24 Release Testing Instructions WooCommerce 4.7
Rua Haszard edited this page 2020-10-29 11:41:35 +13:00

WooCommerce 4.7 includes:

WooCommerce Admin Updates:

WooCommerce Admin testing instructions:

Please use the same testing instructions that we used for testing WooCommerce Admin in WooCommerce 4.6. If possible, please perform more of the exploratory testing around the flows listed there.

WooCommerce Payments setup from Inbox notification

With the "WooCommerce Payments" plugin not installed, and WooCommerce » Settings » Country set to "United States":

Install & activate "Code Snippets" plugin, navigate to Snippets » Add New, and click "Activate" after pasting this code:

// Set WC Admin installation time back.
add_filter( 'option_woocommerce_admin_install_timestamp', function() {
	return time() - WEEK_IN_SECONDS;
} );

// Trigger note update job.
add_action( 'init', function() {
	do_action( 'wc_admin_daily' );
} );

Go to WooCommerce » Home, under Inbox » "Try the new way to get paid", click "Get started", and verify redirect into WooCommerce Payments connection flow.

WooCommerce Product Blocks Updates:

WooCommerce Blocks testing instructions:

Please use the same testing instructions that we used for testing blocks in WooCommerce 4.4. If possible, please perform more of the exploratory testing around the flows listed there.

WooCommerce Core Updates:

Improvements to My Account > Lost password endpoint


The Lost Password endpoint has two changes allowing it to be used in the create account flow in the new checkout block in WooCommerce Blocks.

  1. The lost password reset form can now be used even if the user is logged in (previously required logged-out user).
  2. The page title can now be overridden, via an action url parameter.

Test normal "forgot password" flow

  1. In an incognito window, visit my-account/ and click Lost your password??
  2. Enter a username or email for a user account and click Reset password.
  3. Open the reset password email and click the Click here to reset your password link.
  4. Enter a new password and log in to the account to confirm password change success.

This flow should work the same in WooCommerce 4.7.

In addition, in step 3-4 you can now reset the password in a logged-in browser session. The password reset should not be possible if the logged-in user not the user that triggered the password reset.

Test custom Set password title

This flow will be used for setting a password in new accounts. The relevant changes in WooCommerce Blocks will be released in WooCommerce Blocks 3.7.

To test with WooCommerce Blocks, follow the instructions here.

Alternatively, you can simulate this part of the flow by setting an action= URL param in the above reset flow.

  1. In an incognito window, visit my-account/ and click Lost your password??
  2. Enter a username or email for a user account and click Reset password.
  3. Open the reset password email and click the Click here to reset your password link.
  4. Edit the url and set the action param to newaccount, for example http://teststore.com/my-account/lost-password/?show-reset-form=true&action=newaccount. Reload the page.
  5. Page title and navigation breadcrumb should now show Set password.
  6. Enter a new password and log in to the account to confirm password change success.

Stock is being reduced if item is added to an already processing order:


To test:

  1. Create a product with a managed inventory:

  1. Start creating a new manual order. Add the product from step 1 to that manual order.
  2. Click on the Create button to create an order. The stock of the product should be adjusted based on the number of items added to the order.

Variable products can be created and filtered without any issues:


Please test as per the testing instructions here (Order details page not displaying variation/attribute name bug fix).

WooCommerce Core Critical Flows:

If time allows, please perform exploratory testing of the WooCommerce Core Critical Flows.