13 Release Testing Instructions WooCommerce 5.0
Tam Mullen edited this page 2021-01-20 19:29:23 +00:00

WooCommerce 5.0 includes:

WooCommerce Admin Updates:

Help panel tooltip

We now display a popup tooltip window for the help panel when someone enters a uncompleted task for a second time. We do this to help draw attention to the help panel.

Testing highlight help panel tooltip

  • Set up a new store
  • Go through and finish the onboarding wizard, any location will work
  • Navigate to one of the unfinished tasks on the home screen and finish it (Ex: Add my products and add a product)
  • Go to home screen and click on the finished task (no help panel popup should appear)
  • Go to home screen and click an unfinished task (don't finish it)
  • Go to home screen again and click the same unfinished task
  • Note: A popup should appear now, highlighting the Help panel, like this:
  • It should of logged the wcadmin_help_tooltip_view when the tooltip was viewed, and the wcadmin_help_tooltip_click when it was dismissed.
    • This can be seen when running this in your console - localStorage.setItem( 'debug', 'wc-admin:*' ); and having verbose level enabled.
  • Click Got it or the close button (X).
  • Help panel button should still work correctly.
  • Navigate back home and then back to the unfinished task again
  • The popup should not show up (this goes for any other unfinished tasks as well).

Add: Welcome modal when coming from Calypso #6004


  • Set up a new store
  • Visit /wp-admin/admin.php?page=wc-admin. You should see the standard welcome modal. Do not dismiss it.
  • Add &from-calypso to the URL. You should see the Calypso welcome modal.
  • Dismiss the modal
  • Refresh the page. The modal should not reappear.
  • Remove the &from-calypso from the URL. The standard welcome modal should not reappear.

Add: Note for users coming from Calypso. #6030


  1. Set up a new store
  2. Visit the WooCommerce dashboard. The new note should not be present.
  3. Add ?from-calypso to the URL. The new note should now be present.

New note: manage activity from home screen #6072


  1. Install a WooCommerce version prior to 5.0
  2. Install the version of WooCommerce/WooCommerce Admin under test
  3. Go to the WooCommerce home page. The new note should now be present.

Business features install free extensions

This adds a new flow to the onboarding wizard that is only shown for users in a certain segment. This means there are now 2 existing experiments for this flow and the regular one that all other users go through.

The segmentation for this flow is:

  1. The store must have selected "US" as country (any state)

  2. The user must have chosen either of: "Food and Drinks" or "Other" for the industry

Testing business features install free extensions flow.

  1. Set up a new store
  2. Go through the onboarding wizard. at the "Store details" step ensure you choose "US" as the country. The state you choose should not matter.
  3. In the "Industry" step choose "Other" or "Food & drink" for the industry.
  4. Continue to the "Business details" step
  5. On this step you should see a new UI with 2 tabs "business details" and "free features".
  6. The second tab "free features" should be disabled and not navigable until you've completed the minimum required details in the "business details" step

  1. Once you've filled in the "business details" step you can move to the next step by either: "clicking the free features tab", which should now appear "enabled" or clicking the "continue" button presented at the bottom of the form.

  1. Once you arrive at the "free features" step you are presented with a (checked by default) checkbox with a label "Add recommended business features to my site".

  1. You can expand the list of extensions by clicking the arrow presented on the right hand side. By default the extensions should all be checked.

  1. If you uncheck "Add recommended business features to my site", it should automatically uncheck all the associated checkboxes in the list that was expanded on step 9.

  1. If you recheck (at least) one of the expanded checkboxes, the "Add recommended business features to my site" checkbox will become rechecked.

  1. If you uncheck/recheck the "Add recommended business features to my site". checkbox from this state, all the extensions will be "rechecked" automatically.

  2. Click continue at this step

  3. Confirm that once the process is completed that the checkboxes you checked did install those extensions on the store (you can go to the Plugins section to confirm this).

  4. Confirm also that a new analytics event: wcadmin_storeprofiler_store_business_features_continue was recorded for this flow.

Inbox unread indicator

This shows a small colored circle indicator on unread inbox notifications in the home screen.

Testing inbox unread indicator

  1. Trigger an inbox notification (the easiest way is via WP-Crontrol and running wc_admin_daily job on a fresh site. This usually shows at least a couple of new user inbox messages.

  2. Confirm that the message is initially shown with an unread symbol as in the screenshot.

  3. Refresh the page. This should be enough to clear out the unread indicator for your message. Note that the unread indicator no longer displays as in the screenshot below.

WooCommerce Core Updates:

Prevent duplicate new order email from being sent when changing order status (28809)

  1. Go through checkout and use Direct bank transfer as payment gateway so the initial order status is on-hold.
  2. Check your admin email and ensure you're seeing the New Order email to the admin.
  3. Change the order status to pending payment. At this point there shouldn't be any emails sent.
  4. Change the order status to completed.
  5. Check your email and ensure the New Order email is not sent again.
  6. Go back to the order and use the Order Actions to resend the new order notification.
  7. Check your email and ensure now you see the New Order email come through.

Fix incorrect product review count (28814)

  1. Create a product.
  2. Add a Comment to a product and Update the product.
  3. Open the product at the front end and scroll down to the Reviews section.
  4. Review count should update on the front end when a user adds a review from the WooCommerce dashboard.

Add notice to deprecate old reports (28799)

  1. Go to WooCommerce > Reports.
  2. Ensure you're seeing a notice that the report is being replaced with links to documentation and the new analytics page.
  3. Test that it appears throughout the pages in Reports.

Refactoring Shipping Zones and Shipping Calculations

This are both changes that should not affect the functionality so we just want to exploratory test around the area of Shipping Zones and Shipping Calculations.

Refactor Shipping Zones (28801)

This is a change that should not affect the functionality so we just want to exploratory test around Shipping Zones.

More info on Shipping Zones here https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/setting-up-shipping-zones/

Refactor Shipping Calculations (28558)

This is another change that should not affect the functionality so we just want to exploratory test around Shipping Calculations. You will have needed to have setup Shipping Zones before testing.

Some scenarios to include

  • If the package is not shippable, e.g. trying to ship to an invalid country, do not calculate rates.
  • Trigger a recalculation of shipping for this package, e.g. changing shipping address, rates should update to reflect the new information.

This is a change related to searching for extensions in WooCommerce > Extensions. We want to exploratory test around this.

  • Navigate to Extensions

(More info: https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/woocommerce-menu-items/#section-7)

  • Search for extensions without being connected to WooCommerce.com
  • Search for extensions when connected to WooCommerce.com

(More info on connecting to WooCommerce.com: https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/managing-woocommerce-com-subscriptions/#connect-and-activate)

Ensure the orders status is reverted correctly when restoring it from trash (28690)

  1. Create an order with a product
  2. Make order as complete
  3. Trash order
  4. Restore order, it should be complete (not draft).


  1. Create a product
  2. Publish it
  3. Trash it
  4. Restore it
  5. It should now be published (not draft).

Fix: Attributes on Edit Product page (28681)

  1. Create a new product and go to the Attributes tab and add an attribute from the existing attributes.
  2. Select all attributes item by pressing the "Select all" button
  3. Press the "Select none" button to remove them.
  4. Again try to select all attributes items by pressing the "Select all" button and make sure they all are selected just like before in step 2.