17 Release Testing Instructions WooCommerce 4.6
Tam Mullen edited this page 2020-10-01 21:29:00 +01:00

WooCommerce 4.6 includes:

WooCommerce Admin Improvements

WCA - Old setup wizard removed

The old setup wizard was removed, and now all new installs will go through the new setup wizard provided by WooCommerce Admin.

  • Check onboarding wizard is launched when activating a new install of WooCommerce.
  • Check that the 4 WooCommerce pages listed here https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/woocommerce-pages/ (shop, cart, checkout, my account) are created once WooCommerce is activated (ie. without having first used the onboarding wizard)
  • Check the “Help” tab under any core WooCommerce related page (e.g Orders) and make sure the “Setup wizard” tab still exists and works as expected.

WCA - Home Screen becomes default for all users

The Home Screen introduced in 4.3 which has previously only been the default for new stores (existing stores had to opt-in), will now be the default for all stores.

New Stores

Existing Stores

  • For sites that are upgrading to 4.6 from a prior version of WooCommerce, the home screen will be enabled by default. This test flow will verify the new home screen functions as expected.
  1. To complete this step, you will need to have a site that is already setup running WooCommerce and doesn't have the Home Page enabled (which is the default for version 4.2 and earlier or in versions 4.3 to 4.5.2 you can disable the home screen from WooCommerce > Settings > Advanced > Features ( /wp-admin/admin.php?page=wc-settings&tab=advanced&section=features ) and uncheck the box for "Home Screen", and click "Save Changes".
  2. On your existing WooCommerce install, click on the WooCommerce menu item, note that it displays the Analytics Dashboard:

  1. Using the WooCommerce Beta Tester plugin, you can now easily update to the latest version of WooCommerce 4.6.0 beta
  2. After the update has applied, click on the WooCommerce link in the wp-admin sidebar. The first link under the WooCommerce menu should say "Home":

  1. Click on Home, and verify the new Home Screen is shown.
  2. Navigate to WooCommerce > Settings > Advanced and make sure the features section is no longer available.

WCA - Mobile App Banner for iOS and Android

This step requires using a physical device running iOS and/or Android - or access to an emulator.

  • On a site with 4.6 installed, visit a non WooCommerce like the Post listing page. Verify you do not see the mobile app banner.
  • Open any WooCommerce page, and verify the mobile app banner is displayed:

  • Click the install button, and verify the app store is opened to the WooCommerce App
  • Back on the test site, refresh the WooCommerce page, and verify the app banner is no longer shown.

WCA - Free Shipping Setup in Onboarding

Some new logic has been added to the onboarding wizard to automatically setup a free shipping zones for sites that meet the following criteria:

  • "Physical" was selected as a product type
  • No existing shipping zones (except for "Locations not covered by your other zones", which is a system shipping zone that can't be deleted)

To Test

  • Use a fresh install of WooCommerce, and proceed through the onboarding setup wizard to the third step Product Types and be sure to select "Physical Products".
  • After finishing the onboarding setup wizard, proceed to WooCommerce > Settings > Shipping and verify a free shipping zone has been auto-configured:

  • Next visit the WooCommerce homescreen and verify that you see the Shipping Setup task is marked as complete, and a note is in the inbox prompting you to verify shipping settings:

Updates to WooCommerce Product Blocks

These testing instructions are based on the testing instruction published specifically for WooCommerce Products Blocks 3.4.0, 3.3.0, and 3.2.0. Anything referencing Cart and Checkout blocks do not need tested as a part of the WooCommerce core release.

With that in mind we are linking directly to the sections applicable to WooCommerce Core

WooCommerce Core Bug Fixes

PayPal Gateway - protect code against a fatal error if WooCommerce is unable to communicate with PayPal

https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce/pull/27616 This is a fix to prevent a fatal error occurring in sites that for some reason are unable to communicate with PayPal.

There isn't an easy way to test this but as it is related to PayPal payments we should make sure PayPal payments continue to work as expected.

Details for setting up PayPal are here on WooCommerce Docs.

For testing you can enable PayPal Sandbox so that no payment/money is taken. To use Sandbox mode, you need a separate sandbox account via PayPal Sandbox.

Using tax classes with some non-ASCII characters

https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce/pull/27615 This is a fix that allows you to now assign to a product a tax class that contains non-ASCII characters. To test:

  1. Create a tax class which uses non-ASCII characters
  2. Go to WooCommerce > Settings > Tax > Tax options > Additional tax classes
  3. Add new rate using non-ASCII characters. Example: Ψηφιακά προϊόντα. Use GR for country, 24% and tax as the label.
  4. Save Changes
  5. Edit a product and assign it the class we created.
  6. Create a new product or editing an existing one
  7. In the "General" tab, go to the "Tax class" field and select the class you created above.
  8. Save/Update the product.
  9. When the page reloads, observe that the Tax class is set to the one we created as hasn't changed to Standard or any other class.

Adding a grouped product to the cart, quantity is processed same as for simple and variable products

https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce/pull/27219 This is a fix that makes grouped products quantity behavior consistent with simple and variable products when adding to cart. To test this make sure grouped products can be added to cart with no issues.