8 Release Testing Instructions WooCommerce 6.4
rodelgc edited this page 2022-03-24 15:22:58 +08:00

WooCommerce 6.4 includes:

WooCommerce Admin Updates

Prompt a modal to save any unsaved changes in OBW

  1. Start with a fresh install.
  2. Navigate to WooCommerce -> Home to start the OBW.
  3. Complete a few steps.
  4. Click any of the previous steps and make some changes.
  5. Click the next/previous step. You should be prompted by the modal to save your changes. Click the save button.
  6. Go back to the step and confirm the changes.
  7. Repeat the step, but click the disregard button for this time.
  8. Confirm the changes are not saved for this time.

Fix Google Listings plugin is always shown in free features despite already activated

  1. Make sure the fallback payment suggestions file is used:
    • turn off woocommerce_show_marketplace_suggestions option using wp-cli: wp option set woocommerce_show_marketplace_suggestions no
  2. Go to setup wizard's business details step -> free features tab
  3. Observe that "Google Listings and Ads plugin" is displayed
  4. Install and activate Google Listings and Ads plugin (https://woocommerce.com/products/google-listings-and-ads/)
  5. Go to setup wizard's business details step -> free features tab
  6. Observe the plugin is NOT present

Fix view logic for Setup additional payment providers task

  • Start the onboarding wizard on a fresh install
  • Choose a supported country like US
  • Install WooCommerce Payments in the Business Details / Free Features step.
  • Do not complete the WooCommerce Payments set up.

Case 1: WC Pay is not set up

  • See that "Get paid with WooCommerce Payments" task is not ticked.
  • See that "Setup additional payment providers" is not shown.
Screen Shot 2022-03-01 at 3 01 17 pm

Case 2 WC Pay is set up

  • Set up WooCommerce Payments or cheat by adding return true to src/Features/OnboardingTasks/Tasks/WooCommercePayments.php line 128
  • See that "Get paid with WooCommerce Payments" task is ticked.
  • See that "Setup additional payment providers" is shown.
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Fix setup wizard title and flash of content

  1. Navigate to wp-admin/admin.php?page=wc-admin&path=%2Fsetup-wizard directly via your browser's address bar
  2. Note that the page content underneath (header, menu, etc) is not shown while the profile wizard is loading
  3. In your browser's console run document.body.classList.remove('woocommerce-admin-full-screen');
  4. This will result in a broken layout, but the important item to note here is that the header title is now "Setup Wizard" instead of "/setup-wizardStoreDetails"
  5. Navigate to other pages to make sure no regressions have occurred

OBW: fix copy on Business Details when "WooCommerce Shipping" is not listed

  1. Create a test site using JN.
  2. Start OBW and enter an address that is not in the US.
  3. Choose "food and drink" from the Industry
  4. When you get to the "Business Details", click "Free features".
  5. Note that "WooCommerce Shipping" is not listed.
  6. Confirm that the copy under the plugin list says: By installing Jetpack plugin for free you agree to our Terms of Service..

screenshot-one local-2022 02 16-18_11_29

  1. No go to the first step and select an address in the US.
  2. Go back to the "Business Details" step and click "Free features".
  3. The text now should say: By installing Jetpack and WooCommerce Shipping plugins for free you agree to our Terms of Service.

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  1. Run the tests and confirm that everything is working well.

Show single success message for theme install and activation

  1. Navigate to the store setup wizard theme step
  2. Choose a new theme
  3. Note the single success toast notice

WooCommerce Blocks Updates

Add Global Styles support to the Product Price block. (5950)

  1. Be sure that you are on WordPress 5.9.
  2. Install and enable the Twenty Twenty-Two theme.
  3. Select Appearance > Editor (beta). On the Editor page click on the Styles icon in the top-right corner.
  4. Edit some Global Styles e.g. color & font-size for the Product Price block in the Blocks section.
  5. Create a new post and add the All Products block.
  6. The Price component should reflect the changes made in Global Styles.
  7. Click the Edit icon in the block toolbar. Select the Price block and change its styles in the right sidebar. Click Done & save.
  8. Ensure the local styles override the Global Styles on the Frontend of your store.

Add Global Styles support to the Add To Cart Button block. (5816)

  1. Be sure that you are on WordPress 5.9.
  2. Install and enable the Twenty Twenty-Two theme.
  3. Add the All Products block (this block contains the Add To Cart Button Block) to a post.
  4. Click the Edit icon in the block toolbar. Select the Add To Cart Button.
  5. On the right sidebar, personalize the styles of the block. Click Done & save.
  6. View the post on the Frontend and confirm your changes.
  7. Reset to default using the Reset button from the different sections.
  8. Go to Dashboard and select Appearance > Editor (beta). At the top of the screen, select Home > Browse all templates > Single Post. When the page is loaded, add the All Products block to the page.
  9. On the Editor page click on the Styles icon in the top-right corner.
  10. Verify that the Add To Cart Button is shown under the Blocks section. Personalize the block again.
  11. Save your changes.
  12. Go on the page created earlier and check if all styles are applied correctly.
  13. Edit your previous post/page again.
  14. Change the styles again and save your changes.
  15. Check if these new styles have priority over the global styles from the Site Editor.

Store API - Introduced wc/store/v1 namespace. (5911)

  1. Smoke test checkout process to highlight any problems with cart/checkout endpoints.
  2. Smoke test the All Products block to highlight any problems with product endpoints.
  3. Try accessing old endpoints, for example, https://store.local/wp-json/wc/store/cart. These should still work.
  4. Try accessing new endpoints, for example, https://store.local/wp-json/wc/store/v1/cart.
  1. Be sure that you are on WordPress 5.9.
  2. Install and enable the Twenty Twenty-Two theme.
  3. Select Appearance > Editor (beta).
  4. Select the dropdown next to Home and click the "Browse all templates" button.
  5. Confirm that the WooCommerce block template names appear on the list according to the following table:
Old Title New Title
Product Archive Product Catalog
Product Tag Products by Tag
Product Category Products by Category
Single Product no change
  1. Add a Featured Product block to a page, post, or template. Select a product that has a product image.
  2. In the block toolbar, click Replace and add custom background media.
  3. The button to Reset the image should become available in the block toolbar.
  4. Clicking the Reset button should remove the custom media.
  5. The original product image should show again.

Blocks 7.2.0

WooCommerce Core Updates

Fixed clear cart after payment for block-based themes (Twenty Twenty-Two) 31877


  1. Activate Twenty Twenty-Two theme.
  2. Install and setup any payment gateway plugin which does not clear the cart after payment (example: WooCommerce PayFast Gateway)

Prime the persistent cart:

  1. Login as a customer and add some items to the cart.
  2. Log out.
  3. Log back in.

Now to test:

  1. Your cart should already be populated; go ahead and check out (and be sure to use the noted payment gateway, or one that behaves in a similar fashion).
  2. After paying, you should be returned to the order-received page.
  3. Now navigate to the cart page:
  4. Using earlier code (ie, WooCommerce 6.2.1) you should notice that the cart remains populated
  5. With this branch, the cart should have been successfully cleared