25 Release Testing Instructions WooCommerce 6.5
rodelgc edited this page 2022-05-05 13:15:22 +08:00

WooCommerce 6.5 includes:

WooCommerce Blocks Updates

Blocks 7.3.0

Blocks 7.4.0

Blocks 7.4.1

Blocks 7.4.2

Blocks 7.4.3

WooCommerce Core Updates

Bump WooCommerce minimum required PHP version to 7.2 #32112

  1. Verify that you cannot do a fresh install of WooCommerce 6.5 on a site with PHP lower than 7.2.
  2. Verify that you cannot update WooCommerce to 6.5 if the site's PHP version is lower than 7.2.
  3. Verify that you can do a fresh install, upgrade to, and downgrade from WooCommerce 6.5 on a site with PHP 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 8.0, and 8.1.

Sectioned Task List experiment (#32302)

  1. Start with a fresh install
  2. Install and activate the latest WooCommerce Test Helper plugin
  3. Navigate to Tools > WCA Test Helper > Experiments and toggle woocommerce_tasklist_setup_experiment_2_2022_* to treatment.
  4. Navigate to WooCommerce > Home and finish the onboarding wizard
  5. A new task list should show with three sections the first one should be opened.
  6. Each section when collapsed should contain a badge with the number of tasks to do.
  7. 'Cover the basics' section contains one task that doesn't do anything - You created <site name>, make sure that when clicking on this, it indeed doesn't do anything.
  8. Try to open another section, this should auto close the previous section (only one section can be open at a time)
  9. Step through the task list completing each step, if you completed one section it should open the next unfinished section and show a green checkmark for the collapsed completed section.
  10. Tasks should work just like the original task list other wise

Add task list progress header (#32298)

  1. Start with a fresh install
  2. Install and activate the latest WooCommerce Test Helper plugin
  3. Navigate to Tools > WCA Test Helper > Experiments and toggle woocommerce_tasklist_setup_experiment_1_2022_* to treatment.
  4. Go to WooCommerce > Home and finish the onboarding flow
  5. The progress header should show up with a Welcome to <site name> above the task list
  6. The store details task will already be set as completed the progress bar should reflect that
  7. Visit a uncompleted task and go back to the home screen, the header should now show 'Let's get you started 🚀'
  8. Finish three tasks and go back to the home screen, the header should now say 'You are on the right track'
  9. The progress bar should also be updated and the piece of text 4 out of 7 complete (numbers might be slightly different)
  10. Now finish 2 more tasks, the header should now say 'You are almost there'
  11. Now finish the task list, the progress bar should disappear, it should only show the Welcome to <site name> header with the task list below.

New Task List Experiment Version 1 (non sectioned version) (#8457)

  1. Start with a fresh install
  2. Install and activate the latest WooCommerce Test Helper plugin
  3. Navigate to Tools > WCA Test Helper > Experiments and toggle woocommerce_tasklist_setup_experiment_1_2022_* to treatment.
  4. Go to WooCommerce > Home and finish the onboarding flow
  5. The new task list should be present (looking like this picture)
  6. Completed tasks should be crossed through and the copy updated to past tense (ex: Set up payments > You set up payments)
  7. Step through each task and make sure things update correctly and each task still works as expected.

Product Downloads > Approved Download Directories > New Installations

When testing this, you may wish to refer to the documentation here.

  • Start with a brand new WordPress installation. Install and activate WooCommerce.
  • Give a bit of time for any related scheduled actions to run (wait until there are no more pending woocommerce_download_dir_sync actions listed in Tools ▸ Scheduled Actions, or manually trigger a few times until no pending actions remain).
  • Then, visit WooCommerce ▸ Settings ▸ Products ▸ Approved Download Directories:
    • You should see two entries, both describing the wp-content/uploads/woocommerce_uploads directory.
    • One will be an http:// or https:// URL.
    • The other will be a file:// URL (describing the same location, but as a filepath).
  • Since this was a brand new installation, the feature should already be enabled. You can tell it is enabled if the toggle button near the top of the screen reads Stop Enforcing Rules.
  • Still operating as an admin user:
    • Create a downloadable product and add a downloadable file with the URL https://remote.location/test/file.pdf.
    • Save the product, it should save successfully.
    • Return to WooCommerce ▸ Settings ▸ Products ▸ Approved Download Directories and you should see an enabled rule for https://remote.location/test/ has been added.
  • Now create a shop manager-level user and login as that user.
    • Edit the same downloadable product, or create a new one.
    • Add a new downloadable file with the URL https://new.test/ebook.pdf.
    • Save the product, you should see an error warning the file was in an unapproved location.
    • Log back in as site administrator and return to WooCommerce ▸ Settings ▸ Products ▸ Approved Download Directories, you should see a new rule for https://new.test/ has been added but it should not be enabled. Enable it.
    • Log back in as shop manager and try adding https://new.test/ebook.pdf a second time. Save the product: this time it should work.

Product Downloads > Approved Download Directories > Existing Installations

When testing this, you may wish to refer to the documentation here.

  • Start with WooCommerce 6.4.0 or earlier.
  • Populate the catalog with multiple downloadable products, supplying a diverse range of downloadable files for each. Try to use:
    • Local filepaths, like /var/www/public_html/wp-content/ebook.pdf.
    • Local URLs, like https://example.com/wp-content/uploads/ebook.pdf.
    • Remote URLs, like https://external.site.com/storage-bucket/ebook.pdf.
    • Sometimes upload files, other times specify the location 'manually'.
  • Acting as a customer, purchase some of those downloadable products, and ensure you can access your downloads.
  • Upgrade (to 6.5)!
  • Acting as a customer, confirm you can still access your downloads.
  • Allow time to elapse for synchronization of the product catalog and the new Approved Download Directory list to occur.
    • As described in earlier instructions, this happens via Action Scheduler.
  • As a site admin, you should see a message alerting you to the fact that the Approved Download Directory has been populated and should be reviewed.
  • Go ahead and navigate to WooCommerce ▸ Settings ▸ Products ▸ Approved Download Directories:
    • The feature should not yet be enabled (and you should see a Start Enforcing Rules button to enable it).
    • Enable it, and enable all rules (use the Enable All button)
  • Acting as a customer, confirm you can still access your downloads.

Product Downloads > Approved Download Directories > Customer Impact

When testing this, you may wish to refer to the documentation here.

  • Building on the previous steps, visit the storefront as a logged in customer.
  • Purchase the downloadable product.
  • As an admin user or shop manager, complete the order.
  • As the logged in customer, visit My Account ▸ Downloads
  • Confirm you see the correct downloads (if you used fake paths like https://new.test/ebook.pdf then of course no file actually exists, so trying to download them will not work, but they should still be listed).
  • As an admin user, disable the corresponding rules via the WooCommerce ▸ Settings ▸ Products ▸ Approved Download Directories screen.
  • As the customer, confirm those disabled downloads are no longer listed (it will say, "No downloads available yet.")
  • As the admin user, disable the entire feature from WooCommerce ▸ Settings ▸ Products ▸ Approved Download Directories by clicking the Stop Enforcing Rules button.
  • As the customer, confirm all the expected downloads are once again listed within the My Account ▸ Downloads page.

Product Downloads > Approved Download Directories > Imports

When testing this, you may wish to refer to the documentation here.

  • Create a new (important!) test site, install WooCommerce.
    • Per earlier testing scenarios, on a new installation the Approved Download Directory functionality should already be enabled.
  • As a shop manager, import our sample product CSV data via Products ▸ Import.
    • This should work, except for the two downloadable products (they will be rejected because there are no matching Approved Download Directory rules).
    • As a site admin, visit WooCommerce ▸ Settings ▸ Products ▸ Approved Download Directories and confirm you see an entry for https://demo.woothemes.com/woocommerce/wp-content/uploads/sites/56/2017/08/ (it will not however be enabled).
  • Start again (it may be easiest to start again using a clean test site, ie via JN) and this time perform the CSV import as a full site admin.
    • The import should work and all products should be imported this time, including the two downloadable products.
    • Visit WooCommerce ▸ Settings ▸ Products ▸ Approved Download Directories and you should see an entry for https://demo.woothemes.com/woocommerce/wp-content/uploads/sites/56/2017/08/ (this time it should be enabled).

Product Downloads > Approved Download Directories > Admin Tools

When testing this, you may wish to refer to the documentation here.

  • With the feature enabled, manually create a number of entries for the Approved Download Directories list:
    • We will also need some downloadable products complete with downloadable files in the product catalog.
    • The easiest way to achieve this would be to log in as an admin user and start manually creating downloadable products with random download URLs (and corresponding rules will automatically be added to the Approved Download Directories list).
  • Confirm that you see a set of rules (URLs) within the WooCommerce ▸ Settings ▸ Products ▸ Approved Download Directories screen.
  • Now visit WooCommerce ▸ Status ▸ Tools
  • Look for the Empty the approved download directories list tool and run it.
  • Return to WooCommerce ▸ Settings ▸ Products ▸ Approved Download Directories (or refresh if already open in another tab) and all rules should have been wiped.
  • Via the Tools page, now try running Synchronize approved download directories. After some time has elapsed, the Approved Download Directory list will again be populated according to the downloadable product paths in your product catalog.
    • This work happens via scheduled actions: so there could be a considerable delay.
    • If necessary, run the relevant actions manually: to do this, visit Tools ▸ Scheduled Actions and look for an action named woocommerce_download_dir_sync then run it. Usually, once this completes, a new action of the same name will be generated, so you will need to repeat this step until no further woocommerce_download_dir_sync actions are created.
  1. As an administrator, visit WooCommerce ▸ Settings ▸ Products ▸ Approved Download Directories and ensure the feature is enabled (you should see a Stop Enforcing Rules button if it is enabled ... if you do not, click on the Start Enforcing Rules button).
  2. Please also visit WooCommerce ▸ Settings ▸ Products ▸ Product Downloads and ensure the file download method is "Force Downloads" (this fix does not apply to sites operating in redirect mode).
  3. Create a downloadable product and add some downloadable files. In this case, for ease of testing, it probably makes most sense to use real files/URLs.
  4. As a customer, purchase the above product. As admin, set the order to "completed".
  5. As the customer, visit My Account ▸ Downloads. You should see the expected download links, which should function as expected. Capture the download link URLs.
  6. As admin, disable one or more approved download directory rules relating to those downloadable files.
  7. As customer, you should see that the expected range of downloadable files are no longer present in My Account ▸ Downloads (this was already the case, but let's confirm it continues to work as expected).
  8. Still acting as customer, try using the download links you captured earlier to by-pass this feature. They should not work (you should instead see an "Invalid download link. Go to shop" error).

Merge WCA install logic to the core (#32513)

We have merged WooCommerce Admin install logic to WooCommerce. There are no visual changes involved, but it would be nice to run a few tests to make sure everything stays the same.

Testing tables

  1. Start with a fresh WordPress
  2. Install WooCommerce as usual
  3. Go to WooCommerce -> Status and scroll down to the Database table.
  4. Make sure the following tables exist.
  • wc_order_stats
  • wc_order_product_lookup
  • wc_order_tax_lookup
  • wc_order_coupon_lookup
  • wc_admin_notes
  • wc_admin_note_actions
  • wc_customer_lookup
  • wc_category_lookup

Deactivation & Activation

  1. Install WooCommerce as usual
  2. Go to Plugins -> Installed Plugins
  3. Deactivate WooCommerce and confirm no errors.
  4. Activate WooCommerce again and confirm no errors.
  5. Deactivate WooCommerce and then click delete.

Cron events

  1. Install WooCommerce as usual
  2. Install WP Crontrol
  3. Go to Tools -> Cron Events
  4. Search for wc_admin_daily and make sure it exists.

Upgrading from lower versions

We've been including WooCommerce Admin in WooCommerce since WooCommerce 4.0. We should confirm no errors occur when upgrading from the following situation

  • Upgrade from WooCommerce 4.0 to WooCommerce 6.5
  • Upgrade from WooCommerce 4.4.0 to WooCommerce 6.5
  • Upgrade from WooCommerce 4.5.0 to WooCommerce 6.5
  • Upgrade from WooCommerce 5.0.0 to WooCommerce 6.5
  • Upgrade from WooCommerce 5.6.0 to WooCommerce 6.5
  • Upgrade from WooCommerce 6.0.0 to WooCommerce 6.5
  • Upgrade from WooCommerce 6.3.0 to WooCommerce 6.5
  • Upgrade from WooComemrce 6.4.0 to WooCommerce 6.5
  • Upgrade from WooCommerce 6.4.0 to WooCommerce 6.5 while WooCommerce Admin 3.3.2 standalone plugin is installed
  1. Go to "Set up payments" task
  2. Click on "Other payment gateways"
  3. Click "See more" button"
  4. Should open WooCommerce > Extensions page in a new tab
  5. Go to WooCommerce > Settings > Payments
  6. Click "Other payment methods" button
  7. Should open WooCommerce > Extensions page in a new tab

Enable "Save changes" for variations on the admin when a textfield receives input #32589

  1. Edit an existing variable product.
  2. For one of the variations, add, remove, or modify any text field (sale price, for example) without leaving the field.
  3. Confirm the "Save changes" button is enabled. Without the fix, the button remains disabled.
  4. Confirm that the "Save changes" button remains enabled when the textfield loses focus.

Add Pinterest extension to marketing task #32527

  1. Deactivate and delete the Pinterest for WooCommerce plugin if it's installed.
  2. Click on the marketing task.
  3. Verify that the extension Pinterest for WooCommerce is visible under Recommended marketing extensions.
  4. Click Get started.
  5. Go back to the marketing task.
  6. Now the Pinterest extension should be visible under Installed marketing extensions.
  7. Verify that the button Manage is working correctly.
  8. Verify that a link to the Pinterest documentation is now visible in the Help panel.

Adding Products screens to those that will not show tasks reminder bar #32526

  1. Start with a fresh site.
  2. Complete the onboarding wizard (this will complete the first task).
  3. Navigate to Homescreen
  4. Click on "Add my products" task.
  5. Click on "start with template," and click and template option
  6. Ensure reminder bar isn't displayed
  7. Go back and click on "Add my products" task again.
  8. Click on "Add manually"
  9. Ensure no reminder bar is displayed.
  10. Navigate to WooCommerce -> Orders
  11. Ensure the reminder bar does display

WCPayments task is not visible after installing the plugin #32506 and Fix WooCommerce Payments task not showing up in some supported countries #32496

  1. Create a brand new store (e.g.: using JN).
  2. Start the Onboarding flow and make sure to set the country to Portugal
  3. After finishing the OBW the task Get paid with WooCommerce Payments should appear instead of the Set up payments task.

Add task list slot fill support in the sectioned task list #32742

  1. Install WC 6.5 and WooCommerce Admin Test Helper 0.7.2
  2. Enable usage tracking
  3. Complete OBW and install WooCommerce Payments in the Business features step
  4. Visit Tools > WCA Test Helper > Experiments and enable woocommerce_tasklist_setup_experiment_2_2022_04
  5. Visit the home screen and check if the "Get paid with WooCommerce Payments" shows the Terms of service agreement.
  6. Click "Get paid with WooCommerce Payments" task to ensure that it redirects as it should. It should also trigger the wcadmin_tasklist_click for the payments task, you can see this in the console by running this first localStorage.setItem( 'debug', 'wc-admin:*' );

Fix setup task list style conflict #32704

  1. Create a brand new site.
  2. Go through the OBW, during the Business Details step only install WooCommerce Payments and finish it.
  3. On the Home screen press Set up marketing tools.
  4. Install Pinterest for WooCommerce.
  5. The setup task list should be shown normally (the already done tasks should be marked as completed).

Fix database errors after deleting WC Admin standalone plugin while WC 6.5 is active #32869

  1. Install and activate query monitor.
  2. Install and activate WooCommerce 6.4.1 and WooCommerce Admin 3.3.2.
  3. Upgrade WooCommerce to 6.5.
  4. Delete WooCommerce Admin 3.3.2 feature plugin.
  5. Verify that Query Monitor does not show any database errors.

Update path to email template for analytics report #32838

  1. Install the WP Mail Logging plugin.
  2. Install WooCommerce Smooth Generator.
  3. Using WooCommerce Smooth Generator, generate orders and products. For example:
wp wc generate orders 100 --date-start=2022-01-01
wp wc generate products 100
  1. Wait for the Scheduled actions to run.

  2. Go to Analytics > Revenue.

  3. Set the date range to "Year to date".

  4. Click on the "Download" icon in the "Revenue" table.

  5. Go to Tools > WP Mail Log

  6. View the Revenue report email.

  7. See that the email template is rendered with a link to download the report.

    Screen Shot 2022-05-02 at 12 35 54 pm
  8. Repeat test for Analytics > Categories and Analytics > Stock.

Fix WCA fatal with bail conditions for WCA execution paths #32814

Testing on existing activated plugin

  1. In a JN, install the latest stable WooCommerce
  2. Install and activate WooCommerce Admin
  3. Upgrade to WooCommerce 6.5.
  4. Observe no fatal error.
  5. Notice that the WooCommerce Admin feature plugin was automatically deactivated.

Testing new activation

  1. Install and activate WooCommerce Admin
  2. Observe no fatal error and a notice appears after the plugin is deactivated image