9 Release Testing Instructions WooCommerce 5.5
Greg edited this page 2021-06-21 13:57:38 -06:00

WooCommerce Admin Updates

Add target to the button to open it in a new tab #7110

  1. Navigate to WooCommerce -> Settings -> Payments
  2. Wait a few seconds until the Recommended ways to get paid section appears.
  3. Click on the See more options button.
  4. A new tab/window should open.

Remote Fee Extensions List #7144

  1. Make sure you have Marketplace suggestions turned off wp option set woocommerce_show_marketplace_suggestions no
  2. Set your store to a US address
  3. Be sure to deactivate the following extensions if they are active
  • WooCommerce Payments
  • WooCommerce Services
  • Jetpack
  • Mailpoet
  • Facebook for WooCommerce
  • Google Listings and Ads
  • Mailchimp for WooCommerce
  • Creative Mail
  1. Set product types to "Physical" at /wp-admin/admin.php?page=wc-admin&path=%2Fsetup-wizard&step=product-types
  2. Set the industry to anything other than CBD at /wp-admin/admin.php?page=wc-admin&path=%2Fsetup-wizard&step=industry

Scenario 1: Default functionality remains

  1. Go to Business Details step of the OBW /wp-admin/admin.php?page=wc-admin&path=%2Fsetup-wizard&step=business-features
  2. Click on "Free features" tab
  3. Click the dropdown "Add recommended business features to my site" to see the list of free extensions.
  4. See 9 total suggestions
Screen Shot 2021-05-28 at 12 18 57 PM

Scenario 2: Default functionality remains

  1. Turn Marketplace Suggestions on wp option set woocommerce_show_marketplace_suggestions yes
  2. Repeat steps in Scenario 1 and see the same result

Scenario 3: CBD industry

  1. Select CBD industry only at /wp-admin/admin.php?page=wc-admin&path=%2Fsetup-wizard&step=industry
  2. Visit the free features of Business Details and see that WooCommerce Payments is no longer being shown
  3. Add another industry in addition to CBD and confirm WooCommerce Payments is still not being shown

Scenario 4: Downloads Product Type

  1. Set the product type to "downloads" only at /wp-admin/admin.php?page=wc-admin&path=%2Fsetup-wizard&step=product-types
  2. Visit the free features of Business Details and see that WooCommerce Shipping is not shown
  3. Add another product type, such as "physical" and confirm WooCommerce Shipping is now being shown

Scenario 5: Location

  1. Set your store location to South Africa
  2. Confirm WooCommerce Payments, WooCommerce Services Shipping, and WooCommerce Services Tax are not shown.

Scenario 6: Extension already activated

  1. Install and activate Jetpack
  2. Confirm Jetpack in not show in Free features list
  1. Clone this repository.
  2. Complete the OBW
  3. Navigate to WooCommerce -> Home
  4. Hide the Setup task list on the Home screen.
  5. Note that the Store Management section appears on the Home screen.
  6. Click on the Visit My Store link.
  7. Observe that the link opens in a new tab.

Exclude WC Shipping for store that are only offering downloadable products #6917

  1. Start OBW and enter an address that is in the US.
  2. Choose "food and drink" from the Industry
  3. Choose "Downloads" from the Product Types step.
  4. When you get to the Business Details step, expand "Add recommended business features to my site" by clicking the down arrow.
  5. Note that "WooCommerce Shipping" is not listed.

Redirect users to WooCommerce Home after setting up a payment method #6891

  1. Navigate to WooCommerce -> Home and choose "Set up payments".
  2. Click one of the payment methods and go through the setup process.
  3. You should be redirected to WooCommerce Home with a notice when you are done.

Disable the continue btn when plugins are being installed/activated #6838

  1. In OBW fill out store details with a USA address
  2. Click Continue and select Fashion, apparel, and accessories,
  3. Click Continue, and select Physical products, and continue.
  4. The business details tab should show a Business details tab, and a Free features tab (disabled at first)
  5. Select 1-10 for the first dropdown, and No for the second, and click Continue.
  6. Make sure the "Add recommended business features to my site is ticked
  7. Click Continue, before the page redirects click Continue again
  8. Confirm no error has been recorded in your browser console.

Business features uncheck creative mail by default #7139

  1. Complete the OBW until you get to the business details step.
  2. Continue setup until the Business Detail step.
  3. Open Free Features tab and toggle dropdown for Add recommended business features to my site.
  4. Observe that the list have Creative Mail unchecked by default.

Fix an issue with OBW when wc-pay and Jetpack are both being installed. #6957

  • Complete the OBW until you get to the business details step.
  • Deselect "Add recommended business features to my site", and select only Jetpack and WooCommerce Payments for installation.
  • The plugins should be installed and activated correctly, and you should be able to continue in the flow.

WooCommerce Blocks Updates

When using the testing instructions below, test only those cases presented in the section called "Feature plugin and package inclusion in WooCommerce core". There is no need to test cases in the "Feature plugin only" section since they are not a part of WooCommerce Core.




WooCommerce Core Updates

Add cancelled status for bulk actions closes #29928

  1. Go to your list of orders page /wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=shop_order.
  2. Select a few orders by checking the bulk action checkbox on each one.
  3. Click on the Bulk actions dropdown. Select Change status to cancelled.
  4. Click on Apply.
  5. Ensure all the selected orders now have a status of Cancelled.

Hide PayPal Standard on new installs

  1. On a fresh WP site, install WC 5.5
  2. Either complete the set-up wizard or skip it.
  3. Go to WooCommerce > Settings > Payments.
  4. PayPal Standard won't appear as an option.
  5. On an existing store, upgrade to 5.5
  6. Go to WooCommerce > Settings > Payments.
  7. PayPal Standard will be listed.

Set header cache-control for cart/checkout pages closes #29484

  1. Using Chrome, add several items to the cart.
  2. Go to the cart page and remove/delete one of the items and go to checkout page.
  3. Click the back button on your Chrome browser.
  4. Ensure the item you removed/deleted is still gone.

Remove Curaçao postcode

  1. Change your country to Curaçao
  2. Postcode and state are not required on the checkout form

Update restock logic during refunds closes #29502

  1. Create an order with an item that keeps stocks.
  2. Go to the order and do a refund on the line item reducing the stock by 1. Ensure to uncheck the box that says Restock refunded items. Click the Refund manually button.
  3. Note stock count for the product stays the same and not restocked.
  4. On the same order click the Update button. Ensure stock count remains the same for the product and not restocked.
  5. Manually edit the quantity of the product line item. Reduce it by 1. Click on Save button on the bottom. Ensure stock is increased for the product.
  6. Click on Update button. Ensure stock count remains the same for the product and not restocked.
  7. Manually edit the quantity of the product line item again and this time increase it by 1. Click on Save button on the bottom. Ensure stock is decreased for the product.
  8. Click on Update button. Ensure stock count remains the same for the product and not restocked.

Calculate order total before applying a percentage fee #29945

  1. Create an order in wp-admin, add some items to your order.
  2. Add a percentage fee and notice that prior to this PR, it wouldn't be calculated correctly (and show $0).
  3. Apply this PR and against create an order in wp-admin, add some items to your order.
  4. Add a percentage fee and verify that it's calculated correctly based on the existing items in the order.
  5. Verify that the percentage fee is correct based on the items in the order at the time you add it.