
msgid ""
"Product draft updated. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"%s\">Preview Product</a>"
msgstr ""
"Produktentwurf aktualisiert. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"%s"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:680 admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:683
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:685
msgid "Order updated."
msgstr "Bestellung aktualisiert."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:684
msgid "Order restored to revision from %s"
msgstr "Bestellung wiederhergestellt zur Revision vom %s"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:686
msgid "Order saved."
msgstr "Bestellung gespeichert."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:687
msgid "Order submitted."
msgstr "Bestellung eingefügt."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:688
msgid "Order scheduled for: <strong>%1$s</strong>."
msgstr "Bestellung geplant für: <strong>%1$s</strong>."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:690
msgid "Order draft updated."
msgstr "Bestellentwurf aktualisiert."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:695 admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:698
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:700
msgid "Coupon updated."
msgstr "Gutschein aktualisiert."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:699
msgid "Coupon restored to revision from %s"
msgstr "Gutschein wiederhergestellt zur Revision vom %s"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:701
msgid "Coupon saved."
msgstr "Gutschein gespeichert."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:702
msgid "Coupon submitted."
msgstr "Gutschein eingefügt."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:703
msgid "Coupon scheduled for: <strong>%1$s</strong>."
msgstr "Gutschein geplant für: <strong>%1$s</strong>."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:705
msgid "Coupon draft updated."
msgstr "Gutscheinentwurf aktualisiert."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:722
msgid "Order notes"
msgstr "Bestellnotizen"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:737
msgid ""
"These settings control the permalinks used for products. These settings only "
"apply when <strong>not using \"default\" permalinks above</strong>."
msgstr ""
"Diese Einstellungen legen die Permalinks fest, welche für Produkte verwendet "
"werden. Diese Einstellungen greifen nur, <strong>wenn Sie nicht die "
"\"Standard\"-Permalinks oben verwenden</strong>."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:744
msgctxt "default-slug"
msgid "shop"
msgstr "shop"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:745
msgctxt "default-slug"
msgid "product"
msgstr "produkt"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:766
msgid "Shop base"
msgstr "Shop-Basis"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:770
msgid "Shop base with category"
msgstr "Shop-Basis mit Kategorie"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:776
msgid "Custom Base"
msgstr "Benutzerdefinierte Basis"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:778
msgid ""
"Enter a custom base to use. A base <strong>must</strong> be set or WordPress "
"will use default instead."
msgstr ""
"Geben Sie eine benutzerdefinierte Basis ein. Es <strong>muss</strong> eine "
"Basis angegeben werden, ansonsten wird WordPress den Standard verwenden."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:806
msgid "Product permalink base"
msgstr "Produktpermalink-Basis"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:811
msgid "Product category base"
msgstr "Produktkategorie-Basis"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:818
msgid "Product tag base"
msgstr "Produktschlagwort-Basis"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:825
msgid "Product attribute base"
msgstr "Produkteigenschaft-Basis"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-install.php:195
msgctxt "page_slug"
msgid "shop"
msgstr "shop"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-install.php:195
msgid "Shop"
msgstr "Shop"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-install.php:198
msgctxt "page_slug"
msgid "cart"
msgstr "warenkorb"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-install.php:198
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:303
msgid "Cart"
msgstr "Warenkorb"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-install.php:201
msgctxt "page_slug"
msgid "checkout"
msgstr "kasse"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-install.php:204
msgctxt "page_slug"
msgid "my-account"
msgstr "mein-konto"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-install.php:204
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:319
msgid "My Account"
msgstr "Mein Benutzerkonto"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-install.php:210
msgctxt "page_slug"
msgid "edit-address"
msgstr "adresse-bearbeiten"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-install.php:210
msgid "Edit My Address"
msgstr "Meine Adresse ändern"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-install.php:213
msgctxt "page_slug"
msgid "view-order"
msgstr "bestellung-ansehen"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-install.php:213
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:327
msgid "View Order"
msgstr "Bestellung anzeigen"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-install.php:216
msgctxt "page_slug"
msgid "change-password"
msgstr "passwort-aendern"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-install.php:216
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:331
msgid "Change Password"
msgstr "Passwort ändern"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-install.php:219
msgctxt "page_slug"
msgid "logout"
msgstr "abmelden"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-install.php:219
msgid "Logout"
msgstr "Abmelden"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-install.php:222
msgctxt "page_slug"
msgid "pay"
msgstr "bezahlen"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-install.php:222
msgid "Checkout &rarr; Pay"
msgstr "Zur Kasse &rarr; Bezahlen"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-install.php:225
msgctxt "page_slug"
msgid "order-received"
msgstr "bestellung-erhalten"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:32
msgid "Sales by day"
msgstr "Umsatz pro Tag"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:37
msgid "Sales by month"
msgstr "Umsatz pro Monat"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:42
msgid "Product Sales"
msgstr "Produktverkäufe"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:47
msgid "Top sellers"
msgstr "Verkaufsschlager"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:52
msgid "Top earners"
msgstr "Bestverdienende Produkte"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:57
msgid "Sales by category"
msgstr "Umsatz pro Kategorie"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:72
msgid "Discounts by coupon"
msgstr "Rabatte pro Gutschein"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:104
msgid "Taxes by month"
msgstr "Steuern pro Monat"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:243
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:508
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:713
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:894
msgid "Sales amount"
msgstr "Umsatz"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:248
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:508
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:713
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:894
msgid "Number of sales"
msgstr "Verkäufe/ Anzahl"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:380
msgid "Total sales"
msgstr "Gesamter Umsatz"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:382
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:388
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:394
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:400
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:406
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:412
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:655
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:661
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:667
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:673
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:839
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:845
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:851
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:857
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1380
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1386
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1392
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1826
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1832
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1838
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1844
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1850
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1856
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:2320
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:2331
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:2342
msgid "n/a"
msgstr "k.A."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:386
msgid "Total orders"
msgstr "Gesamte Bestellungen"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:388
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:661
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:845
msgid "items"
msgstr "Elemente"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:392
msgid "Average order total"
msgstr "Durchschnittlicher Bestellwert"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:398
msgid "Average order items"
msgstr "Durchschnittliche Bestellmenge"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:404
msgid "Discounts used"
msgstr "verwendete Rabatte"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:410
msgid "Total shipping costs"
msgstr "Gesamte Versandkosten"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:418
msgid "This month's sales"
msgstr "Umsätze diesen Monat"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:647
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:991
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1089
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1372
msgid "From:"
msgstr "Ab:"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:647
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:991
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1089
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1372
msgid "To:"
msgstr "Bis:"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:647
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:832
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:991
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1089
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1245
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1372
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1505
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:2309
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:2492
msgid "Show"
msgstr "Anzeigen"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:653
msgid "Total sales in range"
msgstr "Gesamter Umsatz im Bereich"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:659
msgid "Total orders in range"
msgstr "Gesamte Bestellungen im Bereich"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:665
msgid "Average order total in range"
msgstr "Durchschnittlicher Bestellwert im Bereich"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:671
msgid "Average order items in range"
msgstr "Durchschnittliche Bestellmenge im Bereich"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:679
msgid "Sales in range"
msgstr "Umsatz im Bereich"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:826
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:2303
msgid "Year:"
msgstr "Jahr:"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:837
msgid "Total sales for year"
msgstr "Gesamtumsatz dieses Jahr"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:843
msgid "Total orders for year"
msgstr "Gesamte Bestellungen dieses Jahr"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:849
msgid "Average order total for year"
msgstr "Durchschnittlicher Gesamtbestellwert im Jahr"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:855
msgid "Average order items for year"
msgstr "Durchschnittliche Bestellmenge im Jahr"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:863
msgid "Monthly sales for year"
msgstr "Monatlicher Umsatz im Jahr"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1011
msgid "Product does not exist"
msgstr "Das Produkt existiert nicht"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1110
msgid "Product no longer exists"
msgstr "Das Produkt ist nicht mehr vorhanden"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1209
msgid "Sales for %s:"
msgstr "Umsatz für %s:"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1213
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:2351
msgid "Month"
msgstr "Monat"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1235
msgid "No sales :("
msgstr "Keine Verkäufe :("
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1378
msgid "Total orders containing coupons"
msgstr "Gesamte Betellungen, welche Gutscheine enthalten"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1384
msgid "Percent of orders containing coupons"
msgstr "Prozentsatz von Bestellungen, welche Gutscheine enthalten"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1390
msgid "Total coupon discount"
msgstr "Gesamter Gutschein-Rabatt"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1399
msgid "Most popular coupons"
msgstr "Beliebteste Gutscheine"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1409
msgid "Used 1 time"
msgid_plural "Used %d times"
msgstr[0] "1 Mal verwendet"
msgstr[1] "%d Mal verwendet"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1412
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1434
msgid "No coupons found"
msgstr "Es wurden keine Gutscheine gefunden."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1421
msgid "Greatest discount amount"
msgstr "Höchster Gutscheinbetrag"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1431
msgid "Discounted %s"
msgstr "%s rabattiert"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1490
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:2469
msgid "Show:"
msgstr "Anzeigen:"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1547
msgid "Coupon"
msgstr "Gutschein"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1630
msgid "Top coupon"
msgstr "Bester Gutschein"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1638
msgid "Worst coupon"
msgstr "Schlechtester Gutschein"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1646
msgid "Discount average"
msgstr "Durchschnittlicher Rabatt"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1654
msgid "Discount median"
msgstr "Mittlerer Rabatt"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1674
msgid "Monthly discounts by coupon"
msgstr "Monatlicher Rabatt pro Gutschein"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1824
msgid "Total customers"
msgstr "Gesamtkundenzahl"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1830
msgid "Total customer sales"
msgstr "Gesamter Kundenumsatz"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1836
msgid "Total guest sales"
msgstr "Gesamter Gastumsatz"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1842
msgid "Total customer orders"
msgstr "Gesamte Kundenbestellungen"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1848
msgid "Total guest orders"
msgstr "Gesamte Gastbestellungen"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1854
msgid "Average orders per customer"
msgstr "Durschnittliche Bestellungen pro Kunde"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1862
msgid "Signups per day"
msgstr "(Neukunden-) Anmeldungen pro Trag"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:2083
msgid "Low stock"
msgstr "Nur noch wenige Produkte verfügbar"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:2106
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:2145
msgid "%d in stock"
msgid_plural "%d in stock"
msgstr[0] "%d auf Lager"
msgstr[1] "%d auf Lager"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:2111
msgid "No products are low in stock."
msgstr "Keine Produkte sind knapp im Lager."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:2143
msgid "Marked out of stock"
msgstr "Als vergriffen gekennzeichnet"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:2150
msgid "No products are out in stock."
msgstr "Derzeit sind keine Produkte vergriffen."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:2314
msgid "Total taxes for year"
msgstr "Gesamte Steuern pro Jahr"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:2325
msgid "Total product taxes for year"
msgstr "Gesamte Produktsteuern pro Jahr"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:2336
msgid "Total shipping tax for year"
msgstr "Gesamte Versandsteuern pro Jahr"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:2352
msgid "Total Sales"
msgstr "Gesamtumsatz"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:2352
msgid "This is the sum of the 'Order Total' field within your orders."
msgstr ""
"Dies ist die Summe des Feldes 'Gesamtsumme' in Ihren einzelnen Bestellungen."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:2353
msgid "Total Shipping"
msgstr "Gesamtsumme Versand"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:2353
msgid "This is the sum of the 'Shipping Total' field within your orders."
msgstr ""
"Dies ist die Summe des Feldes 'Gesamtsumme Versand' in Ihren Bestellungen."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:2354
msgid "Total Product Taxes"
msgstr "Gesamte Produktsteuern"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:2354
msgid "This is the sum of the 'Cart Tax' field within your orders."
msgstr ""
"Dies ist die Summe des Feldes 'Warenkorbsteuern' in Ihren Bestellungen."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:2355
msgid "Total Shipping Taxes"
msgstr "Gesamte Versandsteuern"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:2355
msgid "This is the sum of the 'Shipping Tax' field within your orders."
msgstr "Dies ist die Summe des Feldes 'Versandsteuern' in Ihren Bestellungen."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:2356
msgid "Total Taxes"
msgstr "Gesamte Steuern"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:2356
msgid ""
"This is the sum of the 'Cart Tax' and 'Shipping Tax' fields within your "
msgstr ""
"Dies ist die Summe der Felder 'Warenkorbsteuern' und 'Versandsteuern' in "
"Ihren Bestellungen."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:2357
msgid "Net profit"
msgstr "Reinerlös (Netto)"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:2357
msgid "Total sales minus shipping and tax."
msgstr "Gesamtumsatz minus Versand und Steuern."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:2402
msgid "Toggle tax rows"
msgstr "Steuerzeilen aufklappen"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:2545
msgid "Category"
msgstr "Kategorie"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:2648
msgid "Top category"
msgstr "Beste Kategorie"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:2657
msgid "Worst category"
msgstr "Schlechteste Kategorie"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:2665
msgid "Category sales average"
msgstr "Durchschnittlicher Umsatz der Kategorie"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:2676
msgid "Category sales median"
msgstr "Mittlerer Kategorieumsatz"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:2696
msgid "Monthly sales by category"
msgstr "Monatlicher Umsatz pro Kategorie"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:45
msgid "Action failed. Please refresh the page and retry."
msgstr ""
"Aktion fehlgeschlagen. Bitte laden Sie die Seite neu und versuchen Sie es "
"noch einmal."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:164
msgid "Your settings have been saved."
msgstr "Ihre Einstellungen wurden gespeichert."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:210
msgid ""
"More functionality and gateway options available via <a href=\"%s\" target="
"\"_blank\">WC official extensions</a>."
msgstr ""
"Noch mehr Funktionalitäten sowie weitere Zahlungsweisen (Schnittstellen) "
"sind über die <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">offizielle WooCommerce Seite "
"für Erweiterungen</a> erhältlich."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:228
msgid "Tax Rates"
msgstr "Mehrwertsteuersätze"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:255
msgid "Email Options"
msgstr "E-Mail-Optionen"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:388
msgid "Save changes"
msgstr "Änderungen speichern"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:429
msgid "The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page."
msgstr ""
"Die Veränderungen, die Sie hier vornehmen, werden verlorengehen, wenn Sie "
"diese Seite verlassen."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:801
msgid "Hard Crop"
msgstr "Beschneiden"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:826
msgid "Select a page&hellip;"
msgstr "Eine Seite auswählen&hellip;"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:849
msgid "Choose a country&hellip;"
msgstr "Ein Land auswählen &hellip;"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:869
msgid "Choose countries&hellip;"
msgstr "Länder auswählen &hellip;"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:27
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:664
msgid "Tools"
msgstr "Werkzeuge"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:62
msgid "Please include this information when requesting support:"
msgstr ""
"Bitte fügen Sie diese Informationen bei, wenn Sie Support in Anspruch nehmen:"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:63
msgid "Download System Report File"
msgstr "Datei mit Systeminformationen herunterladen"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:71
msgid "Environment"
msgstr "Umgebung"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:77
msgid "Home URL"
msgstr "Homepage-URL"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:81
msgid "Site URL"
msgstr "Webseiten-URL"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:85
msgid "WC Version"
msgstr "WooCommerce Version"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:89
msgid "WC Database Version"
msgstr "WooCommerce Datenbank-Version"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:93
msgid "WP Version"
msgstr "WordPress Version"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:97
msgid "Web Server Info"
msgstr "Webserver Information"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:101
msgid "PHP Version"
msgstr "PHP Version"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:105
msgid "MySQL Version"
msgstr "MySQL Version"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:109
msgid "WP Memory Limit"
msgstr "WordPress PHP-Memory Limit"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:114
msgid ""
"%s - We recommend setting memory to at least 64MB. See: <a href=\"%s"
"\">Increasing memory allocated to PHP</a>"
msgstr ""
"%s - Wir empfehlen den PHP-Speicher auf mindestens 64MB zu setzen. Schauen "
"Sie bitte auch hier: <a href=\"%s\">Für PHP freigegebenen Speicher erhöhen "
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:121
msgid "WP Debug Mode"
msgstr "WordPress Debug-Modus"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:125
msgid "WP Max Upload Size"
2013-06-30 15:01:17 +00:00
msgstr "WordPress max. Hochladen-Grösse"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:129
msgid "PHP Post Max Size"
msgstr "PHP Post Max Size"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:133
msgid "PHP Time Limit"
msgstr "PHP Zeitlimit"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:137
msgid "WC Logging"
msgstr "WooCommerce-Protokoll"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:140
msgid "Log directory is writable."
msgstr "Protokollverzeichnis ist beschreibbar."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:142
msgid ""
"Log directory (<code>woocommerce/logs/</code>) is not writable. Logging will "
"not be possible."
msgstr ""
"Protokollverzeichnis (<code>woocommerce/logs/</code>) ist nicht "
"beschreibbar. Protokollierung (Logging) wird daher nicht möglich sein."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:149
msgid "fsockopen/cURL"
msgstr "<code>fsockopen</code> / <code>cURL</code>"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:152
msgid "Your server has fsockopen and cURL enabled."
msgstr ""
"Ihr Webserver hat <code>fsockopen</code> und <code>cURL</code> aktiviert."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:154
msgid "Your server has fsockopen enabled, cURL is disabled."
msgstr ""
"Ihr Webserver hat <code>fsockopen</code> aktiviert, <code>cURL</code> ist "
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:156
msgid "Your server has cURL enabled, fsockopen is disabled."
msgstr ""
"Ihr Webserver hat <code>cURL</code> aktiviert, <code>fsockopen</code> ist "
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:160
msgid ""
"Your server does not have fsockopen or cURL enabled - PayPal IPN and other "
"scripts which communicate with other servers will not work. Contact your "
"hosting provider."
msgstr ""
"Ihr Webserver hat weder <code>fsockopen</code> noch <code>cURL</code> "
"aktiviert. Die sofortige Zahlungsbestätigung bei PayPal (IPN) und andere "
"Skripte, welche mit anderen Servern kommunizieren, werden daher nicht "
"funktionieren. Kontaktieren Sie Ihren Webhosting-Anbieter (oder wechseln Sie "
"notfalls den Anbieter)."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:165
msgid "SOAP Client"
msgstr "SOAP Client"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:167
msgid "Your server has the SOAP Client class enabled."
msgstr "Ihr Webserver hat die SOAP Client Klasse aktiviert."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:170
msgid ""
"Your server does not have the <a href=\"%s\">SOAP Client</a> class enabled - "
"some gateway plugins which use SOAP may not work as expected."
msgstr ""
"Ihr Webserver hat die <a href=\"%s\">SOAP Client</a> Klasse nicht aktiviert. "
"Einige Plugins für Zahlungsweisen, welche SOAP verwenden, könnten daher "
"evtl. nicht mehr korrekt funktionieren."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:175
msgid "WP Remote Post"
msgstr "WP Remote Post"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:186
msgid "wp_remote_post() was successful - PayPal IPN is working."
msgstr ""
"<code>wp_remote_post()</code> war erfolgreich - PayPal IPN funktioniert."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:189
msgid ""
"wp_remote_post() failed. PayPal IPN won't work with your server. Contact "
"your hosting provider. Error:"
msgstr ""
"<code>wp_remote_post()</code> schulg fehl. Die sofortige Zahlungsbestätigung "
"durch PayPal (IPN) wird mit Ihrem Webserver nicht funktionieren. "
"Kontaktieren Sie bitte Ihren Webhosting-Anbieter. Fehlermeldung:"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:192
msgid "wp_remote_post() failed. PayPal IPN may not work with your server."
msgstr ""
"Die Funktion <code>wp_remote_post()</code> schlug fehl. PayPal Sofortige "
"Zahlungsbestätigung (IPN) wird wohl auf Ihrem Webserver nicht funktionieren."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:215
msgid "Plugins"
msgstr "Plugins"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:221
msgid "Installed Plugins"
msgstr "Installierte Plugins"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:259
msgid "is available"
msgstr "ist verfügbar"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:262
msgid "by"
msgstr "von"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:262
msgid "version"
msgstr "Version"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:285
msgid "Force SSL"
msgstr "SSL erzwingen"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:292
msgid "WC Pages"
msgstr "WooCommerce Seiten"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:299
msgid "Shop Base"
msgstr "Shop-Basis"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:311
msgid "Pay"
msgstr "Bezahlen"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:315
msgid "Thanks"
msgstr "Danke"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:323
msgid "Edit Address"
msgstr "Anschrift bearbeiten"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:355
msgid "Page not set"
msgstr "Seite nicht festgelegt"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:365
msgid "Page does not exist"
msgstr "Diese Seite existiert nicht"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:370
msgid "Page does not contain the shortcode: %s"
msgstr "Seite enthält nicht den Shortcode: %s"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:389
msgid "WC Taxonomies"
msgstr "WooCommerce Taxonomien"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:395
msgid "Order Statuses"
msgstr "Bestellstatus"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:405
msgid "Product Types"
msgstr "Produkttypen"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:418
msgid "Templates"
msgstr "Templates"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:424
msgid "Template Overrides"
msgstr "Template-Überschreibungen (Overrides)"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:442
msgid "No core overrides present in theme."
msgstr "Keine Core-Überschreibungen aktiv im Theme."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:537
msgid "WC Transients"
msgstr "WooCommerce Transients"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:538
msgid "Clear transients"
msgstr "Transients leeren"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:539
msgid "This tool will clear the product/shop transients cache."
msgstr ""
"Dieses Werkzeug wird den Produkt-/ Shop-Transient-Cache leeren (ein "
"spezieller Zwischenspeicher)."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:542
msgid "Expired Transients"
msgstr "Erloschene Transients"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:543
msgid "Clear expired transients"
msgstr "Erloschene Transients leeren"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:544
msgid "This tool will clear ALL expired transients from Wordpress."
msgstr ""
"Dieses Werkzeug wird ALLE erloschenen Transients aus WordPress löschen."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:547
msgid "Term counts"
msgstr "Termini-Zähler"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:548
msgid "Recount terms"
msgstr "Termini erneut zählen"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:549
msgid ""
"This tool will recount product terms - useful when changing your settings in "
"a way which hides products from the catalog."
msgstr ""
"Dieses Werkzeug wird Produkt-Termini erneut zählen. Dies ist nützlich, falls "
"Sie Einstellungen auf solch eine Weise geändert haben, dass Produkte nicht "
"mehr im Katalog erschienen sind."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:552
msgid "Capabilities"
msgstr "Benutzer-Berechtigungen"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:553
msgid "Reset capabilities"
msgstr "Berechtigungen zurücksetzen"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:554
msgid ""
"This tool will reset the admin, customer and shop_manager roles to default. "
"Use this if your users cannot access all of the WooCommerce admin pages."
msgstr ""
"Dieses Werkzeug wird die Benutzerrollen <code>admin</code> (Administrator), "
"<code>customer</code> (Kunde) und <code>shop_manager</code> (Shop Manager) "
"auf ihre Standardwerte zurücksetzen. Verwenden Sie dies nur, falls einige "
"Benutzer nicht auf WooCommerce Einstellungen-Seiten zugreifen können."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:557
msgid "Customer Sessions"
msgstr "Kunden Sitzungen"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:558
msgid "Clear all sessions"
msgstr "Alle Sitzungen löschen"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:559
msgid ""
"<strong class=\"red\">Warning</strong> This tool will delete all customer "
"session data from the database, including any current live carts."
msgstr ""
"<strong class=\"red\">Warnung</strong> Dieses Werkzeug wird alle Daten von "
"Kunden Sitzungen aus der Datenbank löschen. Dies betrifft auch aktive "
"Warenkörbe. "
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:569
msgid "Product Transients Cleared"
msgstr "Produkt-Transients geleert"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:610
msgid "%d Transients Rows Cleared"
msgstr "%d Zeilen mit Transients geleert"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:618
msgid "Roles successfully reset"
msgstr "Benutzerrollen erfolgreich zurückgesetzt"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:630
msgid "Terms successfully recounted"
msgstr "Termini erfolgreich neu gezählt"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:649
msgid "There was an error calling %s::%s"
msgstr "Es gab einen Fehler beim Aufruf von %s::%s"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:652
msgid "There was an error calling %s"
msgstr "Es gab einen Fehler beim Aufruf von %s"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-taxonomies.php:25
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-taxonomies.php:118
msgid "Display type"
msgstr "Anzeigeart"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-taxonomies.php:29
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-taxonomies.php:123
msgid "Subcategories"
msgstr "Unterkategorien"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-taxonomies.php:30
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-taxonomies.php:124
msgid "Both"
msgstr "Beide"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-taxonomies.php:34
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-taxonomies.php:129
msgid "Thumbnail"
msgstr "Vorschaubild"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-taxonomies.php:38
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-taxonomies.php:134
msgid "Upload/Add image"
msgstr "Hochladen/ Bild hinzufügen"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-taxonomies.php:39
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-taxonomies.php:135
msgid "Remove image"
msgstr "Bild entfernen"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-taxonomies.php:64
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-taxonomies.php:156
msgid "Use image"
msgstr "Bild verwenden"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-taxonomies.php:222
msgid ""
"Product categories for your store can be managed here. To change the order "
"of categories on the front-end you can drag and drop to sort them. To see "
"more categories listed click the \"screen options\" link at the top of the "
msgstr ""
"Hier können Sie die Produktkategorien für Ihren Shop verwalten. Um die "
"Reihenfolge der Kategorien in der Besucheransicht (Frontend) zu ändern, "
"können Sie diese via Drag &amp; Drop zur gewünschten Position ziehen. Um "
"mehr Kategorien pro Bearbeiten-Seite auflisten zu lassen, klicken Sie bitte "
"oben rechts auf den Tab \"Optionen einblenden\"."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-taxonomies.php:237
msgid ""
"Shipping classes can be used to group products of similar type. These groups "
"can then be used by certain shipping methods to provide different rates to "
"different products."
msgstr ""
"Versandgruppen können verwendet werden, um Produkte ähnlichen Typs "
"zusammenzufassen. Jede Gruppe kann dann von bestimmen Versandmethoden "
"genutzt werden, um verschiedene Versandgebühren für verschiedene Produkte/ "
"Produktgruppen erheben zu können."
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-taxonomies.php:365
msgid "Edit Class"
msgstr "Klasse bearbeiten"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-users.php:26
msgid "Billing Address"
msgstr "Rechnungsanschrift"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-users.php:27
msgid "Shipping Address"
msgstr "Versandanschrift"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-users.php:28
msgid "Paying Customer?"
msgstr "Zahlender Kunde?"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-users.php:29
msgid "Completed Orders"
msgstr "Abgeschlossene Bestellungen"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-users.php:144
msgid "Customer Billing Address"
msgstr "Rechnungsanschrift des Kunden"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-users.php:147 admin/woocommerce-admin-users.php:196
msgid "First name"
msgstr "Vorname"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-users.php:151 admin/woocommerce-admin-users.php:200
msgid "Last name"
msgstr "Nachname"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-users.php:176
msgid "Country or state code"
msgstr "Länder-/ Staatencode"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-users.php:180 admin/woocommerce-admin-users.php:229
msgid "2 letter Country code"
msgstr "Ländercode, 2 Buchstaben"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-users.php:183
msgid "Telephone"
msgstr "Telefon"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-users.php:193
msgid "Customer Shipping Address"
msgstr "Versandanschrift des Kunden"
#: admin/woocommerce-admin-users.php:225
msgid "State/County or state code"
msgstr "Bundesland/ Kanton oder Bundesstaaten-Code"
#. Plugin URI of the plugin/theme
msgid "http://www.woothemes.com/woocommerce/"
msgstr "http://www.woothemes.com/woocommerce/"
#. Description of the plugin/theme
msgid "An e-commerce toolkit that helps you sell anything. Beautifully."
msgstr ""
"Ein E-Commerce Werkzeugkasten der dir hilft alles zu verkaufen. Fantastisch, "
#. Author of the plugin/theme
msgid "WooThemes"
msgstr "WooThemes"
#. Author URI of the plugin/theme
msgid "http://woothemes.com"
msgstr "http://woothemes.com"
#~ msgid "Any customer"
#~ msgstr "Jeder Kunde"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Comma separate email addresses to restrict this coupon to specific "
#~ "billing and user emails."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Kommagetrennte E-Mail-Adressen, um diesen Gutschein auf ausgewählte "
#~ "Rechnungs- bzw. Kunden-E-Mail-Adressen zu beschränken."
#~ msgid "Cost"
#~ msgstr "Kosten"