13 Release Testing Instructions WooCommerce 6.1
Greg edited this page 2022-01-07 15:47:36 -07:00

WooCommerce 6.1 includes:

WooCommerce Admin Updates:

Smoke testing task list

  1. Make sure the task lists and all tasks are returned as expected
  2. Go to Products->Help (tab)->Setup Wizard
  3. Attempt to Disable/Enable the task lists and make sure these actions work as expected
  4. Smoke test the task list, viewing, snoozing, dismissing, and undoing those actions

Smoke testing Payment Methods

  1. Set up a store where WC Pay is not supported (ex: Brazil).
  2. Go to WooCommerce > Settings > Payments the payment method table should be displayed correctly without any blank rows
  3. Set your store address to a supported WC Pay country (Canada or USA)
  4. Go to the payment settings page and see if the promotion shows up now
  5. Add this filter to your theme or a test plugin, or using the Code Snippets plugin: add_filter( 'woocommerce_allow_marketplace_suggestions', '__return_false' );

  1. Go to WooCommerce > Settings > Payments and notice how the WooCommerce Payment promotion is not displayed.

Inbox - Read notes

  1. Go to WooCommerce home screen
  2. Interact with a note by clicking on its title or action buttons.
  3. Return to the WooCommerce home screen
  4. See that the note is in a read state, with duller appearance.

Inbox - Dismiss single note

  1. Go to WooCommerce home screen
  2. Dismiss a single note using the "Dismiss" button when hovering over a note.
  3. See the "Message dismissed" notification.
  4. Click "Undo" on the notification.
  5. See the note returns to inbox.
  6. Dismiss the note again.
  7. Re-load the WooCommerce home screen.
  8. See that the note no longer appears.

Inbox - Activity menu

  1. Go to WooCommerce products screen
  2. On Menu bar, see that "Activity" menu item exists in top right corner.
  3. Click "Activity" menu item.
  4. See notes appear in panel.

Inbox - Dismiss all notes

  1. Go to WooCommerce home screen
  2. On "Inbox" heading panel, click kebab menu (3 dots).
  3. Click "Dismiss all".
  4. On confirmation dialog, press "Cancel" button.
  5. See that notes still remain.
  6. Dismall all notes again and press "Yes, dismiss all" on confirmation dialog.
  7. See that all notes are removed.

Onboarding Workflow - Add number of employees field

  1. Go to step 4 of the OBW (Business details).
  2. Under Currently selling elsewhere? select any option other than "No".
  3. A drop-down list with the following options should be visible:
It's just me
I'd rather not say
  1. Select one of those options and fill out the rest of the options.
  2. Open the browser devtools, go to the Console and enable the debug messages. You can do this by running localStorage.setItem( 'debug', 'wc-admin:*' ); in the Console and looking for the verbose console messages.

Make sure the debug level is selected to be able to see the messages:

  1. Verify that the event wcadmin_storeprofiler_store_business_details_continue_variant is recorded with the property number_employees after pressing Continue.

The activity panel is not visible after hiding the setup task list #8109

  1. Add a product.
  2. Create an order with the status: processing.
  3. Hide the setup task list.
  4. The activity panel should still be visible.

WooCommerce Blocks Updates:

Blocks 6.4.0

Blocks 6.5.0

Blocks 6.6.0

WooCommerce Core Updates:

Make the setting's name for default customer location more accurately reflect the effect of it. #31383

  1. Go to WooCommerce > Settings and check the new string is present in the Default customer location section in the General settings section. Previously it was Shop base address in the dropdown, now it should be Shop country/region.
  2. Check that there is no change in the Tax section under Calculate tax based on dropdown (it should still say Shop base address.

Fix errant stock adjustment when saving partially refunded orders. #31172

  1. Create an order for 2 products with set stock levels (products with manage stock enabled and an inventory quantity)
  2. Refund one of the products on the order and select the "restock refunded items" option.
  3. Notice the note is added confirming the stock has been restored.
  4. Update the order (click "update").
  5. Verify there is not a new note indicating the stock level has been reduced again.
  6. Verify the product inventory levels have not changed (beyond the restocking) by checking the product edit screen.

Add support for Gutenberg 12.1.0 block template naming convention #31522

Starting on WordPress 5.8:

  1. Install Gutenberg plugin and a block theme which is using the old template directory names such as TT1 Blocks.
  2. Check that the WC block templates render/are available in the Site Editor (under Appearance), and on the frontend.
  3. Activate a block theme which is using the new template directory names such as the latest version of Tove)
  4. Check that the WC block templates still render/are available in the Site Editor (under Appearance), and on the frontend.

Update to WordPress 5.9 and replicate the steps above with the Gutenberg plugin deactivated.

WooCommerce API Updates:

Fix taxes endpoint returning incorrect X-WP-Total and X-WP-TotalPages headers #30890

  1. On a previous version of WooCommerce, such as 6.0, create more than 10 tax rates
  2. Make an API call to list the existing tax rates: GET {base_url}/wp-json/wc/v3/taxes
  3. Note that the headers x-wp-total always returns 10 and x-wp-totalpages always returns 1
  4. Update to WooCommerce 6.1 and make the same API request
  5. Note that the headers x-wp-total now returns the number of tax rates you created and x-wp-totalpages always returns the number of pages based on the number of tax rates (10 per page)

Consistently Store Coupon Data in Order Item Meta #31338

  1. Ensure you have a coupon you can apply to a new order
  2. Ensure you have a product you can add to the order
  3. Create a new order via the REST API (POST https://example.com/wp-json/wc/v3/orders):
    "status": "on-hold",
    "currency": "USD",
    "payment_method": "cod",
    "payment_method_title": "Cash on Delivery",
    "line_items": [
            "product_id": 5,
            "quantity": 1
    "coupon_lines": [
            "code": "couponcode"
  1. Verify that the resulting order response has meta_data in the coupon_lines that contains data like:
"meta_data": [
          "id": 2016,
          "key": "coupon_data",
          "value": {
            "id": 130,
            "code": "couponcode",
            "amount": "7",
            "date_created": {
              "date": "2020-10-30 11:06:20.000000",
              "timezone_type": 3,
              "timezone": "Europe/Madrid"
            "date_modified": {
              "date": "2020-10-30 11:07:19.000000",
              "timezone_type": 3,
              "timezone": "Europe/Madrid"
            "date_expires": null,
            "discount_type": "percent",
            "description": "",
            "usage_count": 2,
            "individual_use": false,
            "product_ids": [],
            "excluded_product_ids": [],
            "usage_limit": 0,
            "usage_limit_per_user": 0,
            "limit_usage_to_x_items": null,
            "free_shipping": false,
            "product_categories": [],
            "excluded_product_categories": [],
            "exclude_sale_items": false,
            "minimum_amount": "",
            "maximum_amount": "",
            "email_restrictions": [],
            "virtual": false,
            "meta_data": []
  1. Create a new order through the wp-admin dashboard (WooCommerce > Orders > Add Order)
  2. Add a product ("Add item(s)")
  3. Add a coupon ("Apply coupon")
  4. Retrieve the order from the REST API (GET https://example.com/wp-json/wc/v3/orders/[ORDER_ID])
  5. Verify the coupon_lines contains meta_data like the previous example